Best Healthcare Startups to Watch for 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Best Healthcare Startups to Watch for 2019


The ability of advanced technologies in solving a wide range of issues for patients, hospitals, and the healthcare industry is the impulse behind its sudden rising implementation in healthcare.With this regard, we have come up with ‘Best Healthcare Startups to Watch for 2019’ issue in which we have introduced the leading organizations that are spearheading the healthcare field with their innovative services and solutions. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Best Healthcare Startups to Watch for 2019

2019, Vol.7, Issue-1
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Arti?cial Intelligence A Gateway to Enhanced
Wrobotics. While AI is booming across various
industries, in healthcare, its huge impact
promises to be
ouldnt it be amazing if you are reminded of your
medications by a virtual assisting nurse or the
assistant, a helper aiding you in your daily
routine? Today, this is easily achieved by
implementing AI and
genuinely life-transforming. Right from clinical
research to hospital care, insurance and drug
development, healthcare is undergoing a paradigm
shift with AI and has evolved to reduce
expenditure and improving patient outcomes.
One of AIs biggest potential bene?ts is to
assist people stay healthy so they dont need a
doctor, not at least as often as they might be
visiting already. Technology applications and
apps not only encourage healthier behavior in
individuals but put consumers in control of own
well-being. With AI, the healthcare
professionals are gaining a deep understanding of
the day-to-day patterns and needs of the people
at the tip of their ?ngers, which in turn
provides better feedback, guidance, and support
for staying healthy. This advanced technology is
already being used to detect major diseases, like
cancer, more precisely and that too, in the
early stages. Adding to this/Additionally, the
implementation of AI is enabling review and
translation of mammograms with over thirty times
faster with 99 accuracy, hence reducing the need
for biopsies. The advancement doesnt stop here.
The medical devices and consumer wearable with
the AI touch can be used to manage an
early-stage heart disease allowing doctors to
monitor and rectify potentially life-threatening
diseases at an early stage. By observing the
whole scenario, there is no doubt, that AI holds
huge potential to transform end of life care.
Thus, it helps others remain independent for
longer without the need for hospitalization. AI
combined with the advancements in humanoid
design are enabling robots to cross the borders
of communications and other social interactions
with people to keep the old minds sharp.
ARTICLE 20 Tech-trend 5 cutting-edge trends of
Healthcare Startups
CXO Standpoint
Tech-spotlight Empowering Patients through
Acorn Biolabs Helping People Live a Longer
Healthier Tomorrow
BabyMed Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
Biome Analytics Clinical Performance Solutions
for High-performing Cardiovascular Centers
Conversa Health Enhancing Communication,
Building Relationships, and Revamping the Care
Micrima A Leading Organization Developing
Technology for Breast Cancer Screening
Nemaura Pharma O?ering Precise User- friendly
Skin-based Drug Delivery Technologies
Transformative AI Revolutionizing Healthcare
with Deep Learning
Dynamic Startups Re-transforming Healthcare
Thealthcare providers often get stuck in few
ambiguous situations regarding the enhancement of
he ability of advanced technologies in solving a
wide range of issues for patients, hospitals, and
healthcare industry is the impulse behind its
sudden rising implementation in healthcare.
care, helping people in this competitive world,
along with providing cost-e?ective solutions.
Considering these issues, most of the
organizations are implementing advanced
technology. These organizations are increasingly
looking towards evolved real-time analytics such
as AI and Machine Learning to cover the
processing and data delivery. Implementation of
real-time analytics assists physicians to detect
and rectify diseases quickly, reducing
time-to-time treatment and care costs. This
eventually leads to better patient care and
outcomes. With this regard, we have come up with
Best Healthcare Startups to Watch for 2019
issue in which we have introduced the leading
organizations that are spearheading the
healthcare ?eld with their innovative services
and solutions. In our issue Best Healthcare
Startups to Watch for 2019, we have introduced
the leading and dynamic startups that are
spearheading the healthcare space with their
astounding services and solutions. We have
presented, Acorn Biolabs, a healthcare
technology company focused on delivering easy,
a?ordable and non-invasive live cell collection,
analysis and cryopreservation service BabyMed
which is an integrated and innovative mobile
health platform that provides easy and a?ordable
access to reliable maternal and child health care
information and services Biome Analytics which
o?ers cardiovascular performance solutions that
combine machine learning technologies with
human-driven insights to improve clinical and
?nancial performance Conversa Health which is a
clinically-intelligent conversation platform
helps healthcare organizations deliver smart,
automated, patient conversation experiences that
are patient pro?le driven and lead to more
meaningful patient relationships, better
population management, improved care
coordination, and quality outcomes Micrima, the
leading company that helps to detect breast
cancer at an early stage with its innovative
product Nemaura Medical, a private
pharmaceutical company that o?ers apt, reliable,
and minimally invasive skin-based drug delivery
technologies Transformative AI which is the
leading start-up that blends AI and novel
analysis techniques employed at CERN and
provides distinctive solutions to the clients
Soul Insole whose bio-mechanically designed shape
of the Shoe Bubble e?ectively redistributes
pressure evenly across the foot to relieve
pressure from the heel and forefoot Neurotrack
that uses clinically proven science to help you
assess and improve your memory over time and
Lucidium Health which enhances Healthcare for
people at large through improving the current
research processes by using AI-enabled, secure
and intuitive platform to connect individuals
research organizations. We have also encompassed
CXO article Empowering Patients through
Technology written by Dimas Francisco Silva Jr,
Medcloud Founder and CEO. Our in-house editors
have also scripted amazing article on 5
Cutting-edge Trends of Healthcare which would
shed some light on tech-advancements. So, ?ip
through the pages of the magazine and enjoy the
journeys of Startups!
Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal Senior Editor
Anish Miller Managing Editor Ashwini S.
Deshpande Executive Editor Stella
Andrew Contributing Editors Aishwarya,
Shambhavi Visualiser David King Art Design Head
Amol Kamble Art Design Assistant Poonam
Mahajan Co-designer Paul Belin Art Picture
Editor Savita Pandav Business Development Manager
Peter Collins Marketing Manager Marry
D'Souza Business Development Executive Mark
Williams Sales Executives John, Amy, Bill,
Sarah Technical Head Jacob Smile Assistant
Technical Head Pratiksha Patil Technical
Consultants David, Robert Digital Marketing
Manager Alina Sege Assistant Digital Marketing
Manager Prashant Chevale SME-SMO Executives
Manoj, Gemson, Uma Research Analyst Eric
Smith Circulation Manager Tanaji July, 2019 Corporate
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Copyright 2019 Insights Success, All rights
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Dr. Drew Taylor CEO Co-founder
10 July 2019
Achance to experience more healthy years with its
corn Biolabs is a healthcare technology company
baseball as a pitcher for both the Toronto Blue
Jays and the Philadelphia Phillies, charting
parallel paths across both professional sports
and science. Prior to joining Acorn, Drew spent
several years as Chief Science O?cer at Epic
Capital Management working across the ?ourishing
biotech start-up community. Also, prior to that
he was a part of the Mount Sinai Hospital
Bioengineering of Skeletal Tissues Team. He has
been widely published across international
medical journals with speci?c focus on tissue
engineering and sports medicine. Story behind
the Inception It all started when Dr. Drew met
Steven Ten Holder and Patrick Pumputis, the
other Co-founders of Acorn Biolabs, while Drew
was the Chief Science O?cer with Epic Capital.
Prior to Epic Capital he had been involved with a
medical team researching using cell therapy and
regenerative medicine for orthopedics. Seeing
?rst-hand how older cells were not as successful
as younger cells in replacing cartilage led him
to feel there had to be a solution. Meeting
Patrick and Steven in many ways felt very much
like serendipity as they compared notes. Together
they quickly realized that Steven, who had been
researching cell division and how technology
could be leveraged in longevity combined with
Patricks research focus on cell nutrition and
preservation with Drews background in emerging
health technologies and medical cell therapy. It
was all together was a winning combination to
create something that could truly change the way
people thought about personal healthcare. Major
Challenges on the Road The regenerative medicine
space and all the advancements around CRISPR,
iPSCs, genomics and cell and gene therapy is
complicated. Also, consumers havent really
gotten their head fully around the magnitude of
the impact these advancements are going to have
in their lifetime. Acorn is more concerned about
the fast-evolving science which is moving faster
than consumer understanding of the value of
their cells. The company believes that one day
science will have fully commercialized cell and
gene therapy and there will be generations of
consumers too old to bene?t. Acorn has a
signi?cant role to play in educating on this
space and preparing people for the future. No one
thought that today we would be planning for
self-driving cars, or
focused on giving every human being the best
easy, a?ordable and non-invasive live cell
  • analysis, and cryopreservation service.
  • Acorn provides a live cell collection service and
    a subscription storage model that keeps
    consumers live cells cryopreserved as a
    healthcare resource for as long as they need it.
    Preserving live cells also unlocks a vast world
    of data and genetics on an ongoing basis so that
    consumers have in Acorn a healthcare partner for
    life. Acorn also o?ers live cell collection,
    cryopreservation and genetic analysis services.
  • Why Acorn Biolabs?
  • Acorn Freezes the Clock On Your Cells.
  • The urgency around collecting, preserving and
    storing youthful cells for future use is real
    and freezing the clock on your cells today will
    ensure you can leverage them later when you need
    them most. Acorn preserves your youngest, best
    cells today to ready you for the future of
    regenerative medicine tomorrow.
  • Acorn Unlocks the Future of Regenerative Medicine
    for Everyone.
  • Till now, stem cell collection has been
    expensive, invasive and painful through bone
    marrow harvesting, liposuction, blood draws and
    umbilical cord banking. More recent DNA home
    testing kits only captured dead cells from saliva
    that are unusable in cell therapy. Acorn gives a
    live cell collection that is accessible,
    a?ordable and viable for regenerative medicine
    through the simple non-invasive plucking of a
    few hairs from your head. This makes the future
    of regenerative medicine, genetics and powerful
    stem cell therapy accessible to everyone.
  • About the Passionate and Sporty Leader
  • Dr. Drew Taylor is the Co-founder and Chief
    Executive O?cer at Acorn Biolabs. Being a
    Biologist and a former professional athlete,
    Drew has charted his path across molecular cell
    biology, science and baseball with steadfast
    passion over his career. He completed an
    undergraduate degree in Biology at the
    University of Michigan and a Masters from the
    same school in Molecular, Cellular, and
    Developmental Biology. He also holds a PhD with
    the University of Toronto in Biomedical
    Engineering. Drew has enjoyed a successful
    career in professional minor league

July 2019 11
Consumers trust us with their cells which as
scientists we believe are an invaluable resource
that will unlock the future their personalized

12 July 2019
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through Technology
Thas facilitated the adherence
he growing use of
The forecasts for the area of technology for
health, rea?rm once again an increasingly
favorable scenario for engagement and
collaboration, through the management and
sharing of medical data and records. Smartphones
and tablets tend to be more and more essential
tools in everyday life when it comes to health
thanks to applications that provide new ways of
accessing information and practicing
medicine. With the consolidation of the use of
technology as a tool in daily medical practice,
clinics and laboratories specialized in
diagnostics have a unique opportunity for
relationship and communication with their
patients, allied to the best and most favorable
moment for the use of technology in the health
area. Patient-centered Care Patients wish to get
involved in their health decision-making
process, and those who are involved as decision
makers in their care tend to be healthier and
have better outcomes. By patients journey we
understand the whole process that involves from
the moment the patient perceives some symptom
or something di?erent in his body, until the
completion of the care. Although the patients
journey corresponds to all the experience he
has from beginning to end in his clinic, the
post consultation period ends up being an
essential pillar in the construction of this
experience. This is because it is at this moment
that the patient is able to evaluate the way it
has been treated, even analyzing the possibility
of a return if he or she needs care in the
future. By following the patients journey, you
need to think of a model that meets your
individual needs and expectations. Therefore, it
is possible to understand the need for
customization, since no patient is the same as
the other.
communication applications
not only of technology focused on
social interactions. Health professionals are
much more familiar with the use of technology in
medical practice. Specialized health
applications and platforms now take advantage of
a global digital model that has come to
stay. For some years, information technology
managers were asked about the adherence of
health professionals in the implementation of
new projects involving technology. Now, through
a much more favorable scenario, managers and
administrators of clinics and hospitals make
much safer and more favorable decisions to such
projects. Terms like Instagram of Medicine and
Facebook of Physicians are increasing.
Proximity to such applications provides
familiarity with an already consolidated
interaction and navigation model, preserved in
due proportions.
14 July 2019
Dimas Francisco Silva Jr, Medcloud Founder and
CEO, a Health entrepreneur, believes in the
power of centralized data for decentralized care.
He has mission to accelerate the transition of
imaging centers to the Cloud and is passionate
about Patient Experience, A.I and Medical
Networks. Medcloud is an All-In-One platform for
diagnostics management, EHR RIS, DICOM Viewer,
Drive Storage, Portal of Diagnostics, 100 Web
frrom Diagnostic Imaging Centers, Telemedicine
projects, and Dental Companies to Cardiology
Centers. A common challenge is managing the
information of patients and their exams, in a
secure and reliable way. More than just
increasing productivity, Medcloud offers timely
and uncomplicated solutions for the entire life
cycle in healthcare data management.
Dimas Francisco Silva Jr Founder and CEO
Chronic patients, for example, face somewhat
di?erent journeys. By necessity of monitoring,
these people need to have a much greater control
of their medical information. Someone who needs
to visit their doctor regularly, gets stuck to
numerous images and physical reports. When a
diagnostic center o?ers other options, such as
outcome portals or applications for storing
these exams, it engages its patients. A person
who goes from a reality of having to organize,
store and carry to having all the information
gathered from a click gains empowerment. By
fostering digital services that take advantage of
new, mobile Internet access, providers are
beyond engaging
their audience, facilitating the
Physician-Patient relationship, since such
devices have revolutionized the way we
communicate. It is also important to consider the
whole group of family and friends around the
patient. Often, the caregiver is not active. So
there is the concept of engaging people to
consider everyone around the patient and take a
more active role. It is important to include all
these subjects. By bringing the diagnostic
industry closer to the digital trends of the
market, mobile devices like smarthphones and
tablets appear as the ?rst choice of
relationship. In addition, o?er even more
options to put the patient in control, such as
appointments and exams, sending some documents,
and small tasks that facilitates their daily
lives, approaches the patient. Technology plays
a key role in strengthening the doctor-patient
relationship. Providing channels of
communication and more practical ways for the
patient to be able to ask questions or,
eventually, to ask for help from their
specialists also puts the patient in a more
active role. Leave the patient in the position of
control of their own health. Giving ?exibility,
convenience and practicality in the age of the
internet and mobile devices is not a
di?erential, it is the minimum that any clinic
or hospital can o?er its clients.
July 2019 15
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
Baccess to reliable maternal and child
health care

abyMed is an integrated and innovative mobile
health platform that provides easy and a?ordable
We wish to create a world
information and services. The platform provides
where no woman should die
weekly health messages to pregnant women, mothers
  • newborn babies, and their family members. It
    comprises of SMS text messages, voice messages,
    Interactive Voice Response (IVR) on web
    information portal.
  • The major aim of BabyMed is to empower pregnant
    women and their partners to take the steps
    necessary for a healthy pregnancy and safe
    delivery. The SMS text and voice messaging
    service integrates all the healthy pregnancy and
    safe motherhood topics under one platform. This
    includes early and complete ANC attendance,
    malaria prevention, the prevention of mother to
    child transmission of HIV (PMTCT), individual
    birth planning, and safe delivery.
  • Outstanding Mission
  • In African nations (Kenya in particular), 6000
    women die every year due to preventable
    pregnancy or childbirth problems. The doctor to
    patient ratio in Kenya is 117,000 (WHO
    recommends 11000). Due to a lack of collective
    community knowledge for safe and healthy
    pregnancy and 75 of the Kenya population living
    in the rural areas, pregnant women and mothers
    may delay seeking care or taking appropriate
    preventative or curative action.
  • To resolve this situation, BabyMed is on a
    mission to save the lives of the 6000 pregnant
    women, guardians of young children, and women of
    child-bearing age who die every day in Kenya due
    to preventable pregnancy or childbirth problems.
  • About the Compassionate Leader
  • Bryan Okello, the Founder/CEO is a highly
    motivated, passionate, and result oriented
    professional. He has a keen interest on
    engaging, developing, and impacting communities
    through information communication technologies to
    deliver highly e?ective and creative solutions
    to business and

while bringing life to this world and every
child born should grow to realize its full

technology challenges. Bryan has been in
accounting, ?nance and business information
technology, hands-on software training, and web
development for more than ten years. Bryan is
passionate about transforming maternal and child
health care in Kenya and in Africa through the
utilization of mobile and digital technology.
His inspiration for coming up with BabyMed is
the desire to see a world where no woman should
die while bringing life to this world and every
child born should grow to realize its full
potential. Uniqueness at its Best BabyMed
provides age and stage-based messages aligned
with global best practices, empowering women to
make the best decisions for themselves and their
families. The company leverages the high number
of mobile devices to inform and empower mothers
to adopt healthy behaviors and to access
maternal and child health services. With
increased access to high quality, relevant local
health information, mothers and families would
demonstrate improved health-seeking and
preventative behaviors, including uptake of
antenatal care, early care-seeking in response
to childhood illness, hand washing, cord care,
etc., that should ultimately contribute to
improved maternal and child survival. Besides,
BabyMeds SMS and audio messages are targeted to
a womans stage of pregnancy or the age of her
child so that
16 July 2019
Bryan Okello Founder CEO
July 2019 17
  • the information re?ects exactly what she is
    experiencing at a particular time. This helps to
    build an emotional connection with the mother
    and a sense of trust, making it more likely that
    she will be receptive to messages that encourage
    changes in behavior. The messaging program
    accompanies each mother on her journey of
    learning and discovery and acts as a step-by-
    step guide to a healthy pregnancy and a healthy
    baby. BabyMed provides ICT consultancy,
    innovative solutions for the education sector,
    and web design and development.
  • Talking about social activities, the company
    conducts Twitter chats on maternal and child
    health issues and also organizes marathons
    (Beyond Zero marathon) and walks targeted at
    highlighting maternal and child health mortality.
    Not only this, but BabyMed also advocates and
    promotes exclusive breastfeeding for children
    aged 0-6 months.
  • Awards and Recognitions
  • Top application in the health category in the app developer challenge
  • Top Ten Finalist in the Women Access to Health
    Call for Initiatives! In April 2019, Bryan
    Okello was shortlisted as one of the top ten
    ?nalists (the only ?nalist from Africa) in Women
    Access to Health Call for Initiatives!
    Organized by the Womens Forum.
  • Publication of BabyMeds story in the StartUp
    Health Magazine
  • Partnership with StartUp Health. In June 2016,
    BabyMed was selected by StartUp Health to join
    its Portfolio of Digital Health Companies
    working to transform Health Care with Bryan
    Okello becoming the First Healthcare Transformer
    from Africa to join the academy. This was a very
    important milestone for the company because
    guidance from StartUp Health and access to its
    networks will be crucial in accelerating our
    growth. StartUp Health is leading a global
    movement to transform health by organizing and
    investing in the worlds largest community of
    Healthcare Transformers. With the coaching,
    support and promotion from StartUp Health
    Academy, BabyMed is now well placed to transform
    maternal and child health care in Kenya.
  • should remember that learning is a continuous
  • Secondly, it suggests to Think Small, At First.
    As the world of healthcare is very much
    regimented, innovation may be something
    completely world-changing in time, but at ?rst,
    one should focus on getting it adopted on a
    small-scale basis where its e?ectiveness can be
  • Lastly, it recommends to Get Out There because
    the company believes that spending as much
    possible time in the exact environment the
    product will be used in, will give an idea of
    the nuances and potential issues that will come
    with its use.
  • Strategic Plan for a Glorious Future
  • Sign up one million users
  • Translation of messages to local languages such
    as Kiswahili, Kikuyu, Luo, Kamba, Kalenjin
  • Set up BabyMed Social An interactive social
    network where mothers can read articles and have
    a conversation with their peers
  • Set up BabyMed on USSD in order to o?er weekly
    two interactive quizzes tailored to mothers
    gestational stage or the age of their baby
  • Expand to other east African countries such as
    Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda. Institute a
    monthly block knowledge sharing sessions that
    bring together all expectant mothers registered
    at a facility for information sharing in a
  • Set up Maternal Health Corners with partnering
    health facilities made up of a set of computers
    that have been programmed with content (audio,
    video, and text) for the bene?t of health
  • Whats next in the Store?
  • BabyMed would be launching its android mobile app
    as well as its redesigned website. The company
    would be signing up partnership agreement with URIDU is a non- pro?t, non-partisan
    organization that empowers rural women in
    developing and emerging countries. Also,
    discussions are a in an advanced stage to
    partner with Africas Talking to facilitate
    scale up of its mobile service to all parts of

Three-piece Advice BabyMed advices the budding
entrepreneurs in the healthcare space to
Anticipate Potential Snags i.e. every meeting is
an opportunity to develop and grow. No doubt,
there will be some mistakes along the way, but
if they cant be avoided, one
18 July 2019
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AI in medical technologies is doing miracles in
the healthcare industry. It can easily process
huge data, help in diagnosis and provide
accurate results. AI comes handy as it speeds up
the research and analysis of various processes
including drug discovery and genetic
Internet of Medical Things or in common language
health wearables are booming all over the world.
Due to its e?ectiveness towards keeping oneself
?t, it has been on the top for a long time now.
The most bene?cial part of IoMT is it can be
connected through various mobile apps.
20 July 2019
With evolving technology, healthcare has moved on
as well. With the help of various techniques, it
has now become possible for doctors, hospitals
to provide treatment to patients remotely.
Data analysis is nothing but a digital organizer
that will also perform analysis processes like
health records, lab results, medical history,
diagnosis history, and many more. It has been
saving precious time and manpower.
Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality has already
taken over the technologies of all the sectors.
But, speci?cally, speaking about healthcare, it
has been doing wonders. From diagnosis to
medical education, VR and AR have helped this
sector ?ourish. It has been said to be useful in
providing treatment to a wide range of illness.
July 2019 21
Biome Analytics
Clinical Performance Solutions for
High-performing Cardiovascular Centers Cboth men
and women. Hospitals and doctors
ardiovascular disease a?ects over 11 of the US
population and is the leading cause of death for
  • treating these patients face unprecedented
    challenges driven by increasing volume,
    disruptive new procedures, greater competition,
    and the transition to value-based care.
  • Successfully confronting and succeeding over
    these challenges require providing clinical and
    administrative teams access to trusted data and
    clinically and ?nancially relevant insights.
    But, because cardiovascular care is highly
    nuanced, one-size-?ts-all analytic solutions lack
    the precision required to engage clinicians and
    cannot show users how to improve. Internal
    analytic teams are stretched thin, lacking deep
    expertise in the cardiovascular and cost
    accounting domains, and struggle to stay au fait
    with changing standards of care, best practice
    guidelines, and reimbursement models. In an
    e?ort to help providers and

Our unique solutions combine advanced analytic
techniques with human- driven insights to help
hospitals and doctors at leading heart centers
be their best
administrators solve these issues, Biome
Analytics was formed. In 2013, a team of data
scientists, engineers, and clinical experts came
together. They all had a common goal of
providing doctors and hospitals with the granular
insights necessary for improving care and
lowering costs for over 27 million Americans
with heart and vascular disease. Stuart
Jacobson, the CEO of Biome Analytics, founded
the company believing that if a common fact base
for performance management existed, doctors and
hospitals would self-optimize in delivering
high-performance cardiovascular care and
excellent quality clinical care at the lowest
possible cost. We specialize because
cardiovascular care is unique, sometimes
variation makes sense, and generalized tools and
analytics have failed to engage and align
clinicians, says Stuart.

What does Biome do? Founded in San Francisco,
California, Biome Analytics is a cutting-edge
leader in the digital healthcare space. The
company delivers a new generation of clinical
performance applications that bring hospitals
and doctors together around a trusted data
source, clinically relevant benchmarks, and
actionable insight. The company was established
with the guiding principle- Every clinician
wants to deliver the best possible care.
Secondly, it also believes that When the
clinicians have trusted, actionable insights,
they will self-optimize.
22 July 2019
Stuart Jacobson CEO
July 2019 23
  • Biome provides the ability to the hospitals and
    doctors to seamlessly align around how to ,
    eliminating expensive guesswork around what
    speci?c actions will move the cost needle, and
    providing clinicians the tool they need to show
    exactly when care variation is necessary
  • Why Biome?
  • Intelligent Variation
  • Biome has procedure-speci?c performance models
    that seamlessly integrate hospital cost
    accounting and clinical data. Its
    algorithm-based performance assessment engine
    detects high-value clinical and ?nancial
    opportunities for clients. Biome delivers a
    community-driven performance library, containing
    clinical and ?nancial benchmarks, models, and
    performance improvement strategies.
  • Cardiovascular Focus and Expertise
  • Biomes applications enable hospitals to increase
    contribution margins throughout the
    cardiovascular service line. Clients rely on
    Biomes experience to evaluate the impact of
    evolving therapies, identify vendor
    opportunities, and quicken time to value. Some
    recent client successes include
  • 2 million cost savings opportunities identi?ed
    within 60 days
  • Average TAVR LOS reduced by 3 days
  • Net-new 164 bed opening availability
  • 1.7 million in cost misallocation identi?ed
  • Observed vs. Expected Mortality Decreased by
  • A Delivery Model Built for Speed and Quality
    While analytic applications largely focus on IT
    departments as the primary user, Biome focuses on
    delivering analytic capabilities to the
    physicians and administrators, without requiring
    users to become data scientists. Additionally,
    Biome manages the full engagement- from
    requesting and collecting data, to creating the
    models, to delivering the insights. Users can
    ask questions and get answers in record time.
    Finally, with access to a library of over 200
    cardiovascular-speci?c analytics, clients can
    explore a myriad of improvement opportunities in
    seconds, instead of waiting for weeks for the
    internal teams to create a new analytic.

Biomes Unique Solution Biome o?ers an end-to-end
solution for cardiovascular performance
management over 200 cardiovascular-speci?c
analytics that drives the insight into actionable
root-cause performance improvement
opportunities. Analytic access is provided to
users via Tableau visualizations, and Biomes
engagement team highlights high-value
opportunities, besides delivering insights into
performance change management progress. Biome
approaches engagements with the philosophy that
analytics should augment the work of
cardiovascular teams, not replace physicians
decision- making autonomy. Biome provides the
analytics that allows physicians to understand
the cost impacts of decisions and the case
studies and change management methodologies for
a?ecting performance improvement at client
facilities. Biome delivers performance
bench-marking so that cardiovascular teams can
measure progress both internally and against
other cardiovascular centers. Advice to Digital
Health Entrepreneurs Today, as healthcare
decision-making becomes much more nuanced and
complex, Biome advises the budding entrepreneurs
in this ?eld to stay focused and have an
unwavering vision. The company believes that
healthcare is a team sport and each
participant in the industry, whether an
entrepreneur, clinician, administrator, or
patient, rely on the others to achieve success.
It also believes that collaboration and
communication are crucial to a successful team
and these capabilities bind the team with
motivation and positive approach. Looking
Forward Biomes distinctiveness is a breakthrough
value-add for cardiovascular teams providing
noticeable clinical and ?nancial impact. Clients
have appreciated the companys responsive
services and analytic solutions. Talking about
the accolades received by the company so far,
Stuart asserts, Our happy clients are our
greatest awardwhen we see the success that they
achieve as a result of our solution, we are
motivated to develop even more models to improve
cardiovascular performance. Biome Analytics is
focused on developing solution modules in
cardiovascular-related clinical areas such as
stroke, vascular, and neurology and is planning
to roll these out to all clients this year.
24 July 2019
(No Transcript)
Conversa Health
Enhancing Communication, Building Relationships,
and Revamping the Care Experience

eaningful doctor-patient communication is
central to e?ective patient care management.
Conversa enables healthcare organizations to
monitor, manage and communicate with their
patients more effectively at scale than ever
Not only does this enhance the patient
experience, it also helps encourage the patient
to be a
more collaborative partner in their care. Todays
patients expect transparent and timely ?ow of
information, for themselves as well as their
loved ones. Developing a personal and
compassionate relationship with patients has
been a crucial role to play in the success of
healthcare providers. Conversa Health, an
emerging digital healthcare company, helps make
the process of building long-lasting
relationships with the patients easy through its
innovative technology - The Conversa
Conversation Platform. Conversa is transforming
healthcare from episodic experiences to a
continuous and personalized relationship. By
personalizing and automating care communication,
it envisions to make conversation a cornerstone
of the healthcare experience. Proven Experience
and Passion West Shell III, CEO and Co-founder
of Conversa, has been a catalyst to the
companys fast-paced growth. A 5-time start-up
CEO and the son of a real-estate entrepreneur,
Shell is a creative and enthusiastic leader. He
has a background in business strategy and an
impressive track record of building high growth,
innovative companies with world-class employees

committed customers. His extensive experience
marks him unique in the crowd of digital health
innovators, and has helped him accelerate the
companys growth. With his business acumen and
expertise, Shell raised su?cient funds from the
right sources, partnered with the right people,
and is leading Conversas path of
success. Conversa is the brainchild of Shell and
his partner Dr. Philip Marshall, the Co-founder
and Chief Product O?cer of the company. Although
these two are the creators of the company,
Conversa owes its success to a few prominent
team members Chris Edwards, the
26 July 2019
West Shell III, CEO Co-founder
July 2019 27
Chief Client Experience Marketing O?cer,
Murray Brozinsky, the Chief Strategy O?cer, Becky
James, Vice President of Operations, and Todd
Grant, Vice President of Finance and HR. This is
a unique group of dedicated healthcare
professionals and technologists who are
passionate about transforming the healthcare
experience through automated, personalized
patient conversations. Where it all
started? Conversa is in?uenced by Shells
personal life experience. He grew up with three
sisters, all of whom su?ered from several
chronic health conditions that needed continuous
monitoring. My three sisters are the ones who
drove me to create Conversa. In each case, the
health system failed them. They did not receive
the educational materials and personalized
information to help them manage their
conditions, Shell said. Once they left the
clinical encounter, they stopped being
patients. Unhappy with the conditions that his
sisters faced, Shell realized there was need for
e?ective communication and continuous monitoring
of a patients health in order to deliver better
care. The will to improve the healthcare
communication process is the spark that drove him
to build Conversa Health. Conversa Conversation
Platform As healthcares conversation platform,
Conversa delivers an easy and meaningful way for
care teams and patients to communicate. It has
an extensive library of over 700
clinically-intelligent conversation programs that
include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF),
diabetes, hypertension, joint replacement, and
many more. The company o?ers innovative and
scalable Conversational AI technology enabling
healthcare organizations to deliver automated,
personalized doctor-patient conversation
experiences. The improved scale and communication
leads to more meaningful patient relationships,
e?ective population
management and, ultimately, better clinical and
?nancial outcomes. The Clinically-intelligent
technology Conversas proprietary technology,
which includes a taxonomy-driven patient pro?le,
automatically calibrates the timing, channel of
outreach, priority, and sequencing of modules
for the conversation content delivered. Over
time, Conversas smart technology learns and
identi?es pro?le-based patterns that dynamically
adjust and improve what is asked, what is said,
and what data is collected from each patient in
each conversation. This feature allows the care
providers to engage and monitor the patients
individually. No two conversation experiences
are alike because no two patients are
alike. Illustrious Acknowledgments In its journey
so far, Conversa has received many notable
awards and accolades for its valuable
contribution to the healthcare industry and
best-in-class product. This includes the
honorable recognition as Digital Health
Disrupter and Leader in a research report
published by Juniper and the North American
Patient Engagement Solutions Technology
Leadership Award by Frost and Sullivan. The
company was also chosen as an IDC Patient
Engagement Innovator, a Leading Care Management
Virtual Health Assistant by HealthXL, and a Top
Patient Relationship Management Solution by
Chilmark Research. Whats Ahead? More and more
health organizations and healthcare technology
companies are using Conversa Northwell Health,
Atrium Health System, University Hospitals,
Centura Health, Healthgrades, Allscripts, and
many more. As Conversa is well positioned to
engage massive populations on a personal level,
the company is also receiving tremendous
interest from Pharma and Payer organizations
looking to engage patient users to drive lower
costs and improve health outcomes.
28 July 2019
(No Transcript)
A Leading Organization Developing Technology
for Breast Cancer Screening

Our major mission is to reduce the number of
women who die of breast cancer by developing a
system that can aid earlier detection of the
Tin size is detected, with no lymph involvement,
oday, over half a million women die of breast
cancer every year. Yet, if a tumor of less than
survival rates at 5 years are comparable with
someone who has not had cancer. Addressing this
problem, an eminent organization named Micrima
was set up with the aim of reducing the number
of women who die of breast cancer by developing
a system that can aid earlier detection. Micrima
believes that the early detection of breast
cancer can be achieved by frequent screening
from an early age, which cannot be achieved with
current screening methods. Dedicated to improve
the conventional diagnosis methods, Micrima has
set out to develop a system that is comfortable
for the patient, easy to interpret, and can be
used frequently from a much younger age in order
to detect cancer early. Originally based on
technology for the detection of buried
landmines, the early application to breast
imaging was spun-out from the University of
Bristol, as Micrima, in 2006. The founders of
the company, Roy Johnson, Professor Alan Preece,
and Professor Ian Craddock, recognized the
impact the technology could potentially have on
breast cancer detection and mortality rates.
Until 2014, Micrima continued to fund the work
at the University, when the reduced technology
risk justi?ed the investment into establishing
and growing the physical company. Today, the
company consists of 23 hardware, software, and
product development engineers with a small
commercial team. It is continuing to expand in
all areas of the business to meet the strategic
aims of the company.

conversant with bringing complex technologies to
market, developing worldwide distribution
networks, and negotiating and managing strategic
relationships with some of the industrys
leading players. Following a career in large USA
corporates, he has founded 4 medical technology
companies and has advised the government in the
Life Sciences sector. MARIA A Unique Product
of Micrima MARIA (Multistatic Array Radio-wave
Image Acquisition) is a revolutionary product of
Micrima that uses radio-waves to detect breast
cancer. The procedure of diagnosis includes the
patient lying on their tummy on the bed, such
that breast to be imaged is pendulant through a
hole in the bed. Then, the array comes up to meet
the breast, there are di?erent size inserts to
accommodate di?erent sizes of breast. This array
contains 60 antennae that each transmits and
receives. They each do this in turn, taking 22
seconds before the array rotates. The same
process is repeated twice more to build up a 3D
map of the tissues throughout the breast. MARIA
measures the signal re?ected at the interface
between tissues of di?erent electromagnetic
material properties showing re?ections from the
edges of lesions. The commercial team at Micrima
is working very closely with its clinical
partners ensuring the exact needs of the
customer are met. Today, MARIA is used as an
adjunct to
About the Intellectual Leader Roy Johnson is the
Executive Chairman of Micrima who has over 35
years of enriching experience in the medical
device and diagnostics sector. He has been
operating at board level in both the UK and the
USA. He is particularly
30 July 2019
Roy Johnson Executive Chairman
July 2019 31
other imaging modalities to reduce the chances of
missing the tumor. Producing the image takes
about 1 of the collected data on the breast
tissues, so there is a lot more information
available. The next important step is to work
with the clinical partners in Europe to
understand what information they require and the
best way to display such information, adding
higher levels of functionality to the system.
The company will launch the ?rst step of this
program soon and will begin to classify regions
of interest as to the likelihood of these
regions of interest being benign or
malignant. Professor Lain Lyburn, a consultant
radiologist at Thirlestaine Breast Centre,
Cheltenham, recently said,We have been involved
in the evaluation of the MARIA system for some
time now and whilst it is currently o?ered as an
adjunct to other imaging modalities, particularly
where dense tissue is involved, the technique
promises the exciting ability to distinguish
between tissue types in the future. Any imaging
modality that can readily give this sort of
functional information has the potential to
in?uence many points in the diagnostic and
treatment pathways - there could be less need
for biopsies and possibly a reduction in
overtreatment. Challenges on the Way The road
to success is never easy. Likewise, Micrima,
faced many ups and downs in getting to this
stage of development. Right from persuading the
investors to back the growing enterprise to
solving various technical challenges along the
way and ensuring the right approach to the
commercialization of the product, Micrima has
overcome all these hurdles. On the ?nancing
front, though it wasnt tough for the
company to convince the audiences of the unmet
need regarding breast cancer, the case still had
to be made for its speci?c technological
approach. The crucial part was to prove the
capability and determination of the key personnel
and the growing management team. Today, Micrima
is supported by a growing list of quality
investors who passionately wish to take the
organization forward. Awards and
Accreditations In recent years, Micrima has been
recognized with several awards. Most of these
awards are focused on the technology and
innovation of the MARIA system. These include
general innovation awards, like the Medilink SW
innovation Award in 2018. Micrima has also been
honored with The Frost and Sullivan New Product
Innovation Award- Breast Imaging in 2019 and
the Global Health and Pharma Best Oncology
Diagnostic Imaging Device Manufacture in 2019
Award. Moving towards Success The ongoing
primary goal for Micrima is the evolution of the
MARIA software to deliver increasing degrees of
tissue di?erentiation. The company is hopeful to
be able to identify the type of malignancy along
with the diagnosis of the disease. If we can
assist radiologists by indicating which are low
grade, slow growing, and can/should be monitored
over time, and which are invasive, high grade,
and rapidly growing, this could have huge
implications for the treatment of breast cancer.
There is also the possibility to use this
technology for detecting other types of cancer in
the body in the future, says Roy. On the
commercial front, Micrima will continue its
progress in Europe. The company is also planning
to take this inventive technology to the US and
Asia, once the relevant regulatory approvals are
in place.
32 July 2019
(No Transcript)
Offering Precise User-friendly Skin-based Drug
Delivery Technologies

Ndelivering drugs through the skin. Today, it is a
We focus on innovation, not
emaura Pharma is a renowned organization that
started with developing a single technology for
just to create new drugs or
medications, but also to make the existing
healthcare systems better.
company with over 100 patents ?led, many of which
already granted in multiple territories. The
patents cover a diverse array of platforms that
allows the administration of almost any drug
through the skin. Today, the company is at the
forefront of Transdermal and skin drug delivery
having developed in-house specialist knowledge
and skills, and multiple proprietary novel
delivery systems. The company is well positioned
to provide solutions for complex drug delivery
challenges, using an array of formulation and
device technologies.

About the Ingenious Leader Dr. Faz Chowdhury, the
dynamic Founder and CEO of Nemaura Pharma
originally trained as a drug formulator, and
also holds a Masters degree in Microsystems and
Nanotechnology from Cran?eld University in the
UK, and a PhD in nanomedicine and drug delivery
from the University of Oxford. So, far he has
amassed over 100 patents across over 20
technology platforms as sole inventor, as well as
having written textbook chapters for Wiley and
Elsevier on the subject of Bio-Nanosciences.
Apart from Nemaura Pharma, he also founded
Nemaura Medical Inc., which is a public listed
company in the US (Nasdaq NMRD), focused on
developing and commercializing non-invasive
wearable diagnostic systems. Inspiring
Journey Prior to commencing studies at the
University, Dr. Faz had always planned to start
his own technology company that would give him
something challenging to pursue. Initially, the
hard part for him was to decide when to set up a
company and in what ?eld. During his
undergraduate studies, he discovered his
strength in drug formulation and delivery
systems. Within his ?rst eight years of
employment he decided that it was the right time
in terms of experience and exposure in the
industry, to set up Nemaura Pharma.
Innovative Services Nemaura started with a single
technology for chronotherapeutic drug delivery.
Today, it has grown to become a leading expert
in the ?eld of drug delivery through the skin
with multiple proprietary platform technologies
covering injectables, topical, and transdermal
formulations and over 21 drugs in the active
development using these platforms covering a
wide range of therapeutic areas. Nemaura takes
pride in being able to undertake complex drug
delivery challenges and developing both
formulation and device based solutions to tackle
these challenges. The company has in-house
facilities to be able to design develop, test
and manufacture prototypes of devices and drug
formulations. It o?ers comprehensive
pharmaceutical formulation development services
from concept to clinical batch production and
supply, all based on its proprietary
intellectual property.
34 July 2019
Dr. Faz Chowdhury Founder CEO
July 2019 35
Today, as with most of the technology companies
and more so for companies working in the
Pharmaceutical domain, getting a ?rst product to
market could take over a decade. There is a
continuous cycle of bringing in new investment
which is no mean feat for any company as the
criteria for the investment is the same no
matter how small or large the company. Nemaura
has seamlessly navigated this situation with its
compelling technology platforms and has raised
substantial funds both through product licensing
as well as from equity investors. Currently, the
company is poised to make some radical changes
in the ?eld of drug delivery in particular and
to the ?eld of biologics and vaccines, which
collectively addresses a market opportunity in
the 10's of billions of dollars.
?eld with vast potential for innovation.
Innovation in this ?eld does not necessarily
have to be related to new medicines and
therapies, it can also be methods and devices to
make existing medicines easier to administer and
perhaps with enhanced safety pro?les through drug
targeting or a change in the route of
administration. Companies should ?nd a speci?c
problem to solve and put resources and e?ort
into developing a practical and cost- e?ective
solution to that problem so that there is a clear
route to market, preferably built on clinical
need, and if it can then be applied to other
drugs is then that is a bonus, rather than
starting with a platform technology at the
outset advises Dr. Faz to the budding
He further adds, Finally, we cant be phased by
the long lead times to develop and bring a
technology or product to market, which can in
the case of a new drug delivery technology over
10 years if the technology has real tangible
bene?ts to the patient and the potential to
reduce the burden on healthcare providers then
it is worth pursuing. Future Prospect One of
the breakthrough technologies of Nemaura allows
proteins and vaccines to be produced as a solid
dosage form, in the form of a small particle or
microneedle like structure. The company has
spent almost six years perfecting this
technology and securing intellectual property
around it. The company has a very ambitious goal
of adapting multiple vaccines in to this
technology platform as it o?ers two fundamental
advantages the ?rst is that it avoids the need
for having to store the drug in a refrigerator
prior to use, and so reducing the cost of the
cold chain maintenance. The second advantage is
that it is very easy to use and can be
self-administered without any training. The
company has estimated that this project would
require up to a decade to fully execute. Within
the next 5 years, Nemaura expects the bulk of
over 21 drugs in development to also be launched
in to global markets, including drugs to treat
migraine, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Nemaura is
currently also planning to build its own
state-of-the-art research, development and
manufacturing facility in Loughborough, UK.
Colossal Achievement When asked about the
milestones the company has achieved so far, Dr.
Faz shared, Early in the companys history we
embarked on a development program for a complex
transdermal patch, and within 3 months we
completed initial proof of concept and
subsequently went on to successfully develop the
product through to clinical trials and
submission to the FDA (United States Food and
Drug Administration). This was a highly
challenging formulation with some serious
intellectual property constraints to navigate.
There were few companies including
multinationals that were able to successfully
develop this product at the time. It was a
mammoth achievement for the companys scientists
and engineers, re?ecting on their ingenuity and
expertise. Awards and Accolades Nemaura received
the Frost and Sullivan Technology Leadership
Award in 2016 for Europe for its cutting-edge
innovative skin delivery technologies and for its
potential impact in the future for the
administration of a wide range of medicines.
Last year, in 2018, the company also received
the Medilink UK National Award for drug
delivery which was further endorsement of its
innovative technologies. Words of Advice
The healthcare space is and will always be a
36 July 2019
(No Transcript)
Transformative AI
Revolutionizing Healthcare with Deep Learning
Aof chronic diseases is Transformative AI. The

n eminent start-up that creates arti?cial
We believe that with AI, we can transform
healthcare work?ows and save lives while
generating value for patients, health systems,
and society
intelligent algorithms to predict acute outcomes
start-ups vision is to develop a suite of
predictive analytics for a wide range of medical
conditions. A Unique Approach Today, globally,
over six million people per year su?er from
Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia (VT), which is a
precursor to Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). There
is no existing cardiac monitoring technology
that can automatically and accurately warn
healthcare providers of an oncoming arrest.
Instead, bystanders or healthcare providers rush
to begin delivering cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) and if possible, prepare for
de?brillation. Transformative AI is aimed at
changing this scenario and with this goal, the
start-up has its initial focus on predicting
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) before it
occurs. Using advanced AI and statistical
analysis techniques from Cambridge University
and CERN, Transformative AIs algorithm detects
minute changes in patient physiology and
predicts an imminent real-time risk of SCA. The
unique algorithm would serve as the basis for an
early warning system that would improve patient-
survival for a broad spectrum of high-risk
patients. This approach maximizes the time for
clinicians to provide timely de?brillation,
providing patients with the best chance of
survival and creating a step change in the
rapid-response work?ow.

Furthermore, predictive monitoring holds the
potential to prevent ventricular tachyarrhythmia
(VT) from developing in a subset of patients.
Thus, early warning can usher in a new era of
research into the use of antiarrhythmic
medicines to prevent SCA. The companys second
wave of products will build upon its initial
work by improving care for related cardiac
conditions. Transformative AI believes that AI
will generate massive value when it is used to
transform healthcare work?ows. About the
Trio Dr. Marek Sire
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