Title: NuFACT07 Summer School Factory Front End and Cooling
1NuFACT07 Summer School?-Factory Front Endand
2Beam Optics, Tutorial
- Longitudinal Beam dynamics
- Equations of motion
- Discussion
- Optics transverse dynamics
- General introduction
- Betatron functions
- Focusing fields
- Quadrupoles
- Solenoids
- Li lens, Magnetic horn
- Cooling
- Sample parameters
- Cooling of ions
3Basic Equations
- Maxwells equations
- Equation of motion
- Transport/focusing uses magnetic fields
- Dipoles, quads, solenoids,
- Horns, Li lens,
- Acceleration uses rf electric fields
- rf cavities
- Induction modules
4Magnetic motion
- Force is perpendicular to motion
- ?, ßv/c, P remain constant
- If v, B are perpendicular, motion is circular
- m?v/q BR P/q is called the magnetic rigidity
or B? - 1 GeV/c particle has B?109/c 3.33 T-m
- Bending angle in magnet with field B, length L is
?BL/ B?
Bending radius
What is B? for a 300 MeV/c muon?
5Homework problems
- Target
- How many 24 GeV protons per second are in a 4 MW
beam? -
- Homework rewrite equations of motion in F-dp
units (ddp/p)
6Longitudinal Beam Dynamics
- Longitudinal equations of motion (????)
In dz-dE/mc2 units
7Longitudinal motion stuff
- Distance for oscillation
- Adiabatic ( if L gt ?osc)
- Longitudinal Cooling equations
8Betatron Functions
- Assume focusing is linear around the orbit
- Harmonic oscillator ( k(s))
- Solution
- where
- Focussing forces
- Quads kx(s) B(s)/B?
- ky(s) - kx(s)
- Solenoids k(s) (B/2B?)2
- With x-y rotation
- Need starting amplitude and derivative to specify
motion - ßx(0), ßx'(0)
- In periodic structure these are set by requiring
that ßx(s) be periodic.
At equilibrium ßx (1/k)½
Exercise show that these equations are consistent
9At a focus (with kx0)
To minimize beam heating Labsorber lt
ß? unless kx is non-zero
10Solenoidal Focussing
- Magnetic field
- Cylindrical symmetry
- Change to R-f notation
- Solution is rotation in f, focussing in R
11Comparison of focussing
- Quadrupole
- Focuses x or y
- Proportional to 1/P
- Solenoid
- Focuses both x and y
- Focuses both ? and ?-
- Proportional to 1/P2
- Solenoid better for low-energy
- For B? lt Bo a (1 T-m ?)
12Betatron function discussion
- Beam optics typically described in terms of
betatron functions - Use rms Emittance (beam phase space area)
- Emittance also defined as
- References are often unclear on whether
normalized or normalized emittance is used also - Fermilab convention ?f 6p?rms
- CERN convention ?CERN 4p?rms
13Solenoidal lattices (with field flips)
- Magnets used
- FOFO lattice
- Used in study 2A (B2.5T)
- Produces constant focusing
- ß? ? Lcell
- Super FOFO
- Used in study 2
- Bmax ? 5.5T
- Produces small ß? between strong coils
- ß? ? 0.2m
- Single flip, double flip
- ß? ? 2 B?/B
14Magnetic horn
- Current along horn creates magnetic field B?
outside surface (B0 inside) - Focussing field from Fr qvzB?
- If horn profile is parabolic, ?z?r2, integrated
force is linear - Focuses only one sign
- S. van der Meer
NUMI horn 205 kA peak current 3.0 Tesla peak
field 2.6 milli-sec half-sine wave pulse 1.87 sec
repetition rate
15Li-lens cooling
- Lithium Lens provides strong-focusing and low-Z
absorber in same device - Liquid Li-lens may be needed for highest-field,
high rep. rate lens - BINP (Silvestrov) was testing prototype liquid Li
lens for FNAL - But FNAL support was stopped - and prototypes
were not successful ...
ß? 0.026m (200 MeV/c, 1000 T/m) ß? 0.004m (40
MeV/c, 8000 T/m)
16Adiabatic damping and normalized emittance
- Under acceleration
- dx dpx remain constant (normalized emittance)
- dx dx' dx dpx/p is proportional to (1/p)
- geometric emittance decreases (beam size
decreases) - Similarly,
- dct dE remain constant
- dz dp/p decreases as 1/p (acceptances set by
dp/p) - Acceptances improve as beam is accelerated
- Use higher-frequency rf, weaker transverse
17Cooling requirements
- Set by acceptance of downstream accelerators and
storage ring - Study 2 200MHz, Pµ 200MeV/c
- ex,max lt 0.015m, ey,max lt 0.015m, ez, maxlt0.15m
- xmax,, ymax lt 8.5cm (at ß?1m), zb lt 0.5m
- ex,rms lt 0.06
- Study 2A 200MHz, Pµ 200MeV/c
- ex,max lt 0.03m, ey,max lt 0.03m, ez, maxlt0.15m
- xmax,, ymax lt 12cm (at ß?1m), zb lt 0.5m
- ex,rms lt 0.12
- May change in future redesign
18Homework Problem
- 1300MHz Superconducting rf is cheap and
available - Internal aperture is r3cm
- Assume
- 1300 MHz rf is used in 1m long cavities, with a
quad magnet between cavities , 1.3 m half-cell
(ß?,max 4m) - How small must the emittance be to allow muon
acceleration ? - Require 2.5 ? aperture
- Guesstimate an acceptable injection energy/
cooled emittance - Redo exercise for 800MHz (r5cm)
- Plug in some sample values for the cooling
equations solve for ?t equilibrium and ?t(s) - try dE/ds 5 MV/m, p 300 MeV/c,
- ?t 0.1m, Li absorbers ?N(0)0.01
- Lithium density is 5/84.8 of solid
21Low-energy cooling of ions
- Ionization cooling of protons/ ions has been
unattractive because nuclear reaction rate is
competitive with energy-loss cooling rate - And other cooling methods are available
- But can have some value if the goal is beam
storage to obtain nuclear reactions - Absorber is also nuclear interaction medium
- Y. Mori neutron beam source
- NIM paper
- C. Rubbia, Ferrari, Kadi, Vlachoudis source of
ions for ß-beams
22Cooling/Heating equations
- Cooling equations are same as used for muons
- mass a mp, charge z e
- Some formulae may be inaccurate for small ßv/c
- Add heating through nuclear interactions
- Ionization/recombination should be included
- For small ß, longitudinal dE/dx heating is large
- At ß 0.1, gL -1.64, ?g 0.36
- Coupling only with x cannot obtain damping in
both x and z
- ERIT-P-storage ring to obtain directed neutron
beam (Mori-Okabe) - 10 MeV protons
- 10Be target for neutrons
- ? v/c 0.145
- Large dE heating
24RMS Cooling equations
For small ß
Better for larger mass?
25Problem set
- Use above discussion and equations to set up
cooling constraints and possible parameters for
Li6 cooling by He3. - Are the phase-space mixed heating terms greater
than the direct terms ? (see Wang and Kim) - Track cooling with an appropriate tracking
code compare with analytic numbers - Suitable for publication/Ph. D. thesis
26ß-beams example 6Li 3He ? 8B n
- Beam 25MeV 6Li
- PLi 529.9 MeV/c B? 0.59 T-m v/c0.09415
Jz,0-1.6 - Absorber3He
- Z2, A3, I31eV, z3, a6
- dE/ds 110.6 MeV/cm,
- (?He-3 0.09375 gm/cm3)if Liquid,
- dE/ds 1180 MeV/gm/cm2, LR 70.9 gm/cm2
- If gx,y,z 0.13 (Sg 0.4), ß- 0.3m at
absorber - Must mix both x and y with z
- eN,eq 0.000046 m-rad,
- sx,rms 2 cm at ß- 1m
- sE,eq is 0.4 MeV
- Promising but many problems
- Beam transport codes (linear optics fitting)
- Not always good for unusual optics
- Do not include absorber effects
- Tracking codes
- Accelerator physics texts S. Y. Lee, Edwards and
Syphers,etc. - Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering
(A. Chao and M. Tigner, eds.)