Title: The Global Compact: Challenges in Agenda Setting
1 The Global Compact Challenges in
Agenda Setting
- What is the Global Compact?
- How did the agenda setting come about?
- Who supported the UNGC, and why?
- What challenges did the Compact overcome?
- What issues does it still face?
3The Global Compact Overview
- Voluntary policy initiative companies commit to
be more responsible - Broad principles, not strict rules
- Proposed by Kofi Annan at the World Economic
Forum on Jan 31 1999 - Adopted by General Assembly on July 26, 2000
- Currently in force with over 7,000 companies
- No enforcement mechanism relies on companies to
comply with the UNGC principles
4The Global Compact Principles
- Human Rights
- Principle 1 Businesses should support and
respect the protection of internationally
proclaimed human rights and - Principle 2 make sure that they are not
complicit in human rights abuses. - Labor Standards
- Principle 3 Businesses should uphold the freedom
of association and the effective recognition of
the right to collective bargaining - Principle 4 the elimination of all forms of
forced and compulsory labor - Principle 5 the effective abolition of child
labor and - Principle 6 the elimination of discrimination in
respect of employment and occupation. - Environment
- Principle 7 Businesses should support a
precautionary approach to environmental
challenges - Principle 8 undertake initiatives to promote
greater environmental responsibility and - Principle 9 encourage the development and
diffusion of environmentally friendly
technologies. -
- Anti-Corruption
- Principle 10 Businesses should work against
corruption in all its forms, including extortion
and bribery.
Source (Adapted from the UN Global Compact
website, www.unglobalcompact.org)
5Agenda Setting Key Players
- UNGC is an excellent case study of agenda setting
in a controversial, high-stakes setting - Broad coalitions in favor of the Compact
- Issue Framing A small step in the right
direction. - Corporations
- The United Nations
- Some international NGOs
- Local NGO networks
- Groups challenging the Compact
- Issue Framing The Global Compact is meaningless
corporate eyewash backed by the UN. - Most NGOs
- Some state governments
6Agenda Setting UNGC Supporters
- The United Nations supported the UNGC because of
- Real commitment to human rights and sustainable,
responsible business practices. The UN has no
enforcement power, and having a voluntary
commitment could win buy-in from the private
sector but avoiding a End Corporate Immunity
framing. - A way to recognize the limits on their own power
and the changing role of the state in global
power arrangementsespecially in states where
human rights abuses are a problem. - Opportunity to let the UN influence the corporate
agenda, impossible to achieve with an adversarial
framing. The UN was able to push for particular
items to be on the UNGC, as Kofi Annan did with
Corruption as the tenth principle. - Presence of a norm-creation effect, and some
pressure for companies to comply with the
principles, because non-compliances causes
companies to lose face - Increased political and financial support from
corporations - "The United Nations once dealt only with
Governments. By now we know that peace and
prosperity cannot be achieved without
partnerships involving Governments, international
organizations, the business community and civil
society. In today's world, we depend on each
other. - Kofi Annan, December 2000
7Agenda Setting UNGC Supporters
- The Corporate Community supported the UNGC
because it is - Voluntary, and has no enforcement, so can make a
company look good for relatively little effort.
There are no binding standards. - An opportunity access to the human rights and UN
agenda as they pertain to corporate behavior, and
so they have some control over what standards are
set, and how the UN treats them in its
resolutions, statements, etc. - A way to partner with the UN, offering
corporations the same access as NGOs, which
levels the interaction and advocacy networks. - A way to gain public support and build the moral
of their customers and staff. This is a way for
companies to make a commitment to human rights
and social responsibility and still look like the
good guys, rather than getting punished in some
court process or looking as though they caved to
NGO pressure. - A framework in which to improve their
performance it limits and defines what their
responsibilities are as compared to those of the
state and other actors.
8Agenda Setting UNGC Supporters
- Some of the NGOs supported the UNGC because
- The Global Compact is a good way to pressure
companies into human rights commitment, however
tenuous - Joining the UNGC gives NGOs a point of access to
companies and their social responsibility
priorities. - Additionally, working with corporations and
advising them on how to follow the Compact gives
NGOs an opportunity to expand their programming
and reputation. - Greater opportunity for UN support when most NGOs
opposed the Compact in the first place
9Agenda Setting UNGC Supporters
- Some of the local NGO networks supported the UNGC
because - These networks are often bodies that help frame
the Compact in local contexts and help
corporations carry out work on the ground. - The UNGC was a chance for local groups to have a
say in what corporations are doing and to grow as
they gain reputation and work from
implementation. - UNGCs local adaptations allow local networks to
advocate for solutions that are important in
their own contexts.
10Agenda Setting UNGC Opponents
- Many major NGOs opposed the UNGC because
- The Compact was too vague to be useful it
allowed corporations to look good while doing
nothing for development - The UNGC was seen as corporations taking the UN
and twisting its institutions to their own goals - The agenda was not sufficiently comprehensive to
actually give meaning to the 10 principles - Firstly why the Secretary-General has "not at any
stage of developing this covenant consulted with
the many public interest groups involved in
campaigns against corporate power abuse around
the world?" But secondly, "why business should
not simply be forced to follow mandatory
international standards for corporate behaviour"?
Has the UN been bought off in some unstated way?
Is that a secret clause of the Compact? Who would
be able to provide a trustworthy answer? - The Corporate Europe Observer (October 1999, 5)
11Challenges facing the UNGC
- Then Problems in developing the Compact
- Involving the right people in agenda setting
- Giving the Global Compact teeth
- Winning legitimacy from core actors (NGOs)
- Now Ongoing problems
- Vagueness of the compact
- Attrition / non-compliance
- Pressure from China
12Involving the right people
- United Nations tried to incorporate all the
relevant actors - Getting major corporations to provide input
- Involving NGOs substantially more difficult
- Few major corporate watchdogs actually involved
- Relatively little input from state governments
- But there isnt a formal legal partnership
between the UN and corporations - Companies pledge to uphold vague values
13Giving the Global Compact teeth
- Major tension between attracting businesses and
making the Compact mean something - Companies wanted Compact to focus on general
principles of good business - Provision for local interpretation of principles
- Civil society hoped Compact would have specific,
strict rules for companies and monitoring
mechanism - Companies win 10 general principles, with no
formal monitoring mechanism
14Establishing legitimacy
- Problems widespread criticisms of the process by
commentators and civil society - Concern lack of involvement by key stakeholders
- Lack of specific requirements for businesses
- Compact seen as too weak
- Solutions attempts by Compact supporters to
involve NGOs and state governments - Some NGOs co-opted to gain support
- Issue Framing treating Compact as useful
incremental step
15Ongoing Challenges of the Compact
- Vagueness of the compact
- Principles dont have any binding power on
signatories - Local interpretations allow companies
considerable flexibility in following the Compact - Other companies dont sign agreement at all
- Attrition / non-compliance
- 1,000 companies (16) delisted from Compact since
2008 - Pressure from China
- More difficult economic environment for companies
to comply with heightened labor standards,
anti-corruption measures, etc.