Title: 8: Science Operations
1IBEX Mission Operations Review (MOR)
8 Science Operations N. A. Schwadron
Orbital Sciences CorporationJuly 10-11, 2007
2Orbit Orientation Good for Science
- Goal Sun 42º from line of apsides after launch
- Good orientation for Global ENA maps
- Hole from magnetospheric obscuration opposite the
line of apsides - 28º ( 42º-14º) from heliospheric tail
- Good orientation for Interstellar Oxygen and
Helium measurements - From day 10-60 (spring viewing), mag tail
113º-63º from LOA - From day 255 - 290 (fall viewing), mag tail
132º-167º from LOA
Day 10-60
Day 255-290
3Orbit in the Life of the ISOC
- Provide STF (if needed) to Orbital MOC (for
special science maintenance operations) - Monitor near real-time SOH during pass using VNC
- Retrieve raw back-orbit real-time data from the
MOC SFTP site - Remove telemetry framing info (Level 0.5)
- Sequence data, identify data gaps remove
redundant data (Level 0.5) - Generate Level 1 data
- Includes derived fields such as spin phase, look
direction, background as a function of look
direction - Includes S/C ephemeris and attitude information
- Accumulate Level 1 data into Level 2 maps
- perform magnetospheric/heliospheric segregation,
separate species, find velocity direction,
identify and cull any backgrounds - Perform model-dependent corrections for Level 3
data and accumulate into maps
4IBEX Data Flow
5Interface Topology
6ISOC Computing Hardware
To backup server
Maestro (SwRI)
RAID 16x250 GB
At BU ISOC SwRI Mirror
Locked cabinet in key-coded room
Secure LAN
Disk access
External networks
Semi-open LANs
Power supply
Multiplexed consoles
7Files passed to and from MOC (1/3)
8Files passed to and from MOC (2/3)
9Files passed to and from MOC (3/3)
10Orbit Events File Contents (1/2)
- Contains orbital events over the same period as
the input ephemeris file (only events in orbit N
used to generate commands) - Orbit numbering
- Eclipse entry/exit times
- Umbra and penumbra times identified
- Flag for long (2 hour) eclipse
- Time of apogee and perigee
- Includes sun vector at the time of apogee, for
re-pointing maneuver planning - 10RE altitude crossing times, ascending and
descending - Star tracker outage start and stop times
- Each outage identified as either Earth or Moon
outage - Time of re-pointing maneuver
- IBEX-Lo Interstellar Oxygen Collection status
- See next slide
- Start/stop times for Moon in IBEX-Lo field of
view - Any time Moon is in field of view at any point in
the S/C spin
11Orbit Events (2/2)
- Note that oMode and oPlan provide the mechanism
for determing the operational model of IBEX-Lo
12Command Load Generation Automation
- Nominal operations command loads generated
through automated rotes in MPS - Command sequence for LAHO-HASO transitions
- Predefined sequence based on macros and simple
timing rules - Includes P/L mode change and S/C state change
- Timing and target vector of inertial re-pointing
maneuvers - MPS calculates these automatically, no user input
required - Automation includes properly timed commands to
turn on catbed heaters - Transmitter on-off times
- Commands generated automatically based on ground
contact schedule confirmed by USN - All command loads constraint checked in MPS and
manually reviewed by MOC and ISOC - Automated command list can be manually overridden
at any time, as needed
13Foundation for Data Products
14Ground OperationsData Products Archiving
15P/L OperationsOverview
- Science data collected above 10 RE HVSCI mode
- Sensors sweep energy channels
- Hi 6 Energy steps
- Lo 8 Energy steps
16P/L OperationsNomenclature Data Collection
- Energy Step one ESA setting
- 2 spins (ESA step every 30 seconds _at_ 4rpm)
- Energy Sweep 6 (8) E steps for Hi (Lo)
- Hi 12 spins 3 min.
- Lo 16 spins 4 min.
- Energy Frame 4 E sweeps
- Hi 720 spins 12 min.
- Lo 960 spins 16 min.
- Syncing of Energy Frames every 48 min.
17P/L OperationsIBEX-Lo Interstellar Oxygen
- IBEX-Lo also detects Interstellar Neutrals
- Begins after first 6 mo. of Nominal Ops
- Neutrals centered about the ecliptic
- O detection set as DOY driven flag in MPS
- Commanded through oMode and oPlan
- Restricted to 30 deg from ecliptic
- Fall (DOY 255-290)
- Use high (3.5º FWHM) and low (7º FWHM) resolution
sectors of collimator for interstellar neutral
observing - Focus on Energy bin 2-3 (31 eV)
- Spring (DOY 10-60)
- Reject particles from low resolution sectors
(with suppression voltage) - For other 9 spins use single energy channel near
430 eV for O sensing - For every 10-th spin, look at Energy bin 1 to
identify any possible He counts
18Special P/L Maintenance Operations STF for Gain
Testing/Pressure Meas.
- Track MCP gain by ratios of Triple to Double
Coincidence Rates - Ground Software will provide ratios for trending
- Test procedure contains an automated series of
internal stimulation settings, which completely
tests analog electronics - Run once per month
- Combine with Pressure Measurement (reduction of
coll. e- rejection voltage) to increase count rate
19Ground OperationsCommand Load Generation Input
- Absolute Time Sequence (ATS) command load
generated by MPS in MOC - 2 - 8 P/L commands per orbit
- P/L commanding macro driven
- Variable parameters set in Look Up Tables and
called by macros - Simplifies command load generation and validation
- Science Tasking File (STF) sent to MOC if Special
Maintenance Operations desired - STF input into MPS for incorporation into ATS
- Command load info received from MOC
- Record of successful ATS uplink
- Bit pattern of the uplinked ATS
20Ground OperationsP/L Commands
Used Every Orbit
21Ground Operations Trending
- Remainder of telemetry is housekeeping (H/K)
- Front-line on H/K checking in Maestro (at MOC)
with red/yellow alarms - Will repeat red/yellow limit checking at ISOC
- Formatted to allow quick lookups base and stored
in telemetry database for easy cross-referencing - Interpolation strategy TBD
- Heuristics to eliminate isolated noisy or
unphysical values
22Ground OperationsArchiving and Databases
- ISOC Database
- Trending
- Searchable database
- Red/yellow alarm limit checks
- Telemetry to maps
- C programs for data harvesting
- DEs and histograms quality tagged
- Visualization toolbox (coordinate systems,
overlays, etc)
23Ground OperationsArchiving and Distribution
- Telemetry archive
- Science archive with web distribution of data
products to science team - SwRI (Mirror)
- Mirrored science archive
- Level 1,2,3 to SPDF for active archive (CDF
format) - SPDF puts on active archiving public sites such
as CDAWeb, SSCWeb, and OMNIWeb - Virtual Heliospheric Observatory (VHO)
- New concept allowing users to interact with data
stored at locations other than the SPDF CDAWeb - Search tool that will not house any actual data
- To enable IBEX in VHO, ISOC plans to submit
metadata to SPDF identifying where various data
products are retrievable - Validated Level 0, 1, 2, 3 data sent to NSSDC for
permanent archive - MOU with SPDF (John Cooper) and NSSDC (Ed
Grayzeck) in process
24Ground OperationsPlans for Web Interface
- Query for Level 1 and higher data products
- Filter data
- Visualizations showing viewing orientation/orbit
- S/C trajectory overlayed with magnetosphere
projection - Team page password protected
- Varying levels of data access
- Comply with ITAR restrictions
- Ensure data validity
25Web Visualization Tool
- Java Application
- Plots IBEX data on a histogram as well as on the
celestial sphere. - Displays IBEXs trajectory for the selected bin
- Marks areas on plots with high background fluxes.
26Selecting a bin in the Histogram or Global plots
highlights the corresponding bin in the other
27Enabling an overlay whites out regions of data
where, for instance, IBEX is inside or looking at
the magnetosphere.
28 Payload Ops Testing
- IBEX-Lo Hi Calibration
- Long B/G runs in various sensor states
- Assembling cal results
- Cross-Cal at SwRI
- DE prioritization scheme
- Calibrated UV test
- Assembling cal results
- S/C Thermal Vacuum exercise voltage sweeping
- Pressure Measurement
29Science Software Testing
- Faux science data
- Faux data provide means to test software
- Includes S/C orbit, spinning, magnetosphere,
heliosphere - Convert data to faux telemetry
- Test schemes for packing, segregation, etc
- Procedures (incl. Regression Tests)
- Sort test (ISW-1) read in tlm, produce sorted
list of DEs, ordered by time, energy, species,
arrival direction -- Build 2 - B/G Test (ISW-2) read in tlm based on cal from
Channel-D detector, decode, recover approximate
beam intensities -- Build 2 - Magnetosphere segregation test (ISW-3) -- Build 2
- Orbit Products Test (ISW-4) -- Build 3
- Star-tracker Attitude History Test (ISW-5) --
Build 3 - Star-sensor Attitude History Test (ISW-6) --
Build 3 - Global View Tests (ISW-7) -- Build 5
- Command Sequence Tests (ISW-8) Command sequences
tested with the Maestro workstation, Python
scripts -- Build 2 - Housekeeping Tests (ISW-9) -- Build 2
30Software Longevity Plan (1 of 2)
- Open-source code opted where possible
- Compiled code
- C- software for bulk of science code
- Also Java (for web interface), possibly Fortran
(misc heritage science code, linkable with C) - Scripted code
- Sh, Perl, Python, Javascript
- Command generation and verification initially
using Maestro (COTS license through 1 year after
launch) - Eventually using Python/Perl/C code
- Code runs on Linux machines
- Gnu software tools
- Maestro (Commanding, and Near Real Time
Monitoring) - VNC for monitoring near-real time passes
31Software Longevity Plan (2 of 2)
- Documentation (Current documentation in
components) - IBEX Software Design Document (ISDD)
- Command Reference Manual
- ISDD will transition to IBEX Software Manual when
SW reaches maturity - Individual Sensor Documentation Currently Under
Revision Process - Archives
- Software and Documentation under Version Control
- Will be delivered with Final Products
- Open Data Policy
32Ground OperationsScience Processing Repository
- Telemetry processed using series of C routines
- Sequence
- Remove redundant data
- Use ephemeris tables and pointing information
(ancillary data) to derive position and attitude - Perform binning, data harvesting
- Correlate DEs and histograms
- Routines to plot in GSE, GSM, RA DEC, HSE
coordinate systems - Overlay magnetospheric projections
- Data manipulated and harvested with series of
option flags for filtering - data never removed
- Overlays include star maps, planets, the moon,
magnetosphere, possibly bright comets - Data storage not an issue
- data volume small estimate of total data volume
including data products and stored data
reports, less than 50 GB
33Interface Testing
- MOC/ISOC Telemetry Receipt and Analysis Test
(IGS-4) - ISOC runs Maestro to monitor Tlm, receive P/L PB
and H/K through secure ftp, verify P/B consistent
with recroded data - Thermal Vac Test
- Calibration data (UV source), test sensor modes
- Cross-Cal at SwRI
- Test priortization scheme, O-sensing mode,
Calibrated UV test, long B/G runs in various
sensor states - VNC Test (MOC-ISOC, ISOC-T1)
- ISOC/MOC Command Processing Test (IGS-6)
- MOC sens ISOC ATS files and the ISOC will verify
P/L command sequences, ISOC sends multiple STF
files for special ops, MOC verifies format and
procedures - MOC/TDRSS Commanding Test (is this needed with no
TDRSS?) (IGS-7) - ISOC runs Maestro to monitor TDRSS Tlm
- MOC/USN Commanding Test (IGS-8)
- ISOC runs Maestro to monitor USN Tlm, retrievs
P/L PB w/sftp, check consistency - Backup MOC/USN Commanding Test (IGS-9)
- ISOC runs Maestro to monitor USN Tlm, retrievs
P/L PB w/sftp, check consistency - MOC Authorization Access Test (IGS-10)
- Demonstrate authorization access of workstation
and commanding functions, sftp pf mission
planning products between MOC and ISOC - End-to-End Tests (IGS-11)
- ISOC checks abilit to receive/process orbit data,
attitude data, command load checks (ATS files),
STF loads for spacial ops, P/L PB and H/K, and
ISOC receives a copy of uploaded commands
34Science Team Deliverables
- Need Transfer function from 100 AU - 1 AU
- Bzowski
- Heerikuisen
- Interstellar Parameters
- Frisch
- Analytical Transfer Functions
- Roelof and Gruntman
- Specific Modeling Products
- Magnetosphere Model
- IBEX Development Going Strong
- There are Issues that are being worked
- CEU Software
- Spin Pulse from ACS system
- At this meeting we should work to identify items
that the science team is willing to provide to
aid in the analysis and unterpretation of IBEX
36Response and Calibration
37Response BreakDown
38Geometrix Factor
39Point Spread Function
40Conversion Energy and Transmission Function
41Yield Matrix
42Fill in Blanks
43BG Monitor
44(No Transcript)