Title: Part IIA, Paper 1 Consumer and Producer Theory
1Part IIA, Paper 1Consumer and Producer Theory
- Lecture 3
- Duality and the Slutsky Equation
- Flavio Toxvaerd
2Todays Outline
- Dual approaches to consumers problem
- Hicksian demand function
- Expenditure function
- Shephards lemma
- Slutsky equation
- The big picture (various relations)
Marshallian demand x1(p,m) and x2(p,m)
Substitute into u(x,y)
Roys identity
Indirect utility v(p,m)
4The Envelope Theorem
5The Envelope Theorem
6Application 1 (again)
- Marginal utility of Income
The marginal utility of income is given by the
Lagrange multiplier
7Application 2 (again)
Primal Problem
Dual Problem
9Dual Problem
The dual problem gives us the minimum expenditure
required for the consumer to achieve a particular
level of utility.
First Order Conditions
10Dual Problem
Eliminating the Lagrange multiplier (?) gives
MRS Ratio of Prices
Slope of Indifference Curve Slope of Budget Line
11Hicksian Demand Function
- Solving these two equations, gives the levels of
demand which achieve the desired utility level at
the lowest cost - When indifference curves are strictly convex the
solution is unique and we may write demand as a
function of prices and the desired utility level
These are called Hicksian/Compensated Demand
12Hicksian Demand Function
?(Hicksian Demand) Substitution Effect
13Expenditure Function
We can now determine the minimum expenditure
required to achieve a specific utility level,
given the prices
14Properties of the Expenditure Function
- Homogeneous of degree 1 in prices
- Proof No change in relative prices, so no change
in optimal solution - so expenditure changes by
same proportion. - Concave in prices
- Proof If prices change, expenditure will
increase linearly if consumption bundle
unchanged. Thus any change in consumption reduces
expenditure - and expenditure increases less than
linearly. - Increasing in prices if u(x) is an increasing
15Shephards Lemma
16Passive Expenditure
Indirect Effect
Actual Expenditure
(1) Will not do any worse than Passive
(2) As change in Px goes to zero, indirect effect
becomes irrelevant because original choice very
close to optimal
17Indirect Utility and Expenditure Functions
- Recall Indirect utility function gave us the
level of utility given prices and income - Expenditure function gives us level of income
required to achieve a specified utility level - Thus the indirect utility function is just the
inverse of the expenditure function - and vice
18Duality in Demand Functions
So, we can write
19Slutsky Equation
We have shown that
Slutsky Equation
Income Effect
Substitution Effect
20Primal Approach
Dual Approach
Integrability problem
Marshallian Demand x1(p,m) and x2(p,m)
Hicksian Demand
Equivalent if
Substitute into cost equation
Substitute into u(x,y)
Roys Identity
Shephards Lemma
Indirect Utility v(p,m)
Expenditure Function
21Integrability Problem
- The problem with all of this is that the utility
function is not observable - only behaviour
(demand) is observable - Thus we are in danger of having a wonderfully
elegant theory of consumer behaviour - which
relies on an unobservable function! - The Slutsky equation is defined for every
price/commodity combination
22Integrability Problem
- The nice assumption of convexity and more is
better on the utility function impose
restrictions on the nature of the matrix of
Slutsky equations - These conditions turn out to be both necessary
and sufficient for the demand function to be
generated by a utility function which possesses
these nice properties. - Thus we can now identify precisely whether or not
our theoretical framework is appropriate
- Can approach consumers problem from different
angles - Having one function, may recover other functions
- Varian, Microeconomic Analysis, chapters 6, 7, 8
25Next Time
- Revealed preferences
- Indices