Title: 70 Years of Magnetospheric Modeling
170 Years of Magnetospheric Modeling A
Tutorial George SiscoeCenter for Space
PhysicsBoston University
- Historical Approach
- Five Model Uses
- 1. Models that Represent
- Empirical and AI
- 2. Models that Explain
- Modular
- 3. Models that Reveal
- Kinetic and MHD
- 4. Models that Interpret
- All Types
- 5. Models that Predict
- All Types
- This Talk Considers only Modular and MHD
Models that Explain and Reveal
- Three Approaches
- 1. Modular
- 2. Regional MHD
- 3. Global MHD
- Future Directions
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5Early 60s Culmination of the C-F project
6Mid 60s Discovery of the tail and the
7- Summary of Chapman-Ferraro Epoch
- Well posed, fully explicit formulation
- Analytic solutions possible
- Size shape of the magnetopause found
- Dependence on S/W ram pressure found
- Dependence on dipole tilt found
- Global force balance understood
- But downhill from here
- No storms
- Empty tail
- No magnetosheath
8Modular Magnetosheath Spreiter Co.
9- Modules for the closed tail
- Current specification
- C-F approach
- Prescribed magnetopause
- Analytic tail approximation
- Convection added
10Modular Current Specification
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13Analytic tail approximationsand convectionThe
Birn-Schindler project
14- Summary of Closed-Tail Epoch
- Ill posed but fully explicit formulations
- Results depend on assumptions and approach
- Analytic solutions still possible but
superceded by computational solutions - Global force balance understood
- Magnetotail B-field modeled
- In particular, Bz dependence on x modeled
- Dipole tilt geometry modeled
- Polar cap geometry and tilt dependence
modeled - Role of field-aligned currents discovered
- Convection ? time dependence discovered
- Modules for open tail models developed
- Initial state for regional MHD model developed
- But still no solar wind coupling
- No convection electric field
15- Modules for the Open Magnetosphere
- The Stern-singularity problem
- The Toffoletto-Hill solution
- Region 1 current modeling
- The SSM (Peroomian) extension
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18Region 1 Currents SSM (P)
19- Summary of Open-Tail Epoch
- Ill posed but fully explicit formulations
- Results depend on assumptions and approach
- Analytic solutions still possible but
superceded by computational solutions - Magnetotail B-field modeled
- Polar cap potential modeled
- Stern singularity overcome in TH not in SSM
- Region 1 currents in SSM not in TH
- No plasma
- No physics for field-aligned currents
20Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Modules
21Rice Convection Model (RCM) The Wolf Co.
22RCM UCLA MHD Code (Toffoletto 2000)
23Equilibrium RCM Toffoletto 2000
Summary of MI Coupling Epoch
- Well posed fully explicit
- Analytic solutions possiblesuperceded by
- Assumed potential and plasma at boundaries
- Inner magnetosphereplasma modeled
- Physical region 2 currents
24Plasmoid Kelvin-Helmholtz wave Flux transfer event
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26Plasmoid Simulation Lee et al. 1985
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28Kelvin-Helmholtz Simulation Otto Fairfield
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30FTE Simulation Scholer 1989
31- Open geometry
- Magnetospheric sash
- E-Parallel reconnection
32Open Geometry
33Magnetospheric Sash
34E-Parallel Reconnection
35Future Directions
Other Magnetospheres
Deep Questions
Bill White Keith Siebert Dan Weimer
Bengt Sonnerup Nelson Maynard Gary Erickson