Chapter 1: Introduction to Pervasive Computing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Pervasive Computing


A 'new' angle to look at the relationship between our world and the computer world ... New applications and requirements (become parts of our living) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 1: Introduction to Pervasive Computing

Chapter 1Introduction to Pervasive Computing
  • A New Start
  • What is a Computer?
  • Computer Systems Vs. Our Needs
  • Growth of Computer Technologies
  • The Current Status and Current Trends
  • The Next Step
  • Integration of Technologies Pervasive Computing
  • Some Definitions
  • Pervasive Computing Systems Components

A New Start
  • Pervasive computing, a new topic
  • A new angle to look at the relationship between
    our world and the computer world
  • What is a computer world?
  • The world created by a computer (logical and NOT
  • Data structure algorithms gt execute
  • Computers are NOT Computers So, what are they
  • Thus, we need to start to learn it from the
    fundamental computer concepts and rebuild the
  • New applications and requirements (become parts
    of our living)
  • In hospital, shopping mall, driving and
    navigation, traveling and sight-seeing, home and
    office, all aspects of our daily lives, etc.
  • Design Problems and Solutions
  • New devices and tools
  • Moving from mobile devices to pervasive computing
    devices, smart dusts, sensors limitations and
  • Fixed and mobile networks connectivity
    everywhere quality
  • J2ME, Palm OS, Symbian OS, WinCE, TinyOS, TinyDB,

  • What is a Computer?

What is a Computer?
  • Fundamental Question What is a Computer?
  • Answer One Structurally, a specially designed
    machine CPU, memory and I/O devices software
    (OS ( middleware) applications)
  • CPU performs computation
  • OS manages resources
  • Applications define what you want to be done by
    the computer
  • Memory for temporarily storage of data
    (information) for computation
  • Receive inputs and then generate outputs
  • Compare computers Vs. human beings (structurally)

What is a Computer?
  • Answer Two Functionally, a machine that can
    perform computing jobs (computation)
  • What is computation?
  • I finished a program then I submitted it for
    execution (computation) by a computer
  • Program a sequence of instructions telling the
    computer what to do
  • What will be the consequences if the instructions
    are incorrect?
  • Note computation is not just referring to
    arithmetic. It also includes logic operations
  • Compare the way that we do a task with the way
    that computers do a task (stepwise)

What is a Computer?
  • Answer Three Functionally and operationally
  • Mostly, a computer can be used for multiple
    (general) purposes (operating system
  • Mostly, at fixed locations although they are
    connected to fixed or wireless networks and can
    be carried around (home uses or office uses)
  • If you have a job needed to be performed, you
    have to find a computer sit in front of it, and
    then submit your job request through the specific
    interface of the computer. (You know what is a
    computer and then you know how to find one)
  • General purpose computers Vs. specific purpose
  • General purposes loading different programs for
    different purposes
  • Specific purposes pre-loaded programs for
    specific purposes. May not be able to add more
  • You perform computation. Are you a
    specific/general purpose computer?

  • What are the relationships between You and
    Computer Systems?
  • Separated!

Computer Vs. Our Needs
  • Q How can we finish a task? How about in the
    past when we did not have computers? I.e., How to
    communicate, perform computation, finish a task,
    deal with uncertainty, etc., in our daily???
  • Similarity your real world Vs. the computer
    virtual world
  • Computation 1 1 2
  • Definition and change (operator) one to be
    another one
  • How about your daily life?
  • Your world One state gt an event gt another
  • Logically the same
  • We model our living logics (defined in
    applications/programs) in the computer world (a
    simulated virtual world)
  • Execute the logics and generate results (outputs)
  • The generated outputs are returned into our world
  • Real world (you are living in) Vs. computer world
  • Limited interaction, mainly through input/output
  • Growing in degree of interactions virtual
    reality (games)

Computer Vs. Our Needs
Computer creates a computer world (data
structures and states/values) in its memory and
then follows the instructions step by step to
run the world. Each step changes the current
state to a new state (modeling the changes of
events in the real world)
Events (interaction)
Objects (Physical logical)
Computing units
Computer world
Computer Vs. Our Needs
  • Computers are similar to us structurally (and
  • Processing unit memory I/O devices (stepwise)
  • Why do we build computer systems (create the
    computer world)?
  • Find someone to help us to deal with events in
    our environment
  • Build a computer system following the ways in our
  • Computers and human being both have their
    limitations and their strong points
  • Computers fast in computation, large memory,
    more accuracy (stable and repeatable) and
    reliable (no lying)
  • Human being . Think about yourselves
  • A general trend from the beginning of human
    history wants to improve the quality of our
    daily lives
  • Add more computers in our world gt more
    computer worlds
  • More interactions between our living and
    computing units
  • Our needs create more computer systems
  • Computer systems digitize our world and change
    our daily lives

Computer Vs. Our Needs
  • How do computers change our living and the way of
    doing things?
  • When you want to book a restaurant?
  • You want to make a stock analysis/trading?
  • Learning and doing assignments???
  • Control of machines and vehicles
  • Information is modeled in database (digitized)
  • Once digitized that they can be copied,
    transmitted, shared and repeated easily
  • Plagiarisms, privacy and security
  • THEN, we change the computers and the
    applications when we see new applications, in
    particular in interface and the ways of how to
    use them
  • Consequences more computing units, better
    performance and more applications, and new ways
    of using computer systems in our living

New Applications
Our Needs
New Needs
Our behavior to deal events occurred in our
  • Why separated?
  • Look back the growth of computer systems
  • How about the future?

Growth of Computing Technology
  • Standalone computer Vs. networked computers
  • Standalone computers for computation only (like
    a calculator)
  • Network Distributed computing (starting from
    about 20 years ago)
  • A computing job may be divided into sub-tasks to
    be performed by different processing units (in
    parallel/ or sequentially) which are connected by
    a network
  • Better performance and more reliable (adv. of DC)
  • Mobile computing (starting from about 10 years
  • The users may move around and computing units
    (notebooks, laptop, etc.) are carrying by users
  • The system supports computing task requests from
    moving users through a wireless network
  • Note wireless ?mobile (cordless phone ? mobile
  • Wireless no wire (may be stationary). The
    mobility is usually quite limited in scope
    (stationary is only a relative concept)
  • Mobile the connectivity is still maintained
    while you are moving or stationary

Growth of Computing Technology
  • Why do we have such a computing trend in the
  • Distributed performance reasons
  • What is the performance requirements?
  • Throughput, response time, quality, reliability,
  • Our life, thus our needs (follow us) are mobile
  • Nothing is static (absolutely) in our world
  • Our world is distributed (centralized is again a
    relative concept)
  • Note computers simulate our world and are asked
    to perform logic operations similar to the way
    that they happen in our lives
  • Applications need to move (follow) with us

The Current Status
  • Dramatic improvements in hardware technologies
    and system operation environment
  • More powerful and smaller devices, higher
    bandwidth networks, more network connection
  • Build on top of existing trends
  • Driven by our needs and new technologies (needs
    ltgt products)
  • New needs create new products
  • New products create new needs
  • Nowadays, many electronic devices are equipped
    with a processor (intelligence computation) and
    memory for performing computing jobs, i.e.,
    mobile phone, projector, camera and MP3 players
  • Are they computers? Yes? Perform computing jobs
  • Remember what is the Chinese meaning of
  • Each one simulates a part of our daily life

The Current Status
  • Currently, most of these devices are embedded and
    close systems
  • Embedded system predefined functions to be
    completely performed by the device itself
  • Close system standalone system, no direct
    connection (I/O) with other devices (separated)
  • Networks (fixed networks, mobile networks, ad hoc
    networks) are building to connect the devices
    together and to other parts of the systems
  • i.e., bluetooth devices, your video camera, HiFi
    and TV set are connected to your computers
  • Current limitations the connections are still
    not reliable and have limitations in
    bandwidth/stability. Energy and computation power
    are still problems. Reliability and lack of good
    software are other problems

Current Trends
  • System and Architecturally
  • Further decentralization and getting smaller in
  • Continue to shift from a centralized view to a
    decentralized computing
  • Many small computing units connected by networks
  • Price/performance and reliable distributed
    computing services
  • Different computing units for different
    purposes/functions and may work together
  • Computation (performed by multiple computing
    units) is performed close to the place
    (localization) where the event is detected
    (carrying them)
  • Computation is performed at device level if
    possible (what are the advantages?)
  • From Client/Server to Peer-to-peer (same level)
  • Advantages of distributed computing
  • Faster in response (localized processing)
  • Minimize data transmission workload

Current Trends
  • Diversification Vs Integration
  • Different types of embedded devices for their own
    functions (mobile phone, MP3 player, camera and
  • Diversification mobile phone, handheld computer,
    MP3 player, camera
  • Integration one device contains all
  • Integration in the future???
  • Business and performance reasons
  • High connectivity (both fixed and mobile)
  • The computing units are connected if necessary
    (even moving)
  • The computing units work together cooperatively
    to complete a task
  • Heterogeneous networks with different QoS of
  • QoS quality of services (a measure of how good
    is the service)
  • Normally, we require a guarantee of QoS
  • Is it better to have a single high performance
    global network instead of multiple networks? Yes,
    no handoffs and easier to manage but it may not
    be adaptive

Heterogeneous Network
integration of heterogeneous fixed andmobile
networks with varyingtransmission characteristics
vertical handoff
metropolitan area
horizontal handoff
in-car, in-house, personal area
What is handoff? From one hand to another hand
From Mobile Communications (Schiller)
Current Trends
  • Application and functionally
  • Real-time tasks
  • Our world is changing gt using computers to
    assist us to deal with the real-time events
    occurring in our world
  • I.e., Booking, car park status, navigation,
    on-line games
  • Real-time current state gt then, computation, if
    need action (actuation) gt generate action
    immediately (with a pre-defined time frame)
  • Real-time tasks have deadlines on completion
  • Multiple tasks gt multiple deadline constraints
    need to be met gt scheduling problem
  • Multi-data integration and processing
  • Integration of (multi-media) data from different
    sources for processing for better decision-making
  • Sharing of resources and information

Current Trends
  • Proactive Operations
  • Event monitoring/surveillance want to get the
    latest status of the world, then react to it
    immediately, i.e., latest stock prices, sport
    results, ticketing and transportation information
  • Define monitoring rules
  • Once a new data item is received, check the new
    system status
  • If the conditions are met, trigger an action
  • If not ignore (filter out) the received data
  • A lot of data values are pushing in front of you
    and require attention for processing
  • Prioritizing, filtering and consolidation
  • Filtering and pushing interested values gt You
    can concentrate on those interested tasks

  • Pervasive Computing
  • A new direction for the future computer systems
  • Note Different people may have different
    understandings about pervasive computing

Next Step Pervasive Computing
  • Build on top of existing trends gt more
    interactions with the computer world and more
    convenient to use the systems gt to more the
    computer world into our real world
  • Computers do not look like computers but
    computations are performed everywhere in our
  • Embedded into our daily life and even
  • Small, cheap, mobile processors and sensors, in
    almost all everyday objects, i.e., on your body
    (wearable computing) and embedded in
    environment (ambient intelligence)
  • The environment is embedded with a logical
    assistant to help us to deal with our living
    environment and events related to us
  • Connected embedded systems (why connecting them?)
  • Cooperative operation of devices
  • Sharing of resources and integration of
  • Better performance and higher quality services

Results Invisible Computing?
  • Invisible and everywhere wireless, dynamically
    configurable, remote access, adapting,
  • Why dynamically configurable?
  • Adaptive to changing environmental status gt why
    the status is always changing?
  • The capability of human beings in dealing with
    the real world (environment) is improved (why?
    Like a Robot and assisted by other robots)
  • But, this is not easy to achieve. It requires
    integration of various techniques and knowledge

Smart Spaces (Operation Environment)
  • We are living within (interact with) our
  • Environment school, home, office, city, train,
  • Interactions with the environment eating,
    learning, reading, traveling, listening to music,
  • Smart space an environment embedded with
    computing devices (sensors) to detect your
    needs/status and perform jobs to react to your
    needs proactively (interactive and anticipating)
  • Example automatic adjustment of heating, cooling
    and lighting levels in a room based on occupants
    electronic profile

Not a Robot But an Intelligent Servant
  • Conventionally, we submit commands (requests) to
    instruct the computers to perform computing jobs
  • I.e., calculate a sum, order a ticket booking
  • In pervasive computing a computer is more than a
    robot (a passive machine)
  • Do we require the robot to follow you?
  • An intelligent servant it can anticipate what
    you want before you submit your requests
  • The servant logically exists everywhere and
    arrange your life before your any commands based
    on prediction
  • How to make the prediction? It is difficult
    especially to make the right one

Proactive Services
  • Location-based services
  • Different services are provided based on
    different locations of the users (or at different
  • Emphasized on data and information delivery
    (broadcast and dissemination of information)
  • I.e., shopping malls, schools, toilets
  • What do you need when you are in a shopping mall?
  • Context-aware services
  • Different services are provided based on
    different context detected in the system
  • Surveillance and triggering (monitor react)
  • Detecting system status (e.g. intruders? crisis?)
  • Any emergence events -gt timely responses

Some Definitions
  • Ubiquitous/Pervasive computing
  • It is everywhere
  • It is invisible, you don't notice it (minimal
  • It is inside things, in the infrastructure
  • It is integrated in your everyday life. It is
    invisible and useful, but it does not imply
  • Mobile computing
  • It can move around and no wire connected
  • Distributed computing
  • May be static (fixed locations and wired
  • Why wired connections?
  • A task is divided into sub-tasks for
    parallel/sequential processing
  • Everyware exists everywhere (what? Computing

Pervasive Computing Vs. Mobile Computing
  • Mobile computing Vs pervasive computing
  • Structurally are similar (i.e., mobile devices
    and mobile networks) but functional and operation
    requirements are different
  • Mobile computing
  • Support mobile applications
  • Mobile networks so that users and computing units
    can be mobile
  • Applications are mobile and access to mobile data
  • Pervasive computing
  • Also have mobile applications (networks) but more
    than that
  • Main requirements are in how to use the
    applications and how the applications fit into
    our life. They need to be smart (mobile devices
    Vs. smart devices)
  • Requirements smart spaces, invisible, proactive
    localization, etc., and applications become part
    of our life. They become our assistants and
    secretaries (Fig. 1 of Sats paper)

Pervasive Computing Vs. Mobile Computing
Distributed Systems
Pervasive Computing Systems
Mobile Computing Systems
Pervasive Computing Goals
  • Pervasive computing is roughly the opposite of
    virtual reality where virtual reality puts people
    inside a computer-generated world
  • Pervasive computing forces the computers to live
    out here in the world with people (become parts
    of our world)
  • Computers become not computers
  • .. Make a computer so imbedded, so fitting, so
    natural that we use it without even thinking
    about it. gt unaware and easy to use
  • Computations are performed in every part of our
    life to enrich our living and improve our ability
    in responding to the changing environment gt more
    interaction with environment
  • In the 21st century the technology revolution
    will move into the everyday, the small and the
    invisibleThe most profound technologies are
    those that disappear. They weave themselves into
    the fabrics of everyday life until they are
    indistinguishable from it

Pervasive Computing Views
Environment (Your world)
Objects (Physical logical)
Embedded Computing units
Computer world
  • How to achieve the Goals of
  • Pervasive Computing?
  • Integration of technologies!
  • NOT just within Computer Science
  • BUT also other disciplines

Putting Them Altogether
  • Progress in
  • computing speed
  • communication bandwidth
  • material sciences
  • sensor techniques
  • computer science concepts
  • miniaturization
  • energy and battery
  • display technologies
  • Enables new applications
  • Create new computing concepts
  • Computing becomes a part of our life
  • Post-PC era business opportunities
  • Challenges for computer scientists, e.g.,

Integration of Computer Science Technologies
  • Distributed processing
  • Peer to peer computation
  • Cooperative processing
  • Distributed transactions management
  • Network and mobile Communication
  • PAN, Wireless LAN and WAN
  • Sensor networks
  • Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET)
  • Database systems
  • Concurrency control and consistent data
  • Data dissemination
  • Broadcast Vs. Pulling
  • Update, stream processing and temporal
  • Control Theory and Real-time Systems
  • Scheduling
  • Feedback control
  • Semantic and context modeling (situational and
    different context general different responses)
  • Image processing, pattern and voice recognition
    (Integration of multi-media information for
    generating different contexts)

Integration of Multi-disciplines
Enabling your capability in response to the
changing environment
  • Overview of
  • Pervasive Computing Systems
  • What are the components?
  • Anything new and special?

Components ofPervasive Computing Systems
  • Front end devices, networks, backend server,
    operating systems, tools and development, and
  • FE devices for capturing the system status
    (generating updates) and for input/output
  • User devices PDA, notebook computers, mobile
    phones, wearable computers, etc..
  • Smart devices and spaces sensors and actuators,
    smart control (responsive and proactive to the
  • Smart materials electronic ink, smart clothing,
    smart glasses, smart label, etc. (not all are
  • Smart appliances networked electronic appliances

Components of Pervasive Computing Systems
  • Work stations for integration of data from
    various sources and devices
  • Backend servers for processing the updates and
    responding to the events occurred in the
  • Networks connecting front-end devices to the
    workstations and servers
  • Satellite communication, GSM, 3G, wireless LAN,
    personal area network (PAN), ad hoc network and
    sensor network
  • Operating systems build on top of the networks
    for connection, i.e., Palm OS, WinCE, EPOC, etc.
  • Tools and standards for development, i.e., J2ME,
    Jini, Bluetooth, WAP, GSM, etc.
  • Smart applications (entertainment and services)
    MP3 players, game console, digital camera,
    intelligent toys, etc. (cooperative and work

A generic view of pervasive information
Pervasive Computing, 2ed. Springer
Pervasive Devices
Pervasive Computing 2ed. Springer
Wireless Sensors Monitoring the Environment
  • Why sensors? Work like our sensors. Small and can
    distributed in large number
  • What is a sensor?
  • Sensing the environment (i.e., temperature,
    pressure, presence of unknown objects, etc.)
  • Sensors continuously (periodically) capture the
    current status of their operation environment
  • MICA Motes, sensors, and TinyOS gt go further
    small and tiny and large in number
RFIDs (Smart Labels and Identifiers)
  • A label for identification and counting (simplify
    the identification process)
  • Like a low-end smart card with memory and
    processing power (embedded device)
  • Identify objects from a short distance (10m to
  • small IC with RF-transponder
  • Wireless energy supply
  • magnetic field (induction)
  • Read/writeable
  • Low Cost gt 0.1 ... 1
  • consumable and disposable
  • Flexible tags
  • laminated with paper
Smart Clothing
  • Conductive textiles and inks
  • Print electrically active patterns directly onto
  • Sensors based on fabric
  • e.g., monitor pulse, blood pressure, body
  • Invisible collar microphones
  • Kidswear
  • Game console on the sleeve?
  • Integrated GPS-driven locators?
  • integrated small cameras (to keep the parents

Todays Wearable Computers
  • Wearable computers the computers that you can
  • Simplified I/O (reduced display) and voice input
    together with simple panel to make it more easy
    to use
  • Compact design to make it easy to carry (reduce
    unnecessary components)
  • What can you do with this devices?
  • Easy to operate and fit into your working
  • What will be the future wearable computers?
Body Area Networks (BAN)
  • Networks are required to integrate the components
    to form a system
  • Very low current (some nA), some kb/s through the
    human body
  • Possible applications
  • Health monitor
  • Car recognize driver
  • Pay when touchingthe door of a bus
  • Phone configures itselfwhen it is touched
  • Various network scales
  • Different performance
  • Different connectivity
  • Like a road system with different connectivity
    and performance

Personal Area Network (PAN)
  • Various network configurations
  • Static vs. dynamic
  • Dynamic ad hoc network
  • Ad hoc network changing configuration and
  • How to group and connect?

PAN Personal area network
Our world
Reach out more Indirect connection
Direct connection
Example Projects and Applications
  • Oxygen
  • Smart home
  • Data recharging

MIT Oxygen Project
From http//
Aware Home Project (Georgia Tech)
Design for people provide interactive
experiences appropriate for people in an aware
home environment particularly enabling older
adults to age in place. Technology develop the
building blocks to create highly distributed
sensing and perception technology, developing
awareness of human activity in physical
environments. Social Implications explore the
social, political, legal and economic benefits
and concerns related to privacy and autonomy when
services exploit awareness and knowledge of human
activity within the protected space of a home.
From http//
Example Application Data Recharging
  • Setting
  • People with PDAs working on business tasks
  • Problem
  • How to recharge PDA with the most relevant data
    without user intervention
  • Issues
  • Selecting an optimal charge out of a potentially
    large set of objects with dependant utilities
  • Picking the most important items first just in
    case there is a disconnection
  • Data synchronization to the database server from
    the PDA if the user may update the data

Example Home services
  • System architecture and communication
  • Different computable devices are connected to
    form a network (networked home)
  • A networked home is connected to an external
    network (i.e., Internet)
  • A service gateway (embedded and zero-admin) is
    used to ensure trusted service providers to
    aggregate and deliver services to a client
  • One broadband access to the Internet could be
    used to interact with each other and the rest of
    the world
  • Home automation of household electronic
  • The appliances automatically handled their tasks
    (using smart devices)
  • i.e., switching on the lighting when the light
    intensity in a room is low
  • What are the problems?
  • Security and remote home healthcare services

Review of Sats Paper
  • Introduction
  • What is pervasive computing and how it began?
  • The most profound technologies are those that
    disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric
    of everyday life until they are indistinguishable
    from it.
  • Environment computing and communication
    capability that integrated into our life
  • Related Fields (PC Vs. DS and MC)
  • DS and MC concentrate on processes, organization
    and connections
  • DS connectivity, fault tolerance, availability,
    security and cooperation
  • MC energy, adaptability, local sensitivity
  • PC smart spaces, invisibility, localized
    scalability, masking uneven conditioning

Review of Sats Paper
  • Example Scenarios
  • Note the application functions, and the proactive
    and smart features
  • Drilling Down (Design and Implementation
  • Connection problems for devices with various
    capability and operation environment (Example
    Fig. 2)
  • How can the system be smart? Tracking users
    intents and pre-defined user profiles
  • Conclusions

  • Pervasive computing, a new area in computer
    science, integrating various areas and
  • Pervasive computing emphasizes metaphors of life,
    interaction with other people, invisibility, and
    is leading to new discoveries in computer science
    to improve our daily living
  • Using a computer should be as refreshing as
    taking a walk in the woods.
  • Advances in device technologies improve our
    living in responding to the changing environment
  • Pervasive computing system like our personal
    assistants and we interact with them in a natural
    way to deal with the events in our daily living
  • Computer applications change our living and
    pervasive computing changes computer applications
    and systems

One More Bad Sides of Pervasive Computing
  • Any social problems resulting from the
    development of pervasive computing systems?
  • Can I be NOT connected?
  • Human needs? Interaction with people? Privacy and
  • What will the next step after the next step???

  • Assigned reading
  • M. Satyanarayanan, Pervasive Computing Vision
    and Challenges IEEE Personal Communications, Aug
  • I will discuss with you about the paper in next
  • The Aware Home A living laboratory for
    ubiquitous computing research"
  • Oxygen Project

Assignment One (4 marks)CS4289 CS5289 Students
  • Use your own words (about 1000-1500 words) to
    explain what is pervasive computing to your
    classmates who did not take this course. (3-4
  • Note You are encouraged to use the terminologies
    and keywords introduced in the lectures to
    explain the important concepts in pervasive
    computing. Organization is an important concern
    in marking. You may start with a discussion on
    the main concepts, and then use an example to
    illustrate them. Finally, you may need a
    conclusion and the discussion of the future of
    the technology. You may add references in your
    discussion but remember to put the reference
    numbers right after the sentences that refer to
    them and put the details of the references at the
    end of your report.
  • Remember to use your own words and figures in
    your report (Copying ANY materials from the web
    into your report without references will receive
    ZERO mark)
  • How to make a reference? You may see
    Satyanarayanans paper
  • Put the following declaration state on the first
    page of your report
  • I declare that the materials presented in this
    assignment is original except explicitly
  • Due on 1 Feb (put the hardcopy into my mailbox in
    front of CS general office)
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