Title: Prime Time Journal
1Prime TimeJournal
2Prime Time Journal 8/24, 8/27
- Write the quote.
- Write one-page response in your comp. book.
- If you miss seven balls out of ten, youre
batting three hundred, and thats good enough for
the Hall of Fame. You cant score if you keep the
bat on your shoulder. - Walter B. Wriston
3Prime Time Journal 8/28, 8/29
- Write the quote.
- Write one-page response in your comp. book.
- I still feel like I gotta prove something. There
are a lot of people hoping I fail. But I like
that. -
- Howard Stern
4Prime Time Journal 8/30, 8/31
- People are just as happy as they make up their
minds to be. - Abraham Lincoln
5Prime Time Journal 9/4, 9/5
- If you're going through hell, keep going.
- Sir Winston Churchill
6Prime Time Journal 9/6, 9/7
- If you keep on saying things are going to be
bad, you have a good chance of becoming a
prophet. - Isaac Bashevis Singer
7Prime Time Journal 9/10, 9/11
- Parents learn a lot from their children about
coping with life. - Muriel Spark
8Prime Time Journal 9/12, 9/13
- I cant understand why people are frightened of
new ideas. Im frightened of the old ones. -
- John Cage
9Prime Time Journal 9/14, 9/18
- Theres a saying among prospectors Go out
looking for one thing, and thats all youll ever
find. -
- Robert Flaherty
10Prime Time Journal 9/19, 9/20
Do not use you
- Use what talents you have the woods would have
little music if no birds sang their song except
those who sang best. - Rev. Oliver G. Wilson
11Prime Time Journal 9/21, 9/24
Do not use you
- Do not go where the path may lead, go instead
where there is no path and leave a trail. -
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
12Prime Time Journal 9/25, 9/26
Do not use you
- The journey, not the arrival, matters.
- Michel de Montaigne
13Prime Time Journal 9/27, 9/28
Do not use you
- A problem is a chance for you to do your best.
- Duke Ellington
14Prime Time Journal 10/1, 10/2
Do not use you
- The power to question is the basis of all human
progress. -
- Indira Gandhi
15Prime Time Journal 10/3, 10/4
Do not use you
- Whether you believe you can do a thing or not,
you are right. - Henry Ford
16Prime Time Journal 10/5, 10/9
Do not use you
- I have not failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways
that wont work. -
- Thomas Edison
17Prime Time Journal 10/10, 10/11
Do not use you
- Instead of crying over spilt milk, go milk
another cow. - Anonymous
18Prime Time Journal 10/12, 10/15
Do not use you
- Words are more powerful than perhaps anyone
suspects, and once deeply engraved in a childs
mind, they are not easily eradicated. - May Sarton
19Prime Time Journal 10/16, 10/18
Do not use you
- The state of your life is nothing more than a
reflection of your state of mind. - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
20Prime Time Journal 10/19, 10/22
Do not use you
- I've always felt it was not up to anyone else to
make me give my best. - Akeem Olajuwon
21Prime Time Journal 10/23, 10/24
Do not use you
- The world is very different now. For man holds in
his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms
of human poverty, and all forms of human life. - John F. Kennedy
22Prime Time Journal 10/25, 10/26
Do not use you
- It has become appallingly obvious that our
technology has exceeded our humanity. - Albert Einstein