- Lecture 7
- Transmission Line Models
- Tom Overbye and Ross Baldick
- For lectures 7 to 10 read Chapters 5 and 3.
- HW 6 is problems 5.14, 5.16, 5.19, 5.26, 5.31,
5.32, 5.33, 5.36 case study questions chapter 5
a, b, c, d, is due Thursday, 10/6. - Power plant tour is 10/6.
- Instead of coming to class, go to UT power plant.
Turn in homework at beginning of tour. - Homework 7 is 5.8, 5.15, 5.17, 5.24, 5.27, 5.28,
5.29, 5.34, 5.37, 5.38, 5.43, 5.45 due 10/20.
3Transmission Line Models
- Previous lectures have covered how to calculate
the distributed series inductance, shunt
capacitance, and series resistance of
transmission lines - That is, we have calculated the inductance L,
capacitance C, and resistance r per unit length, - We can also think of the shunt conductance g per
unit length, - Each infinitesimal length dx of transmission line
consists of a series impedance rdx j?Ldx and a
shunt admittance gdx j?Cdx, - In this section we will use these distributed
parameters to develop the transmission line
models used in power system analysis.
4Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit
- Our model of an infinitesimal length of
transmission line is shown below
Units on z and y are per unit length!
5Derivation of V, I Relationships
6Setting up a Second Order Equation
7V, I Relationships, contd
8Equation for Voltage
9Real Hyperbolic Functions
10Complex Hyperbolic Functions
11Determining Line Voltage
12Determining Line Voltage, contd
13Determining Line Current
14Transmission Line Example
15Transmission Line Example, contd
16Transmission Line Example, contd
Squares and crosses show real and reactive power
flow, where a positive value of flow means flow
to the left.
Receiving end
Sending end
17Lossless Transmission Lines
18Lossless Transmission Lines
19Lossless Transmission Lines
If load power P gt SIL then line consumes VArs
otherwise, the line generates VArs.
20Transmission Matrix Model
- Often we are only interested in the terminal
characteristics of the transmission line.
Therefore we can model it as a black box
21Transmission Matrix Model, contd
22Equivalent Circuit Model
To do this, well use the T matrix values to
derive the parameters Z' and Y' that match the
behavior of the equivalent circuit to that of the
T matrix. We do this by first finding the
relationship between sending and receiving end
for the equivalent circuit.
23Equivalent Circuit Parameters
24Equivalent circuit parameters
25Simplified Parameters
26Simplified Parameters
27Three Line Models
The long line model is always correct. The
other models are usually good approximations for
the conditions described.
28Power Transfer in Short Lines
- Often we'd like to know the maximum power that
could be transferred through a short transmission
29Power Transfer in Lossless Lines
30Limits Affecting Max. Power Transfer
- Thermal limits
- limit is due to heating of conductor and hence
depends heavily on ambient conditions. - For many lines, sagging is the limiting
constraint. - Newer conductors/materials limit can limit sag.
- Trees grow, and will eventually hit lines if they
are planted under the line, - Note that thermal limit is different to the
steady-state stability limit that we just
calculated - Thermal limits due to losses,
- Steady-state stability limit applies even for
lossless line!
31Tree Trimming Before
32Tree Trimming After
33Other Limits Affecting Power Transfer
- Angle limits
- while the maximum power transfer (steady-state
stability limit) occurs when the line angle
difference is 90 degrees, actual limit is
substantially less due to interaction of multiple
lines in the system - Voltage stability limits
- as power transfers increases, reactive losses
increase as I2X. As reactive power increases the
voltage falls, resulting in a potentially
cascading voltage collapse.