Title: Realizing the Promise of Healthcare IT
1Realizing the Promise of Healthcare IT
- Scottsdale Institute Fall Conference
- September 25-26, 2008
- Peter J. McCanna, Executive Vice President
Administration and Chief Financial Officer - Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Hosted by Northwestern Memorial Hospital,
Chicago, IL
2Northwestern Memorial HealthCare
- 873-bed Nationally Recognized Academic Medical
Center - Primary Teaching Hospital for Northwestern
University since 1925 - Nationally Ranked for Quality
- New World-Class Facilities in 1999 and 2007
- Aa/AA Category Bond Rating for Over 25 Years
New Prentice Womens Hospital October 20, 2007
Feinberg and Galter Pavilions May 1, 1999
3NMHCs Strategic Plan has three goals that
continue to guide the organization
- To Provide the Best Patient Experience from the
Patients Perspective - To Recruit, Develop and Retain the Best People
who Share the Organizations Values and Achieve
Results - To Develop the Resources to Achieve Our Mission
and Vision Through Exceptional Financial
4NMH is most preferred hospital in the Chicago area
"Which one hospital would you choose for all your
household healthcare needs?"
Northwestern Memorial Hospital University of
Chicago Hospitals Advocate Christ Medical
Center Advocate Lutheran General Edward Hospital
Northwestern Memorial Hospital University of
Chicago Hospitals Rush University Medical
Center Stroger Hospital Advocate Christ Medical
Source National Research Corporation
5Eliminate Avoidable Adverse Events
- FY08 achieved an 78 reduction in avoidable
severe adverse events since 2004 - 150 DMAIC projects completed since FY2002
- More than 500,000 patient encounters impacted
- Over 29M in financial benefit to date
Total Incidents Reported
of Severe Harm Events
of Incidents Reported
Severe Harm
DMAIC is the methodology used by NMH for
process improvement
6Exceptional Financial Performance
Days Cash On Hand
Operating Cash Flow Margin ()
Moodys Aa Category Median
Moodys Aa Category Median
SP All Health Care AA Category Median
SP All Health Care AA Category Median
Results are NMHC with subsidiaries. FY2008
figures are preliminary and FY07 median for
Moodys and SP are used
7NMH Market Share and Reputation Continues to Grow
- Most Preferred Hospital for 13 Years
- Leapfrog Groups Top Hospitals List 2006 and
2008 - Named to 100 Best Companies for Working Women
for 8 Years - Ten specialties in U.S. News World Report of
Best Hospitals - Most Wired for 8 Years
Primary Service Area FY 1997 FY 2007
Source COMPdata September 1997 March 2007
Does not include DRG 391 (normal newborns) nor
Norwegian-American Hospital, Michael Reese,
Mercy, NOIC or Holy Family Medical Center due to
8Looking Forward Advance Northwesterns
recognition as a Great Academic Medical Center
9Promise of IT is essential in accelerating GAMC
96 of medical record electronic
- Electronic access to all relevant clinical
information - Utilize technology to advance clinical decision
making - Process improvements achieved with IT as an
480 order sets 223 decision support rules
gt35 of 61 Process Improvements in 2008
10 On Any Given Day at NMH
- Approximately 1850 concurrent active users
on-line - Clinicians access patient records approximately
85,000 times - Physicians document over 3325 clinical notes
on-line - Process 200,000 total order events
- There are over 18,000 Medication events processed