Title: University of the West of England
1University of the West of England
- Student Representation
- May 2007
2University and Union (1)
- Model A - organisation of representation managed
at faculty, school or department level without
clear links to the SU - Model B - management of representation led by the
faculty, school, or department and supported by
the SU - Model C organisation of representation led by
the institution through Student Services.
HEFCW, Student Representation Structures in HEIs
across Wales, York Consulting Limited, 2007
Student Representative Council
Student Representative Council (SRC)
Activities Council
Sports Council
Faculty Student Councils (FSC)
Student Reps
4Where are we now? (1)
- 933 Student Reps _at_ Course Level
- University Target 989 (approx)
- Over 80 were recruited within the first four
weeks of teaching - 232 Student reps provided with 2 hour induction
training - 500 (approx) Student Rep handbooks distributed
- Reps have spent over 2000 hours in meetings this
academic year
5Where are we now? (2)
- Student Rep Achievements
- Improvements to Assessment Return Procedures
- Key Input on University-wide module
- Scrapping Facilities Fees in Associate Faculty
- Feedback on Assessment Feedback
- Student led liaison group between placement
office and student body - Input on E-Learning Developments
- Key feedback at Course and Modular Levels
- The little things in life
- Heavy duty stapler
- Projectors facing the wrong way
- Roof leaking
- Speed bumps
- Hand-back procedures
6How did we get to where we are?
- The three main drivers were
- UWESU developing a network of FT Staff and
Elected Officers to support student reps (Student
Rep Support Team) - Faculty Student Councils (FSC) and Student
Representative Councils (SRC) - Introducing Attendance Allowance
7Student Rep Support Team (1)
- There is a fairly open culture, but if the
overall system for representation is not
coordinated effectively, things get lost or
cannot be referred to the proper channels.
HEFCW, Student Representation Structures in HEIs
across Wales, York Consulting Limited, 2007
8Student Rep Support Team (2)
- Consists of SRC President, SRC VP (elected), 4
members of staff (FT,TT) - Sharing good practice across Faculties
- Student Rep Support
- Handbook, Induction, Chair Training, Secretary to
Councils, Networking Opportunities for PG/PT,
Briefings, Report writing - Develop marketing/promotional material (students,
student reps) - Input on key University Committees and Working
Groups - Support staff in the recruitment of student
representatives - E-communication (emails/website)
- Develop and maintain knowledge of factors
impacting on the educational experience of
students within each faculty - Maintain a database of student representatives
- Brief student members on the previous years
issues and achievements - Brief members of Faculty Board, Academic Board
9Student Rep Support Team (3)
10Faculty Student Councils/ Student Representative
Councils (1)
- Student Representative Council (SRC)
- Chaired by elected SRC President
- Membership of 40 elected representatives from 10
faculties SRC Presidents - Meets 5 times a year for approx 2hrs
- Chart
- Faculty Student Council (FSC)
- All duly recognised course reps are members
- Elections held for chair, SRC, Faculty Boards and
other Faculty-wide committees - Ten FSCs meet five times a year for 1-2 hours
11Faculty Student Councils (1)
12Faculty Student Councils (2)
- Promotes a collective identity
- Provides a forum for members to revise, update
and enhance what is known as a group - Creates a pool of shared knowledge and
experience - Provides a mechanism through which Faculty-wide
representatives can become more representative of
the Faculty - Exposes Faculties/Schools who do not the have the
structural or cultural commitment to student
13Faculty Student Councils (3)
14Faculty Student Councils (4)
- Meetings take place in addition to the
Staff/Student meetings - they are not a
replacement - Evidence suggests that the meetings have not had
a negative impact on attendance at Staff/Student
15Faculty Student Councils (5)
- Example Agenda Items from 06/07
- Coursework Return
- Faculty Reception
- NSS Results on Assessment Feedback
- Usage of Blackboard/UWEOnline
- Reps are encouraged to bring issues that would be
of relevance to all students in the faculty.
Course and module related issues should be raised
at Staff/Student Committees - Key staff are also invited to talk on specific
16Faculty Student Councils (6)
17Getting the contact details (1)
- We operate training within the SU but there is
very low uptake because we cant coordinate
around the reps. We dont have contact details,
and our influence is minimal.
HEFCW, Student Representation Structures in HEIs
across Wales, York Consulting Limited, 2007
18Getting the contact details (2)
- 04/05
- many faculties had still not supplied contact
details of student reps by January. - 05/06
- The new constitution took affect from 1st
August - 06/07
- 750 contact names and email address were
available by the end of the first four weeks of
19Getting the contact details (3) The New
Academic Board
Student Representative Council
Faculty Board
Faculty Student Councils
Student Reps
20Getting the contact details (4) The New
- Student Representative Council (extract of
functions) - to elect the student members of the Board of
Governors and its sub-committees in addition to
those students who are members ex officio - to elect the student members of the Academic
Board and its sub committees in addition to those
students who are members ex officio
21Getting the contact details (5) The New
The 1st SRC must meet within six weeks of
Wk 6
The agenda and papers must be circulated 5
working days in advance of the meeting
Wk 5
Members of SRC are elected by their Faculty
Student Council (3 elected chair)
The agenda and papers must be circulated 5
working days in advance of the meeting
Wk 4
Student Reps _at_ course level
All duly recognised reps are members of their
Faculty Student Council
Time Line
22Getting the contact details (6)
- In some faculties it was important to develop the
range of Faculty staff we were in contact with
23Getting the contact details (7)
- UWESU Year Tutors
- Can express urgency
- Address concerns
- UWESU Faculty Admin
- We provide a service up to date contact lists
- UWESU Programme Directors
- Inform on status
Year Tutors
Faculty Admin
Programme Directors
24Attendance Allowance (1)
- Attendance Allowance
- Student Reps receive payment of 5.77 ph for time
spent in duly-recognised meetings - This process required faculties to articulate and
formally agree their Student Rep structures - For the first time the Students Union had a
clear understanding of all the meetings that
student reps were attending - Enabled accurate and relevant training
- Enabled student rep support team to identify and
share good practice across ten faculties - Enabled rep support team to help fill places on
faculty-wide committees - Enabled annual monitoring of attendance in each
25Attendance Allowance (2)
26Attendance Allowance (3)
- An average 70 of student reps working hours were
paid (05/06). The 30 unpaid was because the
student rep had either - Elected not to receive the allowance
- Not supplied the relevant paperwork
27Attendance Allowance (4) why did you become a
28The view of the University? (1)
- We surveyed key academic staff in early 05/06 and
found that 2/3 felt that - Rep attendance at meetings has improved
- Rep contributions at meetings have become more
frequent - Communication between reps has improved
- Reps are more aware of faculty/university
29The view of the University? (2)
- Key academic staff were divided when it came to
- Communication between reps and students has
improved - Student interest in becoming a rep has increased
30A model of Best Practice for UWE (1)
- A 2005 QAA report on student representation and
feedback arrangements stresses that when an
institution is going through a review it is
important to consider the impact of such changes
on student representation arrangements and to
ensure that the latter and the institutions
arrangements are in alignment - S.W.O.T. analysis of each faculties support,
recruitment and meetings (2 years) - Key stakeholder surveys
- Attendance statistics
- Interviews/Focus Groups
31A model of Best Practice for UWE (2)
- 16 page report on Student Representation at UWE
- A model through which staff/student meetings can
be grouped Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 - Good practice for meeting structures and
frequency - Identification of the varying levels that
students act as representatives Type 0, Type 1,
Type 2 - The feedback cycle how representative do
student reps feel? - Election vs. Recruitment debate
- Do reps feel that they contribute to making
positive changes for the student body? - Student rep retention
- Faculty understanding of the role of a rep
32A model of Best Practice for UWE (3)
- Anticipated outcomes
- Frequent informal meetings
- Robust administration processes
- Coherent and consistent recruitment and support
- Measurable by
- Key stakeholder surveys
- Attendance Recording
- Interviews and Focus Groups
33Other Things(1)
- Over 150 student reps attending Rep Awards
- http//www.uwesu.net/repawards/index.html
- http//www.uwesu.org/photoalbums/thumbnails.php?al
34Other Things(2)
- AMSU Student Rep Coordinators Group
- New group of volunteers who are hoping to benefit
from sharing resources, ideas and experience. - Began Aug 06
- Plans to arrange conferences, develop materials
etc. - Go to http//www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/AMSU-STUDENT
-REPS.html to join list
35Contact Details
- University of the West of England Students Union
- David.Owen_at_uwe.ac.uk
- 0117 32 82580
- Questions?
36Classifying Rep Meetings (1)