9/28/09. 1. Equities for Charities. National Philanthropy Day. 9/28/09. 2 ... Only 50% of the gain is included in income. 9/28/09. 3. Charities and Government ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Generally, any increase in the value of a capital asset triggers a tax liability at time of disposition.
The capital gain is determined by subtracting the adjusted cost base from the fair market value after allowing for any outlays and expenses.
Only 50 of the gain is included in income.
3 Charities and Government
In 1997 the federal government reduced the inclusion rate from 50 to 25 for donations of listed securities.
This measure contributed to an almost three-fold growth in donations by 2004.
The 2006 budget eliminated the capital gains tax on these gifts.
4 Tax Relief
Charitable donations are subject to step-rated tax relief.
The federal government provides a tax credit of 15 on the first 200 of donations and 29 on the balance.
The provincial credit is 10.12 and 17.95.
5 What does it mean?
Your client can make a donation of listed securities and enjoy tax savings of approximately 25 on the first 200 and 47 on the balance.
A 10,000 gift generates federal tax savings of 2,872 and provincial savings of 1,779.
6 Total Savings?
A 10,000 gift can save a taxpayer 4,651 in tax in 2007.
And yet, your client pays with discounted dollars since he has not had to realize the capital gains tax on the growth!
7 Buried Treasure
For some people, they might be holding liabilities that can be turned into assets.
Consider Manufacturers Life
In 1999 they de-mutualized.
Each policyholder received 186 shares of MFC valued at 18.
These shares now trade over 40.
8 Ramifications?
These shares are subject to the full weight of the capital gains tax.
If provided as a charitable donation, the full weight of the value becomes a tax credit.
9 Finally
On the 2006 tax return, many people were surprised to find additional tax liabilities as a result of the Aliant corporate conversion to the Bell Aliant income trust.
In the meantime, those pre-disposed to gifting were able to make arrangements for the easy transfer of their shares.