Life in General - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Life in General


Life in General Living matter is organized into complex structures based on organic molecules. They have cells. Homeostasis is maintained by Living organisms. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Life in General

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Life in General
  • Living matter is organized into complex
    structures based on organic molecules. They have
  • Homeostasis is maintained by Living organisms.
  • Growth and development.
  • Reproduction and transmission of genetic
    information. Living Organisms are capable of
    replicating themselves and Continuing their
    Genetic lines.

Life in General (contd)
  • Acquisition and conversion of matter and energy
    from the external environment.  Living Organisms
    are capable of integrating material from the
    external environment and making it a part of
    themselves.  They are able to synthesize their
    own organic materials
  • On this planet (at least) their is a requirement
    for water. 
  • Response to stimuli from the environment
  • Evolution.

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Classification Systems
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Classification Systems
  • classification is a method for organizing
  • ARISTOTLE (384-322 BC) is often called the father
    of biological taxonomy.
  • His scheme referred to common groups, such as
    birds, fishes, whales, and bats,
  • he recognized the need for groups and group names
    in the study of animals.
  • his system was based on the knowledge that he
    possessed at the time.

Classification Systems (contd)
  • John Ray (1627-1705) used differences in anatomy
    as the prime rule for classification, bringing
    out both the similarities and differences between
    groups--for example, fins or feathers.
  • This is still the preferred method

Classification Systems (contd)
  • Similar things are grouped together.
  • However, there are many reasonable ways of
    defining similarity, and as a result many
    different classifications for the same things.

Classification Systems (contd)
  • key property of classifications is that they can
    be nested within one another, creating an ever
    increasing leveled system.
  • As a result any group within a classification can
    be split in still smaller groups .
  • There is no limit to the depth of a layered

Carl Linnaeus
  • Linnaeus defined the biological classification
    system that we still use for plants and animals,
    and, with relatively minor changes, for fungi and
  • It is a layered system that starts with a few
    categories at the highest level, and further
    subdivides them at each lower level.
  • In the Linnaean system, to uniquely name a
    species it is necessary to supply both genus and
  • In the case of animals, Linnaean classifications
    often reflect our "gut reactions" regarding
    whether an animal is similar or not.

Linnaeus (contd)
  • biologists also classify organisms into different
    categories mostly by judging the levels of
    apparent similarity and difference that they can
  • The assumption is that the greater the
    similarity, the closer they are related in a
    biological sense.

Classifying Organisms
  • If an unknown organism is discovered, researchers
    begin their classification by looking for
    features that seem to have the same purpose as
    those found on other species.
  • Next it will have to be determined whether or not
    the similarities are due to a separate
    evolutionary development or to a common ancestor.
  • If there is a common ancestor then the two
    species are probably closely related and should
    be classified into the same or near biological

Classifying Organisms (contd)
  • Homologous structures are physical features, of
    different organisms, that have a similar
    appearance or function because they were
    inherited from a common ancestor that also had
  • For example, the forelimb of a sloth, the wing of
    a crow, and your arm have the same functional
    types of bones as did our shared reptilian
    ancestor--these are homologous structures.
  • The more such structures two organisms possess,
    the more likely it is that they have a close

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Classifying Organisms (contd)
  • Listing features that separate one species from
    another has the effect of making it look like the
    species and their distinctive features are fixed
    and eternal.
  • We need to remember that they were brought about
    by evolutionary changes that operated not only at
    some time in the past, but which also continue to
    operate today and will surely give rise to new
    forms in the future.
  • We also need to realize that most species are
    genetically varied

Biological Classification
  • Biological classification is the grouping of
    organisms into categories that express their
    PHYLOGENY, or line of descent, based on
    information such as structure, development,
    biochemical  functions, and evolutionary history
    of organisms.
  • The purpose of such a classification is to
    provide a clear and practical way to organize and
    communicate information about organisms.
  • Classification can show relationships between
    different ancient and modern groups, indicate the
    evolutionary pathways along which present-day
    organisms may have developed, and provide a basis
    for comparing experimental data about different
    plant and animal groups.

Biological Classification
  • Organisms included in a group share a common
    genetic heritage in their genetic material, and
    they must be more closely related to each other
    than they are to the members of other groups of
    the same rank.
  • However, classifications of organisms are
    modified as new information comes forward and as
    a result the phylogeny would change.
  • Taxonomy is the method we use to group organisms.
  • The first scheme for classifying animals into
    logical groupings may have been brought forward
    by Aristotle over 2,000 years ago.
  • Since then many new systems have been proposed
    none, however, has succeeded in fitting all
    plants, animals, and microorganisms into a
    single, completely satisfactory scheme.

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Your Turn
  • Complete Investigation 4a page 110 -111

  • Over 200 years ago Carolus Linnaeus established
    the first system for classifying species of
    plants and animals.
  • He developed a categorical way of naming species
    and a formal hierarchy for establishing larger
    categories consisting of groups of species.
  • Linnaeus labeled each species with a Latin
  • The species name for the brown trout, for
    example, is Salmo trutta. The first word (with
    initial letter always capitalized) designates the
    genus (pl. genera).
  • Every species belongs to a genus that may also
    include other species.
  • We can see from its name that the trout belongs
    to the genus Salmo.

Linnaeus (contd)
  • So does the closely related species Salmo Salar
    (Atlantic Salmon).. The second word (which always
    begins with a small letter) designates the
  • A third word, indicating a sub-species may also
    be used, e.g. Salmo trutta caspius  - the Caspian
    Sea Brown Trout.
  • The principle of gathering categories into more
    specific groups is a fundamental aspect of
    Linnaean classification.
  • The basic building block of classification is the
  • A genus is a group of related species. Genera
    are grouped in families, families into orders,
    and so on. 

Linnaean Nomenclature
  • The standard nomenclature for species is
    attributed to Carolus LINNAEUS (1707-1778).
  • The Linnaean method for classification of living
    things groups organisms together based on
    presumed similarities in structures.
  • The assumption is that the more structural
    similarities the organisms in question share, the
    closer they must be in terms of evolutionary

Linnaean Nomenclature (contd)
  • The larger, more inclusive divisions of the
    Linnaean system (beyond species) are created by
    including together closely related groups of the
    immediately lower divisions.
  • The result is a hierarchy of classification with
    the highest category consisting of all living
  • The lowest category consists of a single species.
  • Each of the categories above species can have
    numerous subcategories.

Linnaean Nomenclature (contd)
  • Linnaeus arranged classification categories as a
    series of nested groups. His sequence from
    broadest to smallest category is Kingdom,
    Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species.
  • To remember this order you need only to remember
    the following
  • King (Kingdom) Philip (Phylum) Came (Class) Over
    (Order) For (Family) Good (Genus) Soup (Species)

Linnaean Nomenclature (contd)
  • Related groups of organisms were determined by
    the many shared characteristics especially those
    having to do with maintenance, feeding, and

Linnaean Nomenclature (contd)
  • The basic unit in the Linnaean classification of
    living forms is the species.
  • Each species is given a unique, two part Latin
    name the name is always underlined or italicized
    in print.
  • The name consists of the genus, which is a group
    of species more closely related to one another
    than to any other group, followed by the specific
    name, which identifies a particular species
    within a genus.
  • The first letter of the genus is capitalized,
    while the specific name is in lowercase, as in
    Felis domesticus (House Cat) and Salmo salar
    (Atlantic Salmon).
  • The binomial species name replaced the much
    longer descriptions of earlier classifications

Linnaean Nomenclature (contd)
  • Linnaeus named groups of organisms for the
    defining characters that he noticed.
  • For example, the name Mammalia to the group of
    animals that possess mammary glands and secrete
    milk to feed their young.
  • He also recognized that monkeys are most nearly
    like humans, and as a logical consequence of
    strictly biological classification, humans would
    be grouped not only in the class Mammalia but in
    the same representative group as the monkeys and
  • Today, the decision of which species to group in
    a single genus is based on evolutionary
    relationships - that is, a genus should be a
    group of species all descended from a single
    ancestral species.
  • Many biologists also consider overall anatomical
    resemblance in addition to strict evolutionary
    relatedness in making their classifications.

  • A Species is a group of populations that are
    capable of successfully breeding and producing
    fertile offspring.
  • Animals of one species, in other words, cannot
    mate successfully with animals of another species
    (or if they do mate and have offspring the
    offspring are sterile) and it is this fact of
    "reproductive isolation" that establishes them as
    members of a separate species

Binomial Nomenclature
  • In biology, binomial nomenclature is a standard
    convention used for naming species.
  • As the word 'binomial' suggests, the scientific
    name of a species is formed by the combination of
    two terms the genus name and the species name
  • The first term (generic name) is always
    capitalized, while the specific name (trivial
    "name") is not both are to be typeset in
    italics, e.g. Homo sapiens.
  • The genus name can be abbreviated to its initial
    letter, but never omitted, (as H. sapiens) when
    repeated or when several species from the same
    genus are being listed or discussed in the same
    paper or report.
  • In rare cases this abbreviation form has spread
    to more general usefor example the bacterium,
    Escherichia coli, is often referred to as just E.

Binomial Nomenclature
  • The importance of a standard method of naming
    living organisms becomes evident when you
    consider the multitude of names that are used for
    a single species as you move from locality to
  • Depending on where you live the term Green
    Pepper, Bell Pepper, Sweet Pepper or Mango are
    all used to describe the fruit Capsicum

Binomial Nomenclature
  • Fish hawk
  • Osprey
  • (Pandion haliaetus)

Your Turn
  • Find the proper scientific names for
  • Reindeer
  • Caribou
  • Labrador retriever
  • Gorilla
  • Human
  • Chihuhua

Classification of Viruses
  • Are Virus's Living Things?
  • They are not classified as living organisms
    because they do not have a cellular structure.
  • They do not have any of the structures that are
    found in living cells.
  • They consist of strands of DNA or RNA surrounded
    by a protein coat called a capsid.
  • What are They?
  • Viruss are little more than mobile genes that
    infect cells and cause them to manufacture more
  • The capsid protects the genetic material and
    helps attach the virus to the host cell
  • Classifying Viruses
  • First observed in 1935.
  • More than 160 groups have been identified.
  • They are classified mainly by the types of
    diseases they cause.
  • Different groups have different shapes.

  • Viral Shapes - Polyhedral
  • The Polio Virus responsible for Polio
  • T4 Phage that infects E.coli

  • Viral Shapes - Spherical
  • An example of the AIDS virus

  • Viral Shapes - Cylindrical
  • The tobacco mosaic virus

  • Viruses reproduce by using other organisms.
  • They attach to the host cell and inject their DNA
    into the cell.
  • Virus DNA causes the cells metabolism to
    replicate more virus DNA
  • New viruses are replicated and eventually burst
    out of the cell.  When the cell membrane breaks
    open it is often referred to as lyses.
  • Once it breaks open the host cell dies.

Viral Diseases
  • There are a number of ways that viruses can
    infect cells.
  • Retroviruses (RNA viruses) use an enzyme (reverse
    transcriptase) to cause the host cell to copy the
    viral RNA into DNA.
  • This new DNA instructs the cell to manufacture
    more viruses.
  • Another method is for the viral DNA to be
    incorporated into the host DNA.
  • It remains attached as the host cell goes through
    many cell divisions until it eventually completed
    its cycle.
  • While attached to the host cell it is called a
  • Many diseases such as AIDS and cold sores can
    remain inactive as proviruses until they are
    triggered to complete their cycle.
  • People test positive for aids virus without
    having the symptoms of the disease.
  • People who are susceptible to cold sores seem to
    have them come and go at different times.

Using Viruses
  • Useful pieces of genes can be copied by using
    viruses as a vector.
  • The genes are combined with the virus DNA and
    when they infect cells multiple copies of the
    gene are made as the viruses replicate
  • The multiplied genes can then be harvested.

Origin of Viruses
  • Viruses are composed of genes so therefore they
    developed after cells.
  • It is believed that they originated as fragments
    of genetic material that broke off from the
    parent chromosome.
  • They survived as parasitic organisms on similar
    types of cells.

General Viral Information
Virus Cell
Structural Parts Protein, Nucleic Acid Core Nucleus, Cytoplasm, organelles, Membranes
Nucleic Acid Either DNA or RNA Both DNA and RNA
Reproduction Requires a Host Cell By Mitosis and Meiosis
Cellular Respiration No Yes
Cystallization Yes No
Viruses non-living or alive?
  • A virus hijacks its host's cell machinery to
    create more virus particles completing the life
    cycle. It is the ultimate parasite!
  • Viruses are somewhere between the living and
    non-living. They can reproduce and show
    inheritance, but are dependent upon their hosts,
    and in many ways can be treated like ordinary
    molecules (they can be crystallized!).
  • Whether or not they are "alive", they are
    obligate parasites, and have no form which can
    reproduce independent of their host.
  • Like most parasites they have a specific host
    range, sometimes specific to one species (or even
    limited cell types of one species) and sometimes
    more general.

Your Turn
  • Read pgs. 122 126
  • Page 126 Questions 1,2,3,5

6 methods that are utilized to classify
  • Evidence from the Fossil Record
  • Often Fossils can be found that illustrate a
    "Transition" from one species to another. When
    such Transitions are made it suggests
    commonalities between modern species.
    Archaeopteryx when it was discovered suggested a
    link between birds and reptiles.
  • Anatomical Evidence
  • Organisms that are anatomically similar are
    likely to be related. The presence of Homologous
    structures would suggest a reason to group
    organisms together. The more similar species are
    to one another the stronger the case for grouping
    them together.
  • Embryological Similarity
  • As with the Anatomical Similarities the more
    similar the organisms are during the
    embryological stage the stronger the case for
    grouping them together.

  • Biochemical Similarity
  • Again the more similar the Biochemical makeup of
    the Species the stronger the case for grouping
    them together
  • DNA Evidence
  • Once more a comparison of the DNA can be used to
    classify organisms. The closer the DNA the closer
    the relation and again the stronger the case for
    a similar grouping.

Modern Developments
  • The approach Linnaeus took to classifying species
    and the majority of his taxonomic groupings
    remained the standard in biology for at least two
  • Since the 1960s, however, a trend called cladism
    or cladistic taxonomy, has emerged and is
    expected to usurp Linnaean classification.
  • In classifying species, cladists place a priority
    in achieving unity with the Darwinian principle
    of common descent.
  • In essence this method seeks to establish common
    evolutionary patterns and group those that have a
    common "ancestry" together.
  • This establishment of Phylogentic Relationships
    can be said to be the 6th means for

  • In grouping species, cladists look for "procured
    similarities," meaning those aspects that species
    can be expected to share by possessing a common
    ancestor. This approach differs from that of
    phenetics, which does not address ancestry and
    associates species based on overall similarity.
  • It also differs also from classification based on
    ad hoc "key characters." Cladists avail
    themselves of all the types of evidence
    available, including DNA sequences and
    hybridization studies, biochemistry, and
    traditional morphology.
  • They often make use of computerized algorithms
    and mathematical formulae to identify the most
    likely phylogeny or "family tree" that relates
    the species they are considering.

  • The science of classification has grown as
    knowledge and technology have grown. One leading
    to the other. We now know far more than
    Aristotle, Linnaeus, and other great Biologists
    of the past could have hoped to know. Projecting
    into the future our descendents will view our
    knowledge base as we view theirs. Good for their
    time but insufficient for ours!

  • As presented in the text Biologists by in large
    have adopted a 6 Kingdom System of
    classification. The reasons for this can be
    distilled into an examination of the members of
    the former Kingdom Monera (under the 5 Kingdom
  • Within that group it was realized that there are
    distinct differences between those that are known
    as the Archae Bacteria and the remaining members.
  • For this reason the creation of a 6 Kingdom
    arrangement was made.
  • This takes into account the unique differences
    and satisfies the deficiencies that the 5 Kingdom
    system held.

Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Eukarya Eukarya Eukarya

Bacteria Archaea Protista Plantae Fungi Anamalia

Monera Monera Protista Plantae Fungi Anamalia
Your Turn
  • Read pgs. 122 - 126
  • Page 127 Questions 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Question 2
  • Living matter is organized into complex
    structures based on organic molecules. They have
  • Homeostasis is maintained by Living organisms.
  • Growth and development.
  • Reproduction and transmission of genetic
    information. Living Organisms are capable of
    replicating themselves and CAcquisition and
    conversion of matter and energy from the external
    environment.  Living Organisms are capable of
    integrating material from the external
    environment and making it a part of themselves. 
    They are able to synthesize their own organic
  • On this planet (at least) their is a requirement
    for water. 
  • Response to stimuli from the environment
  • Evolution.
  • ontinuing their Genetic lines.

Question 3
  • Though both exhibit characteristics of living
    organisms they do not have many other things (ie
    cell walls, movement, etc)in common
  • Therefore, though they are classified a living
    they are not considered to be closely related

Questions 4
  • The classification system is a hierarchial
    system, therefore, if two organisms are included
    in a lower classification then they must also be
    in the same higher taxa
  • Ie all members of a family are in the same order,
    same class, same phylum and same kingdom

Question 5
  • Though there are a number of different things
    scientists consider when classifying organisms in
    this instance the best indicator of relationships
    would be the anatomical similarities
  • Horses and cows are adapted to be herbivores and
    a wolf is a predator

Question 6
  • Anatomical evidence
  • Biochemical evidence
  • DNA evidence
  • Phylogeny
  • Embryonic Development
  • Cladistics
  • Fossil records

Question 7
  • On closer inspection wing structure is about the
    only characteristic bats share with birds.
  • The underlying structure of the wing,
    reproductive structures, evolution history, etc.
    show that bats are not closely related to birds

Question 8
  • The phylogeny is the evolutionary history of the
    organism, it is believed that the closer in time
    that two organisms are related the more
    characteristics they will have in common
  • the further back in time they are related, the
    less they will have in common

Question 9
  • Though they do share one common characteristic,
    scientists use much more that simply one
    characteristic to classify organisms
  • They combine observations and evidence from a
    variety of areas

Characteristics of the Kingdoms
  • differ from the true bacteria in many important
    respects, as well as from the eukaryotes. These
    differences include
  • The wall structure and chemistry.
  • The lipids that make up the membrane
  • The metabolism
  • Many members of this kingdom are extremophiles
    that is they live in extreme environments,
    including water whose temperature exceeds that of
    boiling water such as hot spring geysers and sub
    sea vents.
  • They are very diverse, both in form and function.
    Some are uni-cellular, while others form colonial

  • The eubacteria are microscopic and relatively
    simple cells.
  • They lack the nucleus and organelles of the more
    complex eukaryotes however, like the cells of
    plants, most possess a cell wall.
  • After the "archae," true bacteria are the oldest
    type of organism on Earth, and also the most
  • They exist in soil, water, and as parasites of
    other organisms.
  • Species and strains of bacteria cause many if not
    most non-hereditary diseases.

  • The Kingdom Protista or Protoctista is one of the
    commonly recognized biological kingdoms.  They
    include all the eukaryotes except for the plants,
    fungi, animals, and sometimes other groups which
  • treated in separate kingdoms. There are a few
    forms that are multicellular, for example the
    brown and red algae.
  • Most though are single-celled organisms, and are
    typically only 0.01-0.5 mm in size, too small to
    be seen without a microscope.
  • Protists are widespread throughout wet
    environments and the soil.
  • Theyare able to survive dry periods by forming
    cysts a few others are significant parasites.

  • Traditionally they have been separated into
  • Plant-like forms that contain chloroplasts, the
  • Fungus-like forms, the slime molds and water
  • Animal-like forms, the protozoa, generally
    divided on the basis of structure These being
  • Flagellates (e.g. Euglena)
  • Amoeboids (e.g. Amoeba)
  • Apicomplexa
  • Ciliates (e.g. Paramecium)

  • The Fungi (singular fungus) are a large group of
  • They include important decomposers and many
  • Parasitic fungi infect animals, including us,
    other mammals, birds, and insects, with results
    varying from mild itching to death.
  • Other parasitic fungi infect plants, causing
    disease such as Potato Blight.
  • Many vascular plants are associated with
    mutualistic fungi, called mycorrhizae, which help
    with the absorption of nutrients and water. Some
    fungi are used as food, such as mushrooms and
    truffles others are very poisonous and can cause
    death if eaten.

  • Most fungi have vegetative bodies (called a
    thallus or soma) that is made up of  single
    cell-thick filaments called hyphae.
  • Generally they do not merge into a visible
    object, but instead form a microscopic network
    within the substrate, called the mycelium,
    through which food is absorbed.
  • The fungi are absorptive heterotrophs. 
  • The more conspicuous parts of fungi like
    mushrooms are fruiting bodies, reproductive
    structures that produce spores.

  • This term is considerably more difficult to
    define than we might think.
  • Our natural inclination is to regard plant as
    meaning a multicellular, eukaryotic organism that
    generally does not have sense organs or the
    ability to move  and has, when complete, a root,
    stem, and leaves.
  • We have to acknowledge thought that only one
    group, vascular plants, have "a root, stem, and
  • Granted the more common plants that we encounter
    on a daily basis would be the vascular ones.

  • Another, much broader (more inclusive) definition
    for plant is that it refers to anything that is
    photoautotrophic that is, it is able to make
    its own food from light energy.
  • This is a reasonable definition, and one that
    focuses on the role plants typically play in an
  • Yet we must remember that there are
    photoautotrophs among the Prokaryotes,
    specifically photoautotrophic bacteria and
    cyanophytes. These are often referred to as the
    blue-green algae.

  • Animals are the group of organisms that make up
    the kingdom Animalia.
  • Usually, they are multicellular  and capable of
    both locomotion and responding to their
  • Unlike plants, animals do not photosynthesize,
    rather they consume their food they are
    ingestive heterotrophs.

Plant Groups
  • In order to begin to classify plants, consider
    the structure by which the plant absorbs water.
  • Plants are either vascular or non-vascular.
    Vascular plants have tube-like structures that
    transport water from the roots to the stem to the
  • Non-vascular plants absorb water only through
    their surfaces.

Non Vascular Plants
  • Non-vascular plants are plants that lack
    water-conducting vessels in their tissue known as
  • Tracheids are located in the xylem, along with
    wood vessels.
  • They are the most important water-conducting
    vessels in seedless vascular plants and in

  • Bryophytes do not have a true vascular system and
    are unable to pull water and nutrients up from
    the ground at any significant distance.
  • Lacking this specialized system distinguishes
    bryophytes from ferns and flowering plants. It is
    for this reason that they are considered to be
    rather primitive plants.
  • They are regarded as bridge between water plants
    like algae and higher land plants like trees.
  • They are extremely dependent upon water for their
    survival and reproduction and are  usually found
    in moist areas like steams and forest floors.
  • They first evolved about 500 million years ago
    and were likely the earliest land plants.
  • The lack of vascular tissue limits their size,
    generally keeping them under 12 centimeters high.
    Roots are absent in bryophytes, rather there are
    root-like structures known as rhizoids.

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Bryophytes (contd)
  • The word bryophyte refers to a group of plants
    that includes the mosses, liverworts, and
    hornworts. There are about 25,000 different
  • Although  small in size, they are one of the
    largest groups of land plants and can be found
    almost everywhere in the world.
  • There are more species of bryophytes than the
    total number of conifer and fern species
  • A common example of the Bryophytes are Mosses. 
  • Aside from lacking a vascular system, they have
    a gametophyte-dominant life cycle, i.e. the
    plant's cells are haploid for most of its life
  • Sporophytes (i.e. the diploid body) are
    short-lived and dependent on the gametophyte.

Bryophytes (contd)
  • These plants do not flower and as a result never
    produce seeds.
  • They reproduce by spore production
  • The process by which they produce spores is
    termed alternation of generations.
  • Liverworts and mosses have been found in the
    fossil record dating as far back as 300 million
    years ago - the Paleozoic era. As a result of an
    incomplete fossil record they are believed to
    have shared a common ancestry with the green
  • Bryophytes have very distinct characteristics
    that has allowed for the development of three
    distinct classes - the Hepaticae (liverworts),
    Anthocerotae (hornworts), and Musci (mosses).

Tracheophytes (Vascular Plants)
  • The vascular plants have specialized transporting
    cells xylem (for transporting water and mineral
    nutrients) and phloem (for transporting sugars
    from leaves to the rest of the plant).
  • When we think of plants we invariably picture
    vascular plants.
  • Vascular plants tend to be larger and more
    complex than bryophytes, and have a life cycle
    where the sporophyte is more prominent than the

Major evolutionary advances of the vascular
Advance Green Algae Bryophytes Tracheophytes
Development of the root-stem-leaf vascular system nonvascularized body (thallus) that may be variously shaped,no leaves, shoots, or roots   no vascular system,leaflike structures are present, but lack any vascular tissue   early vascular plants are naked, rootless vascularized stems,later vascular plants develop vascularized leaves, then roots  
Reduction in the size of the gametophyte generation wide range of life cycles, some gametophyte dominant, others sporophyte dominant sporophyte generation dependant on gametophyte generation for food gametophyte is free-living and photosynthetic progressive reduction in size and complexity of the gametophyte generation, leading to its complete dependence on the sporophyte for  food ,in angiosperms, 3 celled male gametophyte and a (usually) 8 celled female gametophyte  
Development of seeds in some vascular plants no seeds no seeds seed plants retain the female gametophyte on the sporophyte
Spores/Pollen spores for resisting environmental degradation Spores that germinate into the gametophyte generation Spores that germinate into the gametophyte generation or spores that have the gametophyte generation develop within themselves
  • Ferns are a very ancient family of plants early
    fern fossils have been found before the beginning
    of the Mesozoic era, 360 million years ago.
  • They were thriving two hundred million years
    before the flowering plants evolved.
  • As we know them now, most ferns are leafy plants
    that grow in moist areas under forest canopy.
  • They are "vascular plants" with well-developed
    internal vein structures that encourage the flow
    of water and nutrients.
  • Unlike other vascular plants, where the adult
    plant grows  from the seed, ferns reproduce from
    spores and an intermediate plant stage called a

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Ferns (contd)
  • There are two main differences between the ferms
    and other vascular plants. 
  • The first is that ferns are delicate plants that
    will only grow in areas which are moist.
  • They prefer sheltered areas on the forest floor,
    near streams and other sources of permanent
  • They cannot grow in hot dry areas like flowering
    plants and conifers. 
  • They do no have structures to prevent dessication
    - drying out.

Ferns (contd)
  • The second is linked to the first ferns
    reproduce differently from the conifers and
    flowering plants.
  • It all has to do with moisture. Not just the
    moisture that allows the plant to live where it
    does, but the moisture that allows it to
    reproduce there. They have a more complicated
    method that depends on there being liquid water
    for the process to complete.
  • The sperm cell (male gamete must "swim" to the
  • As a result, they can only reproduce where there
    is sufficient moisture reproduction  requires

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  • Higher plants have a very "tough" reproductive
    system the pollen from the male flower is very
    resilient, and the female flower nurtures the
    seed until it is ready to grow.
  • The seeds themselves are able, because of their
    structure, to wait for long periods in adverse
    conditions before they grow.
  • So the higher vascular plants have evolved to
    occupy nearly every place on the land surface of
    the earth.

Seed Plants
  • The seed plants are divided into two groups too.
    These groups are the gymnosperms and the
  • Gymnosperms are plants which produce seeds in
  • One well-known type of gymnosperm is the conifer,
    which includes pine, fir and spruce trees.
  • In this province the Gymnoserms are our dominant
  • Angiosperms are plants which make their seeds in
    flowers thus we call angiosperms flowering

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  • Gymnosperms have seeds but no fruits or flowers.
    Gymnos means naked, sperm means seed in other
    words gymnosperm equates to "naked seeds".
  • Gymnosperms developed during the Paleozoic Era
    and became dominant during the early Mesozoic
  • There are over 700 living species that are placed
    into four divisions.  These being
  • Conifers,
  • Cycads,
  • Ginkgos, and
  • Gnetales

  • The largest, most widespread, and most familiar
    group are the conifers, Division Coniferophyta,
    that has about 550 species in 50 genera. T
  • hey include many familiar trees such as Douglas
    firs, Black Spruce and White Spruce. 
  • The other three Divisions of gymnosperms are much
    smaller and rather obscure.
  • Division Cycadophyta contains about 140 species
    of mainly tropical palm-like plants called
  • Division Ginkgophyta contains but one species,
    an 80 million-year-old evolutionary leftover
    known as the maidenhair tree.
  • Finally, Division Gnetophyta contains about 70
    species, some with some very odd characteristics.

  • Cycads retain some fern-like features, notably
    their leaf shape. 
  • Cycads were much more prominent in the forests
    of the Mesozoic than they are today.
  • Presently, they are restricted to the tropics.

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  • The ginkgos were also a much more prominent
    group in the past than they are today.
  • The sole survivor of this once hardy and varied
    group is Ginkgo biloba, the maidenhair tree.
  • Extensively used as an ornamental plant, Ginkgo
    was thought extinct in the wild until it was
    discovered growing natively in a remote area of
  • Ginkos have separate male and female plants. The
    males are more commonly planted since the females
    produce seeds that have a harsh odor.
  • Pollination is by wind.
  • Recently, Ginkgo has become the current herbal

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  • The conifers remain the major group of
  • In this province and other regions of the world
    which possess similar climates and soil they are
    the dominant tree type. 
  • Their needle shaped leaves and other structures
    allow for survival in this type of environment.

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  • The angiosperms, were the last of the seed plant
    groups to evolve, and appeared over 140 million
    years ago during the later part of the of the Age
    of Dinosaurs.
  • All Angiosperms produce flowers.
  • Within the female parts of the flower
    angiosperms produce a diploid zygote and triploid
  • Fertilization is accomplished by a variety of
    pollinators, including wind, animals, and water.
  • Two sperm are released into the female
    gametophyte one fuses with the egg to produce
    the zygote, the other helps form the nutritive
    tissue known as endosperm.
  • The angiosperms produce modified leaves  that are
    grouped into flowers that in turn develop fruits
    and seeds.

  • There are approximately 230,000 known species.
    Most have larger xylem cells known as vessels
    that improve the efficiency of their vascular
  • The classical view of flowering plant evolution
    suggests they developed from  evergreen trees
    that produced large Magnolia-like flowers.
  • Recent Fossil evidence though appears to
    contradict this notion and a debate among
    botanists has ensued.
  • Regardless of their origin though it is agreed
    that the angiosperms underwent a significant
    adaptive radiation during the Cretaceous, and for
    the most part escaped the major extinctions that
    occurred at the end of the period

  • The majority of animals on this planet are
  • 32 of the 34 phyla of animals are invertebrates
  • Invertebrates lack a true defined backbone

Characteristics of Animals
  • Symmetry - is the balanced distribution of
    duplicate body parts or shapes. The body plans of
    most multicellular organisms exhibit some form of
    symmetry, either radial symmetry or bilateral
    symmetry. A small minority exhibit no symmetry
    (are asymmetric).
  • Body Cavity - (coelom) The cavity within the
    body of all animals higher than the coelenterates
    and certain primitive worms
  • Digestion
  • Reproduction

Phylum Porifera
  • Sponges approx 5000 species
  • Aquatic organisms, usually marine
  • Usually irregularly shaped asymmetrical ( no
    plane of division)
  • Filter feeders no true digestive system
  • Reproduction is asexual (budding) and sexual
  • Sexual fertilization is external - hermaphrodites
  • No true body cavity

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Phylum Cnidaria
  • Characterized by bodies that are radial
  • Aquatic organisms mostly marine
  • Bodies have a opening that has tentacles around
  • Digestion occurs in the opening by secreting
    digestive juices into the cavity and absorbing
    the nutrients
  • Reproduction is both sexual and asexual -
  • There is an opening but no body cavity
  • Sexual fertilization is external

The two different forms of a Cnidarian body The two different forms of a Cnidarian body

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Phylum Platyhelminthes
  • Flatworms they have bilateral symmetry and show
    signs of cephalization (head)
  • They have body tissues but do not have a true
    body cavity
  • Single opening through which food enters and
    waste exits - digestion is extracelluar
  • Asexual and sexual reproduction
  • Fertilization is internal hermaphrodites

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Phylum Nematoda
  • Roundworms they have bilateral symmetry
  • They have three layers of tissue and have a
    pseudocoelom (tube within a tube)
  • Does not have a well developed digestive system
  • One way two openings
  • Sexual reproduction internal fertilization
  • Hermaphrodites and separate sexes

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Phylum Arthropoda
  • Bilateral symmetry
  • There is the presence of a true body cavity
  • Digestion is in a tube with two openings and one
  • Reproduction is sexual with internal
  • Separate sexes with a few hermaphrodites

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  • Scientists have identified over 1 million species
  • Predict that there are over 10 million species
  • Extremely diverse, thus, they can be found
    virtually anywhere

Why are arthropods so successful?
  • Rigid, jointed external skeleton (exoskeleton)
  • Water proof protective armour
  • Site for muscle attachment
  • Protects against water loss
  • Specialized nature of body segments
  • Head
  • Thorax
  • Abdomen
  • Well developed nervous system
  • Coordinate body movement
  • Diversity of structures and functions for
    obtaining nutrition
  • Utilize plant and animal sources
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