Title: The API 579 Fitness-for-Service Standard
1The API 579 Fitness-for-Service Standard The
Current State of Technology and a Ten Year Look
10th Annual IPEIA (formerly NPEC) Conference
Banff Centre in Banff Alberta, Canada February 1
3, 2006
2Presentation Outline
- Introduction
- API 579 Development Background
- Overview of API 579
- New Joint API and ASME FFS Standard
- Planned Developments for API/ASME 579
- Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Future Enhancements Following the 2006
Publication of API/ASME 579 - Technical Basis and Validation of API/ASME 579
FFS Assessment Methods - Understanding of Damage Mechanisms
- In-Service Inspection Codes and
Fitness-For-Service - Fitness-For-Service and RBI - Complementary
Technologies - Harmonizing Pressure Vessel Design and
Fitness-For-Service - Summary
- The ASME and API construction codes do not
provide rules to evaluate a component containing
a flaw or damage that results from operation
after initial commissioning - Fitness-For-Service (FFS) assessments are
quantitative engineering evaluations that are
performed to demonstrate the structural integrity
of an in-service component containing a flaw or
damage - API 579 was developed to evaluate flaws and
damage associated with in-service operation - API 579 assessment procedures were not originally
intended to evaluate fabrication flaws however,
these procedures have been used for this purpose
by many Owner-Users
- If the damage mechanism cannot be identified,
then a FFS assessment should not be performed per
API 579 - Identification of damage mechanism is the key
component in the FFS assessment - Firm understanding of the damage mechanism is
required to evaluate the time-dependence of the
damage - Time-dependence of damage is required to develop
a remaining life and inspection plan - API 579 provides guidance for conducting FFS
assessments using methods specifically prepared
for equipment in the refining and petrochemical
industry however, this document is currently
being used in other industries such as the fossil
utility, pulp paper, food processing, and
non-commercial nuclear
5API 579 Development Background APIs Definition
of Fitness-For-Service
- An FFS assessment is a multi-disciplinary
engineering analysis of equipment to determine
whether it is fit for continued service,
typically until the next shutdown - The equipment may contain flaws, not met current
design standards, or be subjected to more severe
operating conditions than current design - The product of a FFS assessment is a decision to
run as is, monitor, alter, repair, or replace
guidance on an inspection interval is also
provided - FFS assessments consist of analytical methods
(mainly stress analysis) to assess flaws and
6API 579 Development Background Need for FFS
- Plant safety and Compliance with US OSHA 1910
Process Safety Management (PSM) Legislation - Operation of aging facilities
- Maintaining safe, reliable operations with an
increase in run-lengths, increase in severity of
operations and/or decrease in shut-down periods - Rationalizing flaws found by more rigorous
in-service inspections than those conducted
during original construction - Refining and petrochemical industry is unique due
to the wide variety of processes and operating
conditions, materials of construction, and damage
mechanisms - Standardization facilitates acceptance by
7API 579 Development Background MPC FFS JIP
Program Overview
- Joint Industry Project (JIP) started in 1990
under The Materials Properties Council (MPC) - Technology development focus
- Base resource document and computer software
developed - Information disseminated to public through
technical publications and symposia - Technology developed provides basis for API 579
- Continued sponsorship by owner-users and funding
support from API indicates high level of interest
in FFS - MPC FFS JIP continues to develop new FFS
technology that is subsequently incorporated into
API 579
8Overview of API 579General
- Applicable to pressurized components in pressure
vessels, piping, and tankage (principles can also
be applied to rotating equipment) - Highly structured document with a modular
organization based on flaw type/damage condition
to facilitate use and updates - Multi-level assessment - higher levels are less
conservative but require more detailed
analysis/data - Level 1 - Inspector/Plant Engineer
- Level 2 - Plant Engineer
- Level 3 - Expert Engineer
9Overview of API 579 General
- Identifies data requirements, applicability and
limitations of assessment procedures, and
acceptance criteria - Contains flow charts, figures, and example
problems to simplify use of the assessment
procedures - Provides recommendations for in-service
monitoring and/or remediation for difficult
situations - Provides recommendations for stress analysis
techniques, NDE, and sources for materials
properties - Requires a remaining life to be evaluated
remaining life is the basis for the inspection
10Overview of API 579 General
- General FFS assessment procedure used in API 579
for all flaw types is provided in Section 2 that
includes the following steps - Step 1 - Flaw damage mechanism identification
- Step 2 - Applicability limitations of FFS
procedures - Step 3 - Data requirements
- Step 4 - Assessment techniques acceptance
criteria - Step 5 - Remaining life evaluation
- Step 6 - Remediation
- Step 7 - In-service monitoring
- Step 8 - Documentation
- Some of the steps shown above may not be
necessary depending on the application and damage
11Overview of API 579 Contents
- API 579 originally released in 2000 Nine flaws
and damage conditions are covered with supporting
appendices - Organized to facilitate use and updates
- Section covering overall assessment procedure
- Separate sections for each flaw type/condition
- Consistent organization within each section
- Information common to more than one section
placed in appendices - Self-contained document - do not need to purchase
other API standards to perform an assessment
12Overview of API 579 Contents
- Main Sections
- Section 1 - Introduction
- Section 2 - FFS Engineering Evaluation Procedure
- Section 3 - Assessment of Equipment for Brittle
Fracture - Section 4 - Assessment of General Metal Loss (tm
lt tmin - large area) - Section 5 - Assessment of Localized Metal Loss
(tm lt tmin - small area) - Section 6 - Assessment of Pitting Corrosion
- Section 7 - Assessment of Blisters and
Laminations - Section 8 - Assessment of Weld Misalignment and
Shell Distortions - Section 9 - Assessment of Crack-Like Flaws
- Section 10 - Assessment of Equipment Operating in
the Creep Regime (Draft version) - Section 11 - Assessment of Fire Damage
13Overview of API 579 Contents
- Appendices
- Appendix A - Thickness, MAWP, and Stress
Equations for a FFS Assessment - Appendix B - Stress Analysis Overview for a FFS
Assessment - Appendix C - Compendium of Stress Intensity
Factor Solutions - Appendix D - Compendium of Reference Stress
Solutions - Appendix E - Residual Stresses in a FFS
Evaluation - Appendix F - Material Properties for a FFS
Assessment - Appendix G - Deterioration and Failure Modes
- Appendix H - Validation
- Appendix I - Glossary of Terms and Definitions
- Appendix J - Technical Inquires
14Overview of API 579 Relationships to Other FFS
- The API Committee on Refinery Equipment (CRE)
Task Group responsible for development of API
579 reviewed internal corporate methods,
international standards and publications, and
incorporated appropriate technology - In most cases, modifications to existing or
development of new FFS methods were required - API Level 3 Assessments permit use of alternative
FFS procedures. For example, Section 9 covering
crack-like flaws provides reference to British
Energy R-6, BS-7910, EPRI J-integral, and other
published methods - The API Task Group is working to set up technical
liaisons with other international FFS standard
writing bodies (e.g. FITNET)
15New Joint API and ASME FFS Standard
- API and ASME have agreed to form a joint
committee to produce a single FFS Standard that
can be used for pressure-containing equipment - API 579 will form the basis of the new co-branded
API/ASME standard that will be produced by this
committee - The initial release of the new co-branded
standard designated as API/ASME 579 will occur in
June, 2006
16New Joint API and ASME FFS Standard
- The second edition of API 579 and the new
API/ASME joint standard will include all topics
currently contained in API 579 and will also
include new parts covering FFS assessment
procedures that address unique damage mechanisms
experienced by other industries - The agreement to produce a joint standard on FFS
technology is a landmark decision that will
permit the focusing of resources in the US to
develop a single document that can be used by all
industries - In addition, a joint FFS standard will help avoid
jurisdictional conflicts and promote uniform
acceptance of FFS technology
17New Developments for API/ASME 579
- To avoid confusion with other ASME BPV Codes and
Standards, Sections in API 579 are being renamed
to Parts - New Enhancements Existing Sections and New
Parts - Part 5 Assessment of Local Thin Areas,
assessment procedures for gouges being relocated
to Part 12 - Part 7 Assessment of Blisters and HIC/SOHIC
Damage, assessment procedures for HIC/SOHIC
damage have been added - Part 8 Assessment of Weld Misalignment and
Bulges, assessment procedures for bulges being
modified (in progress), assessment procedures for
dents being relocated to Part 12 - Part 10 Assessment of Equipment Operating in
the Creep Range, assessment procedures for
remaining life calculations for components with
or without crack-like flaws are provided - Part 12 Assessment of Dents, Gouges, and
Dent-Gouge Combinations, new Part - Part 13 Assessment of Laminations, new Part
18New Developments for API/ASME 579
- New Enhancements Existing and New Appendices
- Appendix B Stress Analysis Overview for a FFS
Assessment, complete rewrite to incorporate new
elastic-plastic analysis methods and fatigue
evaluation technology developed for the ASME Div
2 Re-write Project - Appendix C Compendium of Stress Intensity
Factor Solutions, new stress intensity factor
solutions for thick wall cylinders, through wall
cracks in cylinders and spheres, holes in plates - Appendix E - Compendium of Residual Stress
Solutions, complete rewrite to incorporate new
solutions developed by PVRC Joint Industry
Project - Appendix F Material Properties for a FFS
Assessment, new fracture toughness estimation
methods and stress-strain curve model
incorporated - Appendix H Technical Basis and Validation of
FFS Procedures - Appendix K Crack Opening Areas, new appendix
covering crack opening areas for through-wall
flaws in cylinders and spheres
19New Developments for API/ASME 579
- New Enhancements Example Problems
- All example problems will be removed and placed
in a separate example problems manual - Additional example problems with more background
information will be provided - Future Enhancements (after 2006) - New Parts
- Assessment of Hot-Spots
- Assessment of HTHA (High Temperature Hydrogen
Attack) Damage - Assessment of Fatigue Damage
20Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 3 Brittle Fracture
- Provides guidelines for evaluating the resistance
to brittle fracture of existing carbon and low
alloy steel pressure vessels, piping, and storage
tanks - Screening of equipment for susceptibility (Level
1 2) - Detailed assessment using fracture mechanics
(Level 3 per Part 9) - Assessment typically performed on a weld-joint by
weld joint basis - The purpose of this assessment is to avoid a
catastrophic brittle fracture failure consistent
with ASME Code, Section VIII design philosophy
however, it does not ensure against
service-induced cracks resulting in leakage or
arrest of a running brittle fracture
21Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 3 Brittle Fracture - Changes
- Minimal changes to existing API 579 methodology
in Section 3 Changes in structure to improve
user friendliness - Minimum Allowable Temperature (MAT) -Single
temperature or envelope of temperature as
function of pressure - Critical Exposure Temperature (CET) -Lowest metal
temperature at primary stress gt 8 ksi
22Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 4 General Metal Loss
- Covers FFS for pressurized components subject to
general metal loss resulting from corrosion
and/or erosion - Procedures can be applied to both uniform and
local metal loss - Procedures provide an MAWP or MAT
- Assessment procedures in this section are based
on a thickness averaging approach - Suitable result is obtained when applied to
uniform metal loss - For local or non-uniform metal loss, the Part 4
thickness averaging approach may produce overly
conservative results the assessment procedures
of Part 5 (FFS rules covering local metal loss)
can be utilized to reduce the conservatism in the
23Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 4 General Metal Loss - Changes
- Minimal changes to existing API 579 methodology
- Change from tmin to trd
24Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 5 Local Metal Loss
- The assessment procedures of Part 5 are for the
analysis of local metal loss or Local Thin Areas
(LTA) - The procedures of Part 4 are for general (uniform
and non-uniform) metal loss
25Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 5 Local Metal Loss - Changes
- Level 1 Assessment
- Longitudinal plane - screening curve changed to
family of curves f(RSFa, E) groundwork for
adapting to different Codes - Circumferential plane - screening curve changed
to family of curves f(RSFa, E) Includes 20 of
allowable as bending stress more conservative - Level 2 Assessment
- Longitudinal plane - New Folias factor no
limitation on length of LTA (was lambdalt5) - Circumferential plane - Added circumferential
Folias factor to analysis changed acceptability
criteria from yield basis to allowable stress
26Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 5 Local Metal Loss - Changes
- New Level 2 Assessment procedure is provided for
evaluating cylindrical shells with LTAs subject
to external pressure - New method based on idealized cylindrical shell
- Basic equation is
27Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 6 Pitting
- The assessment procedures in Part 6 were
developed to evaluate metal loss from pitting
corrosion - Pitting is defined as localized regions of metal
loss which can be characterized by a pit diameter
on the order of the plate thickness or less, and
a pit depth that is less than the plate thickness - Assessment procedures are provided to evaluate
both widespread and localized pitting in a
component with or without a region of metal loss - The procedures can be used to assess a damaged
array of blisters as described in Part 7
28Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 6 Pitting - Changes
- Level 1 Screening
- Pitting Charts
- Visual FFS Assessment (similar to ASME Code
porosity charts), - Current Level 1 and existing Level 2 merged into
new Level 2 - Data for Assessment
- Include a photograph with reference scale and/or
rubbing of the surface - Maximum pit depth
- Cross section of UT thickness scan can also be
29Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 6 Pitting - Changes
- Pitting Charts
- FFS by visually comparing pit chart to actual
damage plus estimate of maximum pit depth - Pit charts provided for a different pitting
damages measured as a percentage of the affected
area in a 6 inch by 6 inch - RSF provided for each pit density and four w/t
ratios (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)
Pitting Chart API 579 Grade 4 Pitting
30Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 6 Pitting - Changes
- Level 1 Screening
- Determine ratio of remaining wall thickness to
the future wall thickness in pitted region - Find pitting chart that matches damage and
determine RSF -
31Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 7 Hydrogen Blisters and HIC/SOHIC (New)
- Provides assessment procedures for low strength
ferritic steel pressurized components with
hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) and blisters, and
stress oriented HIC (SOHIC) damage - Excludes
- Sulfide stress cracking (SSC)
- Hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steels
(Brinnell gt232) - Excludes methane blistering
32Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 7 Hydrogen Blisters and HIC/SOHIC (New)
- Various forms of damage all related to hydrogen
being charged into the steel from a surface
corrosion reaction in an aqueous H2S containing
environment. - Hydrogen Blistering
- Hydrogen blisters form bulges on the ID, the OD
or within the wall thickness of a pipe or
pressure vessel. - Atomic H collects at a discontinuity (inclusion
or lamination) in the steel - H atoms form molecular hydrogen which is too
large to diffuse out pressure builds to excess
of YS and local deformation occurs, forming a
blister - Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC)
- Hydrogen blisters can form at different depths
from the surface. And may develop cracks that
link them together. - Interconnecting cracks between the blisters often
are referred to as stepwise cracking
33Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 7 Hydrogen Blisters and HIC/SOHIC (New)
- Stress Oriented Hydrogen Induced Cracking (SOHIC)
- Similar to HIC, but more damaging
- Arrays of cracks stacked on top of each other,
resulting in through-thickness crack - Seen mostly in HAZ, due to residual stresses
Zero degree scan overlaid with 45 degree
shearwave results (provided by Westech
Inspection, Inc.)
34Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 7 Hydrogen Blisters and HIC/SOHIC (New)
- Level 2 HIC Assessment
Strength check - Determine RSF by considering
region as LTA with reduced strength
(20) Fracture check - Evaluate HIC as a
crack-like flaw per Part 9
35Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 8 Weld misalignment And Shell Distortions
- The procedures in this part can be used to assess
weld misalignments and shell distortions in
components made up of flat plates cylindrical,
conical, and spherical shells and formed heads. - Weld Misalignment centerline offset, angular
misalignment (peaking), and a combination of
centerline offset and angular misalignment - Shell Distortion Categories include
- General Shell Distortion
- Out-of-roundness
- Bulge
36Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 8 Weld misalignment And Shell Distortions -
Changes - Pseudo code provided for computation of Fourier
Series coefficients for analysis of
out-of-roundness radius data - Assessment procedure rules for bulges deleted,
new rules currently being developed by MPC FFS
JIP, will not be included in the 2006 edition
37Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 9 Crack-Like Flaws
- Crack-like flaws are planar flaws which are
predominantly characterized by a length and
depth, with a sharp root radius, the types of
crack-like flaws are - Surface breaking
- Embedded
- Through-wall
- In some cases, it is conservative and advisable
to treat volumetric flaws such as aligned
porosity or inclusions, deep undercuts, root
undercuts, and overlaps as planar flaws,
particularly when such volumetric flaws may
contain microcracks at the root - Grooves and gouges with a sharp root radius are
evaluated using Section 9, criteria for the root
radius is in Section 5
38Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 9 Crack-Like Flaws
- The assessment procedures in Part 9 are based on
a fracture mechanics approach considering the
entire range of material behavior - Brittle fracture
- Elastic/plastic fracture
- Plastic collapse
- Information required to perform an assessment is
provided in Part 9 and the following Appendices - Appendix C - Stress Intensity Factor Solutions
- Appendix D - Reference Stress Solutions
- Appendix E - Residual Stress Solutions
- Appendix F - Material Properties
39Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 9 Crack-Like Flaws - Changes
- Appendix C - Stress Intensity Factor (K)
Solutions - Improved K solutions over larger range of
geometries (Small R/t) - K solutions for shallow cracks a/tlt0.2 improved
- Appendix E New Residual Stress Solutions based
on PVRC Residual Stress JIP research - Appendix F - Material Properties, new methods to
estimate fracture toughness based on MPC FFS JIP
research co-funded by API
40Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 10 Creep (New)
- API 579, Part 10 provides assessment procedures
for pressurized components operating in the creep
range - The temperature above which creep needs to be
evaluated can be established using a Level 1
Assessment - Assessment procedures for determining a remaining
life are provided for components with and without
a crack-like flaw subject to steady state and/or
cyclic operating conditions - The procedures in this Part can be used to
qualify a component for continued operation or
for re-rating
41Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 10 Creep (New)
- Level 1 Assessment - Limitations
- Component has been constructed to a recognized
code or standard - A history of the component can be provided
covering both past and future operating
conditions - The component has been subject to less than 50
cycles of operation including startup and
shutdown conditions - The component does not contain a flaw such as an
LTA, pitting or crack-like flaw - Component has not been subject to fire damage or
another overheating event that has resulted in a
significant change in shape such as sagging or
bulging, or excessive metal loss from scaling - The material meets or exceeds minimum hardness
and carbon content limitations
42Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 10 Creep (New)
- Level 1 Assessment Calculations single
operating condition
43Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 10 Creep (New)
- Level 1 Assessment Calculations multiple
operating condition
44Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 10 Creep (New)
- Level 2 Assessment - Limitations
- Component has been constructed to a recognized
code or standard - A history of the component can be provided
covering both past and future operating
conditions - The component has been subject to less than 50
cycles of operation including startup and
shutdown conditions - The component does not contain a flaw such as an
LTA, pitting or crack-like flaw - Level 2 Assessment - Calculations
- Analysis (i.e. FEA) used to determine temperature
and stress as a function of time - Material data and damage rule used to determine
acceptability for continued operation - Method based on MPC Project Omega JIP
45Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 11 Fire Damage
- Covers assessment procedures for evaluating
pressure vessels, piping and tanks subjected to
flame impingement and the radiant heat of a fire - Assessment procedures address the visually
observable structural degradation of components
and the less apparent degradation of mechanical
properties, such as strength, ductility, and
toughness - Assessment procedures may also be used to
evaluate process upsets due to a chemical
reaction within process vessels - Part 11 Fire Damage - Changes
- Reference provided to new Part 10 to evaluate
creep damage resulting from a fire
46Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 12 Dents, Gouges, and Dent-Gouge
Combinations (New) - Assessment procedures for pressurized components
containing dents, gouges, or dent-gouge
combinations resulting from mechanical damage - Dent An inward or outward deviation of a
cross-section of a shell member from an ideal
shell geometry that is characterized by a small
local radius or notch - Gouge An elongated local removal and/or
relocation of material from the surface of a
component caused by mechanical means that results
in a reduction in wall thickness the material
may have been cold worked in the formation of the
flaw - Dent-Gouge Combination A dent with a gouge
present in the deformed region
47Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 12 Dents, Gouges, and Dent-Gouge
Combinations (New) - Assessment procedures permit calculation of MAWP
or MFH - Level 1 Assessment Procedures based on simple
screening criteria - Level 2 Assessment Procedures require some stress
analysis, fatigue calculation method included for
dent and dent-gouge combinations
48Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Part 13 Laminations (New)
- Covers assessment procedures for pressurized
components with laminations, excluding HIC or
SOHIC damage - Laminations are defined as a plane of non-fusion
in the interior of a steel plate that results
during the steel manufacturing process - Existing assessment procedures in Part 7 will be
significantly updated
49Overview of API/ASME 579-2006
- Appendices updates previously discussed have
been completed - Appendix B Stress Analysis Overview for a FFS
Assessment - Change, complete rewrite to
incorporate new elastic-plastic analysis methods
and fatigue evaluation technology developed for
the ASME Div 2 Re-write Project - Appendix C Compendium of Stress Intensity
Factor Solutions - Change, new stress intensity
factor solutions for thick wall cylinders,
through wall cracks in cylinders and spheres,
holes in plates - Appendix E - Compendium of Residual Stress
Solutions - Change, complete rewrite to
incorporate new solutions developed by PVRC Joint
Industry Project - Appendix F Material Properties for a FFS
Assessment - Change, new fracture toughness
estimation methods and stress-strain curve model
incorporated - Appendix H Technical Basis and Validation of
FFS Procedures NEW, technical basis document
that provides an overview of the technical
background and validation with essential
references - Appendix K Crack Opening Areas - NEW, appendix
covering crack opening areas for through-wall
flaws in cylinders and spheres
50Future Enhancements After the 2006 Publication of
- Technology Development Efforts Currently Underway
- Documentation of validation of new assessment
procedures for HIC/SOHIC damage (2006) - Allowable Remaining Strength Factor (RSFa)
calibration based on original construction code
(2006) - Assessment of local thin areas (2007)
- Development of a new method for computing the RSF
factor for both Level 1 and Level 2 Assessments - Development of new LTA-to-LTA spacing criteria
- Development of new LTA-to-structural
discontinuities spacing criteria - Development of new rules for assessment of local
thin areas at nozzles and other shell
discontinuities - Completion of Example Problems Manual (2007)
51Future Enhancements After the 2006 Publication of
- Technology Development Efforts Currently Underway
- Assessment Procedures for bulges (2007)
- Assessment of crack-like flaws (2007)
- New PSF (Partial Safety Factors) for crack-like
flaws, introduction of PSFs for LTAs - Development of new reference stress solutions
based on J-Integral Technique - Evaluation of weld mismatch effects
- Assessment procedures for HTHA (2007)
- Assessment procedures for hot-spots (2008)
- Assessment of damage in cast iron components
(paper mill dryers) (2008)
52Future Enhancements After the 2006 Publication of
- Future Technology Needs
- Improved fracture toughness evaluation for
in-service materials - Carbon steel and low alloys
- Environmental effects (e.g. hydrogen)
- Temperature dependency
- Statistical evaluation
- Improved assessment procedures for dents and
dent-gouge combinations - Removal of geometry restrictions
- Coverage of more materials
- Coverage of more loading types
- Evaluation of material toughness effects on the
burst pressure of components with non-crack-like
flaws (i.e. LTAs, pitting)
53Future Enhancements After the 2006 Publication of
- Future Technology Needs
- Assessment Procedures for Crack-Like Flaws
- FAD dependency on stress-strain curve
- Evaluation of pressure test and warm pre-stress
effects - Improved crack growth models, including data,
considering environmental efforts - Assessment Procedures for Fatigue
- Multiaxial fatigue
- Cycle counting
- Environmental effects
- Assessment Procedures for Creep Damage
- Include primary creep in MPC Project Omega Creep
Model - Creep damage from triaxial stress states
- Development of new procedures to evaluate
creep-fatigue damage - New procedures to evaluate creep-buckling
54Future Enhancements After the 2006 Publication of
- Future Technology Needs
- Improved Stress-Strain Models
- Temperature Effects
- Loading Rate Effects
- Cyclic Stress-Strain Curves
- Introduction of partial safety factors for other
types of damage (i.e. LTA, pitting) - Additional stress intensity factor solutions for
common pressurized component geometries (e.g.
cracks at nozzles)
55Technical Basis and Validation of API/ASME 579
FFS Assessment Methods
- The API CRE FFS and Joint API/ASME Committees are
committed to publishing the technical basis to
all FFS assessment procedures utilized in API 579
in the public domain - It is hoped that other FFS standards writing
committees adopt the same policy as it is crucial
that FFS knowledge remains at the forefront of
technology on an international basis to
facilitate adoption by jurisdictional authorities - The new API 579 Appendix H of API 579 provides an
overview of technical basis and validation with
related references organized by damage type, the
references are published in a series of WRC
Bulletins and technical papers
56Technical Basis and Validation of API/ASME 579
FFS Assessment Methods
- WRC Bulletins Published
- Review of Existing Fitness-For-Service Criteria
for Crack-Like Flaws (WRC 430) - Technologies for the Evaluation of Non-Crack-Like
Flaws in Pressurized Components -
Erosion/Corrosion, Pitting, Blisters, Shell
Out-of-Roundness, Weld Misalignment, Bulges, and
Dents in Pressurized Components (WRC 465) - Development of Stress Intensity Factor Solutions
for Surface and Embedded Cracks in API 579 (WRC
471) - Stress Intensity and Crack Growth Opening Area
Solutions for Through-wall Cracks in Cylinders
and Spheres (WRC 478) - Recent Progress in Analysis of Welding Residual
Stresses (WRC 455) - Recommendations for Determining Residual Stresses
in Fitness-For-Service Assessments (WRC 476) - Master S-N Curve Method for Fatigue Evaluation of
Welded Components (WRC 474)
57Technical Basis and Validation of API/ASME 579
FFS Assessment Methods
- WRC Bulletins Pending
- Compendium of Temperature-Dependent Physical
Properties for Pressure Vessel Materials (WRC
503) - An Overview and Validation of The
Fitness-For-Service Assessment Procedures for
Locally Thin Areas in API 579 (WRC 505)
58Technical Basis and Validation of API/ASME 579
FFS Assessment Methods
- WRC Bulletins In Preparation
- An Overview of The Fitness-For-Service Assessment
Procedures for Pitting Damage in API 579 - An Overview of the Fitness-For-Service Assessment
Procedures for Weld Misalignment and Shell
Distortions in API 579 - An Overview and Validation of the
Fitness-For-Service Assessment Procedures for
Crack-Like Flaws in API 579 - An Overview and Validation of Residual Stress
Distributions for Use in the Assessment
Procedures of Crack-Like Flaws in API 579 - An Overview and validation of the
Fitness-For-Service Rules for the Assessment of
HIC/SOHIC Damage in API 579
59Technical Basis and Validation of API/ASME 579
FFS Assessment Methods
- WRC Bulletins In Preparation
- MPC Project Omega and Procedures for Assessment
of Creep Damage in API 579 - Development of a Local Strain Criteria Based on
the MPC Universal Stress-Strain Equation - Update on the Master S-N Curve Method for Fatigue
Evaluation of Welded Components
60Understanding of Damage Mechanisms
- The first step in a Fitness-For-Service
assessment performed in accordance with API 579
is to identify the flaw type and associated
damage mechanism - Appendix G in API 579 provides basic information
to assist the practitioner in this step - The following WRC Bulletins have been produced to
provide the practitioner with in-depth
information - Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in
the Pulp and Paper Industry (WRC 488) - Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in
the Refining Industry (WRC 489 API RP 571) - Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in
the Fossil Electric Power Industry (WRC 490)
61In-Service Inspection Codesand
- Jurisdictional acceptance provided by reference
from in-service inspection codes in the US - API 510 Vessels
- API 570 Piping
- API 653 Tankage
- ANSI/NB-23 Vessels Boilers
- Status of reference from US inspection codes is
as follows - API 510 Reference in 8th Edition, 2nd Addendum
- API 570 Reference in 2nd Edition, 2nd Addendum
- API 653 Reference to appear in 3rd Edition, 1st
Addendum - ANSI/NB-23 Reference in Introduction of 2001
Addendum - Working to achieve recognition by other
international in-service inspections codes
62In-Service Inspection Codesand
- Reactive FFS can be used to assess damage found
during an inspection provides basis for run,
repair, or replace decision - Proactive FFS can be used prior to shut-downs to
help develop inspection plans (e.g. determine
maximum permissible flaws sizes) - The remaining life is determined as part of an
FFS assessment - Used to establish an inspection interval
- Half-life or similar concepts can be used
- Snap-Shot approach to FFS is not adequate, an
evaluation of the time dependency of damage is
63Fitness-For-Service and RBI - Complimentary
- Assessment of damage in many of the RBI methods
currently being used is needs updating is not
consistent with FFS assessment procedures - Documented and validated FFS methods for flaw and
damage assessment may be used to establish a
probability of failure as a function of time by
considering uncertainties in the damage model and
independent variables - The resulting probably of failure can be combined
with a consequence model to produce an estimate
of risk as a function of time - Time dependency of risk permits development of an
inspection plan - Work is underway to integrate API 579 with API 581
64Harmonizing Pressure Vessel Design and
- To remain technically competitive, and to
facilitate incorporation of new technology and
future updates, ASME is developing a new pressure
Vessel Code this code will replace the existing
Section VIII, Division 2 Code - The new code is being developed primarily to
address design and fabrication of engineered
pressure vessels (as typically used in the
refining and petrochemical industry) will result
in significant cost savings - The new code is consistent with developments in
Europe - Objective to develop a new organization and
introduce a clear and consistent writing style to
facilitate use consistent with API-579
philosophy - Shared technology between API-579 and new design
Code. - Draft version of new Code is complete work is
underway to ballot the Div 2 Rewrite in 2006
- Fitness-For-Service (FFS) assessments are
quantitative engineering evaluations that are
performed to demonstrate the structural integrity
of an in-service component containing a flaw or
damage - API and ASME have agreed to form a joint
committee to produce a single FFS Standard,
API/ASME 579, that can be used for
pressure-containing equipment - Permits focusing of resources in the US to
develop a single document that can be used by all
industries - Helps avoid jurisdictional conflicts and promotes
uniform acceptance of FFS technology - The 2006 edition of API/ASME 579 represents a
significant update in assessment procedures - The technical basis and validation of the
API/ASME 579 FFS assessment procedures will be
published in the public domain - API/ASME 579 FFS assessment methods have been
integrated with API NBIC inspection codes and
will be integrated into API RBI technologies - Significant technical development work remains
and a work plan is being formulated
66Robert Brown, P.E. FFS Team Leader 216-283-6015 rg
brown_at_equityeng.com 20600 Chagrin Blvd. Suite
1200 Shaker Heights, OH 44122 USA Phone
216-283-9519 Fax 216-283-6022 www.equityeng.com