Principles of Ecology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Principles of Ecology


Principles of Ecology Ecology study of relationships between living and nonliving parts of the world Ernst Haeckel (1866) first to use the word to name the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Principles of Ecology

Principles of Ecology
  • Ecology study of relationships between living
    and nonliving parts of the world
  • Ernst Haeckel (1866) first to use the word to
    name the study of how organisms fit into their

Parts of the Environment
  • Abiotic factors non-living parts
    of an organisms
  • Air currents, temperature,
    moisture, light, soil
  • Biotic factors all the living
    things that inhabit

Levels of Organization
Niche vs. Habitat vs. Ecosystem
  • Ecosystem all the organisms in a given area and
    the abiotic factors that affect them
  • Habitat place an organism lives out its life
  • Niche role and position a species has in its
  • Includes all biotic and abiotic interactions as
    an organism meets its needs for survival
  • If two species are competing for the same niche,
    one will most likely drive the other out and take
    control of the niche.
  • What is your niche?

Niche vs. Habitat vs. Ecosystem
  • An egret lives around Jones Pond which is part of
    the Smith River Estuary. The egret and its mate
    eat fish, frogs, salamanders, snakes, crayfish,
    mice, aquatic insects, crickets, grasshoppers,
    and a variety of other insects in Jones Pond and
    build a nest in a tree along side the pond.
  • What is the egrets habitat?
  • What is the egrets niche?
  • What is the egrets ecosystem?

  • All living things form relationships with other
    living things
  • Symbiotic Relationship a relationship between
    organisms of two different species that live
    together in direct contact

  • One organism benefits. The other is not affected
  • Examples
  • Spanish moss on a tree
  • Barnacles on a whale
  • Burdock seeds on a passing animal

Each Image from Dreamstime
  • Both organisms benefit
  • Acacia tree and ants (Pseudomyrmex sp.) tree
    provides food for the ants and the ants protect
    the tree from animals that would eat the leaves
  • Lichens algae and fungus living together.
    Algae provides
    food (photosynthesis)
    and the fungus provides
    protection and
    attaches the lichen to the rock or

    wood where it lives.

  • One organism benefits, the other is harmed
  • Some live with in the host
  • Tapeworms
  • Heartworms
  • Bacteria
  • Some feed on the external surface of the host
  • Ticks
  • Fleas
  • Mistletoe
  • Most do not kill their host (at least not

Tuesday, Dec. 2
  • Daily Review
  • Get ready for the quiz!

The nonliving parts of the environment are called
  • A. biotic factors
  • B. Abiotic factors
  • C. Niches
  • D. Biomes

2. The place an organsim lives is
  • A. A symbiosis
  • B. The bioshpere
  • C. biotic factor
  • D. Habitat

3. A niche is
  • A. an organisms life expectancy
  • B. an organisms role in the ecosystem
  • C. all the biotic factors
  • D. a level on the pyramid

4. Commensalism is
  • A. when both organisms benefit birds eating
    parasites that may harm a horse as the horse
    moves through the grass and stirs them up
  • B. when one organism benefits and the other is
    harmed a tapeworm in a cats stomach
  • C. when one organism benefits and the other is
    not affected moss on a tree

5. Mutualism is
  • A. when both organisms benefit birds eating
    parasites that may harm a horse as the horse
    moves through the grass and stirs them up
  • B. when one organism benefits and the other is
    harmed a tapeworm in a cats stomach
  • C. when one organism benefits and the other is
    not affected moss on a tree

Ecosystem Requirements
  • 1 - Continuous supply of Energy
  • 2 A flow of energy from one population to

Obtaining Energy
  • Autotrophs - use energy from the sun or energy
    stored in chemical compounds to produce energy
  • Heterotrophs must consume their energy
  • Herbivores
  • Carnivores
  • Omnivores
  • Detritivore (AKA decomposers)

  • Eat plants (autotrophs)

  • Eat other heterotrophs
  • Predators kill their own food
  • Scavengers eat animals that are already dead

  • Eat both autotrophs and heterotrophs (plants and

  • AKA decomposers decompose organic matter and
    return nutrients to soil, water, and air
  • Ex. fungus, bacteria

Energy Flows through an Ecosystem in a Complex
Network of Feeding relationships called a FOOD
John R. Meyerl
Try to build food web!
Food Chain
Energy Pyramid
  • The energy pyramid is made of several trophic
  • A Trophic Level (or feeding level) is a group of
    organisms whose feeding source is the same number
    of steps from the Sun.
  • Primary Producers (Autotrophs) are the First
    Trophic Level.
  • Primary Consumers (Herbivores) are the Second
    Trophic Level.
  • Secondary and Tertiary Consumers (Carnivores and
    Omnivores) are the Third and Fourth Trophic
  • Most Animals feed at more than one Trophic

Trophic Levels
  • Energy is Lost or Used as it Flows through the
    Trophic Levels of an Ecosystem.
  • Producers (Plants) absorb Energy from the Sun,
    but only about ½ of the Energy capture from the
    Sun becomes part of the Plants Body. The other ½
    is used for Living and Growing or Lost as HEAT.
  • At each Trophic Level, the Energy stored in an
    organism is about 1/10 that of the Level Below
    it. (10).

Trophic Levels
  • Because Energy diminishes at each successive
    Trophic Level, Few Ecosystems can contain more
    than 4 or 5 Trophic Levels.
  • Organisms at Higher Trophic Levels, Large
    Carnivores, tend to be Fewer in number than those
    at Lower Trophic Levels, Producers.

Number and Biomass Pyramids
  • The number of organisms at each trophic levels
    decreases as you step up the pyramid.
  • Biomass (living organic matter) is reduced at
    each trophic level as well

  • Energy is not the only thing that is passed along
    through the food web.
  • If contaminants are introduced at any level,
    those organisms that consume the contaminated
    food, will absorb the contaminants as well.
  • Because the amount of energy required gets higher
    at each level, those organisms have to consume
    more and thus can accumulate higher levels of the
    contaminants in their bodies bioaccumulation.
  • Example A pesticide that you put of your yard
    is consumed by the grasshoppers that live there.
    The rat eats 10
    grasshoppers. The hawk eats 3 rats.
  • If the grasshopper consumed 1 mg of the
    the rat ingested
    10mg, and the hawk
    consumed 30mg.

Wednesday, Dec. 3
  • Daily Quiz

1. A cow eats corn. What is the relationship
between the cow and the corn?
  • A. the cow is an autotroph and the corn is a
  • B. the cow is a heterotroph and the corn is an
  • C. both are autotrophs
  • D. both are heterotrophs

2. As energy moves through an ecosystem, it
  • A. will increase by 10 each time it moves to a
    new trophic level
  • B. will decrease by 10 each time it moves to a
    new trophic level
  • C. it passes on only 10 of its value to the next
    trophic level
  • D. it passes on 90 to the next trophic level

3. On an energy pyramid, which is the lowest
trophic level that can contain carnivores?
  • A. 1st level
  • B. 2nd level
  • C. 3rd level
  • D. 4th level

4. Why does the number of organisms decrease at
ech trophic level on an energy pyramid?
  • A. that is just the way they are drawn
  • B. the energy is increasing at each level
  • C. The animals are getting smaller
  • D. The energy available is decreasing at each
    higher level

5. Bald eagle eat mainly fish. If a lake becomes
polluted with a toxic chemical why would it also
affect the eagle?
  • A. because through bioaccumulation, the poison is
    concentrated as it moves up the food chain
  • B. because the eagle will likely swim in the
  • C. it would not affect the eagle at all

Geochemical Cycles
  • Geochemical Cycles are the movement of a
    particular form of matter through the living and
    nonliving parts of an ecosystem
  • Since Earth is a closed system, it must
    continually cycle its essential matter.
  • Matter changes form but is neither created nor
    destroyed it is used over and over again in a
    continuous cycle.
  • Organisms are an important part of this cycling
  • Matter placed into biological systems is always
    transferred and transformed. Matter, including
    carbon, nitrogen, and water, gets cycled in and
    out of ecosystems.

Carbon Cycle
  • Carbon is one of the major components of the
    biochemical compounds of living organisms
    (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids).
  • Carbon is found in the atmosphere and also in
    many minerals and rocks, fossil fuels (natural
    gas, petroleum, and coal) and in the organic
    materials that compose soil and aquatic
  • Organisms play a major role in recycling carbon
    from one form to another in the following
  • Photosynthesis
  • Respiration
  • Decomposition
  • Conversion of biochemical compounds

Carbon Recycling Processes
  • Photosynthesis Autotrophs take in carbon dioxide
    from the atmosphere and convert it to simple
  • Respiration Organisms break down glucose and
    carbon is released into the atmosphere as carbon

Nitrogen Cycle
  • Nitrogen is the critical component of amino acids
    which are needed to build proteins in organisms.
  • Nitrogen is found in the atmosphere as elemental
    nitrogen (N2), in living organisms (in the form
    of proteins and nucleic acids), or in organic
    materials that compose soil and aquatic
  • Organisms play a major role in recycling nitrogen
    from one form to another in the following
  • Nitrogen-fixation
  • Intake of nitrogen into the organisms
  • Decomposition
  • Denitrification

Nitrogen Recycling Processes
  • Decomposition When an organism dies or from
    animal waste products, decomposers return
    nitrogen to the soil.
  • Denitrification Denitrifying bacteria break down
    the nitrogen compounds in the soil and release
    nitrogen into the atmosphere.

Water Cycle
  • Water is a necessary substance for the life
    processes of all living organisms.
  • Water is found in the atmosphere, on the surface
    of Earth and underground, and in living
  • The water cycle, also called the hydrologic
    cycle, is driven by the Suns heat energy, which
    causes water to evaporate from water reservoirs
    (the ocean, lakes, ponds, rivers), condense into
    clouds, and then precipitate back to water bodies
    on Earth.
  • Organisms also play a role in recycling water
    from one form to another by
  • Intake of water into the organisms
  • Transpiration
  • Respiration
  • Elimination

Water Recycling Processes
  • Intake of water into the organisms Organisms
    take in water and use it to perform life
    functions (such as photosynthesis or transport of
  • Transpiration Plants release water back into the
    atmosphere through the process of transpiration
    (the evaporative loss of water from plants).
  • Respiration All organisms metabolize food for
    energy and produce water as a by-product of
  • Elimination Most organisms need water to assist
    with the elimination of waste products.

Maintaining Ecosystems
  • All of the Earths processes help ecosystems
    maintain our biosphere
  • Our biosphere is the inhabited portion of our
    planet made up of three parts
  • Atmosphere
  • Hydrosphere
  • Geosphere
  • Each of these systems must interact efficiently
    for each ecosystem to be maintained

  • Our atmosphere is primarily composed of materials
    from lifes processes.
  • Oxygen
  • Plants and other autotrophs produce enough oxygen
    for themselves and other organisms through
  • The oxygen from photosynthesis is also
    responsible for the ozone layer which prevents
    the suns UV radiation from reaching the Earths
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Oxygen is used by plants and animals for cellular
    respiration which releases carbon dioxide into
    the atmosphere
  • The processes of photosynthesis and cellular
    respiration help keep the concentrations of
    oxygen and carbon dioxide balanced.

  • Nitrogen
  • Nitrogen in the atmosphere is maintained by the
    Nitrogen cycle
  • Water
  • Water vapor in the atmosphere is maintained by
    the water cycle
  • As water vapor condenses in the atmosphere,
    impurities (dust, particulates, etc) are removed
    from the atmosphere and fall to Earth with
    precipitation. Thus, the air is cleaned after a
    rain or snow fall.

Atmosphere Imbalance
  • The greenhouse effect is the normal warming
    effect when gases (such as carbon dioxide,
    oxygen, methane, and water vapor) trap heat in
    the atmosphere.
  • The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
    cycles in response to how may plants and other
    photosynthetic organisms cover Earth and how much
    carbon dioxide they absorb.
  • The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
    also cycles in response to the degree to which
    oceans cover Earth. The salt water of oceans acts
    as a sink for carbon dioxide, absorbing what
    plants do not use and converting it to various
    salts such as calcium carbonate.

  • The hydrologic cycle is maintained by the energy
    of the Sun and the effect of weather.
  • The hydrologic cycle purifies water in several
  • Evaporated water is pure water containing no
  • As water seeps down through the soil and rock it
    is physically filtered of impurities.
  • As water flow slows, heavier particles of
    sediment settle out, leaving purified water to
    travel toward the oceans.

  • As part of the geosphere, the soils on Earth are
    constantly being generated and eroded.
  • All soils are composed of four distinct
    components inorganic minerals, organic matter,
    water, and air.
  • As the weathering of inorganic materials from
    wind, water, and ice and the decaying of organic
    materials continue, more soil is produced.
  • Soil erosion and deposition are natural processes
    that move soil from one location to another due
    to water, wind, ice and other agents.
  • In most areas, the presence of plants allows the
    process of soil production to be consistent with
    the process of soil erosion so that the overall
    amount of soil remains constant.
  • The presence of soil in an ecosystem allows for
    succession to take place.

  • "High School Core Areas Academic Standards
    Support Documents". South Carolina Department of
    Education. August 2010 lthttps//
  • Textbook 1
  • Textbook 2

Image Citations
  • Berger, Joseph. "Insect Images The Source for
    Entomology Photos". August 2010
  • "Carrion Decomposing Fungus". Qualitative
    Reasoning Group, Northwestern University. August
    2010 lthttp//
  • "Dreamstime for Free Images and Stock Photos".
    Dreamstime. August 2010 lthttp//
  • Erbe, Eric. "Insect Images The Source for
    Entomology Photos". USDA Agricultural Research
    Service. August 2010 ltwww.Bugwood.orggt.
  • Evans, Howard Ensign. "Insect Images The Source
    for Entomology Photos". Colorado State
    University. August 2010 ltwww.Bugwood.orggt.
  • "Heartworm Disease in Dogs and Cats". Minster
    Veterinary Service . August 2010
  • "How Well Do You Know The Energy Pyramid".
    Quiztron. August 2010 lthttp//
  • "Insect Images The Source for Entomology
    Photos". Center for Disease Control Archive,
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    August 2010 ltwww.Bugwood.orggt.
  • Kapitola, Petr. "Insect Images The Source for
    Entomology Photos". State Phytosanitary
    Administration. August 2010 ltwww.Bugwood.orggt.
  • Linnean Society of London, The Darwin-Wallace
    Celebration held on Thursday, 1st July, 1908 .
    London Printed for the Linnean society, 1908.
  • Meyer, John R. . "General Entomology Trophic
    Levels". NC State University. August 2010
  • Spike, "YUCK! Worms, Part 1 Of 3, Tapeworms and
    Hookworms". Ask Spike Online. August 2010
  • Wild, Alex. "Alex Wild Photography". SmugMug,
    Inc.. August 2010 lthttp//
  • All other images from Microsoft clip art.
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