Title: Liverpool City Region Transforming our economy
1Liverpool City RegionTransforming our
economy Dave Moorcroft Director of Economic
Development The Mersey Partnership
2- Liverpool City Region
- Transforming our economy
3- Introducing Liverpool City Region
- 2 million people within travel to work area
- 950,000 jobs
- 40 of North West GVA, 34 of employment
- Fast short term growth
- - GVA growth consistently higher than UK and
North West - - 50,000 new jobs by 2010
- But key economic challenges
- - Delivering a step change in economic
performance - - High productivity and business density
- - Matching employers skills demands
- - Addressing areas of market failure (labour
and housing)
4- Liverpool City Region Strategic Proposals
- Regain our status as a premier European City
Region by 2025. We will secure an
internationally competitive economy and cultural
offer and outstanding quality of life and
vibrant communities contributing to and sharing
in sustainable wealth creation - Drivers of Change
- Productivity Skills, innovation
knowledge, enterprise, investment,
infrastructure - Full employment
- Quality of place and life
5- Maximising our assets and opportunities
- 5 key themes
- Premier destination
- Capital of Culture (90million secured)
- Mersey Waterfront (120km of enhancements to the
Mersey / Dee Coastline) - Liverpool City Centre Regeneration (2bn
investment programme) - Well Connected
- LJLA Airport Expansion (12.3 m.p.p.a. by 2030)
- Port Growth Strategy (80m deep sea container
berth) - Mersey Gateway (305million second Mersey
crossing) - Superport potential (development of a national
logistics hub)
6- Creative and Competitive
- 500m of knowledge asset base investment
(Liverpool science park, Liverpool School of
Tropical Medicine, National Bio-manufacturing
Centre) - Knowledge and innovation transfer (the Liverpool
Research Alliance, Vaccine Research Centre) - 21st Century Business Environment
- Developing key growth clusters
- Talented and Able
- City Region Skills and Employment Working Group
- Sector Skills Agreement (Food, Maritime and ICT)
- Mersey-Dee Alliance (linking people with
employment) - Knowsley Skills and Employment Pilot
- Sustainable Communities
- City Region Housing Strategy (Newheartlands HMRI
pathfinder) - Health Commission Research (linking health and
employment) - Liveability Strategy (public space, crime,
and social disorder)
7- How are we working together?
- City-region collaboration on strategic themes
- Northern Way Collaboration
- Refinement of LCRDP in line with Northern Way
Routemap - Alignment of Regional Spatial, Housing and
Transport Strategies - Sub-regional activities
- - Merseyside Action Plan (end of March 2006)
8Our Offer Liverpool City Regions Assets of
National importance Liverpools international
attack brand The best ever European Capital of
Culture 2008 A world class reception and
gateway to the North for passengers and
goods, through Liverpool City Regions Port
and Airport facilities and the Mersey Gateway.
Our knowledge and innovation assets vaccine
research, zoonosis, environmental science,
engineering design, digital design and
digital content.
9- Barriers/ Challenges
- Requirement for new type of partnership with
Government and some new enabling tools - Some re-ordering of national and regional
priorities and re-focusing of resources - New and more effective ways of working with
Government between City Region partners