Title: Multiscale issues in modeling magnetic reconnection
1Multiscale issues in modeling magnetic
- J. F. Drake
- University of Maryland
- IPAM Meeting on Multiscale Problems in Fusion
Plasmas - January 10, 2005
2Magnetic energy dissipation in the universe
- The conversion of magnetic energy to heat and
high speed flows underlies many important
phenomena in nature - solar and stellar flares
- magnetospheric substorms
- disruptions in laboratory fusion experiments
- More generally understanding how magnetic energy
is dissipated is essential to model the
generation and dissipation of magnetic field
energy in astrophysical systems - accretion disks
- stellar dynamos
- supernova shocks
- Known systems are characterized by a slow buildup
of magnetic energy and fast release - trigger?
- mechanism for fast release?
- Mechanism for the production of energetic
3Magnetic Free Energy
- A reversed magnetic field is a source of free
- Can imagine B simply self-annihilating
- What happens in a plasma?
- How does magnetic reconnection work?
4Frozen-in Condition
- In an ideal plasma (?0), the fluid moves so that
the magnetic flux through any fluid element is
5Energy Release from Squashed Bubble
magnetic tension
- Magnetic field lines want to become round
6Energy Release (cont.)
- Evaluate initial and final magnetic energies
- use conservation law for ideal motion
- magnetic flux conserved
- area for nearly incompressible motion
Wf (w2/L2) Wi ltlt Wi
- Most of the magnetic energy is released
7Flow Generation
- Released magnetic energy is converted into plasma
- Alfven time ?A is much shorter than observed
energy release time
8Magnetic Reconnection
- Strong observational support for this general
9Resistivity and the multiscale problem
- The frozen-in condition implies that in an ideal
plasma (?0) no topological change in the
magnetic field is possible - tubes of magnetic flux are preserved
- Breaking of magnetic field lines requires
resistivity or some other dissipation process - As in fluid systems, dissipation can only be
important at small spatial scales - Breaking of field lines occurs at very small
spatial scales where the magnetic field reverses
? dissipation region - Release of energy in a macroscopic system depends
on the complex dynamics of a boundary layer - Typically kinetic and turbulent
- Reconnection is inherently a multiscale problem
whose description is a computational challenge
10Expulsion of the core temperature during sawteeth
in tokamaks
- Reconnection is broadly important in fusion
experiments - The sawtooth crash is an important example
- Periodic expulsion of the plasma from the core of
Yamada, et al, 1994
11Characteristic Times
- Resistive Time
Alfven Time Release Time - Laboratory Tokamaks 1 - 10 sec
1 ?sec 50 ?sec - Solar Flares 104
years 0.1 sec 20
min - Magnetosphere ?
100 sec 30
min -
12Resistive Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Theory
- Formation of macroscopic Sweet-Parker layer
V (? /L) CA (?A/?r)1/2 CA ltlt CA
- Slow reconnection
- sensitive to resistivity
- macroscopic nozzle
13 Failure of the MHD model
- Resistive MHD reconnection rates are too slow to
explain observations - solar flares
- sawtooth crash
- magnetospheric substorms
- Some form of anomalous resistivity is often
invoked to explain discrepancies - strong electron-ion streaming near x-line drives
turbulence and associated enhanced electron-ion
drag - Non-MHD physics at small spatial scales produces
fast reconnection - coupling to dispersive waves critical
- Mechanism for strong particle heating during
14Role of dispersive waves
- Coupling to dispersive waves at small scale is
key to understanding magnetic reconnection - rate of reconnection insensitive to the mechanism
that breaks the frozen-in condition - fast reconnection even for large systems
- no macroscopic nozzle
15Generalized Ohms Law
- Electron equation of motion
- MHD valid at large scales
- Below c/?pi electron and ion motion decouple
- electrons frozen-in
- Whistler and kinetic Alfven waves are dispersive
- Electron frozen-in condition broken below c/?pe
16Kinetic Reconnection
- Ion motion decouples from that of the electrons
at a distance from the x-line - ion outflow width
- electron current layer and outflow width
- Whistler and kinetic Alfven waves control the
dynamics in the inner region
17GEM Reconnection Challenge
- National collaboration to explore reconnection
with a variety of codes - MHD, two-fluid, hybrid, full-particle
- nonlinear tearing mode in a 1-D Harris current
sheet - Bx B0 tanh(z/w)
- w 0.5 c/?pi
- Birn, et al., 2001
18Rates of Magnetic Reconnection
- Rate of reconnection is the slope of the ? versus
t curve - All models that include the Hall term in Ohms
law yield essentially identical rates of
reconnection - Consequence of dispersive waves
- MHD reconnection is too slow by orders of
19Why is wave dispersion important?
- Quadratic dispersion character
- ?? k2
Vp k - smaller scales have higher velocities
- weaker dissipation leads to higher outflow speeds
- flux from x-line vw
- insensitive to dissipation
20Fast reconnection in large systems
- Large scale hybrid simulation (Shay, et al., 1999)
- Rate of reconnection insensitive to system size
vi 0.1 CA - No large scale nozzle in kinetic reconnection
213-D Magnetic Reconnection
- Turbulence and anomalous resistivity
- 2-D models produce strong electron streaming
around the magnetic x-line - Can such streams drive turbulence?
- Electron-ion streaming instability (Buneman)
evolves into nonlinear state with strong wave
turbulence - Electron scattering produces enhanced
electron-ion drag, (anomalous resistivity) that
is sufficient to break magnetic field lines even
without classical resistivity
22Observational evidence for turbulence
- There is strong observational support that the
dissipation region becomes strongly turbulent
during reconnection - Earths magnetopause
- broad spectrum of E and B fluctuations
- Sawtooth crash in laboratory tokamaks
- strong fluctuations peaked at the x-line
- Magnetic fluctuations in Magnetic Reconnection
eXperiment (MRX)
233-D Magnetic Reconnection with guide field
- Particle simulations (PIC) with up to 1.4 billion
particles - Development of strong current layer
- Current layer becomes turbulent
- Electron-ion streaming instability (Buneman)
evolves into electron holes
24Turbulence and the formation of electron holes
- Intense electron beam generates Buneman
instability - nonlinear evolution into electron holes
- localized regions of depleted electron density
- Seen in satellite observations in the
25Anomalous drag on electrons
- Parallel electric field scatter electrons
producing effective drag - Average over fluctuations along z direction to
produce a mean field electron momentum equation - correlation between density and electric field
fluctuations yields drag - Normalized electron drag
26Electron drag due to scattering by parallel
electric fields
- Drag Dz has complex spatial and temporal
structure with positive and negative values - Sufficient to break magnetic field lines during
27The computational challenge
- Modeling reconnection in plasma systems (solar
corona, fusion plasmas, the Earths
magnetosphere) requires the description of the
dynamics of the largest spatial scales - describes the buildup and storage of magnetic
energy - MHD description adequate
- At the same time must include the dynamics of a
microscale boundary layer - This dissipation region is both kinetic and
turbulent - Modeling the dissipation region
- Including the coupling to dispersive waves to
model fast reconnection requires a two-fluid or
kinetic (PIC, gyrokinetic) description - Modeling turbulence and anomalous resistivity
- Kinetic (PIC) description down to Debye scales
- Modeling the production of energetic particles
- Kinetic (PIC) description
28Range of spatial scales
Spatial Scales Macro L c/?pi c/?pe L/(c/?pe)
Fusion plasma 200cm 5cm 0.1cm 2000
Solar Corona 104km 10m 0.2m 5?107
Earths magnetosphere 105km 50km 1km 105
- Modeling kinetic turbulence requires even
smaller spatial scales!! - Even AMR codes will not be able to treat such
disparate scales - The development of innovative multiscale
algorithms for handling - such problems is an imperative
- Magnetic reconnection causes an explosive release
of energy in plasma systems - similar to other types of explosions
- sonic flows
- a difference is that the explosion is
non-isotropic - Fast reconnection depends critically on the
coupling to dispersive waves at small scales - rate independent of the mechanism which breaks
the frozen-in condition - rate independent of all kinetic scales 0.1 CA
- rate consistent with observations
- Modeling magnetic reconnection in a macroscale
system requires the simultaneous treatment of a
microscale boundary layer that is both
collisionless and therefore inherently kinetic
and turbulent - Describing the dynamics is a multiscale challenge
30Outstanding Issues
- Onset
- Structure of slow shocks
- Electron heating
- Role of turbulence and anomalous resistivity