Title: Motivation
1Motivation 1 for LEAD
- Weather technologies are very hard to use in
sophisticated ways because theyre so complicated
and linked together using cumbersome scripts -
2Motivation 2 for LEAD
- High impact local weather is VERY DYNAMIC while
our meteorological tools, cyber environments and
learning modalities are almost entirely STATIC
3The LEAD Vision
- Revolutionize the ability of scientists,
students, and operational practitioners to
observe, analyze, predict, understand, and
respond to intense local weather by interacting
with it dynamically and adaptively in real time
4Two Principal Goals of LEAD
- Goal 1 Lowering the barrier for using complex
end-to-end weather technologies - Democratize the availability of advanced weather
technologies for research and education - Empower application in a grid context
- Facilitate rapid understanding, experiment design
and execution - Goal 2 Dynamic Adaptation to Weather
- Models and hazardous weather detection systems
responding to observations and their own output - Models and hazardous weather detection systems
driving the collection of observations - IT infrastructures providing on-demand, fault
tolerant services
5What Does it Take?
- Adaptive weather tools
- Adaptive sensors
- Adaptive cyberinfrastructure
- An environment to bring all of these together
6And how can LEAD empower learning?
- Can we use the LEAD science Gateway as the portal
to educational activities? - Can the underlying cyberinfrastructure be used
for learning and discovery? - Can we guide the student through a tiered
sequence of learning activities that build
interactivity leading ultimately to discovery?
7LEAD Portal and Data GUI
8LEAD Portal Home Page
Students can access a suite of learning
materials, particularly LEAD-to-LEARN modules,
case studies that provide guided inquiry into
complex atmospheric phenomena with the options to
explore these conditions using distributed
9Students have developed a suite of learning
modules, case studies that use archived data to
explore the physical concepts and underling
principles related to interesting atmospheric
phenomena. For example
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11Pop-up boxes with term definitions
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17But so far, these modules are little more than
course supplementsthey are static. What students
need are instructional methods that demonstrate,
guide, and enable DISCOVERYwere getting there
18LEAD Portal
- https//portal-dev.leadproject.org
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