Title: PLAN
- I. Traditional Security Studies
- Security and Conflict
- Military forces superpower arms race
- II. Broadening the Focus
- Critical Security Studies
2 Nonmilitary Responses to Conflict
- Diplomacy, negotiation, mediation
- Economic sanctions
- Establishment of context of rules, norms,
international organizations
3International Security Studies
- Traditional Security Studies (TSS)
- War Peace, East/West conflict
- Soldiers diplomats (S. Hoffman, 1985)
- Treaties alliances
- National security, military forces, superpower
arms race - Critical Security Studies (CSS)
- Regional ethnic conflicts
- Broadening the concept of security
4 TSS the Definition of National Security
- The ability to protect the states territory, its
autonomy and its borders from external threats
(military, economic). - Acquire military capabilities in order to protect
national sovereignty, i.e. limit insecurity by
being prepared to meet a security threat
5I. Traditional Security Studies
- Acquire leverages in international conflicts
- Conventional military forces (armies, land mines,
air forces, logistics) - Non-conventional military forces WMD (nuclear,
ballistic missiles, chemical and biological
weapons) -
6I. Continuity and Change
- Change of military thinking strategy, 1991?
- Security dilemma, credibility of threats
- Arms race, proliferation security dilemma
7I. Conflict, Security Strategy
- Central concepts deterrence, mutually assured
destruction (MAD) - Nuclear strategy (offensive, defensive)
- First-strike capability
- Second-strike capability
- Arms race as iterated Prisoners Dilemma
- Reciprocity (retaliation)
8India Pakistans Nuclear Arms Race
9I. Post-Cold War Issues
- Role of non-state actors new dynamics
- Retaliation? No territory or cities to defend
- Nuclear terrorism?
- Role of states in nuclear proliferation
- Domestic production of nuclear weapons
- Importance for regional conflicts (Arab-Israeli
conflict, India/Pakistan, N/S Korea, China
10I. Conflict Security
- Collective good problems all states can
- lower contribution to collective goods (e.g.
seek individual interest, collectivity is worse
off) - Strategic choice size of military budgets
- Security regimes e.g. Ballistic Missile
Technology Control regime -
11I. Controlling Proliferation
- 1925 Geneva Protocol (chemical weapons) 1992
Chemical Weapons Convention - 1972 Biological Weapons Convention
- Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1968
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 1972
- Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALT)
- SALT 1, 1972
- SALT 2, 1979
- Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I, 1991
START II, 1992) - Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), 1996
12II. Critical Security Studies
- Post-Cold War debate 1990s (Krause Williams,
1997) - Non-military threats to national security
environment, resources, health, etc - Security dilemma vs. Power-Security dilemma,
Buzan (1991) -
13II. New Threats to National Security
- Drugs, energy (Romm, 1993)
- Environmental threats (since 1980s)
- Resource conflicts (Westing, 1986 Mathews, 1987)
- Food and water scarcity as threats to economic
development (Korany, Brynen Noble, 1993) - Extended security conflict over economic,
geopolitical, environmental, territorial issues
(Dalby, 1997)
14II. Broadening the Concept of National Security
- No agreed general definition (Buzan, 1991)
- Threats to national security are actions that
threaten to undermine severely the quality of
life of a states inhabitants and that might
significantly reduce political choices that are
at the governments disposal (Romm, 1993) -
15II. Environmental Security
- Protection of national resources
- Interdependent issues transnational
environmental problems (global warming) - resource-based conflicts affect territorial
integrity and political stability -
16II. Environment Security
- Study relationship between military, security
affairs and the environment (Deudney Matthew,
eds., 1999) - Linking military activities to environmental
degradation (e.g., Gulf Wars) - Securitization of environmental problems (Buzan,
Waever de Wilde, 1998) -
17II. Environment, Security Conflict
- Predictions for coming anarchy as more
conflicts will be caused by environmental
degradation (Kaplan, 1994) - Linking environmental change, resource scarcity
and population growth to international conflict
(Homer-Dixon, 1991 1994) -
18II. Conflict Environmental Stress
- Homer-Dixon advisor to Clinton Administration
controversial model - Environmental stress scarcity of non-renewable
resources - Deterministic analysis environmental scarcity
leads to violent conflicts (e.g, water wars in
Middle East) - 1990s US neo-Malthusian approach to
international environmental problems -
19II. Environment, Security Conflict
- Environmental problems as security
- concerns
- Can lead to political instability
- Impact on crisis but not in isolation from other