Exorcisms: What do they look like today??? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Exorcisms: What do they look like today???


Exorcisms: What do they look like today??? Contrast this with what they look like in scripture and in relation to Gal 1:8-9 and Rev 22:18 Introduction I would like to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Exorcisms: What do they look like today???

Exorcisms What do they look like today???
  • Contrast this with what they look like in
    scripture and in relation to
  • Gal 18-9 and Rev 2218

  • I would like to spend this morning taking a look
    at some examples of what exorcisms look like
    today and what the prevailing attitudes are
    surrounding them
  • While there may not be as much scripture in this
    lesson, I believe it will be beneficial for us to
    lay down the ground work of what is happening
    today so that we may be properly prepared and
    understand where people are coming from when we
    study this very controversial topic
  • As we enter into this study, let us consider
    whether or not these teachings match up with the
    teachings and examples in scripture

Example 1 (Taken From Mahalo.com)
  • If you are worried that someone you know may be
    the victim of demonic possession, then you might
    be in need of an exorcist. Although official
    exorcisms can only be performed by an appointed
    Priest of the Roman Catholic church, there are
    other types of exorcisms and exorcists available.
    This guide will provide you with information on
    how to determine if an exorcism is needed and how
    to perform an exorcism should an official
    exorcist not be available to you.
  • What Is an Exorcism? An exorcism is a ritual
    performed to cast out an evil spirit that has
    taken up residence inside a human. Although the
    human will still have possession of his or her
    soul and will, the demonic spirit will be in
    control of both the person's mental and physical
    faculties. Legitimate possessions are thought to
    be those where the Devil is in possession of the
    person, but has the help of various demonic
    spirits operating upon lust, anger, revenge,
    hate, anxiety, destruction, etc. Because the
    victim has been possessed against his will, he or
    she is not held morally accountable for whatever
    may transpire during the possession.

Example 1 (Taken From Mahalo.com)
  • Step 1 Investigate
  • If you think someone you know is being possessed,
    the first thing to do is investigate. Whether you
    opt for an official exorcism and investigation,
    or unofficial one, you will still need to
    investigate to determine the legitimacy of the
    possession claim.
  • You may want to consult with a psychologist or
    similar behavioral therapist as well. They will
    be able to monitor the person's actions and
    determine if the person is question is actually
    suffering from mental problems instead of demonic
  • The investigative process will entail determining
    whether or not the signs of a possession are
    present, and if so, whether or not they can be
    explained by something other than possession.

Example 1 (Taken From Mahalo.com)
  • Step 2 Appoint an Exorcist
  • If you want an official exorcism performed, you
    will need to contact the appropriate people via
    the Catholic church. There are usually a certain
    number of official exorcists, the exact amount
    determined by the country you live in.
  • There was once a time when anyone could perform
    an exorcism and have it be recognized by the
    Roman Catholic Church, but this has since

Example 1 (Taken From Mahalo.com)
  • If you are not seeking an official exorcism,
    however, or just want one performed as soon as
    possible, there are other options available.
    These include
  • Bring in someone that has the gift or powers
    necessary to recognize and perform exorcisms.
    These will not be official exorcisms though.
  • Have someone from a Protestant church perform the
    exorcism. They refer to exorcisms as deliverance
  • Perform the exorcism yourself

Example 1 (Taken From Mahalo.com)
  • Step 3 Decide What Type of Exorcism is Needed
  • If an exorcism is required, you will need to
    decide what type to perform. There are two main
    types of exorcisms
  • Solemn exorcisms can only be performed by Priests
  • Simple exorcisms can be performed by anyone

Example 1 (Taken From Mahalo.com)
  • Step 4 Perform Exorcism
  • All exorcisms involve prayers of some sort. For
    simple exorcisms, the exorcist will usually
    recite the St. Michael's Prayer
  • The exorcist should not address the demon
    directly, instead imporing God and not using the
    word 'I' at all during the exorcism.
  • Exorcisms involving Priests also revolve around
    prayer, but also implore other methods, usually
    using salt and Holy water.

Example 1 (Taken From Mahalo.com)
  • Conclusion
  • Although rare, exorcisms may be needed if someone
    is definitively possessed by a demonic force.
  • Although only Priests appointed by the Roman
    Catholic Church can perform an official exorcism,
    there are many exorcisms performed annually by
    unofficial exorcists.
  • If you are worried someone you know may be
    possessed, then following the above steps will
    help prepare you for performing an exorcism, even
    if you must do it yourself.

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • Examine your faith
  • Before you go ahead and banish the world from
    evil supernatural-style, you must examine your
  • Successful exorcisms can -- and must -- only be
    carried out by the highly religious. Those whose
    idea of faith is going to church on Christmas Eve
    and forgetting about it the rest of the year need
    not apply.
  • Ultimately, it is your faith that will command
    the demons out

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • Examine your faith
  • Other than its religious context, exorcism has
    roots in history, too, with the real-life case of
    Anneliese Michel -- now referred to as Emily
  • During the late 60s and early 70s, Anneliese
    began to experience the classic signs we now
    equate with possession Seeing devilish faces,
    being unable to control her body, hearing voices,
    and attacking loved ones.
  • Finally, Father Arnold Renz and Pastor Ernst were
    given permission by the Bishop of Wurzburg to
    perform an exorcism.
  • For several months, one or two exorcisms were
    held each week, but to no avail. In 1976,
    Anneliese died, forensics blaming her death on a
    form of epilepsy and, ultimately, starvation.

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • Dress for the possessed
  • Ensure that you look the part by renting a
    surplice or purple stole from a local costume
  • If youre to dispossess the possessed, youll
    need to convince the demon that you mean
    business, and that means looking like an
    authentic priest.
  • Sling a couple of rosary beads around your neck
    for extra effect. Be sure to enter the room
    clutching a Bible, muttering mysteriously and
    acting erratic

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • Identify the possessed
  • You must first establish that the possessed is,
    in fact, possessed. Would you ever forgive
    yourself for performing a long, drawn-out
    exorcism on someone that was having an epileptic
    fit or a psychotic episode, and needed an
  • Not only can an exorcism on someone that isnt
    possessed be a highly dangerous procedure, but
    ignoring those in need of medical attention can
    result in death (or worse, guilt)
  • Usually, priests called in to perform an exorcism
    investigate the situation before steaming ahead
    -- you must too.

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • Understand the possessed
  • In order to successfully perform an exorcism, you
    must understand the typical behavioral patterns
    of the possessed so that youre not susceptible
    to any dirty tricks they may try.
  • At first, the demon will hide its true identity
    by pretending to be a peaceful spirit. It will
    try to lure you in with sweet talk, will look at
    you like a lost puppy and will do everything in
    its power to avoid being exorcised.

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • Understand the possessed
  • When you threaten exorcism it will invariably
    reveal itself, thrashing about, throwing up,
    reciting weird languages, and screaming. It may
    even attempt to perform a sexual act to
    demonstrate its deviant, defiant behavior.
  • After this stage, you and the demon will clash
    and fight for the soul of the possessed. Here,
    you must sift through your religious weaponry

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • Contain the possessed
  • If you can, tie them down to the bed
  • Use something strong, like belts or rope, and
    bind their wrists and ankles to the bed. Ideally,
    youd gag them as well, but getting that close to
    their mouth is not recommended -- they may just
    bite your hand off.
  • Once you are satisfied that the possessed cant
    escape, youre ready to perform the exorcism.

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • The rite
  • The exorcism revolves around a single passage in
    the Roman Ritual, one of the books detailing the
    official rites of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Begin with the imploring formula whereby youll
    ask God to free the possessed from the devil. Do
    remember to say please, however.
  • Say something along the lines of, God, whose
    nature is forever merciful and forgiving, accept
    our prayer that this servant of yours, bound by
    the fetters of sin, may be pardoned by your
    loving kindness.

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • The rite
  • At this point, the possessed may thrash about on
    the bed, hissing and spitting the demon inside
    knows that its end is nigh.
  • Continue the rite by demanding that the devil
    leave the body of the possessed, Depart, then,
    impious one, depart, accursed one, depart with
    all your deceits, for God has willed that man
    should be his temple.
  • As the bed begins to shake and the demon spouts
    profanity from the mouth of the possessed,
    attempt to keep your cool. Although you may think
    that youre hurting this vile creature that lies
    before you, you are, in fact, saving it from

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • The ritual
  • At various intervals in your recitations and
    prayers, you must perform certain actions.
  • Occasionally, sprinkle holy water from your vile
    onto the possessed and anybody else that may be
    in the room with you.
  • Youll probably hear a burning sound, but dont
    worry, this is entirely normal. If you were as
    consumed by the fires of hell as the possessed,
    no doubt youd sizzle too.
  • As well as dousing everyone with holy water, be
    sure to lay your healing hands on the possessed.
    While this isnt a particularly pleasant part of
    the exorcism, its essential in the fight against

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • The ritual
  • Carefully approach the bed (the possessed may
    quiet down and try to stare you out, but dont be
    put off) and rest your hands on their skin -- one
    hand on their chest and one hand on their
    forehead (be sure to disinfect your hands
    afterwards -- who knows where the possessed have
  • You may use this opportunity to perform the sign
    of the cross on both you and the possessed. If
    the possessed spits at you, spit back dont let
    it take control of the situation.
  • If you have a religious relic handy, then touch
    the skin of the possessed with it. Whether its a
    crucifix or a statue of the Virgin Mary, the
    demon wont like it one bit and will have an
    adverse reaction.

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • The exorcism
  • If everything has gone according to plan and you
    have won the fight, the demon will be expelled
    from the body of the possessed. The possessed
    will return to normal, but will need a few days
    to recover.
  • They will have been through one of the most
    terrifying experiences imaginable, and wont be
    up to chatting about the ordeal or taking
    visitors on the first day.
  • Allow their body to heal, return your props to
    the costume shop and distract yourself from the
    horror youve just faced -- watch a Disney film
    or something. 

Example 2 (Taken from Askmen.com)
  • Release me
  • Thanks to Hollywood, the secretive ritual of
    exorcism has been brought from the underground
    into the mainstream.
  • However, that doesnt mean that just anybody can
    go willy-nilly into the bedroom of the possessed
    and command a demon to leave. If youre not
    religious or well-equipped, the demon will
    probably zap you into oblivion.
  • Responsible would-be exorcists should consult a
    local clergy for guidance. God willing and good

Example 3 (Taken from Catholicculture.org)
  • What Is An Exorcism? (Catechism of the Catholic
    Church (n. 1673))
  • "When the Church asks publicly and
    authoritatively in the name of Jesus Christ that
    a person or object be protected against the power
    of the Evil One and withdrawn from his dominion,
    it is called exorcism. Jesus performed exorcisms
    (Mk l25f.) and from him the Church has received
    the power and office of exorcising (Mk 315 67,
    13 1617). In a simple form, exorcism is
    performed at the celebration of Baptism. The
    solemn exorcism, called 'a major exorcism,' can
    be performed only by a priest and with the
    permission of the Bishop. The priest must proceed
    with prudence, strictly observing the rules
    established by the Church.

Example 3 (Taken from Catholicculture.org)
  • What Is An Exorcism? (Catechism of the Catholic
    Church (n. 1673))
  • "Exorcism is directed at the expulsion of demons
    or to the liberation from demonic possession
    through the spiritual authority which Jesus
    entrusted to his Church. Illness, especially
    psychological illness, is a very different
    matter treating this is the concern of medical
    science. Therefore, before an exorcism is
    performed, it is important to ascertain that one
    is dealing with the presence of the Evil One, and
    not an illness (cf. Code of Canon Law, can.

Example 3 (Taken from Catholicculture.org)
  • Ten Golden Rules A Key To The Revised Rite Of
  • First, the exorcist must be sure he is dealing
    with a possessed person, not someone with
    psychological problems.
  • To do this, he must distinguish possession from
    superstition. Sometimes people believe they have
    been affected by the "evil eye" or some other
    form of black magic. They should not be denied
    spiritual aid, but no exorcism should be carried
    out in such cases.

Example 3 (Taken from Catholicculture.org)
  • The following are signs of possession a sudden
    capacity to speak unknown languages abnormal
    physical strength the disclosure of hidden
    occurrences or events and a vehement aversion to
    God, the Virgin Mary, the saints, sacramental
    rites and religious images, especially the cross.
  • In difficult cases, while always respecting the
    secrecy of the confessional, the exorcist may
    consult with spiritual guides or
    Church-recommended physicians and psychiatrists
    before deciding to perform an exorcism.
  • In the case of non-Catholics or other unusual
    situations, the exorcist-priest can leave the
    final decision to his diocesan bishop, who may
    also consult outside experts.

Example 3 (Taken from Catholicculture.org)
  • The exorcism should, if possible, be carried out
    with the consent of the possessed person, and
    with awareness of that person's individual
    physical and mental condition.
  • The exorcism must always be performed as an
    expression of Catholic faith, and should never
    give the impression that it is a superstitious or
    magical event.
  • At the same time, an exorcism should never turn
    into a "show" for the faithful. For that reason,
    media representatives and journalists must not be
    allowed to attend. The success or failure of an
    exorcism is not to be announced or published.

Example 3 (Taken from Catholicculture.org)
  • Relatives and friends may assist at an exorcism,
    if the exorcist deems it helpful, since they are
    able to help with their prayers. The possessed
    person should pray to God, particularly before
    the ritual, and strengthen his soul by receiving
    the sacraments of Baptism, Confession and
  • If at all possible, the exorcism should take
    place in a church, or if not, in a closed-in
    place, with images of Christ Crucified and of the
    Mother of God. The exorcist makes the sign of the
    Cross over the victim's head, and immediately
    afterwards speaks the phrase commanding the
    devil, in Christ's name, to depart from the body
    of the possessed.

  • Now that we have reviewed these various methods
    to exorcism, we must ask how they match up to
    what took place in the Word of God
  • What steps are taken to exorcise the demons?
  • Do we find ritualistic emblems and Holy water
    used in scripture?
  • Where do the events of the exorcism take place?
  • Who is present at the exorcism?
  • How many exorcism attempts were necessary to
    remove the demons
  • Are the processes we are following in line with
    what Gods Word says, or we following after the
    teachings of men?

  • We need to remember the words of warning from
  • Gal 18-9 Rev 2218
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