Title: Infrastructure and Sustainability: The next big agenda
1Infrastructure and SustainabilityThe next big
- By
- Peter Newman
- Professor of Sustainability
- Curtin University
2Infrastructure Australia
- Infrastructure Australia Act, 2008. April
- Independent advice to Federal Government and to
COAG. Advice... - Policy, regulation and investment options to
improve infrastructure. - Will consult widely.
3Infrastructure Australia
- Board of 12 from across Australia, with Sir Rod
Eddington Chair. - IA and the Infrastructure Co-ordinator (Michael
Deegan, ex NSW DGT) will be based in Sydney with
the Major Cities Unit. - Part of DITRDLG....
4Infrastructure Australia
- National Infrastructure Audit by Dec 2008.
- Infrastructure Priority List by March 2009.
- National PPP Guidelines by October 2008.
- Building Australia Fund 20 billion.
5IA and Sustainability
- review...project appraisal, planning and
approvals processes... from DITRDLG Website on
IA. - to provide advice on infrastructure policy
issues arising from climate change. from IA Act. - Rigour in how priorities are set....
6Political support....
- Sustainability and climate change will be
important considerations in any IA work. - Anthony Albanese, Minister for Infrastructure,
in June at launch of IA.
7What will this mean in practice?
8Political support for cities and public
- Better public transport is part of the answer
to soaring petrol prices, Prime Minister Kevin
Rudd says. Hasn't the time come for some decent
public transport systems, invested in by the
national government across our major cities. - June 6th, 2008, Channel 9.
9Even Wayne Swan....
- There is much much more we need to do for
energy efficiency and public transport... -
- And Greg Hunt...
- ...fixing up the public transport blackspots
across Australia... - Lateline July 16th, 2008
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11Arctic sea ice extent 1978-2007 in millions of
km2 (National Snow and Ice Data Center
- Will add around 10 c/liter to fuel at 40/T, IEA
predict 38 to 110. - Government will refund how will they tell what
is due to ETS and what is due to peak oil?
13Peak oil?
- A growing number of oil-industry chieftains are
endorsing an idea long deemed fringe The world
is approaching a practical limit to the number of
barrels of crude oil that can be pumped every
day. - Russell Gold and Ann Davis
- Wall Street Journal, November 19th, 2007
14Production cycle of an oil field
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16- The Hubbert Peak
- Sci Amer 1971
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20Long term oil prices
Recent Movements
Era of Cheap Oil
Electric Power
Natural Gas
Jet Fuel
Heating Oil
22ABARE's oil price forecasts have proven to be
systematically low
Economists' forecasts published Nov 2005 Prof
Tony Owen, UNSW, now at Curtin 35/barrel
in a couple of years Nobel Economics winner,
Vernon Smith (at UNSW) 15/barrel in the near
23Containers tripled in price since 2000 and will
double again if 200/bl.
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25Have to reduce 50 by 2050...
- Either by reducing demand due to climate change
governance.... - Or by supply reductions that are going to happen
26Gas vulnerability
27Sustainability is the next big economic
28Treasure IslandEco-City
29Even the Governator is demanding
30 Rizhao Solar City, China
31Power Production as Urban Design
Vastra Hamnen, Malmö
32Beddington Zero-Energy Development, London
33New 6 star building for Macquarie Bank by
34CH2 the first 6 star building Melbourne City
Council,government leadership at its best...
- Carbon neutral, mining the sewer for water
recycling, healthy natural lighting, local
35140 William St, the trend setter in Perth
36We can do it with commercial buildings... But
for settlements we need infrastructure and
37What do we need to do to be more sustainable and
resilient in our settlements?
- Build transit with PPPs, TOD, POD and GOD...
- Renewables and electric vehicles partnership.
- Eco-villages on the fringe.
- Greening the Greyfields.
- CNG, airships, telepresence...
- Indigenous roads program.
381. Build transit with PPPs, TOD, POD and GOD
39US car dependent cities dying from the outside
- Wealthy eco-enclaves surrounded by Mad Max
suburbs - Highly probable.
40Code Red for outer areas...Sydney
Annual Vehicle Km per Household, 2004
Outer suburbs residents, particularly those away
from rail lines, drive much more than inner
suburbs residents.
2.3 7.6 7.6 10.1 10.1 12.6 12.6
15.0 15.0 18.4 18.4 24.5 24.5 39.0
41Opening of new Southern Railway90 approval
ratings and already paid off
42New Southern Rail....av speed 90 kph max speed
130 kph. Revived rail j to wk 5 to 10 in 10
43Perth journey to work 2001-2006
- Cars 13 increase
- Public transport 33 (trains 48)
- Walking 41
- Biking 21
- Pop 9
- Sth Rail to
- continue the
- growth 50,000
- per day...
44Next phase for Perth?
45 46Chatswood in Sydney built new station as part of
a Value Transfer PPP...
47Why cant we generate a PPP for light rail using
value transfer...?
48TOD, POD and GOD...
49Vancouver TODs on Skytrain
50Portland led the way in America
51Orinoco Station first new city in the suburbs
52State Center TOD, PB Placemaking
- People living in TODs have 50 less car use and
save 20 of their household income due to one
less car. - Value retained in down times and good in up
53Australian Cities all want TODs
- All strategic plans based on
- Sustainability and overcoming car dependence.
- Centres and corridors.
- Transit over highways.
54Pedestrian Oriented Development
55Jan Gehl the walkability magician...working for
City of Perth and CUSP, Oct 2008
56Velib Paris20,000 bikes at 1450 locations, 370
kms cycle lanes.
57TRAVEL SMART - Creating a more resilient
transport culture....
- Developed from German Werner Brog, applied first
in Perth, then UK now US..... - Individualised marketing based on direct
intervention with householders receiving
educational materials on alternatives to the car. - Bikers and bus drivers become eco-coaches...
58 Kogarah - Green TOD
- Green Oriented Development
59Water Sensitive Urban Design
60Perth 20 TODs eg Esplanade Station
61New TOD for central Perth... Or is it Dubai.
62Subiaco TOD Better Cities at its best.
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68Plan for Mandurah City Centre
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73Can we do 50 to 80 by 2050?
- Yes if we do new transit technology, and new land
use... At the same time.
74Eg building transit can lead to exponential
declines in car use...
- Lifestyles and city form change with it...
75What if Perth could triple its transit?
- Transit going from 640 pass kms per person to
2000 (2-3/yr) would reduce car use from 13,500
pass kms per person to 6000. - 7,500 pass kms lost for gain of 1360 pass kms on
transit (5 to 1)....56 less car use! - How does this happen? Transit Leverage. Trip
chaining, one less car, move house or job land
use changes.
76Key to transit leverage is space saved...
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79Transit (and walking) helps you reclaim urban
spaceFreeways 2,500 per lane/hrBusways
5-8,000 per laneLRT 10-20,000 per laneTrain
50,000 per lane.
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822. Renewables and electric vehicles partnership
83CETO Wave Power
84- PV Solar growing at 40 per year
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86- Roof mounted wind systems eg Windpods
87How do you store renewables?
88Link renewables into a Smart Grid and store in
electric vehicles V2G(Li-Ion batteries)
89Renewables competitive now with peak power Two
way flow with electric vehicles provides the
breakthrough for a resilient renewably-powered
grid. Google campus demonstration.... and North
Port Quay.
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91Carbon-free development based on renewables,
Smart Grid and electric vehicles.
924. Eco-villages colonising the fringe.
93Ecovillages can be....
- Built with its own water, power, sewerage
infrastructure, - Be relatively self sufficient in economy and
transport - Provide the social support in a village context
many are looking for. - Eco-villages growing rapidly....
945. Greening the Greyfields - in middle suburbs...
- 1950s and 60s suburbs in decline
- Retrofitting houses for green technology energy
efficiency and PV-electric vehicle - Land assembly to enable new houses such as aged
and young apartments around transit - Green infrastructure such as underground power,
smart grids, water sensitive urban design... - Better parks and services...
95Transformation of a city
Imagine the Possibilities
Photo Series UrbanAdvantage
966. CNG, airships, telepresence...
97Telepresence...live HD
98Airships use 1/10th the fuel...
- Good for remote freight and ecotourism
99Natural Gas in Vehicles
- Only option for heavy vehicles CNG buses have
shown how to do it. Australian technology used to
convert Mumbai and Chenai buses. - Australia has 77 of its population on natural
gas distribution system. - Can convert biomass to natural gas.
- Leads into Hydrogen economy.
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101Diesel-free Pilbara?
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1036. Indigenous roads program
- Remote area sustainability needs good roads
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105Can normalisation mean Indigenous mgt of roads?
106Bush buses for improved access..?
107Indigenous infrastructure for Indigenous work...
108What do we need?
- Imagination, creativity, innovation...
- Partnerships...