Title: Equality between men and women Section 5 PROGRESS
1Equality between men and women Section 5 -
- Muriel Bissières
- EMPL - G 1
2PROGRESS Objectives
- A) Improve knowledge and understanding of the
situation - B) Support and follow implementation of EU
legislation and policy objectives
3- C) Increase awareness, spread information,
encourage debate. - D) Increase the ability of the main EU networks
to promote and support EU policies.
4Road map for equality between men and women 2006
- Adopted in March 2006
- Commission commitment to equality
- Consistent framework for equality policy
- Confirms dual approach positive actions / gender
5Commission road map / framework of action of the
social partners priorities in agreement, synergy
of action
6?Equal economic independence ? Better
reconciliation of work, private and family life
?Equal participation of men and women in
political and economic decision-making
7? - Eliminating gender stereotypes in society ?
- Eradicating sexually-motivated violence and
human trafficking? Promotion of gender
equality outside the EU
- 12 of the budget for the gender equality aspect
- Art 2. "The inclusion of the dimension of
equality between men and women is promoted in all
sections and activities covered by the
9More information
- On PROGRESS http//ec.europa.eu/employment_socia
l/progress/index_fr.htm - On gender equality policy http//ec.europa.eu/emp
loyment_social/gender_equality/index_fr.html - Violence against women http//ec.europa.eu/justic
htm - Women and science http//ec.europa.eu/research/sc
ience-society/index.cfm - Women entrepreneurs http//ec.europa.eu/enterpris