Title: to the
1Welcome to the Fundraising Institute of New
Zealand Not-for-Profit Financial
Management Workshop Presenter Lindsay Jeffs
2(No Transcript)
3Financial Management Hot topics!!! If you have
any hot topics please write them on the Post-it
note on your chair
4- Key Governance Financial Responsibilities
- The Governing body is ultimately responsible for
the organisations financial state. They have a
number of legal responsibilities depending on the
legal structure and founding documents. - Each member of the Governing Body is individually
and equally responsible and accountable for the
financial health of the organisation (fiduciary
duties). - All members must be diligent in their duties by
being able to read and understand financial
statements and take an active role in monitoring
the organisations financial planning and
performance. - All members collectively must ensure prudent
financial management and accounting processes to
ensure transparency. - Note Governing Body Members are not able to
delegate these responsibilities.
5- Key Management Financial Responsibilities
- Maintain proper financial systems and processes
and prepare adequate and appropriate financial
reports for the Governing Body, Relevant
Stakeholders and Statutory Authorities. - To appoint competent personnel to maintain
accurate and complete financial records. - Safeguard the organisations financial assets
(internal controls, asset registers, purchasing
and cash management controls)
6- Key Accounting Staff, Other Staff and Volunteers
Financial Responsibilities. - Fulfilling their duties by being responsible for
their activities and following financial policies
and procedures. - Behaving in an honest and transparent manner.
- Ensuring adequate source documents and records
are maintained and controlled - Protecting the organisations assets.
7Financial Accounting Financial accounting is
that discipline which measures, records, reports
and interprets financial and other information
about an entity to interested parties to enable
them to make appropriate decisions.
8- Functions of Accounting
- Communicating financial information
- Supplying financial information to
- assist decision-making
- Establishing accountability
- Providing a financial control device
- Assisting external and internal parties
- to assess the financial well-being of
- the organisation.
9- Accounting Standards
- Financial Reporting Standards
- Generally Accepted Accounting Practices
- (GAAP)
10- Accounting Concepts
- Accounting entity
- Monetary
- Historical cost
- Continuity (going concern)
- Accounting period
- Conservatism
- Disclosure
11The Accounting Equation The accounting equation
is the relationship between the total assets,
total liabilities and equity of an organisation
at a certain date. This relationship is always an
equality (it always balances). The equation is
usually expressed as Assets - Liabilities
Accumulated funds or equity
12The Accounting Cycle
Transactions Implementing Workplan DOING
Record on source documents
Annual Report (To AGM and the appropriate
Enter in Journals (CASHBOOK) Manual or computer
Balance Sheet
Monthly Bank Reconciliation
Income and Expenditure Statement
End of year adjustments (Accruals)
Trial Balance End of Year
13- Accounting Objectives
- To record and keep accurate count of all
transactions. - To classify and summarise the transaction, into
their basic nature of - Income, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities and
Accumulated funds - To determine the profit or loss (surplus/deficit)
from providing services or trading over the
defined financial period (usually a year). This
is the - Statement of Financial Performance.
- To ascertain the net worth of the
organisation/entity at a point of time, usually
at the end of the financial period. This is the
Statement of Financial Position.
14Financial Planning Involves the preparation of
budgets, cashflow forecasts, costing and pricing
and the management of investments.
A budget is a forecast or plan expressed in
numerical terms eg. money, time, or units. In
practical terms a forecast is a best guess of
future outcomes.
16Budgets cont.
- Budgets are used as
- A planning tool
- A management tool linking work plans and
- financial events.
- A tool for monitoring and evaluation both during
the - budget cycle and at its completion.
17Costing The process used to arrive at the price
to be charged or recovered for the service or
product provided. It should normally cover all
costs and yield a surplus to cover contingencies.
18Financial Monitoring Involves the use of
variance analysis, monthly and annual accounts,
financial accounting ratios, audits, internal
controls, management reports on performance,
annual reports, reports to funders, risk
management, financial policies and procedures,
compliance issues and insurance.
19Organisational Financial Health Checks Used to
benchmark the performance of the organisation
against various benchmarks. For example,
Brinkerhoff Keys to Financial Empowerment, UK
Charities Commission Hallmarks of a Well-Run
Charity and United Way of Minneapolis Checklist
of Nonprofit Organisational Indicators.