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Code Blue


Chapters 12 through 16 Economics drives healthcare Summary The healthcare industry is a complex system of many parts. It is impossible to change one part of the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Code Blue

Code Blue
  • Chapters 12 through 16
  • Economics drives healthcare

Chapter 12
  • In chapter 12, David Brannan is struggling with a
    reversal in the familys financial situation.
  • Financial problems are not unusual in the United
    States. Each year thousands of people take out

Financial Difficulties
  • Individuals facing financial difficulties have
    one of two choices
  • Increase income, or
  • Decrease expenses

Brannan Community Hospital
  • Brannan Community Hospital is also suffering from
    financial difficulties.
  • West Douglas realizes that he has a similar
  • Increase the hospitals revenues, or decrease its
  • He decides to tackle the problem of cost first.

Brannan Community Hospital
  • Before he can determine if the hospitals costs
    are too high, he must know a little more about
    the healthcare industry.
  • He recognizes that healthcare is an expensive

Major National Problem
  • Increasing healthcare costs are a major problem
    for most companies and their employees.

Major National Problem
  • Many companies are finding that they can no
    longer afford to provide coverage for their
  • Some are dropping health insurance as a benefit.
  • Others are moving jobs overseas where healthcare
    costs are less.

Health Expenditures
  • In 2004, the United States spent 1.9 trillion
    for healthcare.
  • It is estimated this expenditure will double in
    the next seven years.
  • If this occurs, many Americans will be unable to
    afford the cost of basic care.

Chapters 13 through 16
  • Why are healthcare costs so high?
  • Technology
  • The uninsured
  • An aging American population
  • Lack of adequate incentives for cost control

  • Technology has provided the ability to save lives
    that would have been lost just a decade ago.
  • No one wants to return to 1990s medicine, but few
    are willing to pay the cost.

  • For example, the cost of a new hospital including
    equipment runs anywhere from one to two million
    dollars per bed.
  • Hospitals often purchase new equipment, not
    because the old has worn out, but because it will
    save more lives.

The Uninsured
  • An estimated 47 million people were uninsured in
  • Some are uninsured because they cannot afford
    healthcare insurance.

The Uninsured
  • Others who could afford it, would rather spend
    their income on other things such as a nicer
    home, or automobile, or recreation equipment.

The Uninsured
  • Many hospitals collect only 50 of billed
  • Uncollected revenues arise from
  • Underpayment of actual costs by Medicare and
  • Discounts demanded by large insurance companies
  • Bad debts
  • Charity care

The Uninsured
  • Hospitals must cover costs somehow.
  • Many compensate for unreimbursed care by
    overcharging self-pay patients.
  • These patients pay for their own care and for the
    care of others.

An Aging American Population
  • When American soldiers returned from World War
    II, many started families.

An Aging American Population
  • The children of these soldiers were known as the
    baby boomers, due to a rapid increase in births
    in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
  • These baby boomers are nowbecoming senior

Healthcare Costs
  • A non-profit study group calculated the cost of
    adding ten years to the life of one person using
    ten promising medical technologies.

Heres what they found . . .
Another cause of high costs lack of proper
incentives for cost control
  • In a free enterprise market economy, the market
    provides incentives for cost control.
  • There is no market mechanism in healthcare.

Lack of Proper Incentives
  • When people shop on the basis of price . . .
  • This creates cost competition . . .
  • Which provides an incentive for businesses to
    keep costs low.
  • There is no such incentive in the healthcare

Lack of Price Competition
  • When is the last time you heard someone say
  • Where can I get a cut-rate price on a brain
    operation? or
  • Who is the cheapest doctor in town?

In addition . . .
  • Most products in a market economy have prices
    that can be determined before they are purchased.

In addition . . .
  • This is not true of healthcare.
  • Doctors and hospitals dont post their charges,
    and . . .
  • Most patients dont know the cost of the products
    they purchase until they receive a bill.

Are there other reasons providers didnt control
  • Yes, one of these had to do with the way doctors
    and hospitals were paid.
  • Hospitals traditionally were paid cost plus a
    small margin for profit.
  • This was called cost reimbursement.
  • Cost reimbursement provided few incentives for
    cost control.

Cost Control
  • If you were the administrator of a hospital that
    received full cost reimbursement plus a 3 profit
    from insurance companies, what is one easy way
    you could increase profits?
  • Let cost increase!

Hospital Reimbursement
  • The government tried to correct this problem in
    the early 1980s by fixing the price of hospital
    products and services.
  • With fixed price reimbursement, hospitals would
    absorb the cost of inefficiency.
  • Fixed price payment is also called prospective

Hospital Reimbursement
  • One type of prospective reimbursement is
    diagnostic related group (DRG) reimbursement.
  • Medicare classified all illnesses into
    approximately 400 categories.
  • A fixed price was set for each product.

Hospital Reimbursement
  • If the hospitals actual costs to treat the
    patient were less than the fixed payment, they
    made an additional profit.
  • If the costs were higher, the hospital had to
    absorb the loss.
  • DRG reimbursement provided an incentive to keep
    costs down.

Other Incentives
  • Another way that the government and the insurance
    industry has tried to provide incentives for cost
    control is through managed care.

Managed care tries to keep costs down by
  • Negotiating lower prices with doctors and
  • Mandating that patients go to these doctors and
  • Making patients get a second opinion before
    getting an expensive procedure or operation.
  • Encouraging patients to use generic drugs.

Managed Care
  • Not everyone likes managed care.
  • Doctors feel that insurance companies are telling
    them how to practice medicine.
  • Patients dont like being told where to go for
  • The issue is cost versus choice.

If you dont like the system . . .
  • Then you and those of your generation will have
    to fix it.
  • The students in your class who go on to become
    healthcare professionals, will face problems far
    more severe than any previous generation of
    healthcare professionals.

Redesign of System
  • The author is convinced that if the healthcare
    delivery system of tomorrow is to meet the needs
    of the American population, physicians nurses and
    other health professionals will have to take the
    system back from the businessmen, accountants and
  • Both groups are needed, but more input is needed
    from doctors and nurses.

Redesign of System
  • In a sense you will play the role of West
    Douglas, except youll be trying to save the
    American healthcare delivery system instead of
    just one hospital.
  • To fix the system you will need to understand how
    it works.
  • Hence, the reason Ive included a section on
    health economics in the book.

Other Topics Covered
  • Systems
  • Listening Skills

  • Appendix to chapter 15

  • Note to teachers and students. The author used
    the national health skill standards developed as
    a pilot project by the U.S. Department of labor
    in determining what topics should be included in
    Code Blue.
  • A test on these standards leading to a Healthcare
    Foundation Skills Certificate can be taken by
    students wishing this certification

  • After completing Code Blue, the author took the
    exam and felt that all of the skill standards
    were covered in sufficient detail except for
  • While the author did not write Code Blue to
    provide specific answers found on the test,
    systems is such a broad area that the it was felt
    advisable to add an appendix focusing
    specifically on those systems topics NOCTI felt
    relevant for the exam.
  • Although this appendix was written specifically
    for students interested in taking the test, the
    material should be useful to any health
    occupations student.

A System
  • A system is an orderly and complex arrangement of
  • There are many types of systems including
  • Physiological systems the digestive system, the
    neurological system, and the circulatory system.
  • Economic systems capitalism and socialism.
  • Computer systems network, mainframe, and PC
    computer systems.

Common Elements
  • Most systems have the following elements
  • Input resources entering the system.
  • Throughput the processes and resources used to
    create a product.
  • Output the final product.
  • Feedback information taken from the output to
    control or correct errors in throughput.

Systems Thinking
  • Systems thinking is one approach to
  • It is also known as systems analysis.

Systems Thinking
  • Systems thinking is a way of solving problems by
    looking at a problem from a broad perspective,
    looking not only at the individual parts of the
    system, but the way these parts relate to each

Systems Thinking
  • Systems thinking recognizes the whole is greater
    than the sum of its parts, and often results in
    different conclusions than those reached by
    traditional problem-solving models.

The American Healthcare Delivery System
  • The American healthcare delivery industry is a
  • System components include doctors, hospitals,
    insurance companies, and so on.
  • In addressing problems within the healthcare
    delivery system, it is important to look at the
    system as a whole, and not just focus on one or
    more of its components.

Backwards Thinking
  • Systems thinking involves backwards thinking.
  • It begins with the final goal and works
    backwards, analyzing the relationship of each
    part or activity to the goal.

Backwards Thinking
  • For example, if the goal of a team is to produce
    low-cost but high-quality medical products, then
    backwards thinking starts with the final product,
    and evaluates each input an activity involved in
    producing the product.

Evaluate each activity to see if . . .
  • The activity was needed for the manufacture of
    the product.
  • The activity raised quality.
  • The activity cut costs.

If the answer to the second or third question is
no, the team might redesign the input to achieve
that goal.
If the answer to the first question is no, the
team might evaluate stopping the input or the
Advantages of Systems Thinking
  • Globalism It provides a global approach to
  • Systems thinking helps employees see the forest
    for the trees.
  • It enables team members to see the big picture.

Advantages of Systems Thinking
  • Focus Systems thinking allows problem solvers to
    identify cause and effect relationships.
  • It focuses on the activities needed for change.

Advantages of Systems Thinking
  • Team building Systems thinking helps team
    members identify the goal of the team, and
    understand how their individual activities
    contribute to that goal.

The American Healthcare Delivery System
  • The American healthcare delivery system can be
    modeled as follows

Healthcare System Inputs
  • Human resources include the professionals who
    diagnose and treat the patients.
  • Financial resources are the funds to pay the
    salaries of the healthcare workers.
  • Patients, of course, are the people who enter the
    system for diagnosis, treatment, and so on.

The American Healthcare Delivery System
  • Inputs include
  • Human and financial resources
  • patients

Finance mechanisms are an important throughput
  • By this we mean the individuals, insurance
    companies, government agencies, and so on who pay
    the bills.

How does America finance healthcare?
  • Self paymentsome patients pay their own doctor
    and hospital bills.
  • Employersmany companies provide health
  • Private insurancesome people buy their own
    health insurance coverage.

How does America finance healthcare?
  • Medicaidstate-run programs that pay the cost of
    healthcare for the poor or indigent.
  • Medicarea federally funded program that pays for
    some healthcare products and services for those
    65 years of age and older.

How does America finance healthcare?
  • The healthcare industrymany healthcare providers
    (most specifically hospitals) provide charity

The American Healthcare Delivery System
  • Throughputs include
  • Treatment and education resources
  • Financial mechanisms
  • Management and control mechanisms

The American Healthcare Delivery System
  • Outputs include
  • Healthy patients
  • Healthy lifestyles

The American Healthcare Delivery System
  • Information feedback links outputs to inputs

The healthcare delivery system is like a mobile
  • Movement or pressure exerted on one component
    exerts pressure on others.

For example . . .
  • Pressure to cut cost affects the volume of
    patients entering the system.
  • Greater volumes of patients entering the system
    puts pressure on finance mechanisms such as
    Medicare and Medicaid.

For example . . .
  • Changes in financing can affect cost, quality,
    and access to care.
  • More resources spent preventing illness will cut
    resources needed for diagnosis and treatment.
  • Staff shortages can raise wages and put pressure
    on financing mechanisms.

  • The healthcare industry is a complex system of
    many parts.
  • It is impossible to change one part of the system
    without influencing others.
  • Historically, some people haveattempted to fix
    the system by focusing on one or more broken

  • By failing to take a systems approach and
    consider the big picture, however, they often
    reap unintended consequences.
  • Those wishing to address quality, cost, and
    accessibility must adopt a systems approach to

Listening Skills
  • Appendix to Chapter 16

Listening Skills
  • Listening may seem like an inborn ability, but
    active listening requires practice and skill.
  • Have you ever had a conversation with someone
    whos distracted?
  • Listening is an important part of successful

Characteristics of good listeners include . . .
  • An interest in the subject
  • An ability to focus
  • A desire to know, versus a desire to be known
  • The ability to set aside prejudice
  • The ability to read body language
  • Patience a willingness to give the speaker time
  • A willingness to put oneself into anothers

Tips for increasing your listening skills
  • Talk less, listen more. Pay attention to what the
    speaker is saying, instead of thinking about what
    you are going to say next.

Tips for increasing your listening skills
  • Give feedback paraphrase or restate what the
    other person is saying.
  • Offer your interpretation.

Tips for increasing your listening skills
  • Reflect on what is being said.
  • Asked questions probe.

Review of Discussion Questions
  • Chapters 12 through 16.

The End
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