Title: Student Payroll: Forms and Procedures
1Student PayrollForms and Procedures
- Presented by Tax Services
- July 2006
- Tax Residency Whats it all about?
- Nonresident Alien Tax Residency Information Form
Documentation - Taxing Nonresident Alien Students
- Student FICA Rules
- I-9 Overview
- W-4 Withholding
- Record Retention
3Student PayrollNonresident Alien Taxation
4Tax Residency
- Under U.S. tax laws, all non-U.S. citizens are
considered to be either - Permanent resident aliens
- Resident aliens for tax purposes, or
- Nonresident aliens.
5Taxation Residency
- Permanent resident aliens and resident aliens for
tax purposes are taxed the same as U.S. citizens - Resident aliens generally are taxed on their
worldwide income, the same as US Citizens - Nonresident aliens are taxed under special laws
- Nonresident aliens are taxed only on their income
from sources within the US on certain income
connected with the conduct of trade or business
in the US.
6Tax Residency - Why We Care
- Knowing an individuals tax residency status prior
to payment is essential to accurately report the
individuals tax liability and to be in
compliance with IRS tax laws.
7Tax Residency - Why We Care
MnSCU Pays
- If MnSCU incorrectly reports a nonresident
aliens tax withholding liability, MnSCU may be
held responsible for the tax not withheld, in
addition to any penalties for failure to
withhold, plus the interest from the time the tax
was not withheld.
8Tax Residency Tests
- There are two tests used to determine whether a
non U.S. citizen should be treated as a U.S.
resident for tax purposes - The Green Card test, and the
- Substantial Presence Test
9Days Not Counted
- Exceptions to counting days towards substantial
presence - Any days the individual regularly commutes to
work in the U.S. from a residence in Canada or
Mexico - Any days the individual is in the U.S. for less
than 24 hours when in transit between two places
outside of the U.S. - Any days the individual was unable to leave the
U.S. due to a medical condition that developed
while he was in the U.S., and - Any days the individual was present in the U.S.
as an exempt individual.
10Exempt Individuals
Exempt individuals are present in the U.S. for
the primary purpose of being
- a teacher or trainee
- generally present under a J or Q visa
includes all J non-student categories - a student
- generally present under a F, J, M or Q
- a foreign government-related individual
- generally a foreign diplomat or consular officer
present under an A or G visa - a professional athlete
- generally present under a P visa
11Tax Residency Information Form
- Student employees who indicate on their I-9 that
they are other alien authorized to work until
xx/xx/xxxx must fill out the Student Payroll Tax
Residency Information Form. - Section E applies the Substantial Presence Test
for F-1/J-1 student visa holders
12Tax Residency Information Form
13Tax Residency Information Form
14Tax Residency Information Form
Aug 01 May 02
High school exchange student program
Ideal Reality Estimate or Range of Dates
Also Known As TRIF
15TRIF Documentation
- F-1 Students
- I-20 Attachments
- I-94
- Passport
- J-1 Students
- DS-2019 Employment Letters
- I-94
- Passport
16I-20 Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant
(F-1) Student
17I-94 Arrival/Departure Record
18I-94 Arrival/Departure Record
19DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange
Visitor(J-1) Status
20Passport Information
- Identification Page
- Current visa information
- Prior visits to US
21Tax Residency Form Summary
- All student employees who indicate on their I-9
that they are other aliens authorized to work
until xx/xx/xxxx, must fill out the Tax
Residency Form - Students must complete Sections A and D. If they
have been in the U.S. prior to their current
visit, they must also complete Section C. - Student Payroll copies the students immigration
documents completes Sections E, F and G. - Student Payroll enters the Tax Residency Year
from Section E into ISRS Student Employee Setup
(PR0021UG) Screen - Keep the original form with the employees
records - Send a copy of the completed form and related
immigration documentation to Tax Services
22Taxing Nonresident Aliens
- Statutory Withholding
- FICA Exemption
- Tax Treaty Benefits
23Statutory Withholding Rules
- Nonresident Aliens W-4
- May not claim exemption from income tax
withholding, - Request withholding as if they are single,
regardless of their actual marital status, - Claim only one allowance, and
- On line 6, write Nonresident Alien or NRA
- 15.30 in extra withholding is no longer required
24Exceptions to Statutory Withholding Rules
- Students from India
- Article 21(2) of the United States-India Income
Tax Treaty - An additional withholding allowance may be
claimed for a spouse if the spouse has no U.S.
source gross income and may not be claimed as a
dependent by another taxpayer. - An additional withholding allowance for each
dependent (usually a child) who has become a
resident alien.
- Canada and Mexico, American Samoa and Northern
Mariana Islands - Entitled to claim additional withholding
allowances for a nonworking spouse and for
dependents, the same as a U.S. citizen. - South Korea
- May claim additional withholding allowances for a
nonworking spouse and dependents present with
them in the U.S.
25FICA Exception for F, J, M Q Nonresident Aliens
- IRC Section 3121(b)(19)
- An individual may be exempt from FICA tax
withholding if he or she meets all of the
following criteria - Is a nonresident alien for taxation purposes
(i.e. has not met the substantial presence
test) - Is present in the U.S. under a F, J, M or Q visa
- Is performing services in accordance with the
primary purpose of the visas issuance (i.e., the
primary holder of the visa, the -1). - This exemption does not apply to F, J, M or Q
visa holders who become resident aliens for tax
purposes (i.e., individuals who have met the
substantial presence test).
26 Tax Treaties Income Withholding
- Agreement between two countries to reduce or
eliminate double taxation. - US has income tax treaties with over 48 different
countries - Each treaty is unique and may not contain the
same provisions or exemptions as another tax
treaty. - From time to time, treaties with additional
countries are signed and existing treaties
revised - IRS website has complete text of current tax
27Tax Treaties Income Withholding
- Typically, the employee must be a nonresident
alien for tax purposes to claim treaty benefits - F-1 Student Tax Treaty Article/Clause
- Compensation during training
- Dependent Personal Services (Canadian)
- Annual maximum dollar amount and/or a time limit
of presence in the U.S.
28Form 8233 For Claiming Treaty Benefits
29Completing Form 8233
Form 8233 For Claiming Treaty Benefits
30Form 8233 Page 2
Must be mailed within 5 days from the
withholding agent signature date
Campus Contact Student Payroll
Jane Lee 12/1/2005
318233 Statement Attachment
Peoples Republic of China 1. I was a resident of
the Peoples Republic of China on the date of my
arrival in the United States. I am not a United
States citizen. I have not been lawfully accorded
the privilege of residing permanently in the
United States as an immigrant. 2. I am present
in the United States solely for the purpose of my
education or training. 3. I will receive
compensation for personal services performed in
the United States. This compensation qualifies
for exemption from withholding of federal income
tax under the tax treaty between the United
States and the Peoples Republic of China in an
amount not in excess of 5000 for any taxable
year. 4. I arrived in the United States on
8/25/2005 . I am claiming this exemption only
for such period of time as is reasonably
necessary to complete the education or
training. Tax year treaty being claimed for
2006______________ Under penalties of perjury,
I declare that I have prepared this form and to
the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true,
correct, and complete. Signature of nonresident
alien individual______Jane Lee _ Date
32Completing Form 8233
- Review 8233 Statement Attachment
- Sign Date 8233
- Must be mailed to IRS within 5 days of signing
- Copy 8233 Attachment
- Tax Services
- Employee
- Campus
33Student Payroll Employment Forms
34Employment Forms
- Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification
- Form W-4, Employees Withholding Allowance
35Tax Form Management
- General form information
- Form maintenance documentation
- Form storage suggestions
- Record retention requirements
36Form I-9
Employment Eligibility Verification Form
37Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification
- Department of Homeland Security
- USCIS United States Citizenship Immigration
Services - Law The Immigration Control Act
- Code of Federal Regulations Sec 274
- U.S. Employers Employees
- Last updated 1991
38Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification
- Employees responsibility
- Complete Section I Prior to the close of
business on the first day of employment services - Employers responsibility
- Review employment authorization documentation
prior to the close of business on 3rd day of
employment services complete I-9
39I-9 Section 1
40Section 2 Form I-9, Employment Eligibility
- Review Documentation
- Authorization to work in U.S.
- Establish identity
- Must match
- Record Document Information
- Employer must sign date
41I-9 Section 2, Verification
F-1/J-1 Students 3 Documents
- F-1 Documentation
- SEVIS Form I-20,
- I-94, Arrival/Departure
- Passport
- Personal Info
- Include visa stamp
42I-9 Documentation
- List of acceptable documents
- List A Employment Eligibility ID
- Lists B C Combination
- Timely verification
- Must be verified within 3 days of start date
- Reasonableness
- If appears genuine, accept document
43Documents that Establish Both Identity
Employment Eligibility
And Form I-766, Employment Authorization Document
44LIST B Establishing Identity
45LIST C Establishing Employability
The combination of documents from List B and
List C verifies the I-9
46LIST C Common Error
- A Social Security Card that reads
- Is NOT an acceptable List C document.
- You must ask to see another document to verify
Valid for work only with DHS Authorization
47I-9 Section 3, Re-Verification
When work authorization documents reach
expiration date
48I-9 Record Retention
- I-9s must be on hand for
- All current employees
- Three years after employees hire date or 1 year
after employees termination date whichever is
49I-9 Record Recommendations
- In case of audit, I-9s must be retrievable in 3
days - Recommend keeping I-9s separate from other
payroll documentation
50W-4 Withholding Certificate
51W-4 General Rules
- What to do if no W-4?
- S-0
- Validity Any unauthorized change or addition to
Form W-4 makes it invalid. Including - Taking out any language by which the employee
certifies that the form is correct - A Form W-4 is also invalid if, by the date an
employee gives it to you, he or she indicates in
any way that it is false. - When you get an invalid Form W-4, do not use it
to figure federal withholding. Tell the employee
that it is invalid and ask for another one.
52W-4 Claiming Exemption
- IRS Code section 3402(n) An employee may claim
exemption from income tax withholding if he or
she - Had no income tax liability last year and
- Expects to have no tax liability this year.
- Exemption is good for one year only
- W-4 must be submitted by February 15th
- If the employee does not provide a new Form W-4,
the employer must withhold tax as if the employee
were single with zero withholding allowances.
53W-4 New IRS Rule in 2005
- Withholding agents are no longer required to send
copies of W-4s to IRS, unless specifically
requested - MN Dept of Revenue still requires copies
- W-4s with over 10 allowances
- Exempt W-4s where employee regularly earns over
400 a biweekly pay period
54Withholding Allowances Employee Advice
- IRS Withholding Calculator
- http//www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id96196
,00.html - Most recent pay stubs, most recent tax return
- Calculator will determine correct withholding
allowances to claim on Form W-4 - Link on Tax Services website Student Tax
Assistance section
55Withholding Allowances Employee Advice
- IRS Publication 919 How Do I Adjust My Tax
Withholding? - http//www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p919.pdf
- Detailed instructions and worksheets for
computing tax withholding
56W-4 Record Retention
- Form W-4 remains in effect until the employee
gives you a new one. - If an employee gives you a Form W-4 that replaces
an existing Form W-4, begin withholding no later
than the start of the first payroll period ending
on or after the 30th day from the date when you
received the replacement Form W-4.
57W-4 Record Retention
- A Form W-4 claiming exemption from withholding is
valid for only one calendar year - Request new W-4 each year from
- Employees claiming exemption
- NRAs with 8233s
- W-4s must be kept on file for 7 years after the
last applicable tax year
58W-4 Record Retention Example
- Ann is hired in 2001 fills out a 2001 W-4
- In 2004, Ann fills out a new W-4
- The 2001 W-4 was used to figure Anns withholding
for 2001, 2002, 2003 and part of 2004. - The 2001 W-4 must be kept until 2011
59Summary I-9 W4
Current Employees Keep most recent I-9 W-4
form on file
- I-9
- Keep I-9s for 3 years after hire date or 1 year
after termination, which ever is later. - Reverify I-9 when employment authorization expires
- W-4
- Current and terminated employees Keep all W-4s
for 7 years past applicable year - If missing or invalid W-4 Withhold S-0
60Retention Payroll Forms
- 7 Years past applicable tax year
- Timesheets
- W-4 Forms
- 8233 Forms
- Contracts
61Tax and Student Employees
- Student FICA Exception
- Payday Tax Reports
- Graduate Assistants Taxable Tuition Benefit
62Student FICA Exception
- IRC Section 3121(b)(10)
- To be eligible for the student FICA exception the
student must - Work for the institution at which they are
enrolled, and - Be enrolled for at least half-time and regularly
attending classes. - This exemption is available during breaks between
sessions if the breaks do not exceed 5 weeks. - The student is not eligible for this exception if
they regularly work more than 30 hours per week.
63Student FICA Exception
- Rule Changed 4/1/2005
- Full time employees are not exempt
- Employees who regularly work 40 hours a week
full time, career employees - gt30 Hour a week full time
- Tracking
- Supervisor Hire Form
- ISRS Report
- PR0212CP Hours Worked
64Student FICA Exception Issue
- Pay Period Controller (PR0002UG), Academic Terms
and the Student FICA Exception - The Term associated with a pay period will be
used by the ISRS Student Payroll Module to
determine the student workers enrollment for
purposes of the Student FICA Exception.
65Guidelines for Associating Pay Periods to
Academic Terms
- If the pay period straddles terms, the pay period
may be tied to either term's enrollment. - Summer term ends 8/20, Fall term starts 8/21, and
pay period 04 starts 8/9 and ends 8/22. Since
pay period 04 straddles Summer and Fall terms,
the institution can tie this pay period to either
Summer or Fall term. - If the pay period falls completely in a
between-term break of 5 weeks or less, use the
enrollment data for the term prior to the break. - Summer term ends 7/28, Fall term starts 8/28 and
pay period 04 starts 8/9 and ends 8/22. Because
pay period 04 falls completely in the
between-term break, it must be tied to Summer
term enrollment.
66Guidelines for Associating Pay Periods to
Academic Terms
- If the pay period straddles a break and a term,
the current term's enrollment data must be used.
- Summer term ends 7/28, Fall term starts 8/21, pay
period 04 starts 8/9 and ends 8/22. Pay period
04 must be tied to Fall term enrollment since it
is the only term that includes any portion of the
pay period. - If the pay period falls in an academic break of
more than 5 weeks, the Student FICA Exception is
not allowed. - Please contact Tax Services with questions
67Payday Tax Reports Checks
- Student Payroll Calendar (see website)
- By the Wednesday prior to PayDay
- Tax Reports PR0009GR PR0010GR should be sent to
printer named BW350A - Tax Checks should be mailed to OOC
68Graduate Assistant Tuition Reductions
- Determining Taxable Tuition Reductions
69Internal Revenue Code
- Section 117 (d) paragraphs 1 2 of the Internal
Revenue code provides that gross income shall
not include any qualified tuition reduction
provided to an employee for education below the
graduate level. - Section 117 (d) paragraph 5 extends the
provisions of paragraphs 1 2 to graduate
assistants engaged in teaching and research. - Section 117 (c) limits the exclusion from income
to tuition reductions that do not have a service
requirement as a condition of receiving the
tuition reduction.
70Graduate Assistant Tuition Reductions
- A tuition reduction is tax free to a graduate
student under the following circumstances - The student is engaged in teaching or research,
and - The tuition reduction does not represent
compensation for service.
71Documenting Teaching/Research Positions
- It is recommended that all assistantships which
qualify as teaching or research have the
following Supporting Documentation - Teaching or Research as a descriptors in the job
title- i.e. Biology Graduate Research
Assistantship - Job description that lists duties which are
appropriate for job title.
72Compensation for Services
- The tuition reduction is considered compensation
for service if the graduate assistant must
perform some service for which they are not
otherwise compensated. - To the extent the tuition reduction represents
compensation for services, the fair market value
of the portion of the tuition reduction that
represents compensation is taxable.
73Determination of Taxable Benefit
- Fair Market Value of Tuition
- How does the graduate assistants hourly rate
compare with wages for the same work in the local
private sector? - Comparison choices given by IRS
- Wages paid by college to students performing same
work and not receiving tuition benefits - Wages paid by college to employees who are not
students performing same work - Wages paid by other educational organizations to
students or employees performing same work - Supporting Documentation
- Fair Wage Comparison based on one or more of the
74Example 1
- The graduate student is employed by the
university as an office assistant and receives an
hourly salary plus a tuition reduction of 1,000
per year. - The tuition reduction is taxable because the
graduate student is not engaged in teaching or
research. - Whether the graduate student is being paid fair
market value is irrelevant since the graduate
student is not engaged in teaching or research.
75Example 2
- Deb, a graduate student at a MnSCU State
University, is engaged as a teaching assistant,
for which she receives a salary of 6,000 per
year plus a tuition reduction of 1,000 a year. - Adjunct faculty who teach the same number of
credits and have comparable qualifications
receive a salary of 6,000 per year. - The graduate students salary is reasonable
compensation when compared to the adjunct salary
so the tuition reduction is tax-free.
76Student Payroll Setup of Taxable Tuition
- Use FA Award Code 10189 to record taxable tuition
reductions. - Student Payroll must use the Taxable Benefit
Browse screen (PR0026UI) to list the student
employees who have had an Award ID of 10189 (Grad
Assist Tuit Waiver-Taxable) applied to their
77Student Payroll Setup of Taxable Tuition
- Use the Taxable Benefit Entry screen (PR0026UG)
to set up the distribution time period and
amount. - Taxable Benefits must be set up to be spread
across the pay periods for that period of time
which the graduate student is reasonable expected
to be employed by a MnSCU institution. - Note If the reduction is distributed into summer
session when graduate student is not enrolled in
classes, the reduction will be subject to FICA as
would any regular wages.
78Reporting Taxable Tuition Reductions
- Taxable benefits must be reported on Form W-2 and
are subject to the usual employment taxes. In
general, graduate assistants will be exempt from
FICA under the student FICA exemption. - Student Payroll must use the Taxable Benefit
Screen, PR0026UG, to distribute the taxable
benefits to the graduate students wages.
Taxable benefits must be distributed during the
same semester as awarded.
79Tax Services Website
- Tax Services Website
- http//www.financialreporting.mnscu.edu/Tax_Servic
es/index.html - Nonresident Alien Manuals
- Student Payroll
- Student FICA Tax Guidelines
- Sales Tax
- Student Tax Assistance
- Bonds Tax-Exempt Financing Reporting
- Employee Expense Reimbursement Policy
- Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)
- Nonresident Entertainer Tax (MN)
- Phone Bills Taxes
- Auto, Boat and Airplane Charitable Donations
80Contact Information
- Ann Page, 651-632-5007 Ann.Page_at_so.mnscu.edu
- Steve Gednalske, 651-632-5016, Steve.Gednalske_at_so.
mnscu.edu - Tax Services Website
- http//www.financialreporting.mnscu.edu/Tax_Servic