Title: November 1, 2004 Agenda
1- November 1, 2004 Agenda
- Backup Considerations
- What to backup
- Backup Hardware
- Backup S/W
- Working with Microsoft Word
- Adding backgrounds
- Working with Outlook Express
- Archiving
- Recovering "lost/missing" windows
2Backup Considerations
- Why backup?
- Accidents happen you can accidentally delete
files for example - Computers break - mechanical / virus / hackers
- Need to recover critical information
- What do you backup?
- Everything ? simple to recover large volume
- Critical files most common approach
- personal data / photographs consider keeping
everything in a special folder - Email
- address book
- Browser links i.e. IE favorites
- Windows Registry
- ???
- You already have backups for you programs or
you should have
3Backup Considerations
- Backup Hardware
- 3 ½ diskette - small volume least reliable
- Hard drive convenient but cant be removed
- Tape earliest method slow
- Zip Drive / flash memory limited size
- Another computer need to be networked
- CD Rom / DVD need writable H/W
- Backup (and recovery) S/W (built in features)
- Windows copy command
- S/W provided by H/W vendor upgrades available
- Backup/Recovery specific S/W
- Windows provided
- XP System Restore
- XP Backup Utility not installed with Home
Edition but is on CD - http//www.backup-software-reviews.com/ - list
the 18 they consider the best
4Working with Microsoft Word
Step 1 Use Help it really is very good. Step
2. Experiment So How do we use help We could
go to the TOC and look for a topic that might
help I prefer to use the search What is a good
search word(s) for adding a background to a
letter? If help doesnt answer the question
there are lots of online (internet) articles
5Working with Microsoft Word
- Adding a watermark/background
- Word 2003
- Click Format ? Background ? Printer Watermark,
then click Picture Watermark and choose the
picture desired. If you select the Washout option
the image will be very light. - Word 2000
- Not as simple but this procedure should work
but not tested. - Click Insert ? Picture ? From File and choose the
picture desired. - Position the pointer over the picture and Right
Click ? Format Picture - Click the Size tab to adjust the size
- Click the Layout tab and then the click the
Behind Text icon to place the behind the text. - Click the Picture tab to adjust brightness and
contrast - Click OK and when you type, the text will appear
on top of the picture - You will need to repeat the above process for
every page
6Working with Outlook Express
- We will look at 2 things
- Archiving you emails
- Fixing what you see
- First lets review folders
7Folder Review
Real World
Computer World
Sub-Folder MyDocuments recipes
income tax 2003 2004
Keep information
Folder MyDocuments ProgrameFiles
Assemble common topics
File it away
Hard Drive C drive D drive
8Working with Outlook Express
- Applications typically use folders (or simulate
folders) to organize information - Internet Explorer Favorites
- Internet Explorer Email
- Inbox
- Outbox
- Sent Items
- Deleted Items
- Drafts
- Plus you can add you own
- Archived
- Personal
- Jack
- Jill
- Mary
9Working with Outlook Express
- Outlook Express is made up of a series of windows
- You can modify
- Others popup when needed
- You can accidentally remove
- What happens if remove the list of email folders?