Title: Swarm Intelligence: The Method Behind the Mobs
1Swarm Intelligence The Method Behind the Mobs
Robert J. Marks II Distinguished Professor of
Electrical Computer Engineering, Baylor
NASA Office of Biological and Physical
Research Program Review California Institute of
Technology December 17-18, 2003
2Role within BEES
3What are the competing paradigms?
CONJUNCTIVE Approach Do this1 and this2 and this3
and this4 and this5 to get that.
Result Highly complex and brittle design. Loose
this4 and your system can fail.
Conjunctive statement
4What are the competing paradigms?
DISJUNCTIVE Approach (Do this1 to get that ) or
(Do this2 to get that ) or (Do this3 to get that
) or (Do this4 to get that )
Result Highly robust and fault tolerant design.
Loose this4 and youre still in business.
Disjunctive statement
5What are the competing paradigms?
get that ) or (Do this2 to get that ) or (Do
this3 to get that ) or (Do this4 to get that )
(Do this1 and this2 and this3 and this4 ) to get
that. ???
In a Boolean sense,
6Disjunctive vs. Conjunctive
- Disjunctive reasoning sometimes referred to as
The Combs Method - Examples of Complex Disjunctive Systems
- Swarms Insects People
- Your Body
- Animal motor functions
- Genomic symbiogenesis
William E. Combs
- J. J. Weinschenk, W. E. Combs, R. J. Marks II,
Avoidance of rule explosion by mapping fuzzy
systems to a disjunctive rule configuration,
IEEE Intl Conference on Fuzzy Systems, St.
Louis, MO, 2003, pp 43-48. - J. J. Weinschenk, R. J. Marks II, W. E. Combs,
Layered URC fuzzy systems a novel link between
fuzzy systems and neural networks, Proc. IEEE
Intl Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, Portland,
OR, 2003, pp. 2995-3000. - J. J. Weinschenk, W. E. Combs, R. J. Marks II,
On the avoidance of rule explosion in fuzzy
inference engines, Submitted to IEEE Trans.
Fuzzy Systems, November 12, 2003.
Earl Cox, The Fuzzy Systems Handbook, Academic
Press/ Morgan Kaufman.
7DR vs. CR Scorecard
Property Conjunctive Reasoning (CR) Disjunctive Reasoning (DR)
Scalability Exponential Linear
Plasticity Rigid Plastic
Coupling High Low
Robustness Low High
Fault Tolerance Low High
Cognitive Parallel For low order systems, CR most closely parallels human cognitive inference.. For complex systems, DR most closely parallels human cognitive inference.
Parallel Distributed Processing Ability Parallel and distributed processing increases the complexity of most properties. DR is readily applied to distributed processing as each unit has a relationship with the consequent that is independent of the other units.
8Applied Symbiogenesis A Disjunctive Process
Disjunctively Addend
New Feature
Heterogeneous Disjunctive Design Genomic
Forced Symbiotic Adaptation
Evolved System
Acquiring Genomes A Theory of the Origins of
Species by Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan
9Designing a Running Man
If The ball pressure is high Then Rotate joint
If The heal pressure is high Then Rotate joint
Ball Pressure
Heal Pressure
Impose Forced symbiotic adaptation
10Disjunctive Symbiogenetic Design
design of Sagittal balance.
Disjunctively Addend
New Feature
Forced Symbiotic Adaptation
Evolved System
11Disjunctive Symbiogenetic Design
design of FRONTAL balance.
Disjunctively Addend
New Feature
Forced Symbiotic Adaptation
Evolved System
12Disjunctive Symbiogenetic Design
13Disjunctive Symbiogenetic Design
- Theyll never run
controlled falling
14Five Year Plan
- Formalize disjunctive paradigm as applied to
symbiogenic processing. - Emulate symbiogenic development of the walking
man. - Generate a cute name for walking man, like
Symbio Sam or Disjunctive Dick. - Download emulation into biped robot and force
physical symbiotic adaptation. - (Baylor Time Scale Robotics Lab -
www.TimeScales.org ) - Work with JPL for NASA missions applications.
15Homogeneous Disjunctive Systems Swarm
16Applications Warfare Game Theory
Aviation Weekly , Sept 29, 2003
17Applications Business
Swarm Intelligence A Whole New Way to Think
About Business Harvard Business Review, May
2002 Using swarm intelligence optimization,
Southwest Airlines slashed freight transfer rates
by as much as 80. Similar research into the
behavior of social insects has helped Unilever,
McGraw Hill, and Capital One, to develop more
efficient ways to schedule factory equipment,
divide tasks among workers, organize people , and
even plot strategy.
18Applications Telecommunications
Scientific American, March 2000 Several
companies are using swarm intelligence for
handling the traffic on their networks. France
Télécom and British Telecommunications have taken
an early lead in applying antbased routing
methods to their systems The ultimate
application, though, may be on the Internet,
where traffic is particularly unpredictable.
19Plants and Distributed Computing
- Leaves have openings called stomata that open
wide to let CO2 in, but close up to prevent
precious water vapor from escaping. Plants
attempt to regulate their stomata to take in as
much CO2 as possible while losing the least
amount of water. - The results are consistent with the
proposition that a plant solves its optimal gas
exchange problem through an emergent, distributed
computation performed by its leaves. - Patches of open or closed stomata sometimes move
around a leaf at constant speed - Under some conditions, stomatal apertures
become synchronized into patches that exhibit
richly complicated dynamics, similar to behaviors
found in cellular automata that perform
computational tasks. Our values are
statistically indistinguishable from those of the
same correlations found in the dynamics of
automata that compute.
cactus leaf cocklebur
- Peak, D. A., West, J. D., Messinger, S. M Mott,
K. A. Evidence for complex, collective dynamics
and emergent, distributed computation in plants.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
USA, 101, 918 - 922, (2004).
20Applications Optimization
Particle Swarm An (enormously effective!) multi-
agent optimization algorithm based on the
biomimetics of bird flight.
21Application Fiction
22What is Swarm Intelligence?Simple Rules for
Multiple Agents.
- Indy 500s Rules
- Drive Fast
- Turn Left
23Another rule
- Drive Fast
- Turn Left
- Dont hit stuff
- Emergent Behavior
- Competition- Winning!
24The Dumb Termite Clearing Wood
- Run around randomly until you bump into a piece
of wood. - Pick it up.
- Run around randomly until you bump into a piece
of wood. - Put it down.
- Repeat forever.
- Q What does this do?
25Looking for Your Lost Pet Turtle Under a Lamppost
Multi-Agent searching in the presence of sensor
range inhomogeneity.
- Agent Rule
- Diminishing Radius Momentum if the visible
radius decreases, the momentum is increased. - Dont tred on me.
- Emergent Behavior A parameter to tune between
the optimization criteria.
- Tradeoffs
- Easier to look under lamppost
- Want to look uniformly in around the area.
- Pareto Optimization (Efficient Frontier)
26A Simple Disjunctive ExtensionMulti-Agent
Criteria Uncover important search area in the
presence of sensor range inhomogeneity
- Consequents
- Velocity Components
- In direction of new discovery
- In direction of unexplored area
- Away from nearby agents
- In direction of diminished radius
- Constraints
- Information is local, or,
- Information obtained from stygmergy.
- Antecedents
- Important Parameters
- Distance from Unexplored Area
- Location of Newly Discovered area
- Distance of Nearest Agent
- Radius Diminishment
27Five Year Plan
- Formalize disjunctive swarm paradigm.
- Applications
- Communications
- Space Robotics
- Air Military Swarming Drones
- Navy Search Patterns
- Work with JPL for other NASA missions