Title: Should We Continue to Fund the War on Drugs?
1Should We Continue to Fund the War on Drugs?
- Amy Chamberlain
- Paul Fleischer
- Alcione Frederick
- Nick Hager
2Do you remember?
- Prohibition, the move to decrease alcohol
consumption in 1919 - National Prohibition Act (Volstead Act or 18th
Amendment) was passed by Congress in 1919 - The law prohibited the manufacture,
transportation and sale of beverages containing
more than 0.5 per cent alcohol, particularly beer - Beer consumption reduced dramatically
3Prohibition Consequences
- However, this created the market for hard liquor
- Moonshine, bath-tub gin, home brewed spirits,
etc. - In addition, the following happened
- An increase in
- Substance-related deaths
- Government spending to enforce the law
- Judicial caseloads
- Prison population
- Violent crime, including murder
- The alcohol production and distribution became
decentralized and democratized - Organized crime boomed as criminals jumped at the
chance to quench the demand for liquor - However, most of the production and distribution
was done on a smaller scale by average citizens
4The End of Prohibition
- When the American people saw what Prohibition was
doing to them, they supported its repeal through
the 21st Amendment in 1933 - Made the rules and regulations surrounding
alcohol control a State matter - Within a few years, the production and
consumption of alcohol fell by 50 - Instituted the Three -Tier System
- Producers, wholesalers, retailers
5Drug War Clock as of Friday 10/22/04
- Money spent on the War On Drugs in 2003
- 19.179 billion at a rate of approx. 600 per
second - People arrested for Drug Law offenses this year
- 1,279,214
- People incarcerated for Drug Law offenses this
year - 191,773
6History of Drug Laws
- 1875 Anti-Opium Ordinance, San Francisco the
smoking of opium was forbidden in opium dens - 1914 Harrison Narcotics Act at face-value
this was a law for the orderly marketing of
opium, morphine, heroin, and cocaine in small
quantities over the counter, and in larger
quantities on a physician's prescription in the
course of his professional practice only - 1936 - Reefer Madness is released and shown to
school children as a deterrent for drug use - 1937 Marijuana Tax Act - purpose of the Act is
to levy a token tax of 1 per ounce for
authorized transfers on all buyers, sellers,
importers, growers, physicians, veterinarians,
and any other persons who deal in marijuana
commercially, prescribe it professionally, or
possess it
7History cont.
- 1960s Counterculture revolution!!! Recreational
drug use becomes fashionable among young, white,
middle class Americans - 1970 - Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and
Control Act - consolidates previous drug laws
and reduces penalties for marijuana possession.
It also strengthens law enforcement by allowing
police to conduct "no-knock" searches - 1971 - Soldiers in Vietnam develop heroin
addiction - 1971 - Nixon declares war on drugs. At a press
conference Nixon names drug abuse as "public
enemy number one in the United States." He
announces the creation of the Special Action
Office for Drug Abuse Prevention (SAODAP)
8Controlled Substances Act
- Schedule I (Most Dangerous)
- Ecstasy
- Heroin
- Marijuana
- Quaaludes
- Peyote
- Magic mushrooms
- Schedule II
- Codeine
- Cocaine
- Coca leaves
- Amphetamine
- Crack
- Morphine
- Oxycodone
- Opium poppy and derivatives
9Controlled Substances Act
- Schedule III
- Anabolic steroids
- Barbituric acid and derivatives
- synthetic THC in sesame oil/soft gelatin
- Testosterone
- Morphine combos
- Codeine combos
- Schedule IV
- Valium
- Barbitone
- Propacet
- Halcion
- Schedule V (Least Dangerous)
- Codeine preparations
- Ethylmorphine preparations
- Opium preparations
10Whos using?
- According to the DEA, there are approx. 30-40
million US citizens who have used an illegal drug
within the last year or so this number,
however, is speculated to be significantly higher - The U.S. has 5 of the Worlds population but
consumes 60 of its illicit drugs
11Drug Usage Among Children
- Since 1992, federal surveys indicate an increase
in adolescent drug use - The Office of National Drug Control Policys plan
for budgeting drug control during the years
1998-2003 included spending less than 12 on
youth prevention 12 of the 100 billion planned - The Research Triangle Institute reported that
DARE students were no less likely to use drugs
than students who were not involved with the
12- In 1975, 87 of youths said it was very easy or
fairly easy to obtain marijuana. In 1998,
89.6 said it was easily obtained
13The Cost of The War on Drugs
Historical Drug Control Funding by
Function (Budget Authority in Millions)
The Domestic Law Enforcement Category consists
of money used for the criminal justice system,
other research, and intelligence.
14Whats More Important Prevention or Enforcement?
Represents money allocated, does not include
outside budget spending, in reality, figures are
closer to 18 - 20 billion a year
15Costs of Incarcerating Drug Offenders
- Costs to incarcerate a drug-dealer is as follows
- Arrest conviction - 150,000
- Additional Prison Bed - 50,000-150,000
- Yearly Housing - 30,000 (Note the avg
sentence is 5 years, which raises the to
150,000) - Approx. max. total 450,000
- Cost if estimated 30-40 million yearly drug
abusers were imprisoned 10-15 trillion
16Incarceration Rates
- According to the Department of Justice there
are approx. 2 million people incarcerated in the
U.S. - U.S. leads the world in Incarceration Rates
- The number of people behind bars in the United
States for drug crimes alone now exceeds the
number of people in prison in Europe for all
crimes combined
17 Federally Imprisoned by Offense in U.S.
Drug Offenses 59.6 Robbery 9.8 Property
Offenses 5.5 Extortion, Fraud, Bribery
6.8 Violent Offenses 2.7 Firearms,
Explosives, Arson 8.6 White Collar 1
18Discrimination in Incarceration Rates
- Approx. ΒΌ of young American black men are either
in prison or on parole. Most of them were
arrested on non-violent drug charges - The rate for incarcerated whites is less than ten
times the rate of blacks
19Arguments FOR the Drug War
- A state cannot tolerate or be involved with the
distribution of immoral substances - Recreational use of certain drugs is unhealthy
and dangerous for the user's body - Drugs are addictive, they rob the user of free
will - A drug user cant make an informed and rational
decision to continue using drugs - If illegal drugs were legalized, dealers would
invent more dangerous and addictive drugs in
order to maintain their profit
20Arguments FOR cont
- Drug use is dangerous to people other than the
user, in the rise of health care costs, violence
associated with the use of drugs and neglect of
children by drug-addicted parents - If drugs were legalized, the companies that
manufacture and market them would be sued, as
have the tobacco companies - Drug use negatively impacts the economy in the
form of users missing work and doing poor work. - Soft drugs, such as marijuana, are gateways to
harder drugs cocaine, heroin
21Arguments FOR cont
- If illegal drugs are legalized, the FDA will have
to be shut down, meaning that all health and
safety restrictions on foods and drugs will be
eliminated. Massive epidemics of diseases,
overdoses and accidental drug interactions will
occur - Once legalized, corporations would advertise and
promote addictive drugs to increase profit - We have to protect the children
22Arguments AGAINST
- If the goal of a state is to protect citizens'
health and well-being, drugs should be legalized
so that their purity can be monitored - Other countries that have experimented with
degrees of legalization have had positive
results - Prohibition vs. Legalization the U.S. Policy
vs. programs used in Europe - Comparison of U.S. to Amsterdam Holland
- US marijuana is outlawed
- Amsterdam marijuana is legal, sales are
regulated, selling to minors is prohibited - Holland has 100s of shops where pot is tolerated
- US 38 of adolescents have smoked pot
- Holland 20 of adolescents have smoked pot
23Arguments AGAINST cont
- Drug legalization will decrease organized and
disorganized crime by putting the distributors
out of business - Drug use is a victimless crime which means it
should be legal - W.O.D. facilitates police corruption, by
injecting huge profits into the black market - W.O.D is hypocritical because only certain drugs
are targeted. Other drugs, such as alcohol,
caffeine and tobacco are legal, yet cause many
more problems than current illegal drugs
24- Tobacco 390,000
- Alcohol 80,000
- Second-hand Smoke from Tobacco 50,000
- All Illegal Drugs Combined 4,500 Marijuana
25Arguments AGAINST cont
- Legalizing drugs will help keep more dangerous
and addictive drugs from minors, for whom the
deleterious effects are greater - Drug legalization will enable users to be certain
that they are receiving the correct drug - The strict enforcement of drug laws has led to
overcrowding prisons and the early release of
violent offenders - Legalization would prevent any government excuse
to ban the industrial use of hemp which can be
made into about 50,000 products
26In addition,
- The War on Drugs funds Terrorism and helped bring
about 9/11 - In March 2002, in a statement before the Senate
Judiciary Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism,
and Government, Sen. Jon Kyl (R.-Ariz.) reported
that opium production in Afghanistan under the
Taliban accounted for 72 percent of production
worldwide and was used to shelter Osama bin
Laden and other al-Qaeda terrorists - He similarly indicated that bin Laden provided
protection to heroin-processing labs, was a part
owner in numerous labs, and part owner of one
load shipped to the U.S.
27Parallels between
- Prohibition
- An increase in
- Substance-related deaths
- Government spending to enforce the law
- Judicial caseloads
- Prison population
- Violent crime, including murder
- The alcohol production and distribution became
decentralized and democratized - Organized crime boomed as criminals jumped at the
chance to quench the demand for liquor - However, most of the production and distribution
was done on a smaller scale by average citizens
- War on Drugs
- Increases
- N/A
- 18 billion annually total 40 billion
(including State) - Largest prison pop. with 59.6 drug based
- Added 11,000 murders/yr during 1980s
- Drug production and distribution is decentralized
and democratized - No criminal syndicate, however, there are
large-scale operations - Most are small-scale entrepreneurs
- In addition, theres a relationship between drug
prohibition and law enforcement corruption
28Murder in America Homicides per 100,000
population 1900 - 1997 (FBI Uniform Crime Reports)
29What Prohibition Teaches Us
- Prohibition causes crime
- the consensus of opinion among criminologists is
that "prohibition is shown to directly increase
violent crime, even in cases where it deters drug
use. The more resources given to the fight
against drugs, the greater the homicide rate" - Prohibition encourages waste
- There will always be a market for mind-altering
substances - Profits from drugs sold in a similar manner as
alcohol can go towards treatment and education - Prohibition ignores the functional drug user
- The 40 million that use drugs and still function
in society
30What Prohibition Teaches Us cont
- No amount of legislation or social engineering is
going to prevent some people from using
substances others disapprove of - According to the National Survey on Drug Use and
Health, Americans still generally use illicit
drugs with the same frequency they have since the
drug war began, despite harsher sentences,
increased funding for law enforcement, more
prisons, expensive public relations campaigns and
frightening trespasses on our civil liberties
31We agree with the widely held belief that the
War on Drugs is the modern-day Prohibition and
therefore should no longer be funded
32Sources Sources
- http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/drug
s/cron/ - www.addictiondoctor.com
- http//www.druglibrary.org
- http//www.drugwarfacts.org
- http//www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/drugfact/index
.html - http//www.erowid.org/psychoactives/statistics/sta
tistics.shtml - http//laws.justice.gc.ca/en/C-38.8/37187.htmlrid
-37237 - http//www.usdoj.gov/dea/pubs/scheduling.html
- www.theinternetparty.org/issues
- www.lindesmith.org/global/terrorism
- www.capmag.com/articlePrint.asp?ID3435
- www.haciendapub.com/monde.html
- www.lp.org/issues/relegalize.html
- www.faculty/ncwc.edu/toconner/pol/495lect01.htm
- www.drugtext.org/library/articles/craig103.htm
- http//serendipity.nofadz.com/wod.html
- http//www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/alcohol/pa-157