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a servant oriented relational process whereby
those who lead, under Gods leadership, using
their God given capacity seek to influence others
towards a kingdom honouring goal.
James Lawrence, Growing Leaders
3Who or what is a pioneer ?
4What does a planter look like?
- Field research on what has been sustained and
what failed to thrive suggests - Visionary leadership
- Willing to take responsibility
- Tenacity and perseverance
- Effectiveness at planning and evaluating
- Having an indigenous support system
- Hard working
- Problem solving ability
- Capacity to mobilise people and resources
Stuart Murray Ch 7 Planting Churches who?
5Caveats from Murray
- Whats needed Evangelist OR Community Developer?
- What cultural bias about a leader does a
predetermined list have? e.g. in USA John Wayne
or Bruce Willis - Is it the same in the suburbs as the inner city?
- Differentiate the apostolic/catalyst start and
move and the founder pastor start and stay - Does a profile exclude the woman leader?
- Does the profile require the Archangel Gabriel?
- Planter isnt a listed gift how does it map to
the various NT lists? Is it identical to Apostle
or Evangelist? - How does this change with kind of plant? E.g.
Cross cultural or Multiple Congregation
6Four enduring features?
- Dissatisfied
- Not grumbler but wanting change for the better
- Visionary
- Looks beyond what is to what could be
- Hopeful
- Change is possible and this inspires others
- Risk takers
- Acts on convictions and out of comfort zones
Stuart Murray Ch 7 Planting Churches who?
7Murrays list of key qualities
Self awareness
Team building
Stuart Murray Ch 7 Planting Churches who?
8C of E list of qualities for Pioneers
- Authentic integrated understanding of this
ministry - Capacity to innovate and initiate
- Mature and developed devotional life
- Well developed abilities to initiate change and
enable others to face it in flexible and balanced
way - Demonstrable maturity and robustness in face of
demands of pioneering - Self motivation
- Good understanding of Gospel and Culture
- Clear vision of how pioneering fits with the
wider Churchs response to the missio Dei - Ability and desire to work in teams
- Commitment to reshaping the church for mission
9Charles Ridleys Characteristics of a church planter 1. Visioning Capacity
 2. Intrinsically Motivated
 3. Creates Ownership of Ministry
 4. Relates to the Unchurched
 5. Spousal Cooperation
 6. Builds Relationships
 7. Committed to Church Growth
 8. Responsive to Community
 9. Utilizes Giftedness of Others
 10. Flexible and Adaptable
 11. Team Builder
 12. Resilience
 13. Exercises Faith
10 1. Catalytic innovator 2. Vibrant faith in
God 3. Visionary/vision caster 4. Empowering
leadership 5. Passion for people 6. Personal and
relational health 7. Passion for faith-sharing 8.
Inspiring preaching or worship Dr H Stanley Wood
11In groups of 4/5 list your top 5 qualities of a
pioneer and explain why you choose these?
12How do we grow as pioneers ?
James Lawrence Growing Leaders
14How do we grow in our relationship with God ?
15The forming of the soul that it might be a
dwelling place for God is the primary work of
the Christian leader. This is not an add-on, an
option, or a third-level priority. Without this
core activity, one almost guarantees that
she/he will not last in leadership for a
life-time or that what work is accomplished will
become less and less reflective of God's
honour and God's purposes. Gordon MacDonald
16For most of us, the great danger is not that we
will renounce our faith. It is that we will
become so distracted and rushed and preoccupied
that we will settle for a mediocre version of
it. We will just skim our lives instead of
actually living them.
John Ortberg
Discipline any activity I can do by direct
effort that will help me to do what I cannot now
do by direct effort. Spiritual discipline any
activity that can help me gain power to live as
Jesus taught and modelled it. John Ortberg
18Engagement Study Worship Celebration Service Praye
r Fellowship Confession Submission
Abstinence Solitude Silence Fasting Frugality Chas
tity Secrecy Sacrifice
19What leads us to neglect our relationship with
God ? What helps us to grow in it ?
20How do we grow in the clarity of our call?
21What do we struggle with in our calling ? What
helps you work out your priorities ?
22How do we grow in character ?
23Mature build on strengths, manage around
Increased change
Mature humble about strengths, prayerful about
weaknesses, committed to growth
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25Self-leadership. Nobody - I mean nobody - can do
this work for us. Every leader has to do this
work alone, and it isnt easy. In fact, because
its such tough work most leaders avoid it. We
would rather try to inspire or control the
behaviour of others than face the rigorous work
of self reflection and inner growth.Bill Hybels
26How can we grow in character? What stops this
27How do we grow in competence ?
Something you can learn
Something you acquire through training
Something that is given to Christians by God
Something that is formed by the time youre an
29Where do I need to develop? What support do I
require to help with this?
30- From this morning
- What are my next 3 steps ?
- What resources might I need?
- Who will provide support/accountability
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