Motivation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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It is related to motivation of employees. ... affecting the behaviour of a person: Motivational factors; Hygienic factors. Hygienic factors are not motivating ones. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Motivation

  • Lecture 10

Motivation definition
  • It is a set of forces that cause people to behave
    in certain ways
  • It is the reason to take certain action
  • Motivation can be internal and external.

Approaches to motivation
  • Historical approach
  • Taylor is representative of it. He thought that
    economic incentive is the primary one that
    motivates the individual. Money is the only
    motivation factor according to this approach.
  • Work is inherently unpleasant for workers and the
    money they earn is more important than the job
    they are performing

Motivation as a process
It begins with a deficiency for the individual.
There is some need to be satisfied and it leads
to feeling of deficiency. Next step is searching
of ways to satisfy needs Choice of behaviour to
satisfy need Evaluation of need
satisfaction Determination of future needs and
search of choice for satisfaction
Human relations approach
  • The emphasis is on the social processes. The
    employees want to feel important and useful at
    their workplace, want to belong to certain social
    group and these needs are more important than
  • Managers should involve employees in the decision
    making process,keep them informed about all
    changes in organizations.

Human resources approach
  • People want to contribute to the organizations
    and are able to make genuine contributions.
    Managements task is to encourage participation
    and create work environment that makes full use
    of available resources. It is related to
    motivation of employees.

Content perspectives of motivation
  • Content perspectives deal with internal processes
    of motivations. They represent the needs of
    people. They answer the questionWhat factors
    motivate people?
  • They are represented by the following theories
  • Maslows need hierarchy
  • Two-factor theory

Maslows theory of motivation
  • People are motivated to satisfy various needs and
    these needs are arranged in a hierarchy of
    importance. There are the following needs
  • Physiological needs( food, water, sleep)
  • Security needs, i.e. needs for secure physical
    and emotional environment( secure home, job
  • Belonginess needs. They are related to social
  • Esteem needs includes need of a positive
    self-image and self-respect and need for
    recognition and respect from others.
  • Self-actualization needs. It is the potential for
    growth that the person has.

Disadvantages of Maslows theory
  • People are motivated by different needs at the
    same time.
  • You do not have to satisfy primary needs in order
    to be motivated by higher needs.
  • Needs are constantly appearing.

ERG theory of motivation
  • The author of it is Alderfer. The needs are the
  • Existence needs. They correspond to the security
    and physiological needs of Maslow.
  • Relatedness needs focus on how people relate to
    the social environment.
  • Growth needs correspond to self-esteem and
    self-actualization needs.

Advantages of Alderfers theory
  • More than one level of needs can motivate at the
    same time
  • It has frustration-regression model. If needs
    remain unsatisfied at higher level, the
    individual will become more frustrated and
    regress to the lower model.

Two-factor theory
  • It is developed by Herzberg.
  • There are two group of factors, affecting the
    behaviour of a person
  • Motivational factors
  • Hygienic factors.
  • Hygienic factors are not motivating ones. They
    must be provided and managers should ensure that
    they are not deficient.

Hygienic factors
  • They include pay and security, safe working
    conditions, acceptable technical supervision,
    good company policy and administration.

Motivational factors
  • Factors that motivate workers are
  • achievement
  • Recognition
  • The work itself
  • Responsibility
  • Advancement and growth.

Process perspectives on motivation
  • The process theories view motivation as an
    external process.they focus on why people choose
    certain behavioural options to fulfill their
    needs and how they evaluate their satisfaction
    after they have attained their goals.
  • The popular theories include expectancy theory
    and equity theory.

Expectancy theory
  • Motivation is determined by how much we want
    something and how likely we think we are going to
    get it.
  • The behaviour is determined by a combination of
    forces in the individual and in the environment
  • People make decisions about their own behaviour
    in the organizations.
  • Different people have different types of needs,
    desires and goals.
  • People make choices among alternative plans of
    behaviour based on their perception of the extent
    to which a given behaviour is leading to a
    certain outcome.

Effort- to- performance
  • The basic idea is individuals perception of the
    probability that his or her effort will lead to
    high performance.
  • When the individual believes that his effort will
    lead to high performance, expectancy will be
    quite strong

Performance-to-outcome expectancy
  • It is the individual perception that his or her
    performance will lead to a specific outcome.
  • If the individual believes that gigh performance
    will result in pay rise, his performance-tooutcome
    expectancy is high.

Outcomes and valences
  • Expectancy theory recognizes that individual may
    experince a variety of outcomes or rewards in an
    organizational setting.
  • Valence is an index of how much an individual
    desires a particular outcome, it is the
    attractiveness of the outcome to the individual.

Motivational programs
  • Behaviour modification. It has five stages
  • The manager specifies behaviours that are to be
  • These target behaviours are measured to establish
    a baseline against the effectiveness of behaviour
  • Then manager analyzes the situation to ascertain
    what rewards subordinates value and how to tie
    these rewards with the target behaviour.

Work redesign
  • Changing the nature of the task-related
    activities is being used as motivational
  • It takes the form of
  • Job rotation
  • Job enlargement
  • Job characteristics approach
  • Autonomous work groups.

Group task
  • You are going to motivate the staff in the
    restaurant with Bulgarian cuisine. Work in groups
    and write motivation program for the people
    involved in it.
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