Title: 32207 Agenda
1- 3/22/07 Agenda
- Period 3 Only Finish voting on legislation
- President Veto any legislation?
- Check Reading notes pp. 416-426
- Quiz on reading 416-426
- Lecture Notes The Executive Branch
- Assign Homework The Bureaucracy
- Time left Continue Documentary Iraq for Sale
2- Get out a half sheet of paper. Thank you!
- Title the paper Quiz pp. 416-426 and put your
heading in the upper right corner. Thanks! - Number your paper 1-4
3- 1) One of the reasons bureaucrats dont usually
sabotage their political bosses is that - A) They never express their opinions
- B) Their jobs usually dont involve expressing
their opinion - C) They would be fired if they did
- D) None of the above
4- 2) A legislative grant of money to finance a
government program or agency is called a(n)
_____________. - A) Trust fund
- B) Legislative veto
- C) Committee Clearance
- D) Appropriation
5- 3) Congress can control bureaucracies by using
their __________ power. - A) Oversight
- B) Intimidation
- C) Smack-down
- D) Criticizing
6- 4) In a bureaucracy, hiring a person that has
already been identified for that job is called a
- A) Special selection
- B) Name request job
- C) The nepotism method
- D) dishonest employee
7- Please open your Interactive Notebooks to page
91. Thank you! - Title the page The Executive Branch and put your
heading in the upper right corner.
8Powers of the President
- power found in ambiguous clauses of the
Constitution - Greatest source of power lies in politics and
public opinion
9The Power to Persuade
- Presidents transform popularity into
congressional support - Presidential coattails have had a declining
effect - Popularity is affected by factors beyond anyones
control. (September 11th attacks)
10White House Office
- Rule of propinquity power wielded by people who
are in the room when a decision is made - Pyramid structure most assistants report through
hierarchy to chief of staff, who then reports to
president - Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Clinton (late in
his administration)
11White House Office
- Circular structure cabinet secretaries and
assistants report directly to the president - Carter
12The Cabinet
- Not mentioned in Constitution
- Presidents have many appointments to make
- Cabinet members become advocates for their
departments, not the president
13The Presidential Character (Barber)
- Active Positive
- Passive Positive
- Active Negative
- Passive Negative
14The Veto Power
- Veto message sent within ten days of the bills
passage - Pocket veto (only before Congress adjourns at the
end of its second session) - Congress rarely overrides vetoes
- President does not hold line-item veto power
15The Presidents Program
- Resources include interest groups, advisers, and
bureaucracies - Constraints include public and congressional
reactions, limited time and attention, and
unexpected crises
16The Vice President
- The vice president presides over Senate and votes
in case of tie - V.P. is the President Pro Tempore of the Seante.
17The 25th Amendment (1967)
- Vice President is acting president if president
is disabled - The new vice president must be confirmed by a
majority vote of both houses
- Indictment by the House, conviction by the Senate
- Presidential examples Andrew Johnson, Richard
Nixon (pre-empted by resignation), Bill Clinton - Neither Johnson nor Clinton was convicted by the
19Constraints on the President
- Both the president and the Congress are more
constrained today due to - Complexity of issues
- Scrutiny of the media
- Greater number and power of interest groups
20- Homework
- The Bureaucracy
- Read pages 426-433 in the textbook
- Take at least 1page of notes on page 93 of your
Interactive Notebook. (94 is overflow) - Read pp. 438-451. Take 2 pages of notes on pages
95-96 of IN. (97 is overflow) - Title the notes The Judiciary
- Due Tuesday!