Genetics of Language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Genetics of Language


Genetics of Language & Language Disorders Karin Stromswold* Dept. of Psychology & Center for Cognitive Science Rutgers University - New Brunswick – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Genetics of Language

Genetics of Language Language Disorders
  • Karin Stromswold
  • Dept. of Psychology Center for Cognitive
  • Rutgers University - New Brunswick
  • Portions of this work were supported by
  • Johnson Johnson Foundation
  • John Merck Foundation
  • Charles Johanna Busch Biomedical Research
  • Bamford-Lahey Childrens Foundation
  • National Science Foundation (BCS-9875168,
    BCS-0042561, BCS-0124095)
  • Correspondence may be sent to

Key Questions
  • Do genetic factors affect peoples ability to
    acquire and use language?
  • Do these factors affect 'normal' peoples
    linguistic abilities or just those with language
  • Do language-specific genes exist?
  • Are genetic factors involved in all aspects of
  • Are the same genetic factors involved in all
    aspects of language?
  • How do genes/environment interact?

  • Relationship between innateness heritability
  • Review/meta-analysis of genetic studies of
  • Family aggregation studies
  • Pedigree studies
  • Adoption studies
  • Twin studies
  • Linkage studies
  • Limitations/Worries
  • Conclusions

Innateness Hypothesis Heritability
  • Typical evidence Universal, learnable, modular
  • Genetic evidence If innate cognitive
    predisposition or neural structures enable us to
    use/acquire language, they must be encoded in our
  • Why we might fail to find evidence for language
  • Heritability amount of individual variation due
    to genetic factors
  • The Innateness Hypothesis is wrong
  • Linguistically-speaking, (normal) people are
    genetically identical Chomsky (1980)
    Language is like number of fingers Lieberman
    (1984) Language is like height

Innateness Hypothesis Heritability
  • Individual differences may exist
  • Acquisition rate for vocabulary (e.g., Goldfield
    Reznick, 1990), morphology (e.g., deVilliers
    deVilliers, 1973), syntax (e.g., Stromswold 1990,
    1995, Snyder Stromswold 1997)..
  • Adult linguistic proficiency verbal fluency
    (e.g., Day, 1979), compound nouns (e.g., Gleitman
    Gleitman, 1970), sentence processing (e.g.,
    Corely Corley, 1995 Bever et al., 1989),
    second language acquisition (e.g., Fillmore,
    1979), grammaticality judgments (e.g., Ross,
    1979 Nagatu, 1992 Cowart, 1994).
  • Caveat Genetic factors could account for
    differences among abnormal populations but not
    normal populations
  • The case with number of fingers genetic
    syndromes associated with too many/few fingers
  • (Contrast with heritability of finger length)

  • The power of meta-analyses
  • Increase statistical power
  • Methodological weaknesses of individual studies
    less worrisome
  • Searched PsycINFO, ERIC, Medline databases for
  • language, linguistic, articul, speech, read or
    spell AND
  • hereditary, genetic, famil, twin, adoption,
    chromosom, linkage, pedigree, sex-ratio,
    segregation, aggregation, DNA, or RNA
  • Excluded language disorders that were acquired,
    progressive, syndromic, or secondary to hearing
    loss, mental retardation, psychiatric/neurological
    disorder etc.

Family Aggregation of Spoken Disorders
  • Do language disorders aggregate (cluster) in
  • Yes Meta-analyses of 18 studies revealed
  • SLI probands are more likely to have a positive
    family history 46 (range 24-78) vs. 18
    (range 3-46)
  • SLI probands have more impaired relatives than do
    controls 28 (range 20-42) vs. 9 (range
  • Caveat Difficult to separate the role of genes
    vs. environment (Deviant Linguistic Environment

DLEH Predictions are not Borne Out
  • Language impairments sometimes skip generations
  • Most severely impaired children dont come from
    families with highest incidence of impairment
  • Parents who speak normally (but have history of
    language delay) are more likely to have
    language-impaired children
  • Even in families with very high impairment rates,
    some family members are normal
  • In most families, some siblings are impaired and
    others are not
  • No relationship between birth order and
    probability of impairment
  • Concordance is no greater between primary care
    provider and child other first degree relatives
  • Language-impaired children dont always have the
    same impairment as their relatives

Pedigree Studies Modes of Transmission
  • Autosomal Dominant (AD) Most probands will have
    1 impaired parent, and half of siblings will be
  • Autosomal Recessive (AR) Most probands will
    have 2 unaffected parents, and one quarter of
    siblings will be affected
  • X-linked Recessive (XLR) Impaired males have 1
    bad gene, impaired females have two bad genes.
    Thus, the MF is nn2 (where n is the frequency
    of the disordered allelle)
  • Most genetic language disorders arent SML.
    Review of lit shows
  • One-third of probands have 1 affected parent
    Genetic heterogeneity or AD with high rate of
    spontaneous mutation, or incomplete penetrance or
  • One-quarter of probands have 2 affected parents
    High assortative mating, very high incidence of
    language disorders, SML models are wrong
  • One-third of siblings are impaired Either AR or
    genetically heterogeneous
  • Sex ratios generally between 21 to 31. Even
    most extreme only 61 Not XLR

Colorado Adoption Project (CAP)
  • Rationale If genes are important for a trait,
    adopted childrens abilities will resemble their
    biological relativesabilities. If environment
    is important, adopted children will resemble
    their adopted relatives.
  • Design Large (Ngt300) longitudinal study that
    compares adopted and nonadopted childrens skills
    with those of their biological and adopted
    parents and siblings.
  • Language Disorders (Felsenfeld Plomin, 1997)
    156 children at age 7
  • Positive biological family history was the best
    predictor of language disorders
  • 25 of children with biological family history
    were impaired (9 with adopted FH)
  • Sibling comparisons at age 7 (Cardon et al.,
  • Vocab verbal fluency h .90 (IQ-related .46,
    Language-specific .83)
  • Fluency only h .33 (IQ-related .54,
    Language-specific .20)
  • Vocab only h .47 (IQ-related .69,
    Language-specific .00)

CAP Parent-Child Comparison (Plomin et al., 1997)
Verbal Abilities
Spatial Abilities
Processing Speed
Recognition Memory
CAP Conclusions
  • Heritable factors affect verbal abilities more
    than other types of abilities
  • The influence of genetic factors becomes more
    apparent with age
  • Specific-to-language factors are only seen at age
    7 (but this may be because overall IQ was used).
  • Caveats about adoption studies
  • All studies from a single group of children (what
    if not representative)
  • Verbal assortative mating was greater for
    adoptive parents than biological parents This
    probably lowered heritability estimates
  • Selective adoptive placement was not a problem
    (low correlation between adoptive and biological
    mothers verbal skills)

Twin Study Rationale
  • Rationale Identical (monozygotic, MZ) and
    non-identical (dizygotic, DZ) twin pairs share
    the same environment, but MZ cotwins share 100
    of their DNA, whereas DZ twins share 50 of their
  • Therefore If MZ cotwins are more similar
    linguistically than DZ twins, this suggests that
    genetics plays a role in language.
  • Can quantify the relative role of genetics and
    environment by measuring how much more similar MZ
    twins are than DZ twins.

Concordance Rates for Twin Pairs
  • Are concordance rates for MZ gt DZ twins?
  • Number of Impaired Individuals in Concordant
  • Total Number of Impaired Individuals
  • Two types of meta-analyses
  • Mean rates Treat each studies MZ DZ
    concordance rates as data points, and use sign-
    and t-tests to determine if there is a
    significant difference.
  • Overall rates Pool data from all studies and
    calculate overall concordance rates. Use
    Z-scores to test if MZ-DZ rates are different

Twin Correlational Analyses
  • Are MZ twins test scores more highly correlated
    than DZ twins?
  • Phenotypic variance variation for a trait in a
  • Heritable factors Falconers h2 2rMZ - rDZ
  • Common environment factors c2 rMZ - h2
  • Non-shared environmental factors e2 1 - rMZ
  • Unweighted meta-analysis rMZ and rDZ are data
  • Weighted meta-analysis Weighted mean Fishers
    zs for MZ and DZ twins were calculated and
    compared using Z-scores

Other Genetic Analyses
  • DeFries-Fulker Extreme Analysis When impaired
    people are ascertained by deviant scores,
    cotwins scores on the same test will regress
    toward the mean score of an unselected
    population. If genes play a role, DZ cotwins
    scores will regress more than MZ cotwins.
  • Generalized DF Analysis extension for
    unselected populations
  • If heritability estimate for language-impaired
    twins (h2g) is greater than for general
    population (h2), this indicates that certain
    genes contribute to the linguistic variance
    observed among language disordered people, but
    not for the variance in the general population
  • Bivariate heritability Twins performance on
    test A is compared with that of his cotwin on
    test B. If rMZ is greater than rDZ, the
    phenotypic similarity on two tests is the result
    of genetic factors (but maybe not the same
    genetic factors)
  • Genetic correlation (rG) Do the same genetic
    factors affect A and B?

MZ Concordance Rates are Higher
  • Spoken language disorders 5 studies (266 MZ,
    161 DZ pairs)
  • Mean 84 for MZ, 52 for DZ, p lt .0001
  • Overall 84 for MZ, 48 for DZ, p lt .0001
  • Written language disorders 5 studies (212 MZ,
    199 DZ pairs)
  • Mean 76 for MZ, 41 for DZ, p lt .01
  • Overall 75 for MZ, 43 for DZ, p lt .0001
  • Combined spoken/written disorders (478 MZ, 360 DZ
  • Mean 80 for MZ, 46 for DZ, p lt .0001
  • Overall 80 for MZ, 46 for DZ, p lt .0001
  • But why arent MZ concordance rates 100? Three
  • MZ twins arent identical genetically and/or
  • Expressivity of language disorders is incomplete
  • Failure to diagnose language disorders in some MZ
  • DZ pair-wise concordance rate (26) is similar
    to non-twin siblings (30)

Spoken Language Disorders
Written Language Disorders
SLI Twins Test Performance
  • Bishop et al (1995) 63 MZ, 27 DZ twin pairs
  • Articulation Falconers h2 1.82
  • Phonological STM DF h2g 1.25
  • Receptive vocabulary DF h2g 1.35
  • Morphosyntax Wechsler h2g 1.10, CELF h2g
    .56, TROG h2g 1.09
  • (But when nonverbal IQ partialled out, no
    significant genetic effects)
  • Bishop et al (1999)
  • 27 MZ, 21 DZ Pure tone sequence repetition DF
    h2g .11
  • 25 MZ, 22 DZ Nonword repetition DF h2g 1.17
  • Tomblin Buckwalters (1998) data minus triplets
    (58 twins)
  • Falconers h2 .66, p .05
  • Bivariate heritability for nonverbal IQ
    language .21
  • Genetic correlation, RG .01 (ie., different
    genetic factors influence verbal nonverbal

TEDS Twins Test Performance
  • TEDS study Large population-based, parent
    report twin study
  • Dale et al (1998) Analyzed data for twins with
    the smallest vocabularies (bottom 5tile, 135
    twin pairs). DF h2g .73 (vs. h2 .25 for all
    TEDS twins)
  • Eley et al. (1999) DF h2g greater for TED twins
    with small vocabularies than twins with normal
  • Eley et al. (2001) genetic continuity is
    greater for small vocab probands than other
    proband groups
  • Purcell et al. (2001) Are the genetic factors
    specific to vocabulary?
  • When probands were selected based on small
    vocabularies, RG for low verbal nonverbal
    scores 1.0 (i.e., the genetic factors that
    cause 2 years olds to have small vocabularies are
    the same as those that cause them to have
    nonverbal delays.)
  • When probands were selected based on poor
    nonverbal scores, the vocabulary-nonverbal RG
  • Why the asymmetry Differences in homogeneity of
    the samples? Problems with the measure?
    Directionality of effect?

Colorado Twin Study of Reading Disability
  • Olson et al (1989) Genetic factors played a
    large role for phonological reading (DF h2g
    .93) but not orthographic reading (DF h2g
  • Light et al. (1998). DF h2g for phonological
    reading .52 overall reading .70
  • Castles et al (1999) Genetic factors account for
    twice as much of the variance in phonological
    dyslexics as orthographic dyslexic (67 vs. 31)
  • Gayan Olson (1999) contra Castles et al.
    (1999) argue that heritable factors play a
    significant role in all types of dyslexia.
  • Olson et al. (1999) Wadsworth et al. (2000)
    genetic factors play a greater role in reading
    disability among children with high IQs than low
  • Light et al. (1998) RG for overall reading/math
    .36 (60 due to genetic factors common with IQ
    and 20 due to genetic factors common to
    phonological reading)

Summary Twin Language Disorders
  • Some language disorders are genetically based
  • Genetic factors probably affect the linguistic
    abilities of disordered populations more than the
    general public (75 vs. 25)
  • Genetic language disorders seem to impact
    different aspects of language, but less is known
    about phonology, morphology syntax
  • Unknown if the same genetic factors cause
    different types of language disorders (and even
    if they do, what would this mean?)
  • Unclear if the genetic factors identified are
    specific to language
  • The few existing studies have conflicting
    results, possibly reflecting aspects of language
    assessed, methods of assessing etc.

Normal Twin Vocabulary Studies
  • Overall 8 studies with 1577 MZ, 1389 DZ twins
  • Unweighted mean rMZ .81, rDZ .57,
    Falconers h2 .48 (p .002)
  • Weighted mean rMZ .93, rDZ .76, Falconers
    h2 .33 (p lt .0001)
  • Early 3 studies with 1247 MZ, 1152 DZ twins
    18-24 months old
  • Unweighted mean rMZ .91, rDZ .78,
    Falconers h2 .26 (p .08)
  • Weighted mean rMZ .95, rDZ .80, Falconers
    h2 .29 (p lt .0001)
  • Late 5 studies with 330 MZ, 237 DZ twins 3-13
    years old
  • Unweighted mean rMZ .75, rDZ .44,
    Falconers h2 .62 (p .001)
  • Weighted mean rMZ .71, rDZ .45, Falconers
    h2 .53 (p .02)
  • Role of genes increases with age (2 long. studies
  • Unclear whether genes are specific to language (1
    study yes, 1 study no, 1 longitudinal study
    yielded different results at different ages)
  • Different genes affect normal impaired twins
  • Bottom 5tile TEDS complete genetic overlap for
    vocab nonverbal skills.
  • For all TEDS twins, vocabulary-specific genetic
    factors exist

Normal Twin Vocabulary Studies
Normal Twin Phonology/Articulation
  • Phoneme Discrimation 21 pairs of 2-3 year olds
    (Fischer 1973)
  • rMZ .64, rDZ .53, Falconers h2 .22 (p gt
  • Phonemic Awareness 126 pairs of 6-7 year olds
    (Hohnen Stevenson 1999)
  • Weighted mean rMZ .90, rDZ .56, Falconers
    h2 .68 (p lt .001)
  • Age 6 29 IQ-related genetic factors, 23
    vocab/morphosyntax, 9 phonology
  • Age 7 18 IQ-related genetic factors, 67
  • Phonological STM 100 pairs of 7-13 year old
    twins (Bishop et al. 1999)
  • Heritable factors do not affect the ability to
    repeat sequences of pure tones
  • Heritable factors do affect the ability to repeat
    nonsense words (h2 .71, p .01)
  • Articulation 180 pairs of 3-8 yrs (Matheny
    Bruggemann 73, Mather Black 84)
  • Weighted mean rMZ .93, rDZ .79, Falconers
    h2 .26 (p .03)

Normal Twin Phonology Articulation
Normal Twin Morphosyntax
  • 12 twin studies of children between 20 months
    12 years.
  • Diversity of methods used and aspects of
    morphosyntax assessed precludes combining data
    from these studies, but
  • rMZ significantly greater than rDZ for all
    measures in 5 studies, 2/3s of measures in 1
    study, and 1/2 of measures in 2 studies. In 4
    studies, MZ-DZ differences were not significant
    in majority of measures
  • rMZ gt rDZ in 33 of 36 measures, p lt .0001
  • Mean rMZ gt rDZ for each of 12 studies, p lt .0001
  • Significant differences were more common in
    larger studies and in studies that used cleaner
    measures of morphosyntax
  • Do language-specific genes exist?
  • Munsinger Douglass (1976) MZ-DZ difference
    significant even when nonverbal IQ partialled out
  • Hohnen Stevenson (1999) Syntax-specific genes
    account for 20-30
  • Dale et al. (1999) Genetic factors are specific
    to language but not syntax (however,
    parent-report syntax measure is worrisome)
  • No evidence that influence of genetics increases
    with age

Normal Twin Morphosyntax
Normal Twin Written Language
  • Reading 5 studies with 745 twin pairs
  • Weighted mean rMZ .86, rDZ .66, Falconers h2
    .45, p .002
  • Hohnen Stevenson (1999) Some genetic factors
    are specific to language but not reading
    (20-30), with a modest amount specific to
    reading (20-30). Genetic factors common to IQ
    have only a modest effect (10), and genetic
    factors specific to phonemic awareness have no
    effect on normal childrens reading (c.f.,
    dyslexia findings)
  • Spelling 2 studies with 246 twin pairs (Osborne
    et al, 1968 Stevenson et al, 1987)
  • Weighted mean rMZ .78, rDZ .48, Falconers h2
    .60, p .002
  • Stevenson et al. (1987) Heritabilty estimates
    are greater for IQ-adjusted scores than
    non-adjusted scores (.73 vs. .53)

Normal Twin Reading
Summary of Twin Results
  • Genetic factors play a greater role for
    language-impaired people (1/2 -2/3) than
  • Genetic factors affect all aspects of language
  • Probable existence of some language-specific
  • Possible existence of some genes specific to
    different aspects of language

Potential Worries With Twin Studies
  • Gene/environment interactions the
    generalizability of heritability estimates
    obtained from twins
  • Twins have higher rates of impairments/delays
    than singletons
  • Twins have impoverished prenatal postnatal
  • Environmental assumptions
  • Prenatal Do MZ and DZ twin pairs have the same
    prenatal environment?
  • Postnatal Do MZ and DZ twin pairs have the same
    postnatal environment?
  • gt Swedish Separated-at-Birth Twin Study
    (Pedersen et al 1994) yielded similar
    heritability estimates for reared apart twins as
    is found for reared together twins
  • Genetic assumptions
  • Are MZ twins genetically identical?
  • Are DZ twins genetically equivalent to siblings?

Linkage Studies Background
  • Naming conventions
  • Humans have 22 pairs of autosomal 2 sex (Y, X)
  • Autosomal chromosomes are numbered from 1-22 by
    size (1 is largest)
  • Each chromosome has a constriction short arm
    (p) long arm (q)
  • Thus, 15q21 refers to staining band 21 on long
    arm of chromosome 15
  • Multiplex analyses Compare DNA of affected and
    unaffected family members in highly affected SML
    transmission families. Do marker locus and trait
    locus assort independently or is there decreased
    recombination (indicating 2 loci are neighbors)?
    Logarithm of odds score gt 3 indicates linkage.
    LOD of -2 indicates no linkage. Problem
    multiplex analyses reveal genes that can cause
    SLI, but rarely do
  • Sibling pair analyses Compare DNA of affected
    and unaffected siblings. If a trait locus is
    closely linked to a marker locus, similarity
    between siblings for the marker alleles should
    correspond with phenotypic similarity, regardless
    of the mode of transmission (i.e., works with
    non-SML disorders)

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The KE Family
KE family Multiplex family with AD disorder
that includes grammatical deficits (Gopnik
1990), oral dyspraxia (Fisher et al. 1998, Hurst
et al. 1990), and low nonverbal IQ and nonverbal
learning disorders (Vargha-Khadem et al. 1995)
7q31 Loci for Spoken Impairments
  • Fisher et al. (1998) Disorder in KE family is
    linked to 7q31
  • Tomblin et al. (1998) Linkage of SLI with 7q31
    in a population-based study of second graders
  • Lai et al. (2000) The disorder is linked to
    7q31.2 in affected KE family members and an
    unrelated person with a similar disorder
  • Lai et al (2001) All and only affected family
    KE members have an abnormal form of the FOXP2
    gene. The gene codes for transcription factor,
    and is highly expressed in fetal tissue and its
    homologue is found in mouse cerebral cortex.
  • Enard et al. (2002) The FOXP2 homologue in
    non-human primates (and mouse) differs from that
    of humans.
  • Genetic link between 7q31 and Tourette Syndrome
    and autism

Other Loci for Spoken Impairments
  • Froster et al. (1993) Family with 1p22 and 2q31
    translocation associated with written spoken
  • Elcioglu et al. (1997) Isolated case of severe
    language delay but normal nonverbal abilities
    Inverted duplication of 15q13-gt15q2.
  • Bartlett et al. (2000) 19 multiplex families
    with linkage near 4 dyslexia loci (1p36, 2p15,
    6p21, 15q21). No linkage to 7q31
  • Cholfin et al. (2000) Multiplex family with AD
    transmission, but no linkage to 7q31
  • SLI consortium (2002) 98 siblings. 16q24
    (nonword rep), 19q13
  • Bartlett et al. (2002) 5 Canadian multiplex
    families 13q21

Going from Loci to Genes
  • SLI Lai et al. (2001) FOXP2 transcription
    factor gene.
  • Dyslexia possible candidate genes
  • 1p34-p36
  • 2p15-p16 phosphotase calcineuron (psychiatric
  • 6p21-p23 HLA (autoimmune), GABA-beta receptor 1
    (CNS inhibitor), lyso-phospholipid coenzyme A
    acyl transferase (fatty acid and membrane
    phospholipid metabolism gene), human kinesin gene
    (C elegans mutant have behavioral disorders) .
  • 6q13-16.2
  • 15q21-q23 beta2-microglobin gene (autoimmune)
    neuronal tropomodulin 2 3 (a major binding
    protein to brain tropomyosin)
  • 11p15.5 dopamine D4 receptor gene

What we dont know . Phonology
  • Do genetic factors affect phonology (vs.
  • Stromswold Ganger (in prep) analysis of
    monthly spontaneous speech samples (22-47 mo)
    from 8 sets of normal twins
  • Size of phonetic inventory is not more similar
    for MZ cotwins
  • Order of acquisition of phonemes is more similar
    for MZ cotwins
  • Accuracy rate is more similar for MZ cotwins
  • Syllable initial 7.7 vs. 16.4
  • Syllable final 9.9 vs. 15.9
  • Patterns of errors may be more similar for MZ
  • Substitution rates similar, but MZ cotwins more
    likely to make the same substitutions
  • MZ cotwins more likely to make the same classes
    of substitution errors (e.g., fronting, voicing
    errors, stopping)
  • Deletion rates more similar for MZ than DZ

What we dont know . Syntax
  • To what extent do genetic factors play a role in
  • Published syntax studies generally are small
    and/or use worrisome measures
  • To do large-scale studies, we need a syntax test
    that parents can administer
  • The Parent Assessment of Language (PAL)
  • Weve designed and are norming a series of
    parent-administered test for children ages 3 and
    above. Each years PAL tests childrens
    comprehension of syntactic constructions that
    children are mastering at that age (actives,
    passives, reflexive, pronouns, relative
    clauses,modals, subjunctives, subject and object
    control structures, etc.).
  • Longitudinal twin study using the PAL (current N

PAL Syntax Items (Picture-pointing)
  • Age 3 Age 4
  • 4 Full Actives The bear licked the dog 4 Full
    Passives The bear was licked by the dog
  • 2 Easy Reflexives The bear licked himself 2
    Easy Pronouns The bear licked him
  • Age 5 Age 6
  • 1 Full Active The bear was licking the dog 1
    Truncated Active The bear was licking
  • 3 Full Passives The bear was licked by the
    dog 3 Truncated Passives The bear was licked
  • 2 Easy Reflexives The bear was licking
    himself 2 Easy Pronouns The bear was licking
  • Ages 7 8
  • 1 Full Active The bear was licking the dog 1
    Truncated Active The bear was licking
  • 3 Full Passives The bear was licked by the
    dog 3 Truncated Passives The bear was licked
  • 1 Easy Reflexives The bear was licking
    himself 1 Med Reflexive The dog's friend was
    licking himself
  • 1 Easy Pronoun The bear was licking him 1 Med
    Pronoun The dog's friend was licking him
  • Ages 9 10
  • 1 Full Active The bear was licking the dog 1
    Truncated Active The bear was licking
  • 3 Full Passives The bear was licked by the
    dog 3 Truncated Passives The bear was licked
  • 1 Med Refl. The dog's friend was licking
    himself 1 Hard Refl The friend of the dog was
    licking himself
  • 1 Med Pronoun The dog's friend was licking
    him 1 Hard Pronoun The friend of the dog was
    licking him
  • Age 11 and above
  • All preceded by One of these two dogs is hot and
    followed by the query Which dog is hot?

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PAL Syntax Yes/No/Maybe Task (Ages 9)
  • Sally said Shouldnt you make the knot tight?
    Did Sally think the knot should be tight?
  • Billy wont go to the park unless John goes.
    Will Billy stay home?
  • Katie promised Lucy, who was thirsty, to buy
    juice. Did Lucy say she would buy juice?
  • Mary who is going to the party with Steve does
    not like to dance. Does Mary enjoy dancing?
  • Michaels cat chased the mouse and ran away.
    Did Michaels cat run away?
  • Jim thinks Tom is bad at sports. Is Tom bad at
  • Maybe the band would have played last night if
    the drummer hadnt quit. Did the band play last
  • The doctor who was looking for the nurse walked
    home from the hospital. Did the doctor walk
    home from the hospital?

What we dont know . Specificity
  • Do language-specific genes exist?
  • Need more, large studies that assess development
    in many different areas (not just cognitive
    abilities, but also fine motor, gross motor, oral
    motor, social etc.)
  • Do specific genes for different aspects of
    language exist? (e.g., syntax-specific,
    phonology-specific, lexicon-specific)
  • Need to assess multiple aspects of language in a
    large group of children
  • Data that we are collecting in our twin study
  • PAL assesses articulation, lexical access,
    reading/pre-reading, and syntax
  • ASQ parent assessment of gross motor, fine
    motor, cognitive, language social-emotional
  • Developmental milestones (gross motor, fine
    motor, cognitive, language, social)
  • Special educational/therapy services
  • Neuropsychological diagnoses

Sample PAL (Age 4)
Articulation of onsets
List any sounds the child regularly says wrong,
and give a typical mispronounced word
Lexicon Rapid naming (number of foods named in
30 seconds) Pre-reading Capital letter
identification. (Orthographic and phonologic
word reading starting at age 6 PAL.) Syntax
Picture pointing comprehension task 4 actives
(e.g., the dog licked the bear) 4 passives
(e.g., the fox was tickled by the lion) 2
reflexives (e.g., the cat scratched himself) 2
pronouns (e.g., the monkey splashed him)
What we dont know Gene x Environment
  • Koeppen-Schomerus et al. (2000) Heritable
    factors play a negligible role in linguistic and
    cognitive abilities of very premature TEDS twins.
  • What is the relative importance of prenatal and
    postnatal environment?
  • We are comparing heritability estimates for twins
    with easy/hard prenatal courses
  • Gestational age
  • Birthweight
  • Birthweight percentile
  • Brain injuries
  • Short (discharged before or by due date ) vs.
    long hospital stays
  • Composite neonatal morbidity measure
  • We are comparing heritability estimates for twins
    with different postnatal environments (SES,
    therapeutic interventions, traditional vs.
    developmental NICUs)
  • Are there specific perinatal factors that place
    twins at risk (e.g., steroids, MgSO4,
    intrauterine infection, placental infarction,
    ventilation, TTTS, etc.)?
  • Quantifying the role of prenatal environment we
    are comparing outcomes for MZ twins with very
    similar birth weights and very different birth
    weights (MZS -MZD ) and DZ twins with
    similar/different birth weights

What we dont know Going from genes to disorders
  • The genotype to phenotype mapping problem
  • One GenotypeMany Phenotypes / One PhenotypeMany
  • The developmental problem phenotypes change
  • Direct vs. indirect genetic effects The case of
    clotting disorders
  • Indirect If a mother has a genetic clotting
    disorder, her children are at risk even if they
    not carry the mutation.
  • Direct A child with a genetic clotting disorder
    is at risk for perinatal strokes (and the
    language areas of the brain are particularly
  • Maternal/child interactions possible when both
    have the disorder
  • Environmental interactions high estrogen, low
    folic acid, delayed child-bearing
  • Specificity problem
  • Familial Dysautonomia (9q31 IKBKAP). AR
    disorder with normal IQs and profound oral motor
    dyspraxia (but they also have ANS problems)
  • FOXP2 Do people with 7q31-linked autism and
    Tourette Syndrome have the FOXP2 mutation?
  • Just so stories

What if Language is Like Height?
  • Quantative Trait Loci (QTLs) Multifactorial-polyg
  • Hypothesis In normal people (and in most
    language-impaired people), variance in linguistic
    ability results from many genes (each of which
    has a small effect) acting together and in
    combination with the environment. Thus,
    linguistic abilities are normally distributed,
    and the observed heritability is due to QTLs
  • How to find language QTLs
  • People practice linguistic assortative mating.
  • Assortative mating increases genetic variance in
    successive generations
  • Assortative mating additive genetic variances
    makes QTLs easier to find
  • It is easier to detect QTLs by looking at the
    high end of the distribution (at the low end,
    random mutations environmental insults obscure
    QTL effects)
  • Linguists (particularly second generation
    linguists) should donate their DNA

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