Title: Extension of Geophysical Monitoring/Validation to ECMWF
1Extension of Geophysical Monitoring/Validation to
- Presented by
- Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez
2The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts (ECMWF) Data
- ECMWF data is gridded Binary (GRIB) data
- Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model with a
resolution of 0.25 deg in latitude and longitude. - Latitude ranges from 90.0 to -90.0 deg and
Longitude from 0.0 to -0.50 deg. - Atmospheric parameters can be provided with 31,
40, 50, 60 and 91 levels.
3The Skin Temperature in Kelvins using the Grid
Analysis and Display System (GrADS)
4Manipulation of the ECMWF data
Extract and organize ECMWF data into binary files
using the WGRIB program and a Perl script.
Re-grid the extracted data from 1440x760 to
360x181 points to reduce the amount of data and
to standardize it.
The extracted data has to be organized
(atmospherics parameters are extracted from the
higher to the lower pressure levels)
The size of a binary file contained just
atmospheric parameters is about 2 GB
Format the regridded data and provide the
required unit conversion to them
Program that collocates the ECMWF gridded data
into an orbit-based space using radiance
ECMWF Reader
5Extracted Parameters from the ECMWF Data
- Atmospheric Parameters
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Cloud Liquid Water Content
- Cloud Ice Water Content
- Ozone
- Surface Parameters
- Skin Temperature
- 2 meter Temperature
- Surface pressure
- 10 meter U- and V-Wind Component
- Land/Sea Mask
6Atmospheric Profiles obtained from the ECMWF
7Atmospheric Profiles obtained from the ECMWF
8Manipulation of the ECMWF data
Extract and organize ECMWF data into binary files
using the WGRIB program and a Perl script.
Re-grid the extracted data from 1440x760 to
360x181 points to reduce the amount of data and
to standardize it.
The extracted data has to be organized
(atmospherics parameters are extracted from the
higher to the lower pressure levels)
The size of a binary file contained just
atmospheric parameters is about 2 GB
Format the regridded data and provide the
required unit conversion to them
Program that collocates the ECMWF gridded data
into an orbit-based space using radiance
ECMWF Reader
9Interpolation of Four ECMWF points to the
Location of the Space-based Measurements
ECMWF data
Footprint Center
10Interpolated Atmospheric Profiles
11Interpolated Atmospheric Profiles