Title: Neutral Atom Imaging of the Earths Magnetosphere
1Neutral Atom Imaging of the Earths Magnetosphere
Ruth Skoug LASSO July, 2008
2Why Imaging?
(After Williams et al., 1992)
3Why Imaging?
(After Williams et al., 1992)
4Why Imaging?
(After Williams et al., 1992)
5The importance of neutral atom imaging
40 years of single point measurements have
provided a schematic understanding of the Earths
magnetosphere. But, the state of the
magnetosphere at any given time is complex and
uncertain. Global Imaging is required
6ENA Imaging
- Measure energetic neutral atoms formed by charge
exchange interaction between energetic
magnetospheric ions and cold neutral geocorona - Goal is to study energetic ion populations
- Requires inversion of measured ENA images
- Challenge measurements made in intense UV
background - UV background is 410 orders of magnitude higher
than expected ENA fluxes - Detectors are sensitive to both UV and particles
7Charge Exchange
JENA ?dx nH JION ?
8Neutral Hydrogen Geocorona
Measured from Apollo 16, April 21, 1972
9ENA Imaging
E. Roelof, GRL, 14, 652, 1987
10(No Transcript)
11The IMAGE mission
- First dedicated platform for ENA imaging of the
magnetosphere - Launched March 25, 2000
- Satellite communication ended December 2005
- Science goal To study the global response of the
Earths magnetosphere to changes in the solar
wind - Instrumentation
- Neutral atom imagers (LENA 10300 eV,
- MENA 130 keV, HENA 10200 keV)
- Ultraviolet imagers (EUV 30.4 nm, FUV 120-180
nm) - Radio plasma imager (RPI 3 kHz 3 MHz)
12IMAGE Instruments
13IMAGE Spacecraft in LMMS Shock Test Facility
IMAGE Satellite
14(No Transcript)
15IMAGE/MENA Flight Instrument - Ready for Cal
16Principle of Operation
- Electrostatic collimator rejects incoming
ions, allows ENAs to pass into the instrument - Gold gratings block UV background while
allowing passage of ENAs in the target energy
range - Passage of ENA through ultra-thin foil ejects
secondary start electron for time-of-flight
17MENA Sensor Head
18IMAGE/MENA, TWINS Imaging Technique
- Collimator Plates
- reject charged particles
- define azimuthal field-of-view
- Freestanding Transmission Gratings
- reject ambient UV
- Ultrathin carbon foil
- secondary electron (SE) emission for TOF
- and coincidence
- SE Acceleration grid
- direct position mapping of SEs on detector
- Microchannel Plate Detector
- detection of ENAs and correlated SEs
SE Anode
ENA Anode
ENA Anode
- Position-Sensitive Anode
- position measurement of ENAs and SEs
19Transmission Gratings
ENA transmission gt 4
UV transmission lt 2 x 10-5 (1216 Ã…)
20(No Transcript)
21ENA Flux vs. Deconvolved Ions
22Storm-time Ring Current
MENA (and HENA) observations have demonstrated
directly and conclusively the evolution of the
storm-time ring current, from main-phase
domination by an asymmetric component
(attributable to freshly-injected plasma-sheet
material flowing through the inner magnetosphere
on open drift paths) to the recovery-phase
symmetry of the fully-trapped remaining ring
23Main phase domination by tail current
MENA observations of major geomagnetic storms
show that the main phase magnetic field
perturbations can be dominantly produced by an
asymmetric ring current carried by particles from
the tail plasma sheet convected deep into the
night-side near-earth region. In the case of the
March 31, 2001, storm, it was not until the
recovery phase that ring current carriers were
able to drift in significant numbers into the
afternoon sector.
24Sawtooth Flux Variations
Storm Oct 04-06, 2000
25Storm-time Sawtooth Injections
Global observations of the magnetosphere enabled
by MENA and HENA energetic neutral atom imaging
have allowed us to determine that the sawtooth
energetic particle events observed by in situ
detectors on geosynchronous satellites during
moderate storm-time conditions do indeed
correspond to very large-scale substorm-like
injections of freshly energized particles, rather
than simply to the periodic motion of
trapped-particle boundaries.
26The TWINS mission
- Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers
(TWINS) will image the Earths magnetosphere in
ENAs from two widely-spaced, high-altitude
spacecraft - This stereo imaging will provide the first 3-D
images of the magnetosphere - Instrumentation
- ENA imager based on MENA imager from IMAGE
- Lyman-a detector to measure geocorona
- TWINS-1 turned on in 2006 TWINS-2 in 2008
27Scientific Objectives
- Primary Scientific Goal
- Establish global connectivities and causal
relationships between processes in different
regions of the magnetosphere - Broad Scientific Objectives
- Ion Dynamics view global dynamics, composition,
and energization of ions throughout the
magnetosphere - Plasma Origins and Destinies trace sources,
transport, and sinks of plasma populations - Magnetospheric Evolution observe the evolution
of the global magnetospheric structure - Magnetospheric Structure visualize and map the
global configuration of the magnetosphere in
three dimensions
28TWINS orbits are ideal for imaging the
magnetosphere. The spacecraft spend most of
their time at high altitudes and can view out to
a distance of 12 Earth radii (RE).
29TWINS includes instruments to measure both ENAs
(ENA Sensor Heads) and the neutral hydrogen
density (Ly-a detectors)
Both instruments are located on a rotating
actuator platform to allow 3D viewing from
three-axis stabilized spacecraft.
30TWINS Instruments
31TWINS Instruments
Lyman-a Detector
32TWINS Rotational Actuator
33 Volume Sampling From One And Two Spacecraft
34TWINS stereo imaging will enable the
identification of boundaries in the Earths
A boundary in an ENA image is formed by LOS
that are tangent to a physical boundary.
Including a priori knowledge of magnetic field
and boundary symmetries allows determination of
boundary. With one spacecraft, many possible
boundaries are consistent with an ENA image.
With two spacecraft, the problem is less
35Simulated ENA Image and Ion InversionViewing
from dawn, 45 latitude, 4.3 RE
Simulated ENA Image
Initial Ion Distribution
Inverted Ion Distribution
36Ion Inversion From Two Viewpoints (-68 from
midnight and 45 from dawn)
37TWINS First Images
Simulations from E. Roelof and P. Brandt
38TWINS First Images
- TWINS-1 and 2 have made simultaneous observations
of the ring current during a weak geomagnetic
storm on 0600 UTC 15 June 2008. - We have used a parametric ion distribution to
reproduce the ENA images obtained from TWINS-1
and 2. - The same ion distribution can reproduce both ENA
images. - The underlying ion distribution is located in the
ring current region of the post-midnight
magnetosphere, which is the expected location for
low-energy ions.
Simulations from E. Roelof and P. Brandt
- ENA imaging provides a global view of the Earths
magnetosphere - IMAGE provided the first high-resolution neutral
atom images of the magnetosphere - TWINS is beginning to provide the first stereo,
3-D images of the magnetosphere - Separate spatial and pitch angle variations
- Less dependence on models