Title: South Montgomery Community Schools
1South Montgomery Community Schools
- ISTEP Analysis
- Spring 2009
2Whats New in ISTEP WorldSpring 2009? Lots!
- Test has been moved to the spring-resulting in
three testing cycles in 2008-2009 school year
(one during fall 2008 and two testing windows in
spring 2009) - Test has been broken up into two testing windows
(Applied Skills and Multiple Choice) - Continued use of online reports-lack of paper
from DOE-only one copy of student reports
sent-used to get school and district reports-now
each building must print them off - The Indiana Parent Network provides parents with
a login and password to access their childs
results-parents who had activated their accounts
were able to access their childs results earlier
than the planned ISTEP release date - Availability of clicking on a reported item and
having the item pop up in a PDF form so teachers
can have quick access to the tested item
(continuation from last year) - Online testing continues-7th grade was assessed
in spring 2009 - Spring 2009 test contained pilot items which may
or may not be used in future - Students struggled with math applications testing
in the beginning of testing window - DOE conducted workshops with Indiana teachers to
review test items and alignment to Indiana
Academic Standards due to concerns and complaints
from teachers and principals about difficulty of
test - Science is tested in 4th and 6th grades Social
Studies is tested in 5th and 7th grades
3ISTEP Spring 2009 Percent Passing ISTEP
Observation Each grade met or exceeded the
state average in percent passing except 4th
Those items in color met or exceeded the state
4ISTEP Spring 2009 Percentage of Special
Education Students Passing
Observation Special education population met
our exceeded the state averages at all grade
levels. Numbers not listed mean that schools did
not have at least 10 students to populate a break
out group
Items in color met or exceeded the state average
percentage of special education students passing
5ISTEP Spring 2009 Percentage of General
Education Students Passing
Observation General education population met
our exceeded the state averages at all grade
levels but two schools/grades.
Items in color met or exceeded the state average
percentage of general education students passing
6District ISTEP 2002-2009Percentage Passing for
Observation Test results are more stable and
less likely to fluctuate-consistent
implementation of key learning strategies,
professional development, consistent curriculum
Items in color showed an increase in total
percentage passing
7Spring 2009 ISTEP Median Scale Scores by School
Observation The states scaled scores changed
as a result of new test Consistent gains in
elementary schools and 7 ELA
Items in color met or exceeded state median
score-note that state average increased as well
as result of pilot test items and spring aligned
8Gender and Free/Reduced Rates in Pass
Rates-Subgroup Categories
- Boys outperform girls in the following subject
areas 3 ELA, 3 MA, 4 ELA, 8 MA (an increase in
boys for 3rd and 4th grade results) - Girls outperform boys in the following subject
areas 4 MA, 5ELA, 5MA, 6ELA, 6MA, 7ELA, 8ELA - When considering SES (socio-economic status),
paid students outperform free/reduced students in
all areas and at all grade levels (again this
year) for an average of 16.42 percentage points
(across all grade levels)-has caught two schools
in AYP trouble for free student performance on
9What We Need to Work On
- Writing Prompts grades k-8 this year
(continuation from last year) - Using Writing the Simple 6 rubric for assessing
student writing (continuation from last year) - Have to provide more opportunities for kids to
read and write for authentic purposes - Have to get boys actively involved in math and
reading and incorporate non-fiction for
boys-improvement in primary grades need to
continue into intermediate and junior high school - Keep working on getting kids to read on grade
level at minimum - Assessing for reading skills/oral reading fluency
and retell to remediate - SSP concept Cycles of assessing, reteaching
skills not solid and mastered - Essential words on test vocabulary of test
testing format test prep - Time to look at and analyze student applied
skills booklets (time consuming to print them off
one at a time for every child but valuable
information can be obtained)