Title: Flavio Corsin
1NACA experiences on better management,
surveillance and traceability
2Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific
AustraliaBangladesh Cambodia China Hong Kong
SAR IndiaIndonesiaI.R. IranKorea (DPR)
Promote rural development through sustainable
3Aquaculture worldwide
- Fastest growing food producing sector
- Accounts for more than 1/3 of total fisheries
146 mmt
91 mmt
55 mmt
4Aquaculture in Asia-Pacific
- 90 of world aquaculture production!
- Huge economic importance
- Major foreign currency earner
- Food consumption and security
- 2/3 of fisheries products available for
consumption are consumed in Asia! - Employment
- about 20 million people full-time
- One important example shrimp farming
5Shrimp farming
- Global shrimp production (in 2003)
- 1.8 million metric tons
- Valued USD 9.3 billion
- Asia produced (in 2003)
- 1.5 m.m.t. (83 of the global production)
- Valued USD 7.8 billion
- Rapidly growing in recent years
- China 3.4-fold increase (1998?2003)
- Vietnam 4.5-fold increase (1998?2003)
6Global shrimp production
7Major challenges
- New diseases with old impacts
- Environmental degradation
- Self-pollution
- Deterioration of resources (e.g. salinization)
- Increasingly stringent markets
- Healthier products (limit antibiotic residues)
- Traceability
- Antidumping
- Allegations for poor socio-economical
sustainability - Declining prices paid to farmers
8Need forbetter more sustainableways to do
shrimp farming!
9Responsible shrimp farming
- FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
- Principles for responsible shrimp farming
- Consortium program (1999)(NACA, WB, WWF, FAO,
UNEP, ) - NACA supports implementation of principles by
- promoting Better Management Practices (BMP) to
farmers and through the whole supply chain - Supporting countries to develop systems in
support to BMP implementation (national
strategies, surveillance)
10Better Management Practices
- BMP are practices that target
- Environment protection
- Improved shrimp health
- Improved food safety
- Socio-economic sustainability
- Profitable farming
11Better Management Practices
- Simple
- Practical
- Cost-effective
- Applicable by all, especially small-scale farmers
- System/time specific
12Better Management Practices
- Focus on working in groups
- Reduced risk of failure (seed selection, water
management) - Increased trading power (buying seed, selling
product) - Include compliance to systems
- Surveillance contingency planning
- Traceability (record keeping)
13Surveillance system Contingency planning
- A system to
- Detect emergencies quickly and accurately
- Allow sharing of info with all stakeholders
involved - Extension workers
- Other farming communities
- Local national authorities
- Researchers/diagnostic laboratories
- Allow a prompt reaction to the information
- Disease control
- Disease prevention in areas not yet affected
(early warning) - Allow collection of accurate info on production
- Must be cost effective and affordable by all
- Must have ownership by all
- NACA/FAO/OIE regional reporting system
- All Edible products, despite of their origin,
will have to be accompanied by detailed
information on source, production system and
processing procedures so as to make consumers,
sanitary and inspection institutions able to
follow back and forward (one step each direction)
the distribution stream of the product
- Requirement of importing countries (EU, US,)
- Food safety
- Bioterrorisms
- Record keeping is critical
- Concerns about small-scale producers
- But also opportunities for small-scale producers
in creating links between consumers and
producers, for the benefit of both?
15NACA Pilot projects
- Started in India
- Strong program in Vietnam
- Also other countries
- Indonesia
- Thailand
- Iran
- Mainly working with shrimp but also marine fish
and other commodities (not for export)
16NACA Pilot projects - India
- Started in 2001 in 1 state
- Now gt1000 ponds (650ha) in 5 states
- Government promoted
- Aquaclubs
- Contract hatcheries
- Over the years
- Better yield (by 30)
- Reduced diseases (by 60)
- Sometimes reduced cost of production!
- Better quality product
- Now exploring traceability market access for
BMP products
17NACA Pilot projects - Viet Nam
- BMP program started in 2004 with about 300
farmers (Danish government funded) - Now incorporated into government efforts
country-wide dissemination! - Activities at all levels (farmers, authorities,)
- Farm results
- Lower risk of diseases
- Higher yield
- Improved probability of making a profit
- Good quality product
- Authorities (local, national)
- Develop legislation and extension material
- Develop strategies and systems (surveillance,
18Viet Nam Surveillance system
- Use mobile phones to send coded SMS to a
centralized database - Web-based access to data
- Piloted in 5 provinces
- 34 communes enumerators
- 20 ponds/commune (total 680 ponds)
- Accurate information recorded
- Some problems in getting feedback
- Will use GIS
- Vietnam very interested in continuing
19Vietnam - Traceability
- Based on record keeping
- Pond books designed to fit farmer requirements
- Accurate data collected but not yet sent to
database - Other projects piloted use of mobile phones
- Small scale farmers must be able to comply!
20Vietnam - OASIS
- BMP Surveillance Traceability
- All can come together farmer groups/OASIS
- One-stop Aquaculture Shop and Info System
BMP materialMarket infoAqua inputs
Surveillance Traceability info
21How can APAN help?
- Provide network of expertise for
- Developing surveillance and traceability systems
- Developing robust system to provide farmers with
information (extension , market, ) - Use EM data in support to sustainable aquaculture
development (where? when?) - Also links on capture fisheries
- NACA eager to collaborate provide aquaculture
expertise through its regional links
22Thank you
Chezu tinbade
Xie xie
Terima kasih
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