Title: How to write a great business plan
1How to Write a Great Business Plan
2In this presentation, we will know how to write a
great business plan
The presentation will cover the outline of a
business plan, steps to write and after this,
there is a tips section for writing a great
business plan.
3Business Planoutline in one picture
4Steps to Write a Great Business Plan
1. The Business Plan Outline
The outline should cover the main topics or
points that will be important to the people that
will read your plan.
-Executive Summary- -Business Description and
Vision- -Definition of the Market- -Description
of the Products and Services- -Organization and
Management- -Marketing and Sales
Strategy- -Financial Management- -Conclusion-
5Steps to Write a Great Business Plan
2. Write The Plan
Using your own words, you have to keep in mind
that you are selling the idea. You can give
someone to read it later to see how good it to
read. You will have to do some research to
develop your plan more. You can use different
sources to do this research.
6Steps to Write a Great Business Plan
3. Review The Plan
Correct the basic errors (spelling or
grammatical) in your plan. You must read it
yourself and show others to read that too.
4. Finalize The Plan and review again
After finishing the previous steps, start the
final draft of your plan. Make the changes, only
which work for you. Make sure they are not
misspelling or misuse of word.
7Steps to Write a Great Business Plan
5. Create the Cover Letter
Create a cover letter to send with the business
plan, which will describe your full plan
application to the reader.
6. Go for Business to Start!
Now, you have a plan to do your business. After
starting the business, you can face to change
some of them, thats ok. Make small changes
needed, and keep going ahead.
8Writing tips to make great business plan
- Write from the audiences perspective
- Create a Vision
- Don't Ignore Your Customers
- Research the market thoroughly
- Attention to detail
- Don't Underestimate Competitors
- Ensure all key areas are covered in the plan
- Be Prepared to Take Risks
- Expect the Unexpected
- Don't Skip the Plan!
- Understand the competition
- Ensure all key areas are covered in the plan
9You can find more writing help at https//www.wri