Title: Chapter 4 Terrestrial Water and Energy Balance
1Chapter 4 Terrestrial Water and Energy Balance
- Part II Mechanisms
- Chapin, Matson, Mooney
- Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology
2We can look at energy budget of an ecosystem just
as we did for Earth
3Net radiation
- Energy input to ecosystem
- Balance between
- Input (long- and short-wave radiation)
- Output (long- and short-wave radiation)
4(No Transcript)
- Reflectance of shortwave radiation
- Depends on absorptivity
- Depends on ecosystem structure
6Examples of albedoes
- Oceans and lakes 0.03-0.10
- Sea ice 0.30-0.45
- Fresh snow 0.75-0.95
- Tundra 0.15-0.20
- Conifer forest 0.09-0.15
- Broadleaf forest 0.15-0.20
- Desert 0.20-0.45
7Abedo differs depending on the type of vegetation
8Absorptivity changes from summer to
winter Changes following fire
9Energy Partitioning
- Rnet H LE G
- Rnet net radiation
- H sensible heat flux (dry heat)
- LE evapotranspiration (wet heat)- water
transpired by plants - G ground heat flux heat from soils
10Energy partitioning
- Ecosystems differ substantially in
- Albedo a fancy name for reflectivity
- Bowen ratio (H/LE) When the magnitude of B is
less than one, a greater proportion of the
available energy at the surface is passed to the
atmosphere as latent heat than as sensible heat,
and the converse is true for values of B greater
than one
11Comparison of diurnal trends at three pine
sites Rn was generally highest at the Douglas
Fir 40 yr forest. Values of H were similar at
the DF 20 and 40 yr forests, and G was greatest
at the Jack pine 12 yr site, but, G is generally
DF 40 yr
DF 20 yr
JP 12 yr
Energy flux density (W m-2)
12The Bowen ratio was generally highest at the
20-year Douglas-fir stand, with the 12-year Jack
pine and 40-year Douglas-fir having generally
similar Bowen ratios.
Precipitation (mm)
Bars with the same letter for a given month are
not significantly different (a 0.05).
13Variations in seasonal snow cover and the
associated changes in albedo and atmospheric
heating are key components of the climate system.
Recent studies have found reductions in
high-latitude snow cover. (Dye, 2002, Stone et
al., 2002, Chapin et al., 2005, Euskirchen et
al., 2006)
14(No Transcript)
15Energy budget feedbacks to regional summer climate
- Feedbacks from vegetation change
- Tussock to shrub transition 3.4 W/m2
- Tundra to forest transition 4.7 W/m2
- 2 change in solar input 4.6 W/m2
- (glacial to interglacial change)
- Doubling atmospheric CO2 4.4 W/m2
Chapin et al.
16Total Annual Area Burned in Alaska 1950-2006
17Fire alters energy exchange Negative feedback to
climate warming Importance to society depends on
total area burned
18Changes in surface albedo at the Delta
Grey line Recent burn Black line Control
Liu et al., 2005
19Does boreal forest fire warm or cool climate?
Positive feedback loop via greenhouse gases
leads to warming
Negative feedback loop via albedo leads to
20Sum of forcing agents yields net warming over the
first year but cooling over 80 years
Randerson et al. 2006
21Climate warming feedbacks
- Trace-gas feedbacks
- CO2 exchange
- Modest C sink in the Arctic
- Modest C source in boreal forest
- Permafrost thaw potential large future source
- CH4 substantial source
- Energy-budget feedbacks predominate
- Earlier snow melt in the Arctic and Boreal
- positive feedback to warming
- Vegetation change
- Increased shrubs in arctic (positive feedback to
warming) - Switch to deciduous in boreal (negative feedback
to warming)
22Drought in Sahel
Foley et al. 2003
23Response to drought
24Drought feedbacks
- Trace-gas feedbacks small
- Very small NEP
- Energy-budget feedbacks predominate
- Reinforce climate drying or wetting
- Ecosystem feedbacks create non-linear response
- Creates memory that sustains climate regime
- Effects are regional
- Important role for restoration ecology
25Foley et al. 2003
26Boreal deforestation causes net cooling
Converse Boreal afforestation causes net
warming (Efforts to address C sequestration
alone are counter-productive)
Bala et al. 2007
27Tropical deforestation causes net warming
Bala et al. 2007
Converse Tropical afforestation causes net
28Tropical deforestation feedbacks (net warming)
- Trace-gas feedbacks (net warming)
- Carbon loss
- globally dispersed
- Energy-budget feedbacks (net warming)
- Increased ecosystem albedo (cooling)
- But cancelled out by reduced cloudiness
- Reduced transpiration (warming)
- Reduced precipitation
- Half of rainfall comes from recycled water
- Reduces forest growth
- Could trigger switch to savanna/dry conditions
- Climate feedbacks stabilize the vegetation change
- Socioeconomic implications
29Evapotranspiration accounts for 75 of turbulent
energy transfer to the atmosphere
30Water is THE major greenhouse gas
- Water-vapor feedback to warming
- Warm air holds more water
- This causes more water to evaporate
- This increases the water content of atmosphere
- This absorbs more infrared radiation
- This warms the atmosphere
31Why do we care about ecosystem water budgets?
32Water budget Inputs and outputs (vertical and
lateral) Internal transfers
33Why do plants use so much water?
34Basic principle of water balance in ecosystems
- Soil is like a bucket
- Inputs
- Mainly precipitation
- Outputs
- Evaporation
- Transpiration
- Drainage
- Water storage depends on
- Size of bucket (soil depth and texture)
- Balance between inputs and outputs
35Water inputs to ecosystems
- Precipitation
- THE major water input to ecosystems
- Groundwater
- Fog deposition
36Ecosystems differ in canopy storage Depends
mainly on LAI Differs among species
37Basic principle of water movement in ecosystems
- Water moves along energy gradient
- From high energy to low energy
- What forces cause water to move?
- Pressures
- Gravity
- Forces created by organisms
- Osmotic gradients
- Matric forces (adsorption)
38Water movement in soil
? ? t
Js Ls
Js Water flux rate Ls Hydraulic
conductivity ? ? t Water potential gradient l
Path length
- Water movement into soil
- Depends largely on hydraulic conductivity (Ls)
- Texture
- Aggregate structure
- Macropores made by animals and roots
- Impermeable layers
- Calcic layer in desert
- Permafrost in cold climates
- -Tundra both a wetland and a desert!
- Surface runoff occurs when infiltration is slower
than precipitation
41Plant-available water Difference between field
capacity (the quantity of water obtained by a
saturated soil after the gravitational water has
been drained and permanent wilting point (where
plants wilt b/c they cannot obtain enough water
from soils)
Coarse Fine Particle size
42Water movement in plantsEquation is identical to
that in soils
? ? t
Jp Lp
Jp Water flux rate Lp Hydraulic
conductivity ? ? t Water potential gradient L
Path length
43Water moves along a pressure gradient, with
differences between day and night
44Transpiration is major driving force of water
movement in plants
- Water moves in continuous column from film on
soil particles to leaf cells - Moves upward because of strong cohesive forces
among water molecules - Plant spends no energy in transporting water
- Passive transport driven be transpiration
- This is different than the considerable metabolic
energy used by plants in photosynthesis and N
45Soil moisture directly limits evapotranspiration
rates in dry soils.
Water potential potential energy of water
relative to pure water at the soil surface
BUT, IN MOIST SOILS -Transpiration and plant
water potential are insensitive to soil
moisture -Transpiration rate depends mainly on
transport properties of plants
Greater of capacity drier soil decline in
plant water potential
46Water loss from leaves
- Driving force is vapor pressure gradient
- Depends on temperature and water vapor in bulk
air - Plants control water loss by creating resistance
between leaf and air - Plants can adjust this resistance
- Stomatal conductance depends on
- Soil moisture
- Vapor pressure of air (in some species)
47Water movement through stem
- Driving force is difference in water potential
between leaf and root - So water moves through the stems to replace
water lost in the transpiring leaves - Resistance depends on path length and stem
structure - Like sucking water up through a straw
48Water movement to root
- Moves along water potential gradient
- Root has lower water potential than soil
- Rate depends on hydraulic conductivity and path
49Under dry conditions, rate of water loss from
leaves depends on water supply
- Influences water potential gradient
- Plants adjust stomatal conductance to match water
supply - Remember
- Photosynthesis depends in part on the stomates
response to water! Stomates open photosynthesis
- Stomates closed no photosynthesis, but also no
water loss - It is a tricky balance for the plant.
50Soil water profiles in adjacent shrub and
grassland communities at the end of the summer
drought period. Predawn water potentials are a
good index of soil moisture and the degree of
drought stress experienced by the plant.
51Hydraulic Lift vertical movement of water
through roots from moist soils to dry soils along
a gradient in water potential - Occurs in most
arid ecosystems and many moist forests
-During the day, water moves from soils to the
atmosphere. -At night, water moves from wet soils
at depth to dry surface soils
52Transport system can collapse under very dry
- Water column within stems break
- No longer possible for transpiration to suck
water up from roots
53Plants in dry environments have a larger safety
factor They operate at much higher water
potential than is likely to cause
cavitation. -The 11 line is the line expected if
the plants lost all conductivity at the lowest
water potential observed in nature, that is, if
there is no safety factor. -Large departure from
the 11 line, such as in the diagram, is
characteristic of a plant in dry environment
54Water-transport capacity of stems is balanced
with LAI Species from dry environments have more
transport cells
Moist sites more vessels, more LAI per unit
Dry sites smaller vessels, less LAI per unit
55Plants have some water storage capacity Quite
limited in most plants (2 hours in this
graph) Most of water must come from soil (not
plant storage)
56Water inputs to ecosystem determines water outputs
- P ?S E R
- P Precipitation
- S Storage
- E Evapotranspiration
- R Runoff
57EVAPOTRANSPIRATION The major factors controlling
evapotranspiration from a plant canopy.
58Wet canopy evaporation
- Depends on driving force
- Temperature of canopy water
- Governs water vapor concentration at leaf surface
- Humidity of bulk air
- Governs water vapor concentration of bulk air
59Wet canopy evaporation
- Large where canopies are wet
- Large in ecosystems with high surface roughness
- Well coupled to atmosphere
- Depends on conditions that drive ET (dryness of
atmosphere) - Less evaporation from smooth canopies
- Net radiation drives ET
60Dry canopy evapotranspiration
- Soil moisture is major control in dry soils
- Regulated by stomatal conductance
- Same controls as described for individual leaves
- Vegetation structure and atmospheric conditions
determine ET in moist soils
61Controls over ET in moist soils
- Boundary layer conductance
- Physical control over water loss
- Depends on vegetation structure and wind
- THE major vegetation control when soils are moist
- Surface conductance
- Physiological control over water loss
- Depends on stomatal conductance
- Insensitive to vegetation structure
- Becomes increasingly important as soils dry
62Surface conductance (contd)
- Variable among ecosystems
- No clear trend with LAI
- Tends to be higher in crops
- The ecological controls over this are not well
defined in natural ecosystems - Higher in fertile soils?
- Higher in deciduous than evergreens?
63Climatic effects on ET
- Moisture content of air is major control in
rough, well-mixed canopies - Net radiation is major control in smooth, poorly
coupled canopies - These environmental controls are the same in wet
and dry canopies
64Water outputs
- Streamflow is the leftovers after soil storage
and ET are met - Over long term, runoff depends on ppt and ET
- Groundwater flow is usually a net output
65In moist ecosystems, ET is relatively insensitive
to ppt.- Precipitation directly regulates
streamflow In this example, based on 19 years of
data collected at Hubbard Brook,
evapotranspiration varies little over the years,
but streamflow is directly linked with
66Runoff from the clearwater (non-glacial) river
peaks at snowmelt, whereas the glacial river has
peak discharge when temperatures are warmest in
67Stream flow increases linearly with the
proportion of the watershed that is
deforested. Many graphs like this can be plotted
for the Western U.S., although this one is from
the Southern U.S.
68Water budget Inputs and outputs (vertical and
lateral) Internal transfers
Interception is substantial (10 50) in closed
canopy forests.