Title: General Genetics
1General Genetics
- PCB 3063
- University of South Florida
- Summer Session B, 1999
- Bruce J. Cochrane, Ph. D, Instructor
2Course Information
- Meeting Time and Place CHE 100, MWF 200-415
- Textbook Genetics Principles and Analysis, D.
Hartl and E. Jones - Instructors Office Hours BSF 209, MW 12-2 or
by appointment - Instructors email address coch_at_chuma.cas.usf.ed
u - Class Web Site http//scholar.acomp.usf.edu90/c
3Exams and Grading
- Three exams July 12, July 23, and August 6
- Each worth 1/3 of course grade
- Exams are cumulative only in the sense that
understanding of new material will require sound
comprehension of previously discussed
information. - Extra credit available for Discussion
4Information resources
- Lecture
- Text
- Electronic Companion to Text
- Web resources
- Class web page scholar.acomp.usf.edu90/courses/
PCB3063 - Course information
- Announcements
- Sample quizzes and test results
- Discussions, email, group formation
- geNETics http//www.jbpub.com/genetics/genetics
5How to Succeed in Genetics
- Attendance - Lectures are the primary source
- Reviewing notes in a timely fashion - dont count
on cramming! - Problem solving - Chapter end and CD
- Get questions answered - office hours, after
class, email, disucssion exchanges
6Properties of Genetic Material
- Transmissible
- Determines heritable physical traits
- Controls Cellular Processes
- Provides source of new variation
7Milestones in the History of Genetics
- 1859- Darwin and The Origin of Species - the
significance of inherited variation in evolution - 1869 - Miescher and the isolation of nuclein
- 1900 - the rediscovery of Mendels paper and the
concept of the particulate gene - 1902 - Garrod, alkaptonuria, and the idea that
genes direct protein synthesis
8Milestones in the History of Genetics II
- 1920 - Morgan, Bridges, and the Chromosome Theory
of Heredity - 1928 - Griffiths and transformation
- 1940 - Avery McLeod and McCarty - DNA as the
genetic material - 1953 - Watson and Crick - the structure of DNA
- 1960s - Elucidation of the Genetic Code
9Milestones in the History of Genetics III
- 1970s - Recombinant DNA and DNA Sequencing
- 1980s - Transgenic Organisms, the Polymerase
Chain Reaction, reverse genetics - 1990s
- Commercialization of transgenic technology
- Improved molecular diagnosis of inherited
disorder - Genetic control of cell growth, death, and
differentiation - Somatic gene therapy
- Genomics and Genome Projects
- 2000s - ?????
10The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
- Source of New Variation
- Random Process
- Changes in DNA sequence that affect
- Protein sequence
- Pattern of gene expression
12Some Simple Genetic Disorders
- Sickle cell anemia
- Cystic fibrosis
- Duchennes muscular dystrophy
- Hemophilia
- Lou Gehrigs disease
- Huntingtons disease
- Many others
- One Gene affecting multiple, seemingly unrelated
traits - Examples
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- muscles
- brain
- joints
- other tissues
- ApoE4
- Hypertension and risk of heart disease -
treatable with drugs diet - Alzheimers disease - untreatable
14Variable Penetrance - Genetic Risk Factors
- ApoE4 for both hypertension and Alzheimers
disease - BRCA1, BRCA2, and breast cancer
- Genes that make minor contributions to complex
15Interactions between Genes and Environment
16Readings and Problems
Today Chapter 1 pp 1-18 20-25 Problems
4,8,9,10.12 Wednesday Chapter 2, all Problems
5,6,8,12-17 19-23