The Role of Snow in Ecosystem Carbon Balance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Role of Snow in Ecosystem Carbon Balance


Carbon (C), the fourth most abundant element in the Universe, after hydrogen (H) ... through the biosphere from or to the lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Role of Snow in Ecosystem Carbon Balance

The Role of Snow in Ecosystem Carbon Balance
  • Musa KUKUL

  • Carbon (C), the fourth most abundant element in
    the Universe, after hydrogen (H), helium (He),
    and oxygen (O), is the building block of life
  • On Earth, carbon cycles through the land, ocean,
    atmosphere, and the Earths interior in a major
    biogeochemical cycle
  • (the circulation of chemical components through
    the biosphere from or to the lithosphere,
    atmosphere, and hydrosphere).

Carbon Cycles
  • Geological Carbon Cycle
  • Biological Carbon Cycle
  • The modern carbon cycle

Geological Carbon Cycle
  • Carbon moves between rocks and minerals,
    seawater, and the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide in
    the atmosphere reacts with some minerals to form
    the mineral calcium carbonate (limestone). This
    mineral is then dissolved by rainwater and
    carried to the oceans. Once there, it can
    precipitate out of the ocean water, forming
    layers of sediment on the sea floor. As the
    Earths plates move, through the processes of
    plate tectonics, these sediments are subducted
    underneath the continents. Under the great heat
    and pressure far below the Earths surface, the
    limestone melts and reacts with other minerals,
    releasing carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is
    then re-emitted into the atmosphere through
    volcanic eruptions. (Illustration by Robert
    Simmon, NASA GSFC)

Biological Carbon Cycle
  • Through the process of photosynthesis, green
    plants absorb solar energy and remove carbon
    dioxide from the atmosphere to produce
    carbohydrates (sugars).
  • Plants and animals effectively burn these
    carbohydrates through the process of respiration,
    the reverse of photosynthesis.
  • The presence of land vegetation enhances the
    weathering of soil, leading to the long-term-but
    slow-uptake of carbon dioxide from the
    atmosphere. In the oceans, some of the carbon
    taken up by phytoplankton (microscopic marine
    plants that form the basis of the marine food
    chain) to make shells of calcium carbonate
    (CaCO3) settles to the bottom (after they die) to
    form sediments. During times when photosynthesis
    exceeded respiration, organic matter slowly built
    up over millions of years to form coal and oil
    deposits. All of these biologically mediated
    processes represent a removal of carbon dioxide
    from the atmosphere and storage of carbon in
    geologic sediments

The modern carbon cycle
  • On land, the major exchange of carbon with the
    atmosphere results from photosynthesis and
    respiration. During the daytime in the growing
    season, leaves absorb sunlight and take up carbon
    dioxide from the atmosphere. When conditions are
    too cold or too dry, photosynthesis and
    respiration cease along with the movement of
    carbon between the atmosphere and the land

The modern carbon cycle
  • The amounts of carbon that move from the
    atmosphere through photosynthesis, respiration,
    and back to the atmosphere are large and produce
    oscillations in atmospheric carbon dioxide
  • these biological fluxes of carbon are over ten
    times greater than the amount of carbon
    introduced to the atmosphere by fossil fuel

The modern carbon cycle
  • Global biosphere. Normalized Difference
    Vegetation Index measures the amount and health
    of plants on land, while chlorophyll a
    measurements indicate the amount of phytoplankton
    in the ocean. Land vegetation and phytoplankton
    both consume atmospheric carbon dioxide.
  • In the oceans, carbon dioxide exchange is largely
    controlled by sea surface temperatures,
    circulating currents, and by the biological
    processes of photosynthesis and respiration.
    Carbon dioxide can dissolve easily into the ocean
    and the amount of carbon dioxide that the ocean
    can hold depends on ocean temperature and the
    amount of carbon dioxide already present. Cold
    ocean temperatures favor the uptake of carbon
    dioxide from the atmosphere whereas warm
    temperatures can cause the ocean surface to
    release carbon dioxide. Cold, downward moving
    currents such as those that occur over the North
    Atlantic absorb carbon dioxide and transfer it to
    the deep ocean. Upward moving currents such as
    those in the tropics bring carbon dioxide up from
    depth and release it to the atmosphere.

Temperature and CO2 Changing since The Last Ice
  • temperatures and atmospheric carbon dioxide
    levels can be measured using ice cores
  • Twenty thousand years ago, the earth was in the
    grip of an ice age. around fifteen thousand years
    ago, the temperature started to warm (probably as
    a result of variations in the earth's orbit)
  • past ten thousand years, however, the earth's
    temperature and atmospheric CO2 has been
    relatively stable
  • due to combinations of variation in solar
    activity and periodic changes in ocean currents
  • The near-vertical red line at the far left marks
    the rise in atmospheric CO2 since the start of
    the industrial revolution.

Temperature and CO2
  • A record of temperature and atmospheric CO2 over
    the past 400,000 years
  • It is thought that these large temperature
    fluctuations are triggered variations in the
    earth's orbit that change the amount of energy
    from the sun that reaches us
  • Small change in temperature caused by the
    changing orbit are amplified by natural processes
    on earth. These cause CO2 to be released from the
    oceans and the biosphere, causing an increased
    greenhouse effect.

(No Transcript)
  • Snow is a critical regulator of soil
  • temperate forests during winter,
  • acting as an insulator, preventing soil from
    freezing in many cases
  • providing moisture to support biological
  • microbial processes are active in cold (0 to 5
    ?C) and even frozen soils
  • 2050of annual ecosystem C cycling and
    soil-atmosphere trace gas fluxes can occur during

Meteorological Conditions (Temperature as
acontrol over ecosystem CO2 fluxes in a
high-elevation,subalpine forest)
  • Mean monthly temperatures during the growing
    season range from 0 in April to a peak of 10.5C
    during July(Monson, Turnipseed
  • et. all.)
  • Mean maximum air temperature is greater than 5C
    from April through October however, freezing
  • temperatures are possible at any time of the
    year and the mean minimum temperature is
    consistently less than 5C

  • high-elevation, subalpine forest
  • During 1999 and 2000,
  • maximum carbon uptake was observed during the
    early season in late-May and early-June, when air
    temperatures were relatively cool (mean
  • 710C)
  • The ground was still covered with several
    centimeters of snow

  • There is a significant variation in the
    temperature response of NEEsat, as determined
    from the parameters generated from the
    least-squares regression model for the 1999 and
    2000 growing seasons
  • Respiration at the ecosystem level (determined as
    the respiration parameter from the regression
    model Re) decrease significantly with increasing
    air temperature in
  • both 1999 and 2000

exchange measuredbyautochambers during the
snow-covered season at a temperatepeatland)
  • NEE for all chambers
  • The magnitude of NEE ranged from 1 to -3 µmol m2/
    s1 from the end of November 2000 until the end of
    March 2001
  • Although most of the fluxes were negative, small
    positive fluxes persisted during the daytime,
    suggesting that photosynthesis was occurring at a
    very low level at times.
  • Day of year (DOY) begins with 1 January 2000 and
    1 January 2001 is DOY 366

  • The patterns of soil temperature and snow depth
    show that the soil temperature varied widely from
    6 to 11 C before the snow pack developed

  • Atmospheric pressure and NEE during February 2001
    (days 400425), showing increases in CO2 emission
    as barometric pressure declines.

  • Relationship between NEE and ground temperature
    at 5 cm depth. Largest respiration rates occur at
    T 0 C. This pattern is seen in all chambers
  • Most of the positive values (CO2 uptake) occurred
    at T gt 0 C, but negative values (CO2 emission)
    were more complex
  • The largest CO2 emissions occurred at T 0 C and
    were smaller at both lower and higher
    temperatures, suggesting a release of stored CO2
    during thaw events or an enhancement of microbial
    activity from freezethaw dynamics.

  • NEE for all chambers from 22 November 2000
    through 22 March 2001 by hour of day
  • Note that all positive fluxes (uptake by
    ecosystem) occur during daylight, which suggests
    that photosynthesis is occurring. Highest
    negative fluxes (efflux to atmosphere) also occur
    during daylight hours. This corresponds with
    higher temperatures during daytime.

  • Relationship between mean winter dark CO2 flux by
    chamber and (a) mean winter ground temperature,
    (b) late summer water table position, and (c)
    above-ground plant biomass.
  • Ground temperature is the only variable that has
    a significant correlation with CO2 flux.

  • CO2 fluxes were continuous throughout the
    snow-covered season from December through March
  • The largest emissions of CO2 occurred when the
    ground temperature reached 0 C and during
    periods of declining atmospheric pressure.

  • If warmer winter temperatures yield less snow in
    the temperate region, then soils could freeze
    more deeply and result in lower CO2 emission.
  • If less snow results in a higher frequency of
    freezethaw events, then winter CO2 emissions
    could be larger with a warmer climate

  • Monson R. K., A. A. Turnipseed et al.,
    Temperature as a
  • control over ecosystem CO2 fluxes in a
  • subalpine forest. Ecosystems Ecology
  • Bubier J., P. Crill et all., Net ecosystem CO2
    exchange measured
  • byautochambers during the snow-covered season at
    a temperate
  • peatland. Hydrological Processes
  • http//
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