Agenda setting in electoral campaigns - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Agenda setting in electoral campaigns


McCombs and Shaw (1972) The first test of the agenda setting hypothesis using traditional empirical research methods. McCombs and Shaw compared the issue agenda ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Agenda setting in electoral campaigns

Agenda setting in electoral campaigns
How do people determine what issues, candidate
qualities, etc. are important in elections?
  • By looking to their personal experiences?
  • By asking others?
  • By following the news?
  • By following traditional values and knowledge?
  • By engaging in personal research?
  • There is a significant controversy over how the
    agenda is set

Early discussion
  • Early study of the impact of the press on the
    public tended to see the media as the source of
    public perceptions in the political arena
  • Fits with much of democratic theory

  • In the early 1900s, Walter Lippmann noted a
    difference between the world outside and the
    pictures in our heads
  • He compared what he knew about World War I and
    the coverage it received in the New York Times
  • Large discrepancies
  • Lippmann said that because people could not
    experience much of the world firsthand, they were
    dependent upon the news

  • Lippmann argued that the news was not a mirror of
    reality but a restless searchlight bringing
    one, then another object into view, and then
    moving on before the public could make sense of
    what had be identified
  • People tended to stereotype things in order to
    deal with the complexity in the world

  • The upshot, according to Lippmann, was that for
    most topics at a distance from people, the public
    ended up with a distorted, stereotypical
  • Foreign policy

  • In a study of the relationship between
    journalists and foreign policy officials, Bernard
    Cohen (1963) made the offhand comment that
  • The press may not be successful much of the time
    in telling people what to think, but it is
    stunningly successful in telling its readers what
    to think about.

McCombs and Shaw (1972)
  • The first test of the agenda setting hypothesis
    using traditional empirical research methods
  • McCombs and Shaw compared the issue agenda found
    in the top nine news sources used by voters in
    Chapel Hill, NC during the 1968 election campaign
    (Nixon-Humphrey-Wallace) to the agenda identified
    by 100 undecided voters.
  • "The correlation between the major item emphasis
    on the main campaign issues carried by the media
    and voter's independent judgments of what were
    important issues was .967."

McCombs and Shaw (1972)
  • Most campaign coverage analyzed campaign strategy
    and horse race
  • "While the three presidential candidates placed
    widely different emphasis upon different issues,
    the judgments of the voters seem to reflect the
    composite of the mass media coverage."
  • "News media do have a point of view, sometimes
    extreme biases. However, the high correlations
    suggest consensus on news values, especially on
    major news items.
  • "The media appear to have exerted a considerable
    impact on voter's judgments of what they
    considered the major issues of the campaign"

Shaw and McCombs (1977)
  • Charlotte, North Carolina 1972 (Ford-Carter)
    election expanded the sample to include the
    entire voting population.
  • Message attributes the front page of the
    newspaper had the most impact
  • The frequency of exposure to a given message is
  • Greater impact on heavy media users
  • Effect is cumulative
  • effect of a particular message is tempered by the
    messages which the viewer has previously been
    exposed to.
  • Period of influence of messages ranges from three
    to four months.

  • Longitudinal panel showed a .51 correlation from
    the newspaper agenda to the later public agenda,
    while only a .19 correlation from the public
    agenda to the later newspaper agenda.
  • The Charlotte study also showed CBS and NBC to
    have greater short-term effect on voters than the
    Charlotte Observer newspaper (McCombs, 1977).
  • Media messages can make salient both objects
    (topics or issues) and attributes of those

  • Receiver characteristics
  • need for orientation
  • voting decision state (decided vs. undecided)

  • McCombs noted a significant correlation of 0.63
    between the national television agenda and the
    subsequent voter agenda, The newspaper agenda
    remained stable over time. The television agenda
    changed to become like the newspaper agenda.
    Voters seemed to follow the television agenda.

  • More "obtrusive" topics showed less impact of the
    media agenda
  • Personally remote issues, such as foreign
    affairs, the environment, and energy appeared to
    decline in influence as the election neared,
    whereas the more personal issues such as money
    matters held a steady influence.

Weaver, Graber, McCombs and Eyal (1981)
  • A nine-wave longitudinal panel study of the 1976
    election campaign. The sites were Indianapolis,
    Indiana Evanston, Illinois and Lebanon, New
  • Studied how voters learned about issues, the
    impact of message content, and demographic and
    lifestyle variables.
  • Confirmed importance of voter need for
    orientation and issue "obtrusiveness"
  • Agenda- setting was greatest early in the
    campaign. The influence of the media receded

  • The salience of the candidate attributes in news
    messages transferred to the public
  • Panelists were able to rate the two presidential
    candidates, Ford and Carter, along a wide range
    of image attributes man of principles, inspires
    confidence, compassionate, forthright, versatile,
    and so forth.

  • Need for orientation indicated
  • In addition, "the voters least likely to be
    influenced by media issue agenda- setting are
    those with more education, higher status jobs,
    more prior political knowledge, and more interest
    in the campaign.
  • The media did seem to have role in boosting name
    recognition early in the campaign.

McLeod, Becker and Byrnes (1974)
  • Studied the 1972 election in Madison, Wisconsin
  • Two Madison newspapers exhibited different
    agendas for the campaign. The more liberal of the
    two newspapers gave the "honesty in government"
    issue six times the attention provided by the
    conservative paper. The differential agendas of
    the two newspapers were reflected in the relative
    importance which the two groups of readers placed
    on the issues.

Benton and Frazier (1976)
  • Three levels of people's information-holding
  • 1) awareness of general issues
  • 2) awareness of proposed solutions and
  • 3) specific knowledge about proposals.
  • A content analysis of three media and a survey
  • Found high intercorrelations among media
    regarding economic content at level 2,
    agenda-setting at both levels 2 and 3
  • newspapers primarily set the agenda for all
    media users
  • Television did not set people's agenda at levels
    2 and 3

The basic media agenda-setting hypothesis
  • Media allocate space/time and emphasis
    differentially to public problems
  • Total space or time and placement on the front
    page or at the beginning of the newscast
  • These choices do not reflect reality but a set
    of editorial decisions based on a number of
  • Readers/audience members pick up these emphases
    and interpret them as indicators of the real
    importance of the issues discussed

Agenda-setting study
  • The agenda setting hypothesis has generated a
    massive literature
  • Over 400 (more by now) studies have been
    identified that tested some form of the
  • One of the most replicated and enduring findings
    in media research
  • The hypothesis has been expanded beyond
    campaigns, and has taken public relations,
    advertising, talk radio, the State of the Union
    Address, and many other communications into
  • Influence of a wide range of media has been

Agenda-setting study
  • Intermedia agenda setting has been identified
  • The prestige media influence others
  • Crouse (Boys on the Bus)
  • Rise of the internet, cable news, etc. has
    altered the media structure and the role of
    traditional news
  • Additional influences on the media agenda have
    been studied
  • Original studies took the media agenda as a given
  • Policy agendas are now a major concern,
    especially in political science
  • Public agenda influence on policy agendas was
    pretty much assumed at the outset

A model of the agenda setting process
Source McQuail Windahl (1993)
Two major questions concerning campaign agenda
  • How is the media agenda set?
  • What is the effect of the media agenda on the

Agenda setting in electoral campaigns
  • What is an electoral campaign supposed to be
  • Issues
  • Which issues?
  • Character
  • What characteristics matter?
  • How is character determined?

To what extent does the media agenda reflect
real-world conditions?
  • Scholars have pointed out that many important
    concerns are not emphasized in the media agenda
    and many rather unimportant ones are.
  • AIDS
  • Economy/bailouts
  • Environment
  • Drugs
  • Abortion

  • That does not mean that current events have no
    bearing on the media agenda. The relationship
    between actual events and media coverage appears
    to be partial and fluid.
  • Some events, topics appear to generate coverage
    regardless of candidate or reporter intent
  • Others are manufactured, discovered, etc.

Media presentation
  • The media present a partial, biased view of the
  • Choices on what to cover and how to cover it
    represent a number of influences other than
    reality impinging upon the journalists
  • Drama
  • Powerful sources
  • Journalists own interests/biases
  • Many more

Agenda setting in electoral campaigns
  • Who determines what the agenda will be?
  • The media?
  • The candidates?
  • The public?
  • Special interest groups?

Agenda setting in electoral campaigns
  • Each of the players in electoral campaigns has an
    interest in influencing the agenda
  • Whatever is off the agenda cannot significantly
    impact the election
  • Whatever is off the agenda will likely receive
    limited government attention
  • Those issues/topics chosen to be on the agenda
    advantage certain candidates while disadvantaging

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How is the media agenda set?
  • Sources of influence
  • Candidates seek electoral advantage
  • Public statements
  • State of the Union address
  • Release of white papers/policy outlines
  • Acceptance speeches
  • Campaign ads
  • Scoops, exclusives, etc.
  • Dissemination via Internet in various ways
  • Debates
  • Public policy actions of incumbents

How is the media agenda set?
  • Sources of influence
  • The media themselves want to be successful
    economically as well as in carrying out their
    democratic role
  • Recognition of real-world issues
  • Interest in sensational topics
  • Perceived audience interest (ratings)
  • Bandwagon effects
  • Intermedia influences
  • The general public wants important and/or
    emotional issues addressed
  • Demonstration of interest to media
  • Public discussion/debate
  • Internet traffic

How is the media agenda set?
  • Special interest groups want their issues
    addressed (or hidden)
  • PACs
  • Financial support to those who espouse certain
    views, interests
  • 527 groups
  • Political advertising
  • Other communications (Internet)
  • Churches
  • Sermons, etc.

Influence on the public agenda
  • Generates discussion
  • Increases perceived importance of certain issues,
    candidate traits while decreasing the perceived
    importance of others
  • Relative importance of positions/traits affects
    candidate evaluation
  • Expectations relating to elected officials also
    are likely to be influenced

What other influences on media agenda are there?
  • Corporate influence
  • Think tanks
  • Journalists themselves
  • Audience tastes/curiosity
  • Interest/pressure groups

Electoral impact of agenda setting
  • Becker and McLeod (1976) argued that "the
    acceptance of these issues as the important one
    facing the country results in differential voting
    as well as distinctive communication behaviors.

Influence on the policy agenda
  • Candidates elected based on the emphasis given
    particular issues are expected to deliver on
    those issues
  • Evaluation of performance is tied to issue
    emphasis as well as stance
  • Post-election evaluations signal all officials of
    public concerns
  • Even those who were not up for election read the
    tea leaves

Influence on the policy agenda
  • Critique even though appears that bills aimed at
    concerns high on the public agenda increase, the
    actual change in public policy is quite limited
    or non-existent
  • Bill action, public speechmaking just for show
    while real interests take over and dominate
    policy formation

Influence on the policy agenda
  • Research generates mixed results

Gandy (1982)
  • The more indirect, undercover efforts by
    corporate and bureaucratic public relations
    specialists provide more effective means of
    influencing policy.
  • Policy actors with sufficient resources to
    subsidize the information-gathering activities of
    other participants in the process are seen to
    influence the outcome of policy debates to their

Cook et al. (1983)
  • Quasi-experimental design "built around a single
    media event
  • The results suggested that the media influenced
    views about issue importance among the general
    public and government policy makers
  • Policy change likely resulted from collaboration
    between journalists and government staff members
    rather than public opinion

Protess, Leff, Brooks and Gordon (1985)
  • Used a quasi-experimental design to assess the
    impact of a newspaper investigative series about
    rape on a randomly selected group of Chicagoans
    and a purposive sample of policy makers. . . .
    the series had a minimal impact on public
    opinion and policy making, but affected
    profoundly the subsequent newspaper coverage of

Source Media Tenor
Source Media Tenor
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  • of the more than 1,700 campaign stories examined
    from January to May (2007), Tom Tancredo, Sam
    Brownback, Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee each were
    the focus of fewer than a dozen stories. The
    second tier Democrats fared only slightly better.
    There were five stories about Chris Dodd, 28
    about Bill Richardson, one about Dennis Kucinich,
    and 41 about Joe Biden.
  • Project of Excellence in Journalism

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Intermedia Agenda 9/8-9/14/2008
Rank Newspaper Online Net TV Cable TV Radio
1 2008 Campaign 2008 Campaign 2008 Campaign 2008 Campaign 2008 Campaign
2 Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Hurricane Ike Hurricane Ike Hurricane Ike Sept. 11 Comm.
3 Hurricane Ike Sept. 11 Comm. Sept. 11 Comm. Fannie Mae Freddie Mac Hurricane Ike
4 Sept 11 Commemorations CERN Big Bang Fannie Mae Freddie Mac War on Terror Fannie May Freddie Mac
5 CERN Big Bang Machine Pakistan CERN Big Bang Sept 11 Comm Russia
6 Afghanistan North Korea Iraq Policy Debate Lehman Bros Sex Oil Interior Dept.
Source Project for Excellence in Journalism
Source Media Tenor based on coverage
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Recent coverage of economic issues favors Obama
Economic news trend
Tone in overall economic coverage
Overall coverage for McCain/Palin positive, for
Obama/Biden negative
Tax policy tone favors McCain
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Health policy tone favors McCain
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Early campaign coverage 2007
Source Project for Excellence in Journalism
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