Title: MAGNETspray
2Advanced Spray Technology for Growing Markets
Remediation and Restoration Mold and Mildew
removal and prevention Disinfecting and
Sanitizing Restrooms, athletic facilities,
health clubs MRSA outbreak prevention
Bio-hazard Meth lab Crime scene
Clean-up Medical Improved infection control
for patients and staff
3MAGNETspray Its all about coverage Better
coverage saves time and money Electrostatics
provides better coverage
4Coverage Comparison
Pump Sprayer Trigger Sprayer
5Coverage Comparison
Three sheets of white construction paper follow.
Each sheet is sprayed with black ink using one
of three sprayer types, a pump or common sprayer,
a trigger sprayer and MAGNETspray. Each sheet
was weighed before and after spraying to
determine the amount of ink applied. Look
carefully, any visible white paper represents an
area where the sprayer failed to apply the
chemical (ink) to the surface.
6Pump Sprayer 1.68 grams of ink
7Trigger Sprayer 1.18 grams of ink
8MAGNETspray .58 grams of ink
9Trigger Sprayer
Pump Sprayer
1.18 grams of chemical deposited
1.68 grams of chemical deposited
.58 gramsof chemical deposited
10 Pump Sprayer Trigger Sprayer
MAGNETspray only 70 of surface covered
only 65 of surface covered 100 of surface
is covered
White areas indicate an untreated surface.
11Reduces chemical usage by 70
Chemical savings alone make MAGNETspray a smart
investment. For most applications, the cost of
sprayer is earned back in less than six months.
12Reduces labor up to 70
Fewer number of passes. More square feet of
surface per hour. Less hauling and re-filling of
chemicals. Less clean-up because chemicals go
where you want them.
13How does MAGNETspray achieve this remarkable
Air-assisted spray Size of spray
droplet Electrically charged droplet
Air is necessary in electrostatic spraying to
break the liquid into tiny droplets, and push the
charged spray toward complex surfaces.
15Droplet size
MagnetSpray particles with the same
electrostatic charge repel each other, keeping
them equally spaced.
Conventional Sprayers uncharged particles are
attracted to each other other, forming even
larger droplets.
The force of electrostatic attraction is stronger
when the droplet size is small and the charge to
the droplet is high. The optimum size droplet
for electrostatics (30 micron) is created when
the high speed air, impacts the liquid inside the
16Electrically charged droplet
As the spray is atomized, the liquid stream
passes by an electrode inside the nozzle.
Electrons are induced into the liquid stream and
droplets leave the nozzle with a high negative
17Electrically charged droplet
18Electrically charged droplets
Electrostatics have been used for years in
various industries to apply paint evenly and
completely, this anti-gravity feature is commonly
referred to as the wrap-around effect.
19Black Ball DemoVisual evidence of MAGNETsprays
ability to produce the wrap around effect.
20Black Ball Demo
The above test fixture contains all the
components of the spray gun. Nozzle Power
Supply Air and liquid delivery
21Black Ball Demo
A black plastic sphere is placed a set distance
from the spray fixture
22Black Ball Demo
With the electrostatics turned OFF, the sphere is
sprayed for four seconds.
23Black Ball Demo
Notice the coverage on the target
24Black Ball Demo
- Using a new sphere, this time we turn the
electrostatics ON, and spray for two seconds or
half the time of the first spray (representing
50 reduction of material).
25Black Ball Demo
Notice the coverage on the target. The charged
droplets wrapped around, reaching the back side
of the sphere.
26Black Ball Demo
Original Sphere
Electrostatics OFF
Electrostatics ON
27Benefits of the wrap around effect
MOLD REMEDIATION inside wall cavities, attics,
ceilings, under cabinets, HVAC ductwork
stalls, lockers, walls, ceilings, difficult to
reach plumbing fixtures, cabinets etc. MEDICAL
- bedframes, carts, receptacles, walls, ceilings,
exposed pipes, conduits and other surfaces where
wet wiping by hand is impossible or ineffective.
70 psi compressor 3 gal tank 50 tandem
liquid/air hose Electrostatic spray gun
w/battery charger Steel dolly List price
Electrostatic spray gun w/battery
charger 3 gal backpack solution tank
100 air hose
- Includes
- Peroxy Kling
- Mold Resistant Coating and Encapsulator
32MOLDSTAT Peroxy Kling
- A concentrated multi-surface cleaner and
degreaser for decontamination, mold remediation,
and regular maintenance. - Oxidizes bacteria, mold, stains and eliminates
odors. - Specially formulated to cling to all surfaces.
- Hydrogen peroxide formulation with color safe
33MOLDSTAT Peroxy Kling
- Packaging List Pricing
- 6 ea. 32oz bottles with 3 trigger sprayers
- 106.00
- A concentrated EPA registered fungicide,
mildewstat, disinfectant, and sanitizer that
eliminates a wide range of bacteria, mold, and
mildew. - Can be applied to porous and non-porous surfaces
and is cost effective. - Is recommended for use after water damage,
flooding, sewer backup, andmold infestation.
- Packaging List Pricing
- 8/32oz. 199.00
- 4/1gallon 217.00
- 5 gallon pail 257.00
36MOLDSTAT Mold Resistant Coating and Encapsulator
- An encapsulator with an EPA registered fungicide
that is UV resistant and ready to use. - Prevents water and mold from penetrating new
and old materials. - Contains a vanishing tracer dye to indicate
37MOLDSTAT Mold Resistant Coating and Encapsulator
- Packaging List Pricing
- 12/15oz Aerosol Cans Clear 150.00
- 4/1 Gallon Clear 256.00
- 4/1 Gallon Violet 266.00
- 5 Gallon Pail Clear 335.00
- 5 Gallon Pail Violet 332.00