Title: West Africa
1West Africa
- Cover Page (2 Minutes)
- 1. Take out your filled out Rubric and Spread of
Islam Packet. - 2. Get out a blank or lined piece of paper.
- 3. Head it Properly
- Your Name
- Mr. Schreiber
- World History
- Period__
- Date
- 3. Title it West Africa.
2Standards Page
3 Minutes 1. Get out a lined piece of paper 2.
Head it properly 3. Title it Standards 4. Add
the following standard 7.4.1 Study the Niger
River and the relationship of vegetation zones of
forest, savannah, and desert to trade in gold,
salt, food, and slaves and the growth of the
Ghana and Mali empires.
3Standards Page
7.4.1 Study the Niger River and the relationship
of vegetation zones of forest, savannah, and
desert to trade in gold, salt, food, and slaves
and the growth of the Ghana and Mali
empires. Relationship a connection,
association, or involvement Vegetation all the
plants or plant life of a place Zones An area or
a region made different from areas next to it by
a specific feature or characteristic Empires A
large area ruled under one authority
4Essential Questions Page
4 Minutes 1. Get out a lined piece of paper 2.
Head it properly 3. Title it Essential
Questions 4. Add the following question 1.
Describe the physical features, vegetation, and
climate of the different areas of West Africa. 2.
How did the geography of West Africa influence
settlement and trade?
5Geography Challenge 3 (15 Minutes)
1. Open your TCI (RED Books) to page 134-135. 2.
Use the information to complete the questions (in
full sentences) on the Geography Challenge 3
handout and label the map on the back. 3. I dont
care what colors you use for Question 4. HINT
The fastest way to finish is to answer a question
and then label it on the map.
6Question 1
West Africa Question 1 Which ocean borders Africa
on the west? Which ocean borders Africa on the
east? Which sea borders Africa on the
north? Label these bodies of water. A The
Atlantic Ocean borders Africa on the west, the
Indian Ocean borders Africa on the east, and the
Mediterranean Sea borders Africa on the north.
7(No Transcript)
8Question 2
West Africa Question 2 Into what four regions is
Africa divided? Draw in the boundaries of these
regions, and label each region. A Africa is
divided into West Africa, North Africa, South and
Central Africa, and East Africa.
9(No Transcript)
10Question 3
West Africa Question 3 Lightly shade each of
Africas vegetation zones in a different color.
Then fill in the key to show the meaning of each
color. Which of these zones do you think people
were least likely to settle? Why? A People were
least likely to settle in desert zones because it
would be hard to grow food and to find water
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12Question 4
West Africa Question 4 Outline Ghanas boundary
in red, Malis boundary in blue, and Songhais
boundary in brown. Add these colors to the
key. In what region of Africa were these
kingdoms located? What vegetation zones are in
this part of Africa? A These kingdoms were
located in West Africa. The vegetation zones in
this region include desert, semidesert.
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14Question 5
West Africa Question 5 Label the Niger and
Senegal Rivers. Why do you think these rivers
were important to the societies that developed in
West Africa? A The rivers helped make the land
fertile and provided fish. Also, traders traveled
along the rivers.
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16Question 6
West Africa Question 6 Label the Sahara
Desert. Why do you think the territory below the
Sahara Desert might have had limited contact with
lands to the north of the desert before the late
700s C.E.? A Travel across the Sahara Desert
was very difficult. (Note Travel across the
Sahara was made easier after this time because of
the introduction of the camel.)
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18Question 7
West Africa Question 7 What religion spread from
North Africa to West Africa? Draw and label an
arrow to show the spread of this religion. A
Islam spread from North Africa to West Africa.
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20Question 8
West Africa Question 8 What city was an important
center of trade and learning for the kingdoms
of Mali and Songhai? Label that city. A
Timbuktu was an important center of trade and
learning for the kingdoms of Mali and Songhai.
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You may work on (in this order) 1. Chapter 5,
Section 1 Study Guide Questions and Key Terms and
People. 2. Cover Page. 3. Answer Essential