EE%20369%20POWER%20SYSTEM%20ANALYSIS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Baseload generators are at their maximum limits except during the off-peak. ... with determining which units to turn on/off (this is the unit commitment problem) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Lecture 16
  • Economic Dispatch
  • Tom Overbye and Ross Baldick

  • Read Chapters 6 (section 6.12) and 7 (sections
    7.1 to 7.3).
  • Homework 12 is 6.62, 6.63, 6.67 (calculate
    economic dispatch for values of load from 55 MW
    to 350 MW) due Tuesday, 11/29.
  • Class review and course evaluation on Tuesday,
  • Midterm III on Thursday, 12/1, including material
    through Homework 12.

Economic Dispatch Formulation
  • The goal of economic dispatch is to determine the
    generation dispatch that minimizes the
    instantaneous operating cost, subject to the
    constraint that total generation total load

Initially we'll ignore generator limits and
the losses
Unconstrained Minimization
  • This is a minimization problem with a single
    equality constraint
  • For an unconstrained minimization a necessary
    (but not sufficient) condition for a minimum is
    the gradient of the function must be zero,
  • The gradient generalizes the first derivative for
    multi-variable problems

Minimization with Equality Constraint
  • When the minimization is constrained with an
    equality constraint we can solve the problem
    using the method of Lagrange Multipliers
  • Key idea is to represent a constrained
    minimization problem as an unconstrained problem.

Economic Dispatch Lagrangian
Economic Dispatch Example
Economic Dispatch Example, contd
Economic dispatch example, contd
  • At the solution, both generators have the same
    marginal (or incremental) cost, and this common
    marginal cost is equal to ?.
  • Intuition behind solution
  • If marginal costs of generators were different,
    then by decreasing production at higher marginal
    cost generator, and increasing production at
    lower marginal cost generator we could lower
    overall costs.
  • Generalizes to any number of generators.
  • If demand changes, then change in total costs can
    be estimated from ?.

Economic dispatch example, contd
  • Another way to solve the equations is to
  • Rearrange the first two equations to solve for
    PG1 and PG2 in terms of ?,
  • Plug into third equation and solve for ?,
  • Use the solved value of ? to evaluate PG1 and
  • This works even when relationship between
    generation levels and ? is more complicated
  • Equations are more complicated than linear when
    there are maximum and minimum generation limits
    or we consider losses.

Lambda-Iteration Solution Method
  • Discussion on previous page leads to
    lambda-iteration method
  • this method requires a unique mapping from a
    value of lambda (marginal cost) to each
    generators MW output
  • for any choice of lambda (common marginal cost),
    the generators collectively produce a total MW
  • the method then starts with values of lambda
    below and above the optimal value (corresponding
    to too little and too much total output), and
    then iteratively brackets the optimal value.

Lambda-Iteration Algorithm
Lambda-Iteration Graphical View
In the graph shown below for each value of lambda
there is a unique PGi for each generator. This
relationship is the PGi(?) function.
Lambda-Iteration Example
Lambda-Iteration Example, contd
Lambda-Iteration Example, contd
Lambda-Iteration Example, contd
Thirty Bus ED Example
Case is economically dispatched (without
considering the incremental impact of the system
Generator MW Limits
  • Generators have limits on the minimum and maximum
    amount of power they can produce
  • Typically the minimum limit is not zero.
  • Because of varying system economics usually many
    generators in a system are operated at their
    maximum MW limits
  • Baseload generators are at their maximum limits
    except during the off-peak.

Lambda-Iteration with Gen Limits
Lambda-Iteration Gen Limit Example
Lambda-Iteration Limit Example,contd
Back of Envelope Values
  • /MWhr fuelcost heatrate variable OM
  • Typical incremental costs can be roughly
  • Typical heatrate for a coal plant is 10, modern
    combustion turbine is 10, combined cycle plant is
    6 to 8, older combustion turbine 15.
  • Fuel costs (/MBtu) are quite variable, with
    current values around 2 for coal, 3 to 5 for
    natural gas, 0.5 for nuclear, probably 10 for
    fuel oil.
  • Hydro costs tend to be quite low, but are fuel
    (water) constrained
  • Wind and solar costs are zero.

Inclusion of Transmission Losses
  • The losses on the transmission system are a
    function of the generation dispatch.
  • In general, using generators closer to the load
    results in lower losses
  • This impact on losses should be included when
    doing the economic dispatch
  • Losses can be included by slightly rewriting the
    Lagrangian to include losses PL

Impact of Transmission Losses
Impact of Transmission Losses
The penalty factor at the slack bus is always
Impact of Transmission Losses
Calculation of Penalty Factors
Two Bus Penalty Factor Example
Thirty Bus ED Example
Now consider losses. Because of the penalty
factors the generator incremental costs are no
longer identical.
Area Supply Curve
The area supply curve shows the cost to produce
the next MW of electricity, assuming area is
economically dispatched
Supply curve for thirty bus system
Economic Dispatch - Summary
  • Economic dispatch determines the best way to
    minimize the current generator operating costs.
  • The lambda-iteration method is a good approach
    for solving the economic dispatch problem
  • generator limits are easily handled,
  • penalty factors are used to consider the impact
    of losses.
  • Economic dispatch is not concerned with
    determining which units to turn on/off (this is
    the unit commitment problem).
  • Basic form of economic dispatch ignores the
    transmission system limitations.

Security Constrained EDor Optimal Power Flow
  • Transmission constraints often limit ability to
    use lower cost power.
  • Such limits require deviations from what would
    otherwise be minimum cost dispatch in order to
    maintain system security.
  • Need to solve or approximate power flow in order
    to consider transmission constraints.

Security Constrained EDor Optimal Power Flow
  • The goal of a security constrained ED or optimal
    power flow (OPF) is to determine the best way
    to instantaneously operate a power system,
    considering transmission limits.
  • Usually best minimizing operating cost, while
    keeping flows on transmission below limits.
  • In three bus case the generation at bus 3 must be
    limited to avoid overloading the line from bus 3
    to bus 2.

Security Constrained Dispatch
Need to dispatch to keep line from bus 3 to bus
2 from overloading
Multi-Area Operation
  • In multi-area system, rules have been
    established regarding transactions on tie-lines
  • In Eastern interconnection, in principle, up to
    nominal thermal interconnection capacity,
  • In Western interconnection there are more
    complicated rules
  • The actual power that flows through the entire
    network depends on the impedance of the
    transmission lines, and ultimately determine what
    are acceptable patterns of dispatch
  • Can result in need to curtail transactions that
    otherwise satisfy rules.
  • Economically uncompensated flow through other
    areas is known as parallel path or loop
  • Since ERCOT is one area, all of the flows on AC
    lines are inside ERCOT and there is no
    uncompensated flow on AC lines.

Seven Bus Case One-line
System has three areas
Top area has five buses
No net interchange between Any areas.
Left area has one bus
Right area has one bus
Seven Bus Case Area View
Actual flow between areas
System has 40 MW of Loop Flow
Scheduled flow
Loop flow can result in higher losses
Seven Bus - Loop Flow?
Note that Tops Losses have increased from
7.09MW to 9.44 MW
Transaction has actually decreased the loop flow
100 MW Transaction between Left and Right
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