Title: Student Employee Orientation
1Student EmployeeOrientation
- Memorial Student Union
- North Carolina AT State University
2Welcome ...
to all of our student employees.
3Welcome to the Memorial Student Union
- Greetings!!
- On behalf of the Memorial Student Union, I would
like to commend you on becoming a part of the
Union Team. Student and full-time staff members
are expected to provide the highest quality of
customer service possible within their area of
responsibility. Employees are expected to
exhibit sound ethical and professional behavior
while performing the duties of the position. - Again, congratulations on your assignment to the
Union team and we look forward to a successful
school year here at North Carolina AT State
University! - Sincerely,
- Carl Baker
- Executive Director
4Objectives of Orientation
- To acclimate you to the Memorial Student Union
and to the various units under the Union
umbrella. - To explain your responsibilities as a Union
5Orientation Learning Outcomes
- Be More Confident
- Better Market You as a Future Employee
- Feel More Connected to the Union/University
- Improve Social Skills
- Contributes to Positive Attitude
- Develop Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Skills
- Increased Awareness of Out of Class Learning
Processes - Enhanced Work Ethic
- Preparation for Management/Supervision/Acting
6The Mission of the Memorial Student Union
- To serve as the community center for all
constituents of the University - Provide quality services, conveniences and
amenities for the students, faculty members,
administrators, alumni and guest of the
University - Provides a diversity of services and activities
- Offer room accommodations and setup services for
events that cover the spectrum from small groups
meeting to large workshops, or banquets
7How do we achieve our mission?
- Develop, operate, and improve public and program
spaces where students and the broader University
community can gather formally and informally. - Promote an environment in which cultural
diversity is valued and the uniqueness of the
individual is respected.
8Core Values
- Student Learning
- Student learning is the primary purpose behind
everything we do. - Community
- The development of community (harmonious
interpersonal relationships among individuals and
groups, and throughout the university as a whole)
is a central purpose of our units work.
9Core Values
- Service to Students
- In all its work, the Memorial Student Union puts
a high value on service to students, who are our
primary customers. Service to all customers is
important. - Commitment to Continuous Improvement
- Memorial Student Union is committed to doing the
right things right and to continually improving
quality of service. We believe in teamwork to
improve efficient operation and to emphasize our
value for community.
10Role of the College Union
- The community center of the college, serving
students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. By
whatever form or name, a college union is an
organization offering a variety of programs,
activities, services, and facilities that, when
taken together, represent a well-considered plan
for the community life of the college. - The union is an integral part of the educational
mission of the college. - As the center of the college community life, the
union complements the academic experience through
an extensive variety of cultural, educational,
social, and recreational programs. These programs
provide the opportunity to balance course work
and free time as cooperative factors in
education. - The union is a student-centered organization that
values participatory decision-making. Through
volunteerism, its boards, committees, and student
employment, the union offers first-hand
experience in citizenship and educates students
in leadership, social responsibility, and values.
11Role of the Student Union Advisory Board (SUAB)
- SUAB provides cultural, social and recreational
programs to make free time activity and education
go hand in hand. - The committees of SUAB are
- Cultural Affairs
- Social Affairs
- Decorations and Environment
- Public Relations and Information
- Film/Video and Photography
- Games and Tournaments
- International and Minority Affairs
- Publicity
- Rules and Regulations.
12Organization Structure
13Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
- Interim Vice Chancellor
- Dr. Sullivan Welbourne
- Leads a division comprised of 15 units
- Counseling Services
- Dean of Students
- Housing Residence Life
- International Students Scholars
- Memorial Student Union
- Office of Career Services
- Sebastian Health Center
- Student Development
- University Events Center
- Upward Bound
- Veteran Disability Support Services
- Student Support Services
- Multicultural Center
- Orientation 1st Year Experience
- Ronald E. McNair Program
14Memorial Student Union Administration
- Director
- Carl E. Baker
- Assessment
- Budgeting Management
- Contract and Lease Management
- Aggie C-Store
- Aggie One Card
- Wachovia ATM
- General Administration and Supervision of the
Memorial Student Union - Homecoming Planning Committee Co-Chairperson
- MLK Planning Committee C-Chairperson
- Marketing
- Policy and Procedure Development
- Strategic Planning
15Memorial Student Union Administration
- Associate Director for Operations
- Vacant
- Supervises Aggie Escorts, Evening/Weekend
Management Team, Housekeeping Supervisor, Game
Room Coordinator and the Maintenance Manager - Building/Equipment/Key Inventory Management
- Capital Project Management
- Facility Management
- Revenue Generation
- Staff Development
- Service Marketing/Development
16Memorial Student Union Administration
- Assistant Director for Programs
- Ralph Brown
- Supervise Program Coordinator and Administrative
Assistant - Campus Ministry Coordination
- Graduate Intern Program
- Honda Campus All-Starts Tournament Director
- Homecoming Logistics
- Student Union Advisory Board (SUAB)
Administration Advisement
17Memorial Student Union Administration
- Director of Intramural Sports
- Robert McNair
- Supervises Aggie Fitness Center Coordinator
- Intramural Sports Programs
- Open Recreation Coordination
- Bowling Team Coach
18Memorial Student Union Administration
- Assistant to the Director
- Carolyn Andrews
- Supervises Office Assistant/Information Services
Supervisor Accounts Payable/Cashiering Services - Commuter Student Center Management
- Student Employment Coordinator
19Memorial Student Union Management and Technical
- Union Coordinator
- Raquel Daniels
- Supervises Student Technicians and Computer Lab
Assistants - Evening/Weekend Coordination
- Union Audio/Visual Services
20Memorial Student Union Guest Services
- Guest Services Manager
- Vacant
- Event Planning/Logistical Assistance To Union
Customers - Service Area Management
21Memorial Student Union Housekeeping
- Housekeeping Supervisor
- Thelma Williams
- Building Services Supervision
- Custom Room Set Ups
- Housekeepers
- Raeford Williams, Delacy Owens, Harry Isaac
- Daily Building Preparation and Upkeep
- Monitors Community Service Workers
22Memorial Student Union Recreation Center
- Game Room Manager
- Tim Phifer
- Supervises Aggie Underground Attendants
- Mechanical Maintenance RepairsĀ of Aggie Lanes
- Indoor Leisure Programs
23Memorial Student Union Maintenance
- Maintenance Manager
- Anthony Womack
- Mechanical and RepairsĀ
- Housekeeping
24Memorial Student Union Major Campus Programs
- Program Coordinator
- Vacant
- Student Union Advisory Board Program Advisement
- Assistant to the Assistant Director for Programs
- Patricia Wall
- Administrative Assistance
- Department Time Leave Administration
25Memorial Student Union Aggie Fitness Center
- Fitness Center Coordinator
- DeMar Rankin
- Supervises Fitness Center Attendants
- Fitness Program Development
26Memorial Student Union Support Staff
- Office Assistant
- Rachel Johnson
- Administrative Assistance
27Employee Basics
28Work Expectations
- Be on time.
- Be ready to start once you have clocked in.
- Work your assigned shift or get a substitute.
- Wear appropriate attire and name tag.
29Dress Code
- What you are required to wear depends on your
position. Your supervisor will discuss the dress
code for your area in more detail. - Dress professionally
- Work assigned t-shirts and polo shirts are
required - Wear name tags if assigned to you
- Appropriate footwear
- Generally, clothes should be clean, neat, and not
have any holes in them.
30Performance Evaluations
- Evaluations are used as a tool to help employees
identify areas in which they need improvement and
to determine merit for pay increases. - Each employee will be evaluated at the end of the
semester. Please see your supervisor for details.
- It is your responsibility to find a qualified
substitutions if you cannot work your shift - If you cannot find a substitutions, discuss it
with your supervisor. You are still responsible
for the shift, but your supervisor may have some
suggestions or may be able to work something out. - Remember ... putting your name on the substitute
request list does not relieve you from
responsibility for your shift. - You may work other peoples shifts and this is a
great way to pick up extra hours. Remember,
however, that student employees may work no more
than 20 hours per week. - Once you sign up for someones shift on the
substitution sheet, the shift becomes your
responsibility. - If you realize later that you have a conflict, it
is now your responsibility to find a qualified
substitute for the shift.
- If an emergency should arise that keeps you from
working your assigned shift, contact your
supervisor immediately. - Your supervisor will give you instructions on
what to do if you are unable to contact him/her.
- If you decide that you no longer want to work a
permanent shift, give your supervisor a written
note at least two (2) weeks prior to when you
want to stop working that shift. - During that period, a replacement will be found
for you, but you will remain responsible for the
shift. - Once a replacement is found, you will be
contacted and relieved of responsibility for the
- Discipline varies from a verbal warning to
dismissal from employment for student employees,
depending upon the seriousness of the offense - It is up to the individual supervisor to
determine and enforce the disciplinary action for
each violation - Should you feel that you have or are being
treated unfairly regarding disciplinary issues,
you may appeal to the Executive Director of the
Memorial Student Union
35The Do Not List
- Show up late for shifts
- Fail to follow verbal or written job instructions
- Leave work early without permission
- Falsify time cards/sheets
- Report to work in unacceptable attire
- Engage in inappropriate behavior or dress
- Deliberate insubordination
- Consume or be under the influence of illegal
drugs or alcohol on the premises - Theft of University or personal property
- Bring friends to work
- It is a policy of North Carolina AT State
University that those physically or verbally
abusing or threatening any person, participating
in racial or sexual harassment or hazing, which
includes actions that do or could result in
mental, emotional, or physical discomfort, will
be subject to university action.
37We Have A Commitment To Customer Service
How does your attitude and performance help to
attain this goal?
- The way you interact with patrons reflects on the
unit as a whole. - When you deal with customers in a pleasant,
friendly manner, this projects the attitude
toward customer service that we strive for.
39Who Are Our Priority Customers?
- Students of North Carolina AT State University
- Student Organizations
- Faculty/Staff of NC AT SU
- University Community
40The Customer is not Always Right.But, they
ARE always the Customer.
41What Are Our Services?
- Facilities
- Memorial Student Union and the Aggie Fitness
Center - Equipment
- TV/VCRs, Overhead projectors, slide projectors,
screens, sound systems, lighting, video
projectors, microphones, mic stands, podiums,
floor lecterns, table lecterns, tables and
chairs, linen, skirting, and risers. - Services
- Aggie Underground, copiers, technical support and
a vast resource of information. - Programs
- Movies, concerts, performances, cultural
exhibits, speakers, dances, award banquets,
intramurals, orientation, etc.
42Payroll Procedures
After all, you do want to get paid for working
here ... dont you?
43What Can You Expect From Us?
- We understand that you are students and your
primary goal is to get an education. - If you feel that you arent being treated fairly
or if you have a complaint, contact your
supervisor to discuss the situation. - We want you to feel comfortable expressing your
concerns and not to expect retribution for doing
44Student Employee Advisory Committee
- This new initiative was established to provide
educational, social, and developmental
opportunities for Union student employees in
gaining important transferable skills, such as
leadership, team building, communication and
problem solving, which are all vital to student
success in and outside the classroom. - It serves as a place for students to promote and
exchange ideas, discuss issues, and work together
to provide a full range of services to students
employees of the Union.
45Student Employee Advisory Committee Objectives
- Serve as a liaison between Union employees and
management and provide a forum in which members
can share information about activities, concerns
and plans. - Assist in identifying student concerns that
professional staff should be attuned and work to
make changes. - Help in developing information strategies and
materials to inform student employees about the
services, functions, activities, and events
occurring within Union departments. - Plan, coordinate, and implement education
social events for student staff.
46Appreciation Programs For You
- Recognition Programs
- Employee of the Month
- Employee of the Year
- Employee Social Events
- End of Semester Celebrations
47Memorial Student UnionWebsite
- For further information about the Memorial
Student Union, visit our departmental home page
on the internet at - http//www.ncat.edu/union
48Memorial Student Union Student Employee
- We hope you found this session helpful and
informative. - If you think of any other questions or have any
suggestions for future sessions, please contact
your supervisor.