Title: NASA Quality Policy
1 - NASA Quality Policy
- Whats Working?
- Whats New?
- Goddard Space Flight Center
- - Supply Chain Conference 2008 -
- Brian Hughitt
- NASA Office of Safety Mission
2- NASA Quality Roadmap -
- Establish
Requirements - Assure Compliance with
Requirements -
- Organization
Government - Performing Work Contracting Agent
- Quality System Requirements Contract
Quality Program Elements - Prevention Detection/
Detection/ - Correction
3 NASA Quality Roadmap
4 - Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Part 46,
- Quality Assurance
- Contract quality requirements Requirements in
the contract relating to the quality of the
product and those contract clauses prescribing
inspection, and other quality controls incumbent
on the contractor, to assure that the product
conforms to the contractual requirements. - The extent of quality assurance is based upon
the complexity and criticality of the contract
item. - Government contract quality assurance The
various functions, including inspection,
performed by the Government to determine whether
a contractor has fulfilled the contract
obligations. - The Government is required to perform all
actions necessary to verify whether supplies
conform to contract quality requirements.
5 Work that is both critical and complex shall
be performed in accordance with the quality
system requirements of AS9100.
NPD 8730.5, NASA Quality Assurance Policy
Critical work is any hardware task that, if
performed incorrectly or in violation of
prescribed requirements, could result in loss of
human life, serious injury, loss of mission, or
loss of a significant mission resource.
Complex work involves either a) the design,
manufacture, fabrication, assembly, testing,
integration, maintenance, or repair of machinery,
equipment, subsystems, systems, or platforms or
b) the manufacture/fabrication of parts or
assemblies which have quality characteristics not
wholly visible in the end item.
6AS9003 Inspection and Test Quality
- Management Responsibility
- Quality System
- Contract Review
- Design Control
- Document Data Control
- Purchasing
- Process Control
- Training
- Servicing
- Corrective Action
- Control of Customer Supplied Product
- Product Identification and Traceability
- Inspection and Testing
- Control of Nonconforming Product
- Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and
Delivery - Control of Quality Records
- Internal Quality Assessment
- Statistical Techniques
Noncomplex Product A hardware item whose
conformance of key characteristics can be wholly
established through measurement, inspection,
and/or test of the end item
7US Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
Inspection Clause
- The Contractor shall maintain an inspection
system acceptable to the Government covering
supplies under this contract and shall tender to
the Government for acceptance only supplies that
have been inspected in accordance with the
inspection system and have been found by the
Contractor to be in conformity with contract
8ARP9009Aerospace Contract Clauses
- Quality System
- Material Identification, Damage, Count
- Right of Access
- Flow Down Requirements
- Certificate of Compliance (C of C)
- Certificate of Compliance Raw Material
- Certificate of Compliance - Calibration
- Special Process Certification
- Calibration System
- Configuration Management System
- Change Authority
- Critical Processes
- Government Source Inspection (GSI)
- Contractor Source Inspection (CSI)
- First Article Inspection
- Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) /
- Nondestructive Test (NDT) Certification
- 100 Attribute Clauses
- Limited Operating Life Items
- Limited Life and Age Control (Shelf Life)
- Packaging Requirements
- Packaging Handling Labeling
- Shipping Documents
- Nonconformance Reporting
- Record Retention
- Electrical Wire and Cable Test Report
- EEE parts Date of Manufacture
- EEE Single Lot / Date Code
- Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
- Protection Program
- High-Strength Fasteners
- Pressure Vessels
- Solvent Containers
9Contract Quality Clause Example
- Certificate of compliance- Raw materials
- Organization will include with each
shipment the raw material manufacturer's test
report (e.g., mill test report) that states that
the lot of material furnished has been tested,
inspected, and found to be in compliance with the
applicable material specifications. The test
report will list the specifications, including
revision numbers or letters, to which the
material has been tested and/or inspected and the
identification of the material lot to which it
applies. When the material specification
requires quantitative limits for chemical,
mechanical, or physical properties, the test
report will contain the actual test and/or
inspection values obtained.
10 - CIRCULAR NO. A-119
AGENCIES - SUBJECTÂ Federal Participation in the
Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus
Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities
- Your agency must use voluntary consensus
standards in its regulatory and procurement
activities in lieu of government-unique standards
unless use of such standards would be
inconsistent with applicable law or otherwise
impractical. -
- (1) "Use" means incorporation of a standard in
whole, in part... - (2) "Impractical" includes circumstances in which
such use would fail to serve the agency's program
needs would be infeasible would be inadequate,
ineffectual, inefficient, or inconsistent with
agency mission or would impose more burdens, or
would be less useful.
11Voluntary Consensus vs NASA Standards- NASA
Administrator Comments -
- From Lloyd, James D. (HQ-GA000)
- Sent Tuesday, June 26, 2007 805 AM
- To Hughitt, Brian (HQ-GD000) Oconnor, Bryan
(HQ-GA000) - Cc Stamatelatos, Michael G. (HQ-GD000) Malone,
Roy W. (MSFC-QD01) - Subject RE CxP Workmanship Standards Status
- Brian and Bryan,
- I went to a CxP brief to the Administrator on
Friday and Mike clearly and repeatedly
indicated that NASA does not have the market
cornered on how to do everything related to
space. In general, in some cases he said we are
far behind the free market! He wants the
preference to be national consensus, government
consensus (looking closely at DOD specs and
standards), NASA standards and, lastly,
center-based unique standards. His premise is
that being unique without reason and when not
warranted is costing money. The risks need to be
fully understood for complying or not complying
with this order of precedence. - Jim
12Transitioning to Voluntary Consensus Standards
J-STD-001 Space Addendum (Soldering) NASA
Proposal in Industry Coordination. CxP
requirements carried in parallel.
Address gaps a) Additional
requirements b) Modification to VCS
Gap analysis to ensure technical adequacy
Widespread Consistent Usage
Standards Lifecycle
IPC-A-620 Space Addendum (Harness Mfrg)
Preparing shall list in preparation for gap
analysis of forthcoming draft. NASA Chairs IPC
Working Group.
ANSI/ESD S20.20 (Electrostatic discharge)
Implementation Plan for Cross-Agency Use
ANSI/ESD S20.20 Currently examining
requirements for tools gloves
Document Stewardship
13 Voluntary Consensus Standards
Adopted by NASA
- Soldering (Workmanship) J-STD-001D / DS
- Non-Destructive Evaluation NAS/ASTM/SAE
(various) -
- Metrology / Calibration ANSI/NCSL Z540.3
- Electrostatic Discharge Protection ANSI/ESD
S20.20 -
- First Article Inspection AS9102
- QMS for Maintenance Organizations AS9110
- QMS for Distributors AS9120
- Inspection Sampling Procedures ANSI/ASQC
Z1.4/Z1.9 - Variation Management AS9103
14 15 -
- The quality system provides assurance that all
requirements are complied with- those that matter
a lot and those that dont matter as much. For
highly complex and critical operations, MANY
requirements that matter a lot. - NASA HIGHLY CRITICAL AND COMPLEX
- Dont waste your time assuring requirements that
dont matter much. Be deliberate, be watchful,
be smart. Careful planning and measurement of
risk is the inviolable first step before quality
program execution.
16 - It is NASA policy to mitigate risks
associated with noncompliance. - NPD 8730.5
- Determination of risk considers
- the likelihood of noncompliance
- the consequences associated with noncompliance
- the maturity, complexity, criticality, importance
- the value of work performed
- past performance
17 - Separate the vital few from the trivial many
- Joseph Juran
18 19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21Joint Audit Planning Committee
22 23Joint Audit Planning Committee
- Authority
- The United States Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) - Title 15, Part 287, Guidance on Federal
Conformity Assessment - Responsibilities of Federal Agencies
- Coordinate its quality assurance activities with
those of other appropriate Government agencies
and with those of the private sector (Sec
287.1(a)). - Participate in efforts designed to improve
coordination among governmental and private
sector conformity assessment activities (Sec
287.4(g)). - Conduct joint supplier audits and share
conformity assessment information among agencies
(Sec 287.4(h)). - Use the results of private sector or other
governmental conformity assessment activities to
schedule audits more effectively (Sec 287.4 (e))
24Legal Propriety
- Supplier agrees in advance that data generated
from audits will be shared among JAPC member
organizations - Supplier validates that JAPC audit data is
factually accurate and that it does not contain
trade secrets, confidential commercial or
financial data, or export controlled information - JAPC member organizations are not permitted to
audit suppliers from which they routinely or
specifically compete with for the same or similar
work - JAPC member organizations are required to protect
supplier information received
25JAPC Member Organizations
- ATK Launch Systems
- Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation
- Boeing Space Exploration
- California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL) - The Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics
Laboratory (JHU-APL) - Lockheed Martin Space Systems
- Northrop Grumman Space Technology
- Orbital Sciences Corporation
- Pratt Whitney Rocketdyne
- Raytheon Missile Systems
- United Space Alliance
- NASA Headquarters
- NASA Centers
- Missile Defense Agency
- (National Reconnaissance Office)
26Identification of Prospective JAPC
- A supplier for which an organization desires a
higher level of assurance than that provided by
the QMS certification process. Considerations
for identification of JAPC suppliers include -
- importance of product
- complexity of product
- maturity of product/process
- new supplier
- history of quality problems
- special processes not covered by Nadcap
27(No Transcript)
28JAPC Suppliers(Audited or Scheduled)
- Aerojet Corporation
- Honeywell Defense Space Electronics Systems
- Honeywell Space Systems Division
- L-3 Communications Cincinnati Electronics
- Merrimac Industries
- Moog Inc., Systems Group
- Starsys, Inc.
- Vacco Industries
- Hamilton Sundstrand Rockford
- Hamilton Sundstrand Windsor Locks
- Emcore
- Reinhold Industries
- Parker Hannifin
- Aeroflex Laboratories
- Microsemi
29Supplier Calendar (proposed)
30Recalibrating the JAPC
- Bumps along the road
- Audit scope
- Competitors
- Thanks, but no thanks
- Feedback loop.
31Audit Scope- High Risk QMS Elements -
- Control of outsourced processes 4.1
- Configuration Management 4.3 / 7.5.3
- Identification and Inspection of Key
Characteristics 7.5.1/ 8.1 - Supplier Quality Management (Purchasing) 7.4
- Process control 7.5.1
- - Documentation of processes
- - Control of key characteristics
- - In process verification points
- Criteria for workmanship
- Validation, Monitoring, and Measurement of
Special Processes 7.5.2 / 8.2.3 - Identification of Monitoring/Measurement
Status 7.5.3 - Traceability of Product to Records of Objective
Quality Evidence 7.5.3 - Preservation of Product / Work Environment 7.5.5
/ 6.4 - Electrostatic Discharge
- Foreign Object Debris/Damage 7.5.1.i
- - Cleanliness
- Audit results are withheld from JAPC member
organizations with whom the supplier routinely or
specifically competes for the same or similar
work, whether such work is awarded by a
governmental organization or in commercial trade.
- (note this access limitation does not apply to
JAPC member organizations that have a current
open contract with the audited supplier where
such contract includes an access provision for
the conduct of quality assurance surveillance
activities). - JAPC Supplier Invitation Letter
33Thanks, but no thanks
- Suppliers declining JAPC membership (or failing
to respond) shall be notified by the lead JAPC
organization of their intention to perform a
quality system audit, and shall be provided a
second invitation for the supplier to become a
JAPC supplier. - JAPC MOU, Rev A
34JAPC Feedback Loop
- Providing continuous improvement feedback to
third party, Industry Controlled Other Party
(ICOP), and Government programs which serve to
assess the conformance and/or effectiveness of
supplier quality management systems or quality
system processes. - JAPC MOU, Rev A
35Knowledge Café
36Quality Taxonomy
Retopping Remarking
38 39(No Transcript)
40 - Quality is never an accident it is always the
result of high intention, sincere effort,
intelligent direction and skillful execution it
represents the wise choice of many alternatives. - William A. Foster