Title: ASME Hydrogen Codes and Standards
1ASME Hydrogen Codes and Standards
- NCMS Workshop - Manufacturing Technologies for H2
Energy Systems - March 9, 2005
- John Koehr
- ASME background
- ASME Codes and Standards overview
- Standards applicable to H2 Infrastructure
- H2 standardization approach
- Summary of H2 standards activities
- Invitation to participate
3ASME Background
- Founded 1880
- 120,000 individual members no corporate members
- lt400 staff
- Not-for-profit organization
- Focused on technical, educational and research
issues - One of the worlds largest technical publishing
operations - Holds numerous technical conferences worldwide
- Offers professional development courses
- Sets internationally recognized industrial and
manufacturing codes and standards that enhance
public welfare and safety
4ASME Codes and Standards
- ASMEs Codes and Standards organization develops
and maintains standards and conformity assessment
programs - First standard issued in 1884
- Approx. 600 consensus standards
- Over 100 ASME standards committees
- Over 3,600 volunteer committee members
- Standards address pressure technology, nuclear,
safety, standardization, and performance test
codes - Conformity Assessment programs to accredit
manufacturers of equipment
5ASME Codes and Standards
- Voluntary Standards
- Standard set of guidelines for voluntary use or
invoked by contract - Standards may be cited by Government authorities
as a means of complying with regulations one
means is by direct adoption - The voluntary consensus standards process in the
US has been shown to be the best way to produce
codes and standards that meet the needs of all
stakeholders and not provide inappropriate
advantage to any category of interest
6ASME Codes and Standards
- ASMEs Voluntary Consensus Process
- Openness, balance of Interests, consensus, due
process - American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
accredited procedures - Compliance with World Trade Organization (WTO)
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) principles for
international standards development - Transparency, openness, impartiality and
consensus, effectiveness and relevance,
coherence, and development dimension.
7ASME Codes and Standards
- Standards development steps
- Initiate Standards Action
- Prerequisite technical work, RD
- Draft standard project team
- Distribute to cognizant groups for review and
comment - Standards Committee approval
- Public review
- Supervisory Board approval
- ANSI approval
8National Technology Transfer And Advancement Act
of 1995
- Signed into law on March 7, 1996 as PL 104-113
- Continues the policy changes initiated under OMB
A-119 - Federal Participation in the Development and Use
of Voluntary Standards - Relative to Standards
- Generally requires Federal agencies and
departments to use technical standards developed
or adopted by voluntary consensus standards
bodies - Directs Federal agencies and departments to
consult with and participate in voluntary
consensus bodies developing technical standards
9ASME Codes and StandardsApplicable to H2
- Tanks
- Boiler Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section VIII
- Division 1 Pressure Vessels
- Division 2 Alternative Rules
- Division 3 High Pressure Vessels
- Code Case 2390
- BPVC Section VIII, Div.3 - Composite Reinforced
Pressure Vessels - BPVC Section X
- Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels
- BPVC Section XII
- Rules for Construction of Transport Tanks
10ASME Codes and StandardsApplicable to H2
- Piping and Pipelines
- B31.1 - Power piping
- B31.3 - Process piping
- B31.4 - Liquid pipelines
- B31.8 - Gas pipelines
- B31.8S - Managing gas pipeline integrity
- Valves, Flanges, and Fittings
- B16.34 - Valves
- B16.5 - Pipe flanges and fittings
11ASME Codes and StandardsApplicable to H2
- Fuel Cells
- PTC 50 - Performance test code on fuel cell power
systems - Steam Generators
- PTC 4 - Fired steam generators
- Flow Measurement
- MFC-3M Fluid flow in pipes using orifice nozzle
and venturi - MFC-11M Fluid flow by coriolis mass flowmeters
12H2 Standardization Approach
- Traditional approach to standardization
- Writing prescriptive standards after technology
is established and after commercialization has
begun - Approach for the H2 economy
- Writing standards with more performance-based
requirements during the technology development
and before commercialization has begun
13H2 Standardization Approach
- The means to generate, transport, distribute,
store, and use H2 as a fuel safely and
efficiently - Standardization aids H2 infrastructure
development - Codes and standards protect the public
- Provides confidence in the technical integrity of
products - Should not limit technical innovation
- Provides for uniform training, allowing for more
rapid acceptance of technology - Facilitates doing business
14H2 Standardization Approach
- Barriers must be addressed
- Recognize benefits of fuel cells and hydrogen as
fuel - Public education
- Market forces must reduce costs
- Chicken Egg relationship between Fuel Cell
Vehicles and H2 fuel supply - H2 Infrastructure development supports Fuel Cell
15Interface With Other Organizations
- DOE Harmonization Workshops, Lead SDOs assigned
- Fuel Delivery and Storage
- Composite Containers - ASME, CSA, CGA, NFPA
- Pipelines - ASME, AGA, API, CGA
- Equipment ASME, AGA, API, CGA
- Fueling and Service
- Storage Tanks - ASME, API, CGA, CSA, NFPA
- Piping - ASME, CGA, CSA, NFPA
- H2 Generation and Fuel Cells
- Performance Test Procedure ASME, UL, CSA
- Storage Tanks ASME, API, CGA, CSA
16BPTCS Standards Actions
- Develop consensus standards for hydrogen
infrastructure applications including storage
tanks, transport tanks, portable tanks, piping,
and pipelines - New B31 Hydrogen Section (B31.12) formed to
develop a new code for hydrogen piping and
pipelines. - New BPV project team formed to develop standards
for portable, storage, and transport tanks in
hydrogen service.
17H2 Storage Tanks
- Stationary Liquid Storage
- Current rules adequate no action recommended
- Stationary Gas Storage up to 15,000 psi
- Metallic Tanks
- New requirements for BPVC Section VIII Division 1
- New post-construction guidelines for inspection
of cracking - New rules for periodic in-service inspection and
testing - High strength steel and aluminum
- Composite Tanks
- Develop new requirements for BPVC Section VIII
Division 1 - Include composite metal/FRP tanks, FRP, lined FRP
tanks - Metal Hydrides Storage
- Develop a new nonmandatory appendix toBPVC
Section VIII Division 1
18H2 Transportation Tanks
- Liquid Transport
- Current rules adequate no action recommended
- Develop new code requirements or code cases under
ASME BPVC Section XII - Gas Transport up to 15,000 psi
- Develop requirements for high strength steel and
aluminum tanks - Develop requirements for composite Metal/FRP
19H2 Portable Tanks
- Liquid Tanks
- Current rules adequate no action recommended
- Gas Tanks up to 15,000 psi
- Portable metallic tanks develop new
requirements for BPVC Section XII construction. - Metal Hydrides
- Develop a new nonmandatory appendix to BPVC
Section VIII Division 1.
20Standardization Topics
- Rules typically addressed by ASME pressure vessel
codes and standards - General
- Materials
- Design
- Fabrication
- Inspection and Tests
- Marking and Reports
- Pressure Relief Devices
- Rules are inter-related
- Rules should consider latest manufacturing
21Manufacturing-Related Issues
- Composite fabrication processes
- Characterization of composite material properties
- Dependence of properties on process
- Large-diameter thin-walled liners
- Seamless tube manufacture
- Welding of thin-walled Aluminum and Copper
- Heat treatment
- NDE requirements and flaw acceptance criteria
- Rules for multiple-duplicate vessels e.g., BPVC
Section VIII, Div. 1, UG-90(c )(2)
22H2 Standards Development Project Schedule
- Task Force Recommendations completed
- BPTCS Action completed
- Technical Reports JUL04 - NOV05
- Draft Standards Available NOV05
- Standards Committee NOV05 - NOV06
- Finalize Standard MAR07
- Publish 3rd Quarter 07
23Invitation to Participate
- Anticipate standards needs and make them known to
SDOs - Industrys needs drive standards development
- Urgency impacts development schedule
- Participate on ASME H2 project teams and
standards committees - Volunteer standards committee membership
- Industry support on standards committees
essential - Quality of support impacts technical relevance
- Level of support impacts development schedule
24Invitation to Participate
- Why do volunteers participate?
- Volunteer experts find the experience rewarding
- Sponsoring companies also have benefits
- Organization interests are considered
- Initiate and influence direction and quality of
standards, revisions and interpretations - Advanced knowledge of changes
- Interface with experts in the field
- Professional and personal development
- Direct and indirect contributions to corporate
bottom line
25Contact Information
- Staff Contacts
- H2 Piping and Pipelines
- Paul Stumpf, stumpfpa_at_asme.org, 212-591-8536
- H2 Tanks
- Gerry Eisenberg, eisenbergg_at_asme.org,
212-591-8510 - Research Projects
- John Koehr, koehrj_at_asme.org, 212-591-8511
- Web
- www.asme.org