Title: The last five years in neutrino oscillations
1The last five years inneutrino oscillations
- Stan Wojcicki
- NuFact06
- Irvine, CA
- August 24, 2006
- Introductory Comments
- Atmospheric regime
- Dominant oscillation mode
- Subdominant modes
- Solar regime
- Anomalies (LSND)
3Introductory HistoricalComments
- History of oscillations extends almost as far
back as discovery of neutrinos (1956) - Characterized by
- Theoretical speculations (Pontecorvo)
- Searches, ambiguous results, anomalies
- In my view the modern era of neutrino
oscillations started with Neutrino98
4 Late 80s, early 90s view
Theoretical view
1000 lb Gorilla
Any unbiased observer who has not been
brainwashed by recent speculations concerning
supersymmetry, axions, or galaxy formation would
undoubtedly conclude that the leading suspect
in the dark matter puzzle must be the light
neutrinoat the relevant mass range of 15-65 eV.
angle qtm mixes adjacent generations. It is
analogous to q23 in the quark sector. The
pattern of the charged lepton mass ratios is not
very much different from that of the quark mass
ratios. Most theoretical models expect mixing
angles to be somehow related to fermion masses.
5The Bottom Line
- Possible existence of neutrino oscillations with
large mixing angles was viewed with scepticism - To quote one of my colleagues
- There is no discovery potential. At best, you
will be able to set an upper limit - There was also scepticism about oscillations
explaining solar anomaly - large mixing angles
seemed to be required pre-MSW - Most likely the solar neutrino problem has
nothing whatsover to - do with particle physics. It is a great
triumph that astrophysicists - are able to predict the number of B8
neutrinos coming from the - sun as well as they do, to within a factor of
2 or 3. - Quark mixing matrix and neutrino candidacy for
being the dark matter explanation argued for high
Dm2 and low sin22q
61998 Status
- Three anomalies
- Atmospheric - too few nms
- Solar - too few nes
- LSND - appearance of ne-bars
- None of them well understood
7Nu98 - Tokayama
- This talk generated a phase transition in the
status of neutrino oscillations - Search for n oscillations became study of n
oscillations - Non-believers became believers
8Atmospheric region
9Neutrino98 - Kajita Talk
- Pre 98 atmospheric data gave strong indications
of anomalous n behavior - The anomalies involved m/e rates and ratios
- Angular asymmetry in nm events provided
definitive evidence for nm disappearance
10Kajitas summary
- Contained events give best information on
parameters - Upgoing ms (from SuperK) give compatible
contours - Still very large uncertainty in Dm2
11Subsequent evolution
Higher statistics Improved analysis Better
modeling of atmospheric n flux and spectra
12Confirmation - Soudan2
Soudan2 has superior resolution over SuperK in
energy and zenith angle (hence L) That
partially compensates for much lower
statistics (1 kt vs 22.5 kt in SuperK)
13Confirmation - MACRO
FLUKA MC Prediction (no oscillation)
Suggest increase in flux normalization of 25
at high energy 12 at low energy
Oscillations with MACRO parameters
sin2(2q) 1 , Dm2 0.0023 eV2
14Parameter measurement
- In atmospheric n experiments, different data
determine Dm223 and sin2(2q23) - Ratio of vertical up vs down ns gives sin2(2q23)
(relatively bias free) - Dependence of survival probability at equatorial
angles gives Dm223 (much more delicate
measurement) - In accelerator experiments position of dip in the
spectrum (L/E) determines Dm223 (2), depth of the
dip the value of sin2(2q23) (1) -
15SuperK L/E Analysis
- By selecting events with very good measurement of
L/E on can search for the dip in nm data/MC ratio - This analysis gives another measurement of the
oscillation parameters - And provides discrimination against other
16 1st accelerator expt K2K
Experiment using SuperK and a nm beam from K2K
with L250km
Best fit parameters Maximum mixing Dm2 2.8 x
107 events observed 151-11 expected (no osc)
17MINOS in NuMI Beam
Design parameters 120 GeV protons
1.87 s min cycle time
10 msec extraction 4 x 1013
protons/pulse 0.4 MW
18MINOS run overview
MINOS has reported results from its first run,
May-December, 2005, based on 1.27E20 POT.
19Detector and events
Neutrino view of MINOS
nm CC NC ne CC
20 Understanding the spectra
21CC/NC separation
22PID variable in ND, FD
23Fits to FD spectra
Contour includes systematics effects
24 Summary of results
25Summary contour plots
New SuperK results
26Search for ?? - SuperK
Apply topological cuts designed to enhance nt
- Likelihood analysis
- - Total ? excess 138 48(stat.)
(14.8/-31.6)(sys.) ( 2.4 sigma) - - Expected ? excess 78.4 26(sys.)
- Neural Net analysis
- - Total ? ?excess 134 48(stat.)
(16/-27.2)(sys.) (2.4sigma) - - Expected ? excess 78.4 27(sys.)
27Limits on sterile n
Sterile ns would give a signature of depletion
of NC interactions
Limit from SuperK lt25 Consistent with no
28 Subdominant mode nm-gtne (q13)
SuperK atmospheric n data is not very sensitive
here because the two transitions, nm-gtne and
ne-gtnm almost cancel each other ? Need to go to
other technique reactor flux measurement
CHOOZ result
29Subdominant mode - status
From Heeger Nu06
30Solar Region
31 Solar anomaly
3 solutions - Smirnov 98
Pre-SuperK Neutrino96
32SuperK ne -gt ne
Identification of ne events Measurement
of 8B spectrum
33SNO Basic Idea(initially proposed by Herb Chen)
- Use deuterons (heavy water) as target
- This allows three separate measurements
- ne d -gt e- p p gives Fcc Fe
- nx d -gt nx p n gives Fnc Fe (Fm Ft)
- nx e- -gt nx e- gives Fes Fe .154(Fm
Ft) - Each measurement gives a line in the space
defined by Fe and (Fm Ft) - In MSW picture, the ratio Fcc/FNC is equal to
sin2q12 -
34SNO Results Summary
SNO n e
SuperK n e
35SNO Flux Results
FNC Ftot 4.94 .21(st).38-.34(sys)
FCC 1.68 .06.08-.09(sys)
sin2q12 FCC/ Ftot ne 0.5 NOT maximal mixing
36KamLAND Experiment
- 1 kton liq. Scint. Detector
- 1300 17 fast PMTs
- 700 20 large area PMTs
- 30 photocathode coverage
Source Reactors
37KamLAND Results (Rate)
- In 766.3 ton-yr exposure, there are
- 258 observed events
- 365 - 24 expected if
- no oscillations
- 17.8- 7.3 background events
- Observed energy spectrum is distorted
38KamLAND Spectrum
39SNO and KamLAND are complementary
SNO measures well sin2q12 KamLAND measures well
40 Combined Solar/KamLAND Fit
Solar KamLAND
41 LSND Anomaly LSND Experiment
Results MiniBooNE
42LSND Experiment
Signal p ? e n n p ? d ? (2.2MeV)
Saw an excess of??e 87.9 22.4 6.0
events. With an oscillation probability of
(0.264 0.067 0.045). 3.8 s significance for
43MiniBooNE Overview
12m diameter sphere 950,000 l mineral oil 10
PMT coverage 1280 inner PMTs Prompt Cerenkov
light Delayed scintillator light
500 m earth
Target and horn
P beam
Decay region
Secondary - hadrons
Tertiary - ns
Primary - p
44MiniBooNE Sensitivity
MiniBooNE aims to cover LSND region. Almost
there, with ongoing work on -accurate prediction
of rate -improved detector modeling -analysis of
misID-ed ?0 measurement in place
LSND best fit sin22? 0.003 ?m2 1.2 ev2
45Detector Checks
Michel electrons from ? decay E calibration
at low energy (52.8 MeV),
?0 mass peak energy scale resolution at medium
energy (135 MeV), reconstruction
46Check on ne/nm separation
There is a significant flux of ns from the NuMI
beam that intercept the MiniBooNE detector (at
100-250 mr) These contain a significant number
of nes from 3-body K decays
ne - like?
? nm - like
47Potential signal and background
Full data sample 5.3 x 1020 POT
- Oscillation ?e
- Example oscillation signal
- ?m2 1 eV2
- sin22? 0.004
- Fit for excess as function of reconstructed ?e
48Final Remarks
- Lot of progress in the last 8 years
- Neutrino oscillations appear to be established as
dominant process responsible for original n
anomalies - We are in a phase of precision measurements of
parameters - There are still a number of unknowns ? the next
49SNO Results Summary
SuperK n e
Hime, Nu06
50KamLAND Spectrum
L0 180km
L0/E (km/MeV)
51KamLAND Results (Rate)
- In 766.3 ton-yr exposure, there are
- 258 observed events
- 365 - 24 expected if
- no oscillations
- 17.8- 7.3 background events
- Observed energy spectrum is distorted