Title: XTCE: Overview
1XTCE Overview
XML Telemetry Command Exchange
- Kevin Rice, GST Inc
- Brad Kizzort, Harris Corp.
- 2004
- Why
- Brief History
- Core Concepts
- Usage Cases
- Quick Example
- Recap
- Questions
3Why XTCE?
- Leverage commercial marketplace investment in
acceptance of XML - Provide for a standard way to exchange telemetry
information between various parties involved in
building, testing, launching and managing
satellite telemetry - Give the customer (operator) more choices for
mission ops software instead of being locked into
a product because of pre-existing database
formats. - In other words save money
- SpaceDTF formed in FY01 at the OMG (Corba, UML,
etc) - Published RFP 1 for a standard mission
operations database format in early 02 - Received three responses, all XML Schemas
- Group decided to combine forces and build one
Schema for all (TDM Packet) - OMG Architecture Review board passed the initial
DRAFT SPECIFICATION in Feb 03 - The SpaceDTF entered into the finalization task
force (FTF) phase to complete the FINAL
specification the FTF is still convening
5History - Whos who
- Key Design Team (Original Submitters)
- European Space Agency
- Science Systems Sam Cooper, Roger Thompson
- ESOC Mario Merri
- US Air force/Mission Operations
- USAF SMC Det 12/VO (Lockheed Martin) Gerry
Simon (Chair) - Boeing Communications Satellites
- Janice Champion
- CVS Server Finalization Task Force
- GSFC Mike Rackley
- GST/GSFC Kevin Rice
- Raytheon TSC / UMD / GSFC Ed Shaya (XDF)
6XTCE Where It Fits in the Schema of Things
- Data Telemetry
- MetaData Formatting (TDM/CCSDS)
- MetaMetaData Description of MetaData Data
(XTCE) - It provides for a hierarchical description
language for mission ops databases - Telemetry
- Commanding
- Stream information (fixed, variable framing,
encoding, etc) - Services, etc
- Algorithms
- Supports Packet (CCSDS) TDM
7XTCEs hierarchical structure looks like a real
Comm Satellite
Battery 1
Repeating components may be defined once
Battery 2
Subsystem data may be independently developed and
8XTCE Three Core Concepts(everything else in
XTCE is gravy)
- Parameters
- Containers
- Keys ( Containers)
9XTCE -Telemetry Parameters
- Parameters are
- Immutable pieces of telemetry data (not counting
bit fields) - Have a type, such as integer, float, etc
- And a length, bit-order, byte-order and so forth
- Often grouped together with other like data
- - Also called measurands, , etc
A Parameter
10XTCE - Containers
Container Outer.A
- Containers are
- A convention for describing groupings of
- parameters
- Form a complex data type in telemetry similar to
- C-structs
- May be Sequences of parameters and
- other containers
Container Outer
Some Parameters
Container Outer.B
11XTCE - Keys
- Keys are
- Locations within Containers that
- have identifying information
- -part of the data (APID)
- -have runtime dependent key values
Some Parameters
- Key Definitions have
- a length or width
- an offset
- Key Values
- Specific key values identify a container
- In the telemetry stream
12XTCE Finding Telemetry Putting Containers
Key Values Together
- In order to actually find data to describe,
- Key Values must be supplied to match against
- the incoming data stream.
- Containers (packets) arrive in any order, usually
- keys key values must be used to match
telemetry - so the right container definition can be selected
Key APID10
Some Parameters
13Example TrivialSat
Minor Frame 0
Minor Frame 1
Bat1V Battery one voltage, encoded as an 8 bit
unsigned integer, MSB first, calibrated to a
linear 0 to 32 volt curve
BeaconStatus Beacon Status, encoded as an 8 bit
unsigned integer, MSB first where only the first
bit is used, that is treated as a enumerated type
where a 1On and 0Off.
Command Format
14Example TrivialSat (ParameterSet)
ltParameterSetgt ltFloatParameter
name"Battery1Voltage"gt ltUnitSet/gt ltIntegerDat
aEncoding/gt ltDefaultCalibratorgt ltPolynomialCa
libratorgt ltTerm coefficient"8"
exponent"1"/gt lt/PolynomialCalibratorgt lt/Defa
ultCalibratorgt lt/FloatParametergt ltEnumeratedPara
meter name"BeaconStatus"gt ltUnitSet/gt ltInteger
DataEncoding/gt ltEnumerationListgt ltEnumeration
value"128" label"On"/gt ltEnumeration
value"0" label"Off"/gt lt/EnumerationListgt lt/En
umeratedParametergt ltBinaryParameter
name"minorFrameCtr"gt ltUnitSet/gt lt/BinaryParame
tergt lt/ParameterSetgt
Floating Point Parameter
Is encoded as an integer. Default Integer
Encoding is unsigned 8 bit MS Bit and byte first
Linear calibration
Enumeration Parameter
Encoded as an 8 bit unsigned measurand
8 Bit Binary Parameter
15Example TrivialSat (ContainerSet)
ltContainerSetgt ltSequenceContainer
name"MinorFrame"gt ltEntryListgt ltParameterRefE
ntry parameterRef"minorFrameCtr"/gt lt/EntryListgt
lt/SequenceContainergt ltSequenceContainer
name"MinorFrame0"gt ltEntryListgt ltParameterRef
Entry parameterRef"Battery1Voltage"/gt ltParamet
erRefEntry parameterRef"BeaconStatus"/gt lt/Entry
Listgt ltBase containerRef"MinorFrame"gt ltRestr
ictionCriteriagt ltComparison
parameterRef"minorFrameCtr" value"0x00"/gt lt/R
estrictionCriteriagt lt/Basegt lt/SequenceContainer
gt ltSequenceContainer name"MinorFrame1"gt . lt/S
equenceContainergt lt/ContainerSetgt
Abstract MinorFrame
IS A MinorFrame
Where the minorFrameCtr 0
16XTCE - Prototyping
- ESA prototyped pre-existing SCOS-2000 mission ops
database into XTCE and then back again as a proof
of concept - Found little loss of information and that the
translation to XTCE and then back again basically
worked without issue - Large increase in database size (order of
magnitude) BUT - Not a problem really for modern COTS PCs
- Compressed well
- GSFC started prototyping effort Jan 04
- Show exchange from a database to a variety of
platforms as part of GMSEC - ITOS (GSFC)
- Storm/L3
- WIRE first test database
17XTCE - Recap
- XTCE is an XML Schema and an OMG draft standard
for describing telemetry and command
packets/streams - The FTF will finalize XTCE for full publication
by OMG. - XTCE hierarchically describes mission ops
databases - Telemetry
- Commanding
- Stream information
- Services
- Algorithms, etc
- Supports Packet (CCSDS) TDM
- Prototyping by ESA complete, GSFC ongoing