Title: The Rules of the Nautical Road
1The Rules of the Nautical Road
Chapter 8
2The Rules of the Nautical Road
3Lesson Objectives
- How Navigation rules apply
- Differences between Inland and International
Rules - General Responsibility Rule
- Assessing Accident Liability
- Responsibility for helping others
4Lesson Objectives (2)
- Safe conduct of your vessel
- Proper sound signals
- Proper light configurations
- Operation in restricted visibility
- What lights and shapes tell you
- Legal distress signals
5Two Sets of Rules
- Why do we need Navigation Rules?
6Two Sets of Rules
- International
- Inland
- Your Local Waters
7Two Sets of Rules
- What is the purpose of demarcation lines?
8Vessel Definitions
- Who can tell the difference in the following
- Sailing vessel
- Propelled by machinery
- Seaplane
9Vessel Definitions
- Underway
- Adrift
- Drifting
- Making way
10Vessel Definitions
- Fishing vessel
- Vessel restricted in ability to maneuver
- Vessel in sight of another
- Vessel not under command
- Vessel constrained by draft
11The General Responsibility Rule
- Rule of good seamanship
- The General Prudential Rule
12Assessing Legal Liability
- What do you think your responsibility is when
piloting your vessel?
13General Considerations
- Vessel size and rules
- Maintain a lookout
- Safe speed
- Radar
Reprinted with permission from Fast Power Boat
Seamanship by Dag Pike
14Conduct in a Narrow Channel
- Who can recall some of the rules to observe when
operating in a narrow channel?
Reprinted with permission from Seaworthy
Essential Lessons from Boat USs 20 Year Case
File of Things Gone Wrong by Robert A. Adriance
15Traffic Separation Schemes
- International Rules
- Vessel Traffic Services
16Stand On or Give Way
- Stand on vessel
- Give way vessel
17Stand On or Give Way/Danger Zone
- Who can describe the three sectors on a vessel?
- Three sectors on a vessel
18Stand On or Give Way
- Who is stand on when you see the following
- Red/Green light together
- White light drawing closer
- Red light
19Rules for Special Vessels
Reprinted with permission from Rules of the Road
and Running Light Patterns A Captains Quick
Guide by Charlie Wing
20Rules for Special Vessels
- Overtaking and Overtaken Vessels Overtaken
- Overtaken vessel
- Sailing vessel
- Seaplanes
21Rules for Special Vessels
- Sailing Vessels
- Wind on port side
- Windward
Reprinted with permission from Rules of the Road
and Running Light Patterns A Captains Quick
Guide by Charlie Wing
22Risk of Collision
- Lights
- Sound signals
- International meeting
- Inland meeting
Reprinted with permission from Federal
Requirements Safety Tips for Recreational Boats
U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety
23Risk of Collision
- Crossing Situations
- Crossing signals
- Crossing in International Waters
- Crossing in Inland Waters
Reprinted with permission from Federal
Requirements Safety Tips for Recreational Boats
U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety
24Risk of Collision
- Overtaking Situations
- Inland Waters
- International Waters
- Narrow channels
Reprinted with permission from Federal
Requirements Safety Tips for Recreational Boats
U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety
25Risk of Collision
- Bend signals
- Who can tell us what signals are used when
nearing a bend when your view may be restricted?
26Restricted Visibility
- What should a boater do when there is restricted
27Restricted Visibility
- Sound signals underway
- Power driven underway
- Power driven adrift
- Power driven unique circumstances and sail driven
28Restricted Visibility
- Sound signals not underway
- Anchor in open water
- Vessel aground
- Special anchorages
29Vessel Lights and Shapes
- What kinds of information do lights and day
shapes on boats provide?
On -Diagram
Light Type
30Vessel Lights and Shapes
- Sailing vessels underway
- Separate lights
- Combined side lights
- Alternative lights less than 20 meters
- Using both power and sail
- Optional all-round mast lights under sail
- Sailing vessel less than 7 meters and row boat
Reprinted with permission from Federal
Requirements Safety Tips for Recreational Boats
U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety
31Vessel Lights and Shapes
- Power driven underway
- Less than 20 meters long
- 12 meters or more
- 50 meters or more
Reprinted with permission from Federal
Requirements Safety Tips for Recreational Boats
U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety
32Vessel Lights and Shapes
- Special lights and shapes
- Fishing vessels
- Constrained by draft
- Towing vessels
- Other special vessels
33Vessel Lights and Shapes
- Vessels at anchor
- Who remembers what lights a vessel at anchor has
and what day shapes are displayed?
Reprinted with permission from Federal
Requirements Safety Tips for Recreational Boats
U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety
34Vessel Lights and Shapes
- Diving operations
- What lights does a vessel engaged in diving
operations show?
Reprinted with permission from Federal
Requirements Safety Tips for Recreational Boats
U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety
35Distress Signals
- Who remembers some of the distress signals?
36Homeland Security Measures
- 1-877-24WATCH
- 1-800-424-8802
- You can be fined for not obeying the rules